My Wildest Fantasy (Part 4): A Christmas to Remember

Story by C-PRIME on SoFurry

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#13 of Pre-2011 Stories

When Melissa and I return to the farm for Christmas, Melissa and I give each other the best possible Christmas present anyone could give to their partner...our eternal love.

My Wildest Fantasy (Part IV)

A Christmas to Remember

After introducing Melissa to my family at Thanksgiving and after they found out that she was actually a mousette, my parents didn't seem to mind me being together with her as long as I was happy and as long as we loved each other. This was wonderful news for both of us...especially myself as I now planned on proposing marriage to Melissa when we went back up to the farm for Christmas. Upon returning to our home a few days after Thanksgiving, Melissa and I already planned on going back up there for Christmas. Of course, being from a different planet, Melissa had absolutely no clue what Christmas was, so I would have to tell her.

"Christmas is another holiday where families and friends get together and give gifts to people who they really care about, as well as spend time together with those you love and who love you", I explain to Melissa in the simplest possible way. She then looked to me and smiled, appearing to know something about what I was talking about with her. It turns out that there was a holiday on her home world that was similar to this known as "Love Day" which was where fursons bought presents for the ones they loved most of all (family, friends, etc.). I didn't want to go into the religious meaning of Christmas with her since she probably wouldn't know what I was talking about, but it appeared she got the idea.

"OK Honey, I think I understand...Christmas is where you show the ones you care about how much you love them by getting together and sharing gifts with I correct?", Melissa asked me politely. I looked over to her and nodded and also mentioned that you also receive gifts from others, and it was better to give than receive, but I think she already knew that. With that, Melissa smiled and kissed me on the cheek and already thought about what to get for me and my family at Christmas-time.

Shortly thereafter, I looked to Melissa and smiled to her. "I would love to give your family some gifts as well sweetie...are any of your other family members on Earth?", I asked her curiously as Melissa had never mentioned the rest of her family to me. With that, Melissa began to cry a little as she held me close. I looked down to her and held her near me, kissing her forehead and rubbing her back. "What's wrong sweetie?", I asked her curiously, wanting to know what was bothering her so I could help her. She immediately looked up to me, with tears in her bright blue eyes and whimpered softly.

"I do have family, but they're back home...but that's not the reason why I'm upset. It's just that, I've lost so much of my family already and I miss them dearly. My mom, dad, and most of my siblings were killed when I was 16 by a horde of rats that did horrible things to other furries and things to humans I cannot begin to describe to you without making you really nervous", Melissa explained to me. "I managed to escape this fate as I was taking my little sister Abigail to a friend's house for a sleepover and my twin brother Brian somehow escaped after trying to fight off the horde, but I didn't know he was still alive until a couple years ago. I do have aunts, uncles, and cousins, but I have mainly been living on my own ever since that day, raising Abigail as if she were my daughter until she turned 18", Melissa concluded.

I looked to Melissa and kissed her sweetly, nuzzling her softly and holding her close. "I'm so sorry to hear about your parents and siblings honey...I know what it's like to lose a parent. My dad was killed in a motorcycle accident when I was 16, though if he had been wearing a helmet, he might still be alive today", I explain to her as she cuddled with me. "I wish my dad were alive for this, for soon I will propose to Melissa and hopefully she will accept and we can get married and have a family together", I thought to myself as I cuddle with Melissa. With these in mind, Melissa and I continued to cuddle close together and kiss lovingly as we felt our love for each other growing stronger. She then looked to me and placed one of my hands on her belly, as if she were carrying a litter, even though she wasn't.

"Someday, my love...I hope that you and I can have a family together, I'm quite fertile and can create a large litter for us to raise together, making your father and my parents very happy, whereever they may be", Melissa told me lovingly as she kissed me intimately as we as we finally arrived home from the farm. We would spend the rest of the day unpacking our stuff and getting comfortable in our own home once again before it would be time to rest for the night. As we snuggled in for the evening, I began to think about what would happen at Christmas, seeing Melissa open the ring box with the engagement ring I bought her as I proposed marriage to her, hearing her accept the proposal and then getting married in the spring when it was warm and sunny once again, but for now it was only a dream.

Over the course of the next few weeks, Melissa and I did our Christmas shopping, getting gifts for the family as well as each other. Little did I realize at that time that Melissa was thinking the very same thing I was. One of the places she looked when she went out by herself was a jewelry store, seeing an engagement ring that she wanted to give me. By this time, Melissa and I were very close and it seemed to her that it was inevitable that we would get married and have a family together. However, she didn't know for sure if I felt the same way...even though I did. She basically was hoping I felt the same way about her that she did about me. Melissa purchased the ring and hid it in a secret place on evening while I was at work, wanting to make sure I wouldn't find it until Christmas.

Every night after that, Melissa would dream about our wedding and feeling our first litter growing inside her womb until they were ready to be born, seeing the look on my face when we become parents and watching as I nuzzled and kissed our newborn sons and daughters as I showed them how much their daddy loved them. These dreams made Melissa wish more and more that she could toss the yiffberries away and let me flood her receptive body with my seed and create a large litter together. However, she resisted these urges, wanting to wait until our honeymoon to let me impregnate her. In the meanwhile, Melissa and I would mate periodically, enjoying how each other felt and slowly becoming accustomed to each other's reproductive anatomy.

Melissa knew exactly how fertile she was as she believed that if I were to really stimulate her maternal urges, she could have as many as two-dozen kids in one litter, with an average litter size of about 10. She knew that when I came for her I had strong climaxes, especially when I yiffed her in her tailhole to begin with. She figured if I were to yiff her in her tailhole and then fill her pussy with my seed, she could have a very large litter. However, Melissa would continue to be patient a little longer.

The time rapidly flew by and soon it was the weekend before Christmas when Melissa and I would leave to go back up to the farm together, bringing the gifts with us as I drove back to the farm. Before we left, I asked my mother to get the ring box I brought up there out and put it underneath the tree for Melissa, as I intended on asking her to marry me on Christmas day. Meanwhile, Melissa kept her ring to me well hidden, in a place I'd least expect to look...inside her human disguise. She was really excited about this as she hoped I would accept her proposal. She didn't know that I was thinking the exact same way and wanted to surprise her as well.

Upon arriving at the farm, Melissa and I placed our gifts underneath the Christmas tree, with Melissa deciding to hold onto the ring and instead placing her other gift to me underneath the tree and deciding to surprise me with it on Christmas. My ring to Melissa was already well hidden behind the tree, where she wouldn't be able to see it, even when she placed her presents underneath the tree. "'ll have to wait until Christmas my honey'll never be able to find my ring to you where my mom put it", I thought to myself as she finished placing her gifts underneath the tree.

Later that evening, as my parents had the annual Christmas party with the family and friends, Melissa got a chance to meet much of the rest of the family (at least my mother's side of the family). Most of my aunts, uncles and cousins didn't mind the fact that I had a mousette for a girlfriend, a few of them however gave me a weird look or two, but if they were to say anything about it, I would immediately defend Melissa no matter what. I loved her dearly and no one was going to keep me from being with her if I had anything to say about it. For the most part there were no such incidents, especially after I told the family how much Melissa meant to me. I was very lonely before I met her, without anyone to cuddle and love, but now that Melissa and I were together I was much happier.

There was one thing that some of my aunts and uncles brought up on a regular basis. Since I was human and since Melissa was a mousette, they were curious about how we would be able to have a family of our own once we were married, considering that we were two different species. Melissa looked to my aunts and uncles and explained about how there were humans on her home world and that through the years, humans and furries had been mating with each other, sharing their genetic material and giving them the ability to cross-breed. Melissa was almost certain that if I were to breed with her that we would be able to reproduce.

My aunts and uncles looked at her when she explained about her home world and appeared to understand what she was talking about. They appeared to be willing to accept the young mousette as a part of their extended family so long as they felt that I truly cared about her. My grandmother (my mom's step-mother) was the hardest to convince however as she had never seen a furry before in all of her life and found it quite unusual for her grandson to be dating a mousette. She wasn't mean to Melissa, but she tried to drive a bit of a wedge between us. "Why couldn't you find a nice human girl to be your sweetheart?", she asked me curiously.

I immediately looked towards my grandmother and felt that I needed to explain the situation that I was in. "I've tried that several times before and I've had miserable luck, while most of the girls I've asked were honest to me, there were a couple that hurt me. As a result of these incidents, I found it very difficult to ask girls out on dates as I didn't want to be hurt again", I explained to my grandmother.

"Melissa is different however, she came to me and from the moment we met and when she showed me her true form, I have been in love with her. She has been far more loving and truthful than any human female that I've ever been around and I do not care what species she is, I love my honey mousette and she loves me", I add defensively, holding Melissa's hand as she kissed my cheek.

My grandmother immediately backed down, seeing that I wasn't going to budge from my position over Melissa and finally let us be in peace. My grandmother didn't have anything against furries, she just wasn't sure about having me be in a relationship with a mousette. However, since I wasn't going to give up being with Melissa, she would just have to accept the fact.

As the evening progressed Melissa felt that my family had accepted her and it made her feel extremely happy, especially since she loved me dearly. Melissa was certain in her heart that her siblings, aunts, uncles and cousins back home would accept me once I was finally able to meet her family. Melissa and I continued to enjoy ourselves at the party, while we waited for Christmas morning to arrive. Eventually, it got late and all the visiting family members went home for their own Christmas celebrations.

Once everyone was gone, Melissa and I went back to the guest room and went to bed together, holding each other close while I felt her kiss me in my sleep as she often did. As I slept and held her close, I dreamed about doing this with my lovely honey mousette every night for the rest of our lives as husband and wife, having kids together and raising them so that they too could find loving mates of their own when they were grown up. Melissa and I could perhaps take the first big step towards that in the morning when we exchanged our Christmas presents, where I would give her my ring and she was thinking of giving me hers.

The next morning...

Melissa and I woke up at the same time my parents did, going out into the living room where my half-siblings were waiting, wanting to open presents. Of course, with my step-brother also there, we would have to wait until he woke up before we could begin. During this time, Melissa and I sat together, holding each other's hand while having some hot chocolate. I felt her tail move behind me as it reached into the couch cushions, where her ring to me was hidden. Melissa tried to keep as cool as possible, but was very excited on the inside, she wanted to give me her ring right now, but she wanted to wait until all the other gifts were opened to do it. Finally, about 20 minutes later, my step-brother woke up and got some coffee, coming into the living room where everyone else was, ready to open gifts.

During the next hour or so, my family, Melissa and I opened the gifts we got each other. Melissa's presents were the best of them all since she worked at the strip club and made lots of money, getting a new computer for my parents and my half-sister, A billiard table for my step-brother, and a PS3 for my half-brother. Her other present to me was a brand new laptop that I had been wanting for some time so I could work on drawings and stories while I was away and whatnot. I kissed her lovingly and thanked her for the present as I gave her the other gift I got her. I didn't have as much money as she did, but I managed to save up enough to buy Melissa a DS along with some games for it to keep her occupied while she waited to come on-stage at work, or whenever she was bored. Melissa kissed me as well, thanking me for my gift to her as the rest of the presents were handed out, leaving just the two rings.

As soon as my mother told me that all the gifts had been handed out, I looked over to my mother and asked "Are you sure?" as I got up and walked over to the tree, looking in back and grabbing the ring box. Meanwhile, Melissa took this chance to grab her ring box holding it behind her back with her tail as she began to blush a little. I came back over to her with the ring box behind my back and sat next to Melissa. "Mmm...I have one more gift for you sweetheart", she told me lovingly, getting excited about giving me the ring she was hiding as I got close to her.

"I have one more gift for you Melissa", I answered as I sat next to her and held her hand while still hiding the box behind my back. "Melissa, ever since we met I have loved and cared deeply about you. You are sweet, lovable and adorable. I love spending nights with you, holding your loving body near me as we cuddle together, sharing our warmth and love. I want to be able to spend the rest of my life with you, holding you close to me, loving you dearly, and having a family together with you", I tell her eagerly as I get onto my knee and present her with the ring box. "Melissa Alexis Johannsen...will you marry me?", I asked her lovingly as I showed her the engagement ring. Her eyes immediately welled up with tears as she took the ring and put it on her finger, fitting perfectly as I knew her size. She then pulled me close to her and kissed me lovingly while holding me tight.

"Yes...I will marry you honey. In fact, I was going to ask you the same question as I have a ring for you as well", Melissa whispered in my ear as she opened her ring box and placed her ring to me on my finger. At that time, Melissa and I held hands as they now had our engagement rings on them, kissing happily as I felt Melissa's other hand hold me close to her while I held her close to me. To me, this was a dream come true, I was now engaged to marry Melissa, the mousette I had dreamed of for years and loved ever since I met her in the flesh, thinking about all the wonderful times we would soon have together and what the future would have to offer us both.

As the day progressed and after Christmas dinner was served, Melissa and I went into the bedroom to relax after eating as I opened up my new laptop and began to write a story. Melissa giggled to me and nuzzled me softly. "Hehe...why are you writing about stuff like that when you can actually experience it with me?", she asked me playfully. Melissa always did that when I was working on a yiffy story or drawing, she knew I wasn't just doing it for myself and she knew that I loved her exclusively, so she let me do what I wanted with stories and drawings as I allowed her to work at the club, knowing that her heart belonged to me.

As I put the computer down, Melissa playfully pounced on me, pinning me to the bed as she leaned down to kiss me intimately. She then guided my hand towards her back where she placed my hand over her bra strap, looking into my eyes and smiling to me. "Wanna play with me sweetie?", she asked me playfully as I felt the warmth of her crotch rubbing against my own.

I undid her bra strap and uncovered her lovely "D"-cup breasts once again as she looked at me lovingly. My shaft started to grow harder and eager to be inside Melissa's lovely pussy once again, but Melissa had a little surprise for me first. "Honey, do you remember when we first met when I told you that I was part-vixen...well, I'm part something else as well, and I would like to show you", Melissa explained as I got a little curious. "Close your eyes honey and keep them closed until I tell you to open them", Melissa added politely as I did as my new fiancee asked me.

As I had my eyes closed, Melissa took off her panties and then threw them to the floor below. Then, her cheeks started to spark with electricity and her fur color changed from light peach to a brownish orange with yellow cheeks. Her tail changed from a long and flexible pink mouse tail to all black with a lightning-bolt shaped tip. Finally, as soon as her transformation was complete, she told me that I could open my eyes and see her surprise. As I opened my eyes, I was surprised by what I was seeing.

In the room with me was Melissa, but she looked much different. She now looked like a raichu complete with her natural hair color and her bright blue eyes. "'re part-raichu?", I asked her curiously. I had seen Pokemon a number of times before and knew what a raichu looked like, but I never imagined that they really existed. However, before I met her, I didn't know Melissa actually existed, so I wasn't overly shocked by this development. She climbed back onto me and kissed me on my lips, looking down to me and murring sweetly.

"Mmm...yes sweetheart, I am part-raichu...I can transform into a raichu whenever I like. I usually only do this when I get really angry and need to protect myself. However, you are the first male to see my raichu form out of love and compassion and if you'd like, I'll let you be the first to yiff me in my raichu form", Melissa explained to me sweetly. "You don't need to worry about me shocking you, I have good control over my electrical powers...though if you get me really aroused, you may get a little surprise from me", Melissa added playfully. Melissa had the ability to give those who make her feel happy sexually a gentle "love shock" from inside her vaginal canal. They wouldn't harm anyone, but they would make that male have an explosive orgasm, enough to drain their balls nearly completely. Furthermore, during her transformation, her reproductive anatomy changed into a typical mousette anatomy, which was only present in her raichu form.

As soon as she climbed back into bed with me, Melissa slipped off my pants and boxers, exposing my cock to her as she sat on it, sandwiching it between her outer lips as I looked into her lovely eyes and held onto her hands. She rubbed her pussy lips against my shaft, which felt warm, swollen, and wet. Then, Melissa leaned down towards me and planted a sweet and loving kiss on my cheek. "Mmm...I'm so horny for you honey, would you like me to ride you?", she asked excitedly as I felt more of her hot juices cover my member.

I looked to Melissa, with my cock fully erect and eager to be inside her. "Mmm...yes Melissa, please ride me...I want to feel your warmth around my shaft", I tell her sweetly as Melissa continues to rub up against my shaft. As soon as she hears my words, I feel Melissa move into a position where my cock was pushing against her entrance until the tip of my shaft slid into her pussy as she slowly sat down on my stiff member, holding my hands the entire time. In her raichu form Melissa's love walls weren't as strong as they were in her normal form, but they felt considerably tighter.

I heard Melissa gasp and moan as she felt my cock move deep into her canal as she got settled in on top of it. Then, she started to slowly bounce up and down on my shaft, causing her breasts to jiggle a little with each motion as I felt my cock rubbing against her tight mouse hole, moaning softly to the feeling around me. "Oh're so tight around me honey", I told her excitedly as she rode my member.

Melissa smiled and moaned happily as she bounced on my stiff cock, feeling it pulsate inside her tight mouse hole as she gripped it from all sides, making me moan along with her as I held her hands and felt the love between us growing stronger with each motion. "Mmm...and I love feeling your big, strong cock fill me honey...I can hardly wait until we're married, then I can let you flood me with your seed so we can have our family together", Melissa told me lovingly as she rode my member at a decent pace, feeling the tip of it go deep into her hole and then pull back out as we moaned together.

As she rode me, I watched her breasts jiggle up and down with each motion, making me want to hold them in my hands and squeeze them. Melissa immediately noticed this and placed my hands over her ample bosom. "Mmm...go ahead with them if you'd like...I don't mind", Melissa told me sweetly as she felt my cock deep inside her as her love walls quivered all around me, tightening slowly while she became hotter and wetter.

I did as Melissa suggested by placing my hands on her breasts and giving them both a squeeze as they moved up and down, hearing Melissa moan passionately as her cheeks sparked a little more. Her pussy was now contracting and expanding rhythmically around my shaft as she rode me, feeling her climax drawing near as her pussy walls also massaged my member, making it grow thicker inside her love hole as I felt my own climax growing closer. I began to leak precum into Melissa's pussy while she rode me, feeling the seed stored inside my swollen nuts churning and tingling as I felt like I wanted to fill Melissa with my seed.

Melissa continued to ride me eagerly as her own yiff drive grew stronger, feeling her love walls contracting tighter around my swollen member as I became more and more excited, leaking precum into her hole as the pressure inside my balls increased, feeling my seed churning inside them as I approached climax. I began to hump upward into Melissa as she rode me, helping to rub against her pussy walls, making both of us moan passionately while Melissa's cheeks sparked with electricity and her climax fast approached. "Mmm...I'm almost there honey...ah yes...pump me baby...pump my tight young pussy with your big stiff cock", she moaned passionately as she wanted to feel me yiff her now, taking my cock all the way into her tight raichu love hole as she came close to me.

At that time, Melissa pulled me into a deep and passionate kiss as I grabbed her rump and drove my shaft upwards into her hot mouse hole, moaning through our kiss as my excitement level increased. My shaft throbbed and pulsated inside her pussy, leaking precum as my balls continued to tighten with a fresh batch of cum for my honey mousette. Through our kiss I could feel a small amount of her electricity work through my wasn't very much and it didn't hurt me, but it made me feel warm all over and drove me to yiff Melissa faster and harder. I continued to plow my cock deep into her vaginal canal as she quivered and tightened around me, her orgasm about to hit. Suddenly, I felt her pussy walls clinch tight around me as a torrent of Melissa's hot nectar rushed down her canal and soaked my member, making it feel warm and slippery inside her love hole. I felt my own climax fast approaching when she went off and looked eagerly into Melissa's eyes.

She smiled happily to me as her pussy walls held me tight and as her cheeks sparked with electricity, feeling that I was about to cum inside her and wanting to give me an electric orgasm. As soon as she could sense that I was ready her cheeks shined brightly as more electricity sparked from them...then all of a sudden, I heard Melissa let out her love shock to me with a loud "Rai-CHUUU!". The electricity caused my balls to instantly contract, sending a torrent of cum rushing deep into her tract, blasting upward into her womb as I was draining my swollen balls in one massive shot.

The love shock felt incredible around my member, making me feel like I was having 10 climaxes at once as my balls emptied into Melissa, filling her with my seed. The torrent of spooge made Melissa wish that we could breed right now, but she wanted to wait until we were married before we decided to have a litter together. My powerful climax lasted about half a minute until I felt completely drained and tired after such an intense and highly enjoyable climax.

When I was done filling her, Melissa murred to me and placed her cheek against my own, giving me a love shock and telling me that she loved me in Raichu language. Then, I felt Melissa climb off my shaft and change back into her normal mousette form as she now wanted to cuddle with me after sex. By this time, the combination of turkey and sex made me very tired and I felt like I needed a little nap. Melissa immediately noticed how tired I was and climbed back onto me. " poor sweet baby, how about I give you some of my warm milk so we can rest together", Melissa suggested to me sweetly as she leaned forward, placing her breasts close to me. I immediately nodded to Melissa and grabbed onto her lovely orbs, pulling one close to me and taking her nipple into my mouth.

I began to suckle on her swollen nipple, taking in her warm and sweet mousette milk as it filled my belly and made me feel sleepy. While I suckled, Melissa caressed me gently by rubbing her hands along my sides and kissing me on my nose, making me feel loved by my honey mousette as I nursed from her. Melissa's tail wrapped back around my leg as, holding it firmly while she held me, making sure I was comfortable with her as I filled my belly with her milk.

As I suckled, I also massaged Melissa's other breast making milk leak out of that one as well. She moaned and murred to the feeling of being milked, she loved sharing her milk with me and she hoped that she would soon be able to share her milk with our first litter. But that would have to wait until springtime, unless she forgot to take her yiffberries. Still, Melissa didn't complain about what I was doing for her, taking her sweet milk into my mouth while I moved my hands down from her breasts and onto her tush, playfully grabbing Melissa's lovely butt cheeks and fondling them.

Melissa pressed my face against her bosom while I continued to suckle and fondle her rump, moaning softly to what I was giving her. "Mmm...yes love my milk don't you; I bet my milk tastes better to you than any milk that comes from the udders of a cow, isn't that right sweetie?", Melissa asked me playfully, planting a tender kiss on my forehead. she added curiously, wondering how much I enjoyed the taste of the milk she produced. At that time, I stopped suckling for a moment and caught my breath before looking into Melissa's lovely blue eyes.

"Yes my honey mousette, your milk is very sweet and creamy...much better than cow milk", I told her sweetly, kissing her lovely lactating nipples and re-attaching myself to her other nipple to suckle on that one for a little bit. Melissa pressed my face close to her chest once again, holding me tight and kissing me sweetly on the forehead, then moving down to very gently nip at one of my earlobes. Melissa continued to moan softly to the sensations she was experiencing as I continued to massage her tush gently with my hands while also getting my fill of her sweet milk.

"Mmm...I'm glad you love my milk honey...and don't you worry, if we ever run out of milk, you can always come to me if I'm around, I'll gladly share my sweet cream with you, to give your cookies some extra sweetness", Melissa told me playfully, giggling a little as I continued to take more milk into my belly. I nursed for a few more minutes until I felt that my belly was full of her milk and couldn't drink anymore. At that time, I detached from her nipple with a little bit of her milk dripping along the sides of my mouth as she leaned down to lick my mouth clean and then kissed me passionately. I pulled her close for a moment and kissed her back, holding Melissa's tush with one hand and the back of her head with the other, feeling my love for Melissa growing even stronger.

Then, after our kiss was broken, I let out a loud belch and immediately covered my mouth. "'s a good thing that I produce a lot of milk, otherwise when we have kids, I would be worried about them going hungry", Melissa told me playfully as she kissed me on the cheek once again. As soon as I was done, I felt warm and fuzzy all over as I felt it hard to stay awake. Melissa quickly noticed this and pulled the covers over us.

"Mmm...I think you deserve a nice nap", she told me sweetly as I felt her kiss my cheek. "I'll snuggle in with you and rest alongside you, so you'll have me to cuddle with while you rest", Melissa added as I felt her warmth make me feel so snuggly, making it even harder for me to stay awake. Then, before I could fall asleep, Melissa gave me one last intimate kiss, pushing her tongue into my mouth as I did with her, mixing our saliva together until she broke the kiss a few moments later with a trail of saliva between our mouths. Shortly after the kiss, I fell asleep, with Melissa snuggling in by my side, napping along with me. As I rested, I began to dream about our coming wedding as well as the arrival of our first litter, seeing the kids being born and being a loving father to the kids and a loving mate to my honey mousette.

By the time we had left the farm the next day, Melissa and I had set our wedding date, we decided to get married on May 3rd...Melissa's 29th birthday. She also wanted to have the wedding outdoors, preferably up at the farm by the creek that ran through the property so that we could take a dip in the water after we're married. However, I explained to Melissa that the water would likely be cold still and in addition there were tons of ticks running around outside as there were during the spring months up at the farm, which could make it uncomfortable for Melissa wearing her wedding dress. She nodded and looked to me with her lovely blue eyes. "Do you think that you can find us a nice place in the cities to get married outdoors honey?", she asked me lovingly.

I quickly nodded to her and smiled. "Yes Melissa, I have two possible ideas already", I explained to her as I kissed her cheek while driving home, thinking about where to hold the wedding ceremony, having pictures of the two possible wedding locations at home on my computer as I visited them regularly before Melissa and I met. But for now, Melissa and I would have to wait out the long and cold Minnesota winter before the warmth and sunshine of spring returned and we could begin our lives as a married couple.

End of Part 4

Melissa is (C) to Chad E. Kobylenski (C-PRIME) and is not to be used without my permission.