A Name, Not A Number (Chapter 2)

Story by Sanus on SoFurry

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#2 of -A Name, Not A Number-

Tobias woke up the next morning to something caressing his chest. He murred and smiled at the attention he was getting as he opened his eyes only to see another pair staring back at him. He recognized the deep bluish-gray eyes instantly.

"Good morning, Ky." Tobias said softly.

"Good morning to you too, love." Ky replied.

Tobias was confused, but his confusion was overwhelmed by pure bliss, for he had just woken up next to the most beautiful wolf he had ever laid eyes on. He leaned over and hugged Ky with all his might and they lay there, cuddled together, for a long time. Tobias leaned back and started to say something when he was interrupted by Ky singing loudly.

"Whaaaaaat IIIIIII've doooooone, I start again. To cross out what IIIIIIIII've beeeeecooooome," Ky sang.

Tobias recognized the song by Linkin Park, his favorite band, right away, but he wondered why Ky was singing it so loudly.

Tobias opened his eyes as Ky's face was replaced by a body pillow that Tobias kept in his bed. Tobias finally figured out what was going on.

"If only that dream was real." Tobias muttered to himself as he uncoordinatedly reached over to hit the snooze button on his alarm clock. He hit the button several times, but the music wouldn't turn off. Tobias was getting very frustrated and in his anger he threw the alarm clock across the room. The music played on.

"Duh, my phone," Tobias said as he hit himself on his forehead.

Tobias scrambled around trying to find his phone and found it just in time for the music to stop playing. He slid it open to see that he had one missed call from Josh. He redialed the number and put the phone up to his ear. It rang once, and then, halfway through the second ring, there came a familiar voice.

"Why didn't you answer just a sec ago?" Josh questioned.

"I was asleep." Tobias replied groggily, which clearly proved to Josh that his friend had just woken up.

"Oh, well, sorry." Josh said, "You shouldn't still be asleep, but anyway, are we still hanging out today?"

"Oh yeah, I almost forgot!" Tobias exclaimed. "Yeah, I will be over there in a few minutes. K?"

"Kk." Josh replied, sounding excited. "Oh, and by the way, Ky is over here too. Is that ok?"

"Yeah, that's great. I will be there in a bit." Tobias said, trying to mask his over-excitement. "First I gotta take a shower."

"Of, course." Josh said. "Well... Talk to you in a while. And try to hurry. "

"K, Bye." Tobias said before sliding his cell phone shut.

Tobias tossed his phone on the bed as he went to the bathroom to take a shower. He turned the knob to where he guessed the right temperature was, and brushed his teeth while he waited for the shower to warm up. He spit the excess toothpaste in the sink, and then put a paw under the water to see if it was the right temperature. It was, so he pulled up on the tab the makes the water go to the shower nozzle and, after stripping off his clothes, jumped in. He got that usual strange feeling that hot water seemed cold at first, but he soon adjusted to it. Like usual, the water washed away the soreness and grogginess of the night's sleep and as he scrubbed shampoo throughout his soft, wet fur, he thought about what the day had in store for him. He couldn't wait to see and talk to that amazing wolf he had just dreamt about. He felt that familiar feeling as he looked down to see that he was getting a hardon. He reached down and touched it lightly, which made him tense up. He slowly ran his fingers up and down his length, as more, and more of it emerged from his sheath. He then allowed his thoughts to take control as he leaned his head back, closed his eyes, and increased the speed and pressure on his dick. The husky suddenly stopped, remembering that Josh and Ky were waiting on him. Not wanting to keep them waiting, he finished rinsing off, got out of the shower, and dried of. He walked to his room and put on a pair of blue striped boxers. He contemplated what to wear and eventually got dressed in some extremely holey jeans and a tight, black and grey t-shirt. He fed a black and white studded belt through his belt loops and sprayed some cologne. He inspected himself in the mirror and ruffled his head fur, giving it a shaggy look. He was ready to see Ky.


*Ding Dong*

The familiar tone rang after Tobias pressed the button next to the door at Josh's house. After a few seconds he heard the heavy pawsteps of Josh as he clumsily bounded towards the door. The door suddenly swung open, revealing Tobias' best friend.

"Took ya long enough!" Josh said mockingly.

"Yeah," Tobias said, "Sorry about that. Oh well, I am here now, so what are we doing."

"Well, me and Ky were playing Halo 3, but we were about to do something else." Josh explained before beckoning Tobias to follow him.

"I see." Tobias said as he followed Josh into the large house. "Well, what were you planning on doing."

"We need your help deciding," said Josh as he started making his way upstairs.

Tobias followed his friend up the stairs and once he made it to the top, he saw the one thing that consumed most of his thoughts.

Ky was busy playing Halo 3, so he didn't hear Tobias and Josh come up the stairs, giving Tobias a chance to check out the wolf without being noticed. Ky was wearing a sort of tight dark blue and black t-shirt and some grungy looking jeans. His head fur was just as ragged looking as Tobias's, but was a bit shorter. Tobias thought he looked great, but of course, it is hard for a hot wolf to look bad. Ky looked intently focused on the game.

"Hey Ky." Tobias said as he walked over to the wolf, holding out a fist for Ky to hit.

"Hi Toby!" Ky exclaimed as he looked up from the game, being startled by Josh's and Tobias's sudden presence. Ky then reached out, and pounded Tobias's waiting fist.

"So what are we going to do today?" Tobias questioned as he took a place on Josh's couch next to Ky, trying to hide his excitement of being next to the wolf he had a crush on.

"Hmm, let's just go walking around town and see if we can find something to do." Ky replied after thinking a bit.

"That's a great idea!" Josh said in agreement as he turned his head to Tobias and asked, "Is that ok with you?"

"Sure!" Tobias said, answering his friend's question. "Sounds great!"


The three friends walked around town, doing things here and there. Tobias could feel that he was becoming more comfortable around Ky and felt that they were becoming good friends. Tobias explained his whole story about school to Ky and how he was just a number there, not a name. They walked around town for many hours stopping at a few places and getting lunch and dinner along the way. It was started getting dark as they walked past a pool, which they looked hopingly at. They all stopped and stared at the entrance to the pool, which was a closed and locked metal gate.

"Man, I could really go for a swim right about now." said Ky looking at the tantalizing cool water. "It is so damn hot!"

"I agree!" Tobias agreed as he wiggled the locked entrance gate.

"Well," Josh came in, "why don't we then?"

"Umm," Tobias said, turning to Josh with a raised eyebrow, "how do you propose to do that? The gate is locked."

"Well, the fence looks to be a very climbable one." Josh replied in a sarcastic tone, "What do you say?"

"I say we do it!" Ky stated, moving towards the fence.

"Ok," Tobias said as he also walked towards the fence," let's do it!"

The three furs scaled the fence and landed on the other side. They looked at the water as they walked towards the side. The stuck their hands in to feel the temperature and as soon as they did, they did not regret jumping the fence.

"So," Ky said, "I just realized that none of us have swimsuits. Sooo, how are we going to swim?"

"Oh yeah." Josh said, hitting himself in the forehead. "Oh well, we can just go in our boxers."

"I don't want walk home in wet boxers." Tobias stated, knowing where this was headed.

"Well let's just go nude." Ky stated, "I mean what's the big deal, we are all guys. Who cares?"

"I know I don't." Josh replied as he removed his shirt.

"Cool!" Tobias said, also taking his shirt off.

Tobias glanced over at Ky, who was shirtless, and was in the process of unbuttoning his pants. Tobias kept glancing at the Ky while he was undressing. Tobias watched as Ky finished unbuttoning his pants and slid both his pants and boxers, down his legs, revealing his whole body to Tobias. Tobias stared at the wolf and looked at every detail of Ky's body. Tobias looked at the white that went from Ky's chin to his well-formed chest and stomach. Tobias moved his gaze down to see Ky's sheath and could see that he was a little aroused by the pink tip that emerging from his sheath. It was almost the exact same size Tobias's. Ky turned and headed towards the pool, showing his back to Tobias. Tobias could see that the black on the back of Ky's head trailed down his back and ended at the tip of his tail. He looked at the wolf's ass, which was well formed and muscled. Tobias moved his gaze down to Ky's legs which were very toned, like his. Ky was truly a beautiful wolf.

Tobias felt himself getting a hardon, so he looked away from the beautiful wolf in fear that it would be noticed by his friends. He looked over at Josh was completely nude, and was walking towards the pool. The white tiger had almost the exact same body shape and amount of muscles as Tobias, but was a bit smaller, though his dick was a little bit bigger than Tobias's, but not by much.

Tobias finished removing his clothes as he ran to the pool. He did a shallow dive and bobbed up next to his friends who were splashing each other. The night went on as they swam, played, wrestled, splashed, and secretly compared themselves to their friends. They were in the middle of a splashing session when they heard someone's cell phone ringing.

"Shit!" exclaimed Josh, "That's my phone!"

Josh climbed out of the pool and walked over to his phone. He picked it up and answered it. He was too far for Tobias and Ky to hear, but they tried anyway. Josh muttered something as he hung up the phone and walked towards his friends.

"I gotta go." Josh said, sounding disappointed. "My mom said I have to go home right now."

"Awww man," grumbled Ky, "that sucks."

"Yeah," Tobias said, also sounding disappointed even though he was happy to have some alone time with Ky, "sorry man."

"Yeah," replied Josh, "well you know moms. I guess I will see you later then."

"See ya." replied both Tobias and Ky, watching their friend put on his clothes.

"Sorry." said Josh.

"its fine," said Tobias, "I will call you later."

"K, Bye." Josh said while climbing over the fence.

Tobias and Ky watched their friend disappear over the fence, then looked at each other, and started wrestling. After about fifteen minutes of wrestling, they started to get tired, and weren't able to fight back very well. Both Tobias and Ky got dunked several times by the other. Tobias finally got the upper hand and pinned Ky against the side of the pool. They both stopped trying to dunk the other as Tobias pinned Ky. Tobias was holding Ky's arms together, leaving the worn out wolf defenseless. They stood like that for a few minutes. Tobias decided this was the best time (if there ever was a best time to hit on your friend) to make a move. He went against his better judgment as he slowly ran his fingers up Ky's arms and down the back of Ky's shoulders, all without losing eye contact with Ky. Tobias moved his hands to Ky's lower back and stopped, waiting to see if Ky was okay this. They stood there, nude, staring at each other for around a while. Tobias decided it was time so just leaned forward and kissed Ky lightly on the lips. It was a short kiss, but it was a good one. Tobias opened his eyes as he leaned back to see the wolf's reaction. He looked into Ky's eyes and saw shock. Tobias instantly felt sick and regretted doing what he did. He thought had just ruined an amazing friendship, just because of his stupid urges. He let go of Ky and put his face in his hands and started apologizing.

"I am so sorry," Tobias apologized, breathing heavily, "That was so stupid! It just felt right. I just thought you wanted what I wanted. I am so stupid. I am going to go." *sniff* Tobias muttered, turning and starting to swim to the edge where his clothes were.

"No, wait." Ky exclaimed, while grabbing Tobias's paw and pulling him back towards him. "I did like it... a lot... I was just... shocked. It's ok. You didn't mess up. I am so sorry that I looked like I didn't want it. I am sorry I made you feel like that."

The Tobias sniffled and looked up into Ky's eyes. He saw the sincerity. He saw care. Tobias jumped forward hugging Ky as tight as he could. They stood there for a long time, just holding each other.

"Thanks for doing that." Ky whispered into Tobias's ear. "I have wanted to do that since we first met."

"I have too." Tobias said as he leaned back and looked into Ky's eyes.

He could stare into them forever, but his gaze was interrupted by Ky leaning forward for a kiss. Tobias closed his eyes and returned the kiss the instant Ky's lips touched his. The kiss became more and more passionate as Tobias pushed his tongue into Ky's mouth. Ky soon responded in kind. Tobias explored Ky's mouth with his tongue, rubbing his it against every tooth and crevice. He tasted what they had eaten for dinner and he tasted Ky's saliva. Tobias liked it. He pushed his body against Ky's and tried to get as much physical contact as possible. He pushed so hard that Ky's lower back pressed against the side of the pool and Ky could do nothing but lean back, being too weak push back. Toby's dick grew as it rubbed against Ky's, also growing dick. Soon, they both had raging hardons and they continued rubbing them against each other.

Two, dark figures stood in contrast to the water that was reflecting the full moon's light. The top of the two figures' heads were highlighted by the moon. All that could be heard was the murring and heavy breathing of the couple. The water moved around the two figures as they pressed their bodies up against each other.

Tobias broke the passionate kiss and looked deeply into Ky's eyes.

"I want a relationship with you that is more than friendship." Tobias whispered, not wanting to ruin the silence.

"So do I." Ky replied, also whispering. "Does that mean we are dating?"

"I hope so." whispered Tobias. "I want it to if you do."

"I do." replied Ky.

"I feel so good," Tobias said, "I would not trade this moment for anything in the world."

"I know," said Ky, "Me neither."

Tobias kissed Ky again, just as deep as before, but it was interrupted by Linkin Park singing What I've Done.

"Damn it," Tobias said, "Why do I always get interrupted by that phone? I am going to ignore it."

"Don't do that." Ky said. "It's ok, go answer it."

"Fine, but only if you come with me." Tobias said, pulling Ky by the hand towards their clothes.

"Lead the way." Ky said, letting Tobias do most of the work of getting them to the edge of the pool.

They both got out of the pool and Tobias went and grabbed his phone out of his pants. He slid the phone open and held it to his ear. Ky watched and listened to his recently acquired boyfriend as he talked on the phone. He knew that it was Tobias's dad telling him to get home, and by the sound of it, he wasn't being very nice about it. Tobias grumbled as he shut the phone and walked over to Ky.

"I have got to go." Tobias said with a crushed look on his face. "I am so sorry."

"It's ok," Ky reassured him. "I am probably going to get in trouble for being out so late too. What time is it anyway?"

"Um..." Tobias said as he tossed Ky the phone and reached down for his pants, "It's, probably around ten."

"Probably," Ky said as he slid the phone open, "Wow, it's already 12:42! We have been here for like, three and a half hours!"

"Wow," Tobias said, just as amazed as Ky, "Well I better get home before my dad decides to restrict me from going out on weekends, which I definitely don't want, cause I want to be able to see you on weekends."

"Well we don't want that." Ky chuckled as gave Tobias his phone back. Ky got his pants on as he said, "cause I want to see you too. But you do remember we will be going to the same school soon, right?"

"Yeah, but I like weekends best." Tobias explained as he pulled his boxers and pants on.

"Yeah," Ky said, understanding what Tobias meant, "So maybe I will see you tomorrow?"

"I hope so," Tobias said, "I have church in the morning, but I will call you about after. Um... Can I call you tonight?"

"Please do." Ky said as he scribbled something on a piece of paper, which Tobias suspected was his number, "I would love that."

"Awesome!" replied Tobias taking the piece of paper as he swung his shirt on his shoulder, "Can't wait! Well, I think I better go."

"Ok." Ky said while putting on his shirt, "Don't forget to call!"

"Don't worry," Tobias said as he hugged his boyfriend. "How could I forget to talk to such an amazing person?"

"You might because you are so much more amazing than me." Ky replied as he hugged Tobias back.

"Nah...I am so glad that tonight happened." Tobias said as he leaned back and looked at Ky.

"I am too." Ky said as he leaned in, and kissed his boyfriend. He broke the kiss and said, "Thanks for making the first move."

"Thanks for letting me." Tobias said as he leaned in and kissed Ky.

The kiss lasted a few minutes, and then was broken by Ky before he said, "You better go before you get in trouble."

"I don't want to go, but ok." Tobias said. "Bye Ky."

"Bye Tobias," Ky said as he kissed Tobias goodbye one last time.

The kiss ended and Tobias started walking away. He climbed up the fence and just before he jumped over the other side, he looked at his boyfriend and waved. Ky returned the wave just before Tobias jumped off the fence. Tobias walked down the moonlit sidewalk with one paw holding the shirt slung over his shoulder and the other holding the piece of paper that Ky had scribbled. After a few tries, he was able to get the folded piece of paper open with his is one paw and he smiled as he read it.

~I didn't want you to remember me as a number, so I programmed my info into your phone under my name. Remember, we are names, not numbers. -Ky-~