01Winter's10 Storyboard "Colliding Worlds"

Story by 01Winter10 on SoFurry

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#1 of Colliding Worlds

StoryBoard abaout up comming story and giving a general view about what to expect


"Colliding worlds"

Breif summery

The story will be set into the future & past torn between at first 2 different dimensions first the Dark normal world where 'Digimon' and their existence is not there and the Light world where people know of 'Digimons' existence and generally live in peace except the odd disturbance

When the story starts it will follow the main character in the Dark world where they live is a constant War economy which has led to drastic leaps the technology from stealth camouflage to high tech bodysuits able to take a beating, during the prologue I will be showing the worlds current status and leading it to the events that will change the main characters life After that I will also start adding the Digimon and the tamers over the next couple of chapters that will ultimately lead to ether a good or bad ending......

I am not going to add much more don't want to spoil you: P


Human: "Jack Alan Mills"


Age: 22 Gender: male

Job: UKSF Role: Sniper specialist, Designated name: Grey Fox(Hmm May call him that)

Rank: Captain

Family/Relatives: Deceased*

Bio:a man whom has seen battle all his life, can kill a man without thought and does not support the current regime, Jack is haunted about his past and how he became a killer without thought this does not affect him very often only on a few events



Dark Renamon digivolution caused by extreme negative emotion and sole cause to seek destruction of whom caused the pain

Renamon is the alternative to the dark renamon still kind of dark in nature but less likely to kill someone when viximon digivolves she does not have the training to withhold her thoughts and does not have the training to fight in combat effectivlywhich may cause problems


Viximon a small digimon left in the human world without a home or Tamer has been forced to live out on the streets to fend for herself the question is how long has she been there and why is she there?

Random Encounters:

Evil child

Hypnos Organisation

Other Renamon

*Locations removed*

*chpt-1 decription removed*

*Greater detail will be given when the story Progresses I just don't want to write the story in stone to find out I could of made a few chapters better and more dramatic also if you don't understand something here pop a post or PM me with your questions

Ps. so glad to find arial font and post a message let me know what you think :D