tiny devils

Story by TimothyBrisby on SoFurry

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Looking for the new ambassador (part 2)

Bianca feels guilty about the shooting that wounded undercover cop.

Bernard tries to comfort his partner, but she seems to be in shock.

Bianca tries to explain between sobs, why she joined the Rescue Society. The female mouse said to meet a human reporter who was searching unsolved crimes.

Bernard listen her, and some minutes after he try to decipher one of the clues, but Rescue Society lost one of their members. A brave mouse in a mission no so far of there.

Bianca seems to read the thoughts of Bernard, because she ask if the others rescuers found the new ambassador of Mexico as new memeber.

Bernard (babbles) not yet, but the mouse has some clues. The description says...

It's brave, smart, good to negotiate, and...

Jake interrupts the two mice says It's a girl...

Bernard and Bianca look at him in amazement.

Bianca asks why the kangaroo rat knows it.

Jake says Your land is too wild for me. Be careful, because some kids are part of that criminal group. some kids are like hooks for trap other kids. many of those children missed to their parents.... Tiny devils!

Bianca says You're wrong, Jake... Their are victims too.

Jake says maybe, Bianca, but I'll look for the find the new member. You and Bernnie go for the kids.