life with a dragon chapter eight

Story by schlusky on SoFurry

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#11 of Life with a dragon

yet another chapter of my story. can you guess what happens next?

I knock on the door again. "Come on Berrwain, open the door" I call out.

"Do I know you?" comes the smart ass reply from the other side of the door.

"Oh come on! Just open the door would you?" I reply. Berrwain finally decides to open the door and let me in. "It's about time!" I comment as I walk in the room. As I walk into the room Zerinnon darts out from behind the corner and grabs hold of me and drags me back into the corner.

"Hey! Where'd you go?" Berrwain asks as he shuts the door and turns to face the room. Berrwain walks further into the room and looks around the corner to find Zerinnon coiled up in the corner and me nowhere to be found. "Hey Zerinnon, where the hell did Drosmine go?" Berrwain asks. I do my best to keep from laughing hysterically over the next twenty minutes as Berrwain searches the hotel room for me. Berrwain goes to check the bathroom for me and Zerinnon quickly uncoils himself from around me and I jump over the bed to sit in the chair on the other side of the room. Berrwain comes out of the bathroom a few seconds later and finds me sitting in the chair. "Wha.. but. You.. I. HOW!?!" Berrwain stammers.

"What are you talking about?" I ask with a straight face.

"You disappeared for like, twenty minutes!" Berrwain exclaims.

"What are you talking about? I've been sitting here the whole time" I reply calmly. Zerinnon bursts into laughter and I can't help but grin.

"Okay the joke is over now. So where the hell were you?" Berrwain asks.

"Behind Zerinnon" I reply.

"But... You couldn't... He... I GIVE UP!" Berrwain exclaims as he tries to make sense of what I said. I stand up and walk over to Zerinnon who without saying a word begins to uncoil himself yet again. Zerinnon pulls me into the gap in the center of the coils and wraps himself around me yet again completely hiding me from view once more. A few seconds later Zerinnon unwraps himself and lets me go.

"Sarven isn't the only dragon around here with a sense of humor" Zerinnon comments with a smile.

"Ohh. How the hell did you two plan that out?" Berrwain asks.

"We didn't. He just grabbed me as I was walking in and I caught on" I reply.

"Oh forget it. Let's just go do something" Berrwain comments.

"I've already done quite a bit today. And damn! Is it really two o'clock?"

"Yeah it is. Hey lets go get drunk" Berrwain says jokingly.

"Sure let's go!" Zerinnon says as he slithers towards the door.

"I usually don't drink, but what the hell. Let's go. Oh, and were taking the truck." I comment as I walk out the door.

"Damn! I wanted to drive the jeep again!" Berrwain says disappointedly.

Whoa whoa whoa wait a minute! What the hell am I doing? Am I really going to a bar with you two? The last time I went to a bar and got drunk I woke up in bed with Zerinnon the next morning!" I exclaim as I realize what I'm doing.

"You say that like it's a bad thing" Zerinnon comments.

"Oh come on. Ive been looking places up all day. I found a bar that has insane kickass nachos" Berrwain says punching me in the arm.

"OH MAH GAWD NACHOS!!!!" I yell as I take off down the hallway. I stop ten feet down the hall and double over laughing as I hear Berrwain and Zerinnon laughing. "God dang it! You two make it impossible to be serious about goofing around!" I say as the two come up to me.

"Oh shut up and let's go you big goofball" Berrwain says as he walks by.

"You're a fine one to talk. You have always been the one coming up with jokes and pranks and stuff" I retort.

"Would both of you shut up and get moving?" Zerinnon comments as he slithers down the stairs

"Come at me bro!" Berrwain challenges.

"Shut the hell up and let's go Berrwain" I snap as I walk down the stairs. We all climb into the truck and I pull out of the garage. Before pulling onto the road I pull the netbook out and start up the pre-emptive suspension control software. "Sarven says this system could be a real success. Tell me what you think of it. It is a pre-emptive magnetic suspension ride control program" I tell Berrwain before pulling onto the road. As I go down the road I make sure to hit every pothole and imperfection in the road that I can.

"WOW! How long did it take you to perfect this system?" Berrwain exclaims as the truck rolls over yet another pothole.

"As I told Sarven, today is the first time I have ever tried to use it. I never intended to actually go anywhere with this, it was just something I did while I was bored" I reply nonchalantly.

"Seriously? Damn dude! You should be bored more often! You make some crazy insane shit when you're bored!" Berrwain exclaims as he looks for something large for the truck to run over. "Oh! Over there! Go over that speed bump" Berrwain says as he eagerly points to a side road with speed bumps everywhere. I turn down the road and follow it to the end of the pavement where I turn around and go back. "Why are you turning around? You should totally go test it off road!"

"Sorry man, but the end of the pavement is the end of the road with this system. The sensors are specifically designed to work on asphalt and concrete. They won't work in mud or on dirt. They will work on dirty wet or icy roads, but not on dirt roads. Besides, I already fixed the truck once today, I don't want to have to replace something even more important than brake lines" I reply as I make sure to clip the curb while turning. "So where is this bar you want to go to?"

"It is that way. Take a left at the shell station and it will be a few blocks down the road" Berrwain comments as he points in the general direction of the bar.

"You're going to actually drink something, aren't you Drosmine?" Zerinnon asks from the back seat.

"I don't know. I might, it really depends on what the plans are for the rest of the day" I reply.

"Oh come on now. Don't be that guy. Have some fun every once in a while!" Zerinnon pressures me.

"Ah what the hell? A drink or two can't hurt too badly" I reply.

"There we go! Have some fun and live it up a bit!" Zerinnon exclaims. I turn at the intersection and find the bar Berrwain was talking about. I pull into the parking lot and kill the engine. Everyone piles out and we all head inside.

"What's so special about this place? It looks like any other bar would" I comment. "Actually, this place looks pretty well deserted. What the hell are you trying to pull here Berrwain?" I question as I turn to face Berrwain.

"Oh quit your bitching and take a seat. Look at the business hours chart, the place only opened ten minutes ago! People will show up soon, don't you worry" Berrwain replies gesturing at the bar stools. I walk over to the bar and sit down with Berrwain and Zerinnon. I am surprised when a phoenix walks out behind the counter to serve us.

"What will it be boys?" the phoenix asks.

"Heineken for me" Berrwain says.

"Bud light" Zerinnon says.

"Jack and gin" I comment. Both Zerinnon and Berrwain look at me in surprise as I order.

"That it?" the phoenix asks.

"Yup, I think that's it" I reply.

"I'm goanna need to see some ID before I can get your drinks" the phoenix replies. I pull out my wallet and hand over my ID and so does Berrwain.

"Alrighty then. Here's your drink and here's yours" the phoenix comments as she pulls two different bottles from under the counter and hands them to Berrwain and Zerinnon. The phoenix turns around and grabs a glass and a couple of bottles to make my drink. A few moments later she turns around and hands me my drink. "I don't think I've seen you boys before. Are you new in town?"

"Naw, were just stopping here until the weather calms down" I reply.

"I see. So what makes you stop at a bar like this when there are plenty of other places to get a drink in town?" she asks.

"The same thing that makes me stop at an old run down diner run by a dragon, stop at a butcher and threaten his life, stop at a chop shop, and stop at an auto shop. Friends." I reply. The phoenix looks shocked at what I said so I quickly continue. "The butcher started it. He grabbed a meat cleaver and started waving it at my friend as we walked in the door. And the chop shop was my friend's lousy directions. The reason I am here is because of this guy right here" I say as I punch Berrwain in the arm affectionately.

"I get it now. You're on a cross country road trip aren't you?" the phoenix asks.

"That pretty much hits the nail on the head. How long have you been working to recognize a group like that?" I ask thoroughly intrigued.

"About six months. It doesn't take long to figure things out when you work here." She replies curtly.

"Ahh. So why are you so surprised that we would come here for drinks instead of going somewhere else?" I ask as I sip my drink.

"That's why" she replies as she points at the door. I turn to see several furs and a few scales walking through the door. "You two are going to stick out like a sore thumb. The only one who will grab more attention than you two is your snake friend here" she replies gesturing at Zerinnon.

"What exactly are you trying to say here buddy?" I ask as I turn to Berrwain.

"What makes you think I'm trying to say something?" Berrwain replies with a grin.

"You just want to make me so damn uncomfortable that I drink until I don't remember what happens don't you?" I ask angrily.

"YUP!" Berrwain replies cheerfully. I punch him in the arm as hard as I can and turn to the phoenix behind the counter.

"Can you get rid of this for me?" I ask as I push my drink away from me.

"Sure thing. Not much of a drinker are you?" she asks as she takes the glass.

"Nope, and this guy is trying to get me to." I say as I glare angrily at Berrwain.

"If you want to leave you should leave now while you still have the chance. Its goanna get pretty crazy here real soon" The phoenix warns.

"Define crazy. I have had one hell of a day so far, it would be pretty hard to make it much crazier. I embarrassed a gangster in front of a chop shop, threatened a butchers life, spent twenty four thousand dollars to feed a friend's family and pay his debts, drifted through a busy intersection in a big ass truck, and drove all over town without brakes for the better portion of the day. If this place can get more insane than that I don't know what I'll do" I reply.

"Well, sounds like you've had one hell of a day today! But give it about ten minutes, if that, and this place will top that off" the phoenix replies. "You may want another drink before you leave"

"I doubt it can get that bad" I say as I turn to look at the crowd in the bar. I am greeted by the sight of several furs fighting nude by one of the pool tables, a couple of scales wrestling on the pool table, and several scales walking into the bathroom with blatantly obvious erections. "It seems that I was wrong. I will be right back. If there is anything here you can get me that will help me relax please have it waiting for me when I get back" I say as I get up and walk out the door. Once outside I pull out my phone and call the hotel room.

"Hello?" Vealdan answers.

"Hey Vealdan, its Drosmine. Can I talk to Sarven?" I respond.

"Yeah he's right here" Vealdan replies happily. There is a shuffling sound as the phone is passed to Sarven.

"What's wrong Drosmine?" Sarven asks.

"Berrwain and Zerinnon managed to talk me into going to a bar. It's pretty bad over here right now and it is only going to get worse" I reply grimly.

"You aren't drunk are you?" Sarven asks.

"No, but I'm about to be. That's why I am calling you. I need someone here that I know I can trust to keep me out of trouble" I answer.

"I see. So where is this bar that you're at?" Sarven asks.

"I don't know. I will text one of the guys from the computer shop and tell them to track my phone down and help you get here if you want" I offer.

"Yeah, why don't you do that and I will be there as soon as possible" Sarven replies.

"Hey, not sure if this helps any, but Berrwain and I are the only humans here right now. You might tell Vealdan that and see if he knows where this place is" I answer. I hear muffled voices in the back ground.

"Vealdan says there are only two bars like that in town. He wants to know if the bar tender is an orange phoenix with light blue eyes" Sarven tells me.

"Yeah that would be an accurate description of the bartender" I reply.

"Alright, Vealdan knows exactly where you are. We should be there in about ten minutes or so. Oh, and Vealdan says her name is Cerradia" Sarven replies.

"Alright, I will see you soon" I say before hanging up. I wait several minutes before walking back inside. I take a seat where I was sitting before I left and find a potent looking drink sitting before me on the counter.

"Thanks for the drink. I think a friend of mine might know you" I comment as I grab the drink.

"Oh really? Just how dumb do you think I am? Do you really think you have a chance with me just because one of your friends might know me?" Cerradia snaps as she rounds on me.

"What the hell did I do?" I exclaim in surprise.

"Every man that drifts through here always thinks he has a chance to get me in bed with him. Why would I think your any different?" Cerradia retorts angrily.

"Calm down! I don't think I have a chance with you in bed nor do I want to get in bed with you. I already have a mate thank you very much" I snap as I realize what Cerradia is talking about.

"That hasn't stopped people before!" Cerradia replies.

"The problem here is you think I'm just another impulsive human in search of attractive women. The thing is, I'm not" I reply.

"Prove it!" Cerradia snaps. Berrwain kicks my leg under the counter to get my attention. I glance at Berrwain and then I notice that the entire bar has gone quiet as everyone watches me argue with Cerradia. I turn my attention back to Cerradia before she has the chance to continue berating me.

"I'm gay. Proof enough?" I reply curtly.

"No, it's not proof enough! PROVE IT!" Cerradia practically screams. Sarven walks in the door just in time to hear Cerradia screaming at me.

"Prove what?" Sarven asks angrily as he walks over to me. Sarven glares angrily at Cerradia and bears his teeth as he stands behind me.

"I want this punk to prove what he said! He wants to tell me that he ain't hitting on me by telling me he is gay then let him prove it!" Cerradia screams at Sarven.

"Listen carefully because I am only going to say this once. You scream at me again and we are going to have a problem. Scream at my MATE again and it will be the last thing you ever do. Understand?" Sarven says, delivering the ultimatum with a snarl. Cerradia takes a step back unable to hide her fear. "You obviously have grown accustomed to being in charge around here and that's fine with me. But mess with my mate and you answer to me. Take heed because your next reminder won't be quite so friendly" Sarven snaps vehemently.

"I just wanted him to prove he wasn't lying to me! There is no need to be making death threats here!" Cerradia replies.

"Just how dumb do you think I am bird?" Sarven growls. "You're just itching for a fight aren't you? You just keep in mind that you can't out run me when you realize that you're in over your head" Sarven growls. Cerradia attempts to stare Sarven down but only succeeds in pissing him off. I notice the smoke trailing from Sarven's nostrils and I realize that this is about to get really ugly really fast.

"Cerradia if you know what's good for you just back off!" I say quietly. Cerradia looks at me and opens her beak to say something but Sarven snaps his jaw shut on her beak causing it to crack slightly. Sarven looks her in the eye and puts a little more pressure on her beak before letting go of her. Cerradia hides her pain as she looks directly at me.

"How do you know my name?" she asks as she rubs her beak where it cracked.

"I told you I think a friend of mine might know you. If I had known you would freak out like this at such a simple statement I would have waited until my mate got here before saying anything about it" I reply quietly. Cerradia glances over my shoulder at the rest of the bar and I realize that it is still quiet.

Sarven can you get everyone else to mind their own business?

You can feel the weight of their gaze as well? Sarven replies.

I can, and I really don't like it.

Agreed. Sarven turns to face the many patrons of the bar bearing his teeth and growls angrily. Almost everyone jumps and looks the other way and some even try to imitate a conversation. Satisfied with the result Sarven turns back to face Cerradia.

"I am sorry I freaked out on you. I am just so damn sick of all these people coming through here trying to bet in bed with me! I thought you were no different and that was wrong of me to do" Cerradia apologizes.

"You don't need to apologize to me. With a figure such as yours I can understand why you did what you did. But if I could make a suggestion, don't make such a big scene out of it until you're sure that someone wants to get in bed with you. This could have gone so much better if you weren't screaming at me when my mate showed up" I reply calmly. Sarven pokes my side with his tail to get my attention. I glance at Sarven and the look in his eye tells me there is more that needs to be said.

"So, if you don't mind me asking, what is it about him that draws you in? You just don't seem the type to go for someone so aggressive" Cerradia asks. Then to Sarven she adds "And you don't seem the type of dragon to be so overly aggressive. You don't have any scars, no limp, and no burning fury visible in your eyes."

"As I was saying, you also put people in bad situations they would rather not be in when you do that. I am not attracted to an aggressive over bearing monster. I am attracted to my caring, loving, gentle, playful, and protective mate. You just have the misfortune to meet his bad side before getting to know him" I explain. "Isn't that right?" I ask as I turn to Sarven and scratch just behind his jaw bone. Sarven tilts his head back slightly and purrs quietly. Vealdan comes walking into the bar to see me scratching Sarven's jaw and comes bounding over happily.

"Hey guys! What's going on?" Vealdan asks as he plops down next to me. Vealdan takes a look at what's going on and realizes something isn't right. "Cerradia, what happened here?" Vealdan asks.

"Not much worth mentioning. Why do you ask?" Cerradia replies.

"Your beak is cracked. You were fine last night but today you're hurt. What happened?" Vealdan asks.

"I will tell you later, don't worry about it" Cerradia replies curtly.

"Well, I don't know about you guys but this is one moment in my life I hope to forget. Today was insane as it is and it just keeps getting weirder and weirder, so here's to insanity!" I say as I pick up my drink and drain the glass. I turn to Berrwain and punch him in the arm to get his attention. "See what kind of trouble you cause when you try to get me to drink? All this mess before I even drink anything! Man you really have to stop dragging me to bars with you" I say while I still have the clarity of mind to make sense. I turn back to Cerradia and put the glass back on the bar. "Could I get another one of those? I honestly don't want to remember much of what happened today" I say as my throat starts burning. Cerradia makes another drink and gives it to me without saying a word. I down this drink as well and a few more.

"Alright Drosmine that's more than enough. It's time to go" Sarven says. I try to stand up but fail to stay on my feet. Sarven picks me up and carries me out the door.

"whe... where are we going?" I manage to ask.

"Back to the hotel" Zerinnon replies. I pass out on Sarven's shoulder as he carries me back to the hotel. "Are you sure about this Sarven? This is after all the reason you and I were enemies for several years" Zerinnon asks once sure I am out cold.

"I couldn't be surer of anything else right now. It is for his own good. I need him to stop doing this. He tries to resist drinking because he knows what happens, but eventually he gives in to the pressure and drinks. This time will be different. This time will make him never want to drink again. But to do that, I need your help in this" Sarven replies as he walks down the street with me draped over his shoulders.

"And this won't result in our trying to kill each other again?" Zerinnon asks.

"No, this will not result in our trying to kill each other again" Sarven replies flatly.