Beachside Thought

Story by Caruso' on SoFurry

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There's something about the ocean at night.. That can't be described. The salty smell, the deafening murmur of water reaching to freeze your paws, the absense of something to visually focus on... There's no questioning it's existence, its just there. It's like an embracing abyss, you don't know what's out there, but you're okay with what it could be. Unless you hate water.

But I guess being an otter gives me a bias opinion. Just another silly, rambunctious, juvenile otter. My ass I am. I've always disliked the sterotypes surrounding otters, they make me feel that much more different. I like to keep to myself, separate from other otters, not letting people ruin my groove, like the ocean. I'm just there, floating, swaying my little waves. There's nothing wrong with that... Right?

I hear some shuffling behind me, sling my head to the side, and see a few females watching out over me. And of course, they're otters. Giggling and whispers aren't so quiet at night, so my ears keep flicking at each comment of how cute I look. So then and there, I grab my shorts, dust off the sand, and walk away from thier beach patio, more importantly, out of thier view. I think I heard one of them call out for me, but I could care less, I came here for the meditation, not females.

Oh, and I'm not interested in females. "Love the cock." As others would say. Another thing that keeps me different. If an otter's libido can be matched to another species, it'd be a fox. Like sex-bombs in which even the offer of sex could make thier balls explode, exaggerating, of course. Little bundles of sexual energy ready to explode inside the nearest female... Where was I again?

Oh right, hugging darkness, that poetic crap. I don't know why I even bother coming here, all it does is give me time to think of things I don't like thinking about. Like my ex-es, school, my future, good friend, and other friends and family who I don't feel like naming either. But its nice, a nice cold slap in the face to remind me that shit happens, its life. I rub my ribs as I say that, because like I said, shit happens, like when I got beat down for being gay... Twice.

Sorry about that, not the best topic to bring up is it? Yeah, I thought so too.

Cool water sweeps my feet, giving me a much needed break from my thoughts. I cast a gaze out into the blackness and picture what lies over that horizon. Well, where I guess where the horizon is. I wonder what horizons my friends will see, and whether who will get there, or end up chasing it untill they fall. Wow I'm not very good at keeping positive, am I?

I take a glance at my phone; "Caruso, where the hell are you?" 1:34am, should start to head home soon. I offer a final gaze into the void and cast a few of my wishes into the sea. Dreams of happiness, dreams for inner tranquility, dreams of good will. Dreams for Michael. Dreams for Milo and Keba. Dreams for Kris. Dreams for... Well everyone I suppose. I feel the ocean hug my feet good-bye, and turn around to head home.

1:47, my parents better be asleep.