Science and religion 10: Intervention

Story by Terraphage on SoFurry

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  Just to point out some things in response to a comment made- Jason and Ben's personalities are similar. They are likeminded sometimes. However, Ben cannot really act "Jasonish". Jason sometimes acts "Benish", though, but that's simply because of his personality shifts. The "real" Jason, before "the event" happened, was much like how Ben is now. And on that note- everybody is changing as the story goes on. Evolving personalities and whatnot.  Anyway, enjoy.  On a side note- this chapter reaches my 100,000 word milestone. Science and religion is now 100,000 words. Kick ass. ^^  Jason sighed as he searched about. Night had again descended, and now the last light that was once their campfire was smouldering in the centre of the group.  Jason looked to his right. Beside him, at the foot of his tree stump, Sumieri sat silently. Her eyes seemed to glow with rage in the orange light of the fire, directed straight at Ben. Ben ignored her for the time being, patting Cheri in his lap with comforting whispers. He looked up again with a frown at Sumieri.  "What?" She demanded. "What's the problem?"  "Nothing." Ben hissed. "Nothing at all."  Jason sighed again, and looked to his left. Dev sat with his arms crossed, glaring similarly at Amy. One of his arms was wrapped in a bandage now.  Amy quickly broke away eye contact with a grunt, looking for something else to occupy her attention.  "Goddammit..." Jason growled, alerting everybody suddenly. "What are your problems?"  "HE said he loved me!" Sumieri took the first opportunity to bark across the group at Ben, leaping to her feet and growling.  "SHE seduced me! She used... Suicune magic, or something!" Ben yelled back, patting Cheri still as she covered her eyes to remove herself from the situation.  "HE yelled at me!" Amy blurted finally, leaping upright too.  "SHE is so damn annoying!" Dev shot back quickly with a growl.  "Well HE-!"  "ENOUGH!" Jason bellowed, snapping and standing too. "Just- sit the fuck down! All of you! NOW!" His fists clenched as his gaze swept around the group, challenging each one-by-one. Sumieri first- she sat after a second of challenge. Dev sat just before Jason's eyes reached him. Amy sat as Jason's eyes landed on her- lacking the nerve to oppose him. Ben took a moment longer, returning Jason's glare for a few seconds before it became too much for him, and he sat also. "Better." Jason grumbled and sat too, looking around the group still. "We're not going to get anything accomplished like this- so tell me, somebody. How did all this happen?"*Three hours ago  A stray litter of gravel scattered as Ben's foot kicked it, settling otherwise silently. His eyes shone a

perplexing colour in the glow of Cheri's tail-star lighting their way.  Her tail remained mostly rigid, but twitched nervously from time to time as she thought she heard noises.  Ben finally broke the silence. "Damn... we're lost." He sighed, and the sound rolled through the surrounding cavern and into the deepest reaches of mount Moon.  "Lux-Luxio." Cheri agreed with a deflating sigh and slowing to Ben's side. They had been walking for an hour, and nothing. Sumieri had disappeared somewhere in pursuit of Chimera, Jason was likely with her too, hell bent on killing the thing, and Dev and Amy were lost behind somewhere and had probably taken a different path from either party.  "Why did you have to run off, Sumi?" Ben asked the darkness, searching about for any hidden corridor as he walked. "Why?"  "Lux?" Cheri repeated him in her own tongue, whining a little as she searched about. The tunnel had gone straight for a while and it had been going down. Cheri desperately hoped for a change in direction- preferably upwards...*  "Where is he?" Sumieri hissed as she spun around, roaming about the junction in the cave system. Caves diverted left, right, everywhere. She had been relying on Jason the whole time for direction, but now he was simply standing still, staring at the stony ceiling. She growled a little at his silence, advancing on him. "Where did he go?" She barked, half-growling still.  "Shut it, bitch." Jason advised calmly, returning his gaze to Sumieri. "I don't care if you're the daughter of the sea- if you piss me off and I'll skin your royal ass and make a fuzzy coat." Sumieri retreated a quick step, gulping a little. "Good girl." Jason smiled and looked back at the ceiling. "Just wait... he's coming back for us..."  "From where?" Sumieri asked more levelly, not wanting to risk another outburst from Jason. Her eyes wandered restlessly, darting between passageways and scrutinising each briefly.  "I can't tell... there's something in here that's messing with my aura..." Jason ended on that note, still glancing about. "Something powerful..." Sumieri ceased in her searching, glancing suspiciously at Jason.  "You feel it too."  "I do." He nodded. "Can you hear it?"  "Come." Sumieri whispered, nodding. "Come... come..."  "Come..." Jason imitated the voice resonating deep within his mind. This was a little concerning- it took a lot of skill to get into Jason's head. A lot. His mind was divided into three sub-personalities, each with its own mental barriers. Whatever was in his head was capable of penetrating three especially powerful barriers. "Come where, exactly?"  "Here..." The two jerked to face one entrance. In Jolteon form still, Chimera rolled on his back cackling, kicking the air with all fours.  "DIE!" Jason roared and charged for the Pokémon,

drawing a bone knife in one hand. Chimera flicked onto his front and charged away, still howling in laughter over his shoulder at his pursuers. He dashed right as Jason fired a focus blast through the cave wall, dodging it by centimetres.  "(Come 'ere and gemme!)" He crowed in a painfully high pitch, charging away into the darkness.  Sumieri came even with Jason as they ran, without much effort as she ran on all fours. "Jason!"  "What?" Jason shouted, still charging headlong into the darkness and stumbling through the caverns.  "On me! I'm faster!"  "I thought that was a privilege!" Jason shot back, still running but with a faint grin.  "Just get on, fool!" Sumieri ordered. Jason nodded, and leapt sideways. He tossed his right leg over Sumieri's back and grabbed her mane, and immediately she shot forwards at an even greater speed.  "Left up here!" Jason called as he bent low, clinging to her tightly as she accelerated. He was surprised by the speed she managed- especially in a cave where the ground was uneven and rocky. He made a note of checking her speed when they were outside again. It would be interesting to see exactly how fast she was.  He continued to shout orders as Sumieri ran, diverting and rerouting to different paths as Jason called them. Jason found it remarkable how quickly she could react- turning and running in the opposite direction at a moment's notice. As apathetic as he was, this was something which astonished him. Something about the cave walls rushing past at high speed, all the daredevil U-turns and the sheer momentum really thrilled him- or Keiomi, rather, seeing as she had slipped into his conscious.  "He's just up ahead!" Jason called. "He's... he's stopped?"  "Good..." Sumieri growled. "He'll get what is coming to him..."  "Stop." Jason said.  "What?"  "Stop! Now!" Sumieri bit her lip with another growl, but she complied. She spun and leaned away, skidding to a stop in the middle of the cave.  "We're close! Why stop?" Jason ignored her and unsaddled. He walked slowly towards the direction they were heading, but stopped after a few steps.  "There's something up ahead." He said, a hint of unease creeping into his voice as his shaded eyes stared into the infinite darkness. "Something powerful."  "Chimera?"  "No. Something much stronger..." His eyes narrowed as he tried to pinpoint the location with his aura vision, but the walls positively radiated aura. He could barely even notice the aura signature ahead, let alone identify what it was. "He's trying to lead us to it."  "Then let us find out what it is." Sumieri decided, beginning towards it.  "No-" Jason placed a hand on her back, halting her. "Think about it. A shadow Pokémon running away is weird, but when it's leading you somewhere... that's a

really, really bad sign."  Sumieri growled a little more, but nodded her head. She saw what Jason was getting at. He had a good point. "So what then?"  "We should find the others, and get out of this mountain as soon as possible." He said. "My aura vision offers me very little help, but I'm familiar enough with everybody's aura signatures that I should be able to identify them even in here." Jason grabbed hold of Sumieri's mane and swung a leg over. "This way."  "We aren't exactly running." Sumieri murmured over her shoulder.  "Huh?"  "You don't need to sit on my back." She hinted, fixing Jason a hard stare.  "Well can I?" Jason grinned hopefully.  "No." Sumieri said.  "Please?" Jason asked again.  "No!" Sumieri frowned and shook about a little to dislodge Jason. He didn't fall.  "Aaw, c'mon!" Jason fell against her, lying against her mane. "You're all warm and fluffy. Please?"  "Huh. After that "royal ass" crack?" Sumieri grunted. "Forget it. Off. Now."  "I'm sorry." Jason said, still holding on. "Now can I?"  "No!" She shook about more now, grunting as she tried to throw Jason off. He simply grinned wider, keeping his balance. "Get oooof!" Sumieri moaned, dropping her head. "I swear- if my mother were here-"  "Yeah, yeah. She'd kick my ass." Jason yawned. "Come on. Please? You've already taken me this far- plus you're fun."  Sumieri twitched a little. "Fun...?" She seethed.  "Yuh." Jason nodded fervently.  "Fun?"  "Really fun. Yuh." He nodded again.  "I AM THE DAUGHTER OF THE SEA! HOW DARE YOU-"  "Cut it." Jason yawned, cutting her off. He swung his leg again, unsaddling. "If you're going to whinge, I'll walk." He began in the direction they came from, scratching his neck idly. Sumieri stared at him as he went, grumbling a little, then fell into line behind him. "Oh, come on!" Jason groaned and swung his head around to face Sumieri. "You sure know how to hold a grudge."  "I am not angry." Sumieri stated levelly, though through gritted teeth.  "Yes you are."  "I am not."  "Are so."  "I am not!" Jason's smirk widened.  "Are so."  "Am not!"  "Are so."  "You are impossible to deal with!" Sumieri yelled frustratedly, her cheeks inadvertently flushing red as her frustration overwhelmed her.  "And you need to lose about eighty pounds." Jason remarked. "Of ego."  Sumieri's rebuttal fell dead on her lips. "I... what?"  "You barely speak, and you're always acting all high-and-mighty when you do. It's like you think you're better than all of us- why do you think you and Ben have always had such an awkward relationship?"  "We misunderstood one another!" Sumieri

barked at Jason.  "Ben was nervous around you because you were acting so damn snobby!"  "You know nothing-"  "I know enough!" Jason snapped back. "You're doing it again- you're assuming I'm some idiot underling who isn't fit to think for herself! I was there, Sumieri. I heard that conversation you two had, and I know exactly what happened." He stopped for a moment to allow Sumieri to get her word in. She said nothing. She simply hung her head and continued behind Jason.  "Then tell me." She said softly. "Because I just don't know anymore..."  "You act like a queen- a princess. All the fancy vocabulary, acting snooty like you do. You acted like a princess so Ben treats you like one. You'll never sustain a happy relationship if you think of yourselves as king and queen of the region, sharing something special with one another that we can't comprehend. You talk with Ben, and only Ben because you seem to think that he's the only one deserving enough to talk to you!" Jason dropped off again, suddenly finding himself breathing heavily and red-faced.  "I'm sorry."  "Saywhat?"  "I'm sorry." Sumieri repeated sheepishly. "For how I treated you... it's all so confusing. What you tell me... it goes against everything my mother ever taught me."  "Then your mum sounds like a mean old bitch." Jason commented without thinking. He turned away and swore at himself.  "She always taught me I was the daughter of the sea." Sumieri explained with a sigh, somewhat choked with brimming tears. "She told me I was special, that I was destined to rule the seas and ride on the north wind... she instilled such pride in me... I see now. She groomed me into a narcissist."  "Well, you are a legendary... I guess." Jason conceded on his end. "It makes sense that you would be raised that way, to feel you are greater than those around you. You've got a lot of responsibility as a legendary."  "But I don't live as a legendary." She said. "I live as a Pokémon. Ben's Pokémon..." She sniffed and looked up a bit. She finally grasped what Jason had meant.  "But he still treats me as a legendary- not as his Pokémon."  "That's because you act like a legendary, and not as his Pokémon." Jason said, feeling like he was repeating himself a little.  "Then how do I live as his Pokémon?"  "Just don't act like a legendary." Jason shrugged. It seemed obvious to him. "Forget all the things your mother taught you and just... live, I guess. Be yourself. Have fun. Do things you enjoy. Do things you want, say things you want, don't be afraid to be who you feel you are on the inside."  "I see..." Sumieri nodded slightly. "Thank you, Jason." She said. "This conversation has been most enlighten-" She stopped short. Her head suddenly dropped as she fell into thought. "Enlightening... I've

always hated that word." She admitted. "So complex and... stupid. I hate it, but my mother always encouraged me to speak like that."  "Then don't say it."  "I won't." She nodded. "Thank you Jason. You've taught me a lot. It's... its' nice to talk with you."  "For now maybe. Wait till I change back into Jason." Jason laughed.  "It's fine." Sumieri shrugged with a slight smile. "But if he threatens me again- I'm bigger than he is."  "Let's not get carried away..."    "Dev, you have no idea where we're going."  "Amy, I know what I'm doing!" Dev huffed, for the tenth time. His grip leading Amy's hand tightened just a little on her in his irritation. "It's just going to take a while to get there..."  "Dev, I recognise that rock." Amy added, only furthering Dev's frustration. He gritted his teeth and dropped his gaze to the floor, cursing in his own tongue.  "I know where we're going." He maintained, gritting his teeth. "I have the aura- we're on the right path."  "I have eyes." Amy replied irritably. She didn't like caves- period. "That rock is the same rock we passed ten minutes ago!"  "It's a fucking mountain!" Dev snapped. "Mountain paths don't go in circles!"  "Well, maybe this one does!"  "It doesn't!" Dev stopped and stamped a foot. Behind, they heard a few small rocks tumble down- then silence. Silence save the heavy heaving of Dev's breathing.  "Face it Dev. You don't know where we're going."fifty minutes later   "I still can't believe that..." Sumieri murmured. "You fled from a shadow Pokémon... that's a surprise."  "I didn't flee." Jason huffed. "I decided upon a tactical withdrawal."  "So... you fled." Sumieri evaluated.  "Would you have preferred following it?"  "I would have."  "What?"  "I would have preferred to follow him, whatever danger was ahead." As Jason glanced her way again, he swore he heard a brief growl in her throat. "I want him dead." She admitted, relinquishing her habitual vocabulary and speaking freely. "I want him dead- I want him killed, and I want it to hurt."  "Whoa..." Jason sidled away a step with a gulp. "Why? What's he done to you?"  "A lot." Sumieri growled. "He's done a lot to me... things that can't be undone."   Jason watched curiously, seeing her body language silence. Her tails which fluttered behind her lowered now, and hung close to her body. Her lips clenched tighter and she looked at the ground briefly. Then her stride- it seemed to tighten with her muscles.  He knew what she was talking about.  "How old were you?" He asked

finally, glancing away nervously.  "I was barely a week old." She said quietly, still facing the ground.  "Why?" Jason shook his head, muttering to himself. "I thought you lived with your mother when you were young? How did he do that when you lived with her?"  "Huh." Sumieri's tails flicked aggressively as her eyes narrowed. "She told him to."  "What?"  "It was all a part of my teachings." She said. ""The teachings of male" she called it. "You must know the male- how to treat him, how to please him" she said."  Her lips tightened again, catching her last offensive mention before it sounded. Then she remembered what Jason told her. "Bitch." She muttered. As she spoke, her tails flicked as if releasing a pent-up tension, then settled. "She was a bitch..." Sumieri said again, somewhat distantly as she rode a growing warmth. "She was a bitch to me..." There it was again- a rising wave of joy, a wave of relief. And anger. "How the hell could she do that to me?" She snapped, stopping suddenly and jerking her head towards Jason. "How could she do that to me? Her own daughter! How could she set that... that piece of shit- how could she set that upon me? Every day! Every fucking day!"  "Hey- Sumieri..." Jason approached her quickly as she dropped her head again, shivering and trembling wildly. "Sumieri..." He placed a hand on her neck, and knelt beside her. "It's okay... it's okay..." He told her, stroking her side as she broke down.  "How...?" She whispered between choking sobs. "She was supposed to love me..."  "I'm sure she did, Sumieri..." Jason told her, still stroking her. "She probably thought it was best for you... she wanted to help you..."  "I doubt it." Sumieri grunted, sniffing away her last tear and lifting her head again, attempting to recompose what pride she had left. "One day her and I are going to have a long talk about this..."  "That would be best." Jason said as he too stood.  "Thank you Keiomi." Sumieri said. "I know it's you..."  "Yeah."  "If you were Jason, you would have charged on after Chimera."  "I can if you want." Jason said with a shrug. "But- I doubt either of us would come back alive. They say, "before embarking on a journey of revenge, dig two graves.""  "One for me and one for him..."  "Yeah."  "That's a wise line." Sumieri commented, settling a little. She knew she couldn't blindly charge in like she had in the Pokémon centre- she had nearly compromised her own and Ben's safety. She would have her chance... she knew it. "Keiomi?"  "Yu-huh?"  "You can ride on my back." She said. "That is, if you really want to. I wouldn't blame you if you still bear-"  "Aaw, shuddup!" Jason chirped as he slung one leg over Sumieri and grabbed her mane. "I would

be honoured, my mistress."*1 hour later  It was wide and open to the east of mount moon. Orange radiance from the horizon cast the fields a perplexing, golden hue as their green sheen reflected the light in the most curious of ways. The fields were lush, swaying seas of seamless grass and speckled with flowers and leaves blowing about in a passing wind, slowly dying away like the light of day. Rising suddenly from this sea was mount moon, just to the west.  "Lux lux!" A blue blur flashed from the cave entrance, dashing out into the fields with a joyous whoop.  Cheri laughed and chased her tail in a circle, calling to Ben as she went. Ben appeared from the same cave, rushing after her.  "We're out!" He cried with a fresh grin, spirit rekindled by the glowing gold horizon and sweet air sweeping past. He smiled as he watched Cheri rejoice, rolling around on her back in the grass and tumbling about. She was adorable when she was happy. Her smile was a picture of absolute bliss, even in such a cruel life as she had lived.  He was entranced by her contagious joy, and helplessly dived for her. He grabbed her in his arms and tumbled in the grass, laughing and chuckling as they rolled to a stop.  "I hate caves." Ben remarked with a relishing sigh, feeling Cheri wriggle along his torso to lick his collar.  "Lux." She agreed, rubbing her head into his neck. Ben splayed one arm lazily to his side, and with his other stroked Cheri's back. She settled on him with a purr, shuffling on his torso until she was comfortable, then resting her head on him and simply enjoying his touch and attention.  "Looks like everybody else's still in there." He remarked, breaking the tranquillity for a moment of concern. They stared at the cave entrance for a while, unsure of what to say or feel. As much as either was concerned for the others (or, only Sumieri, in Cheri's case), there was something about being alone together at this time of day they both adored so suddenly. "Sumieri's tough. She'll be fine." Ben reassured them both, turning his attention back to Cheri. "For now, it's just you and me." He ruffled the fur on her head. For once- she didn't shy away playfully. She simply relaxed, and enjoyed it. It was a lax moment, and energy seemed to just desert either as they both were content with their position together.  "(This is nice.)" Cheri shuffled up Ben's body a little more and nuzzled into his neck, craving anything she could get from him. She loved the way he stroked her- how he smiled in her presence. How he made her smile. How he was so affectionate towards her...  She poked her tongue out and licked the side of his neck, wagging her tail across his shirt and shorts and teasing the skin beneath with the tip of her tail-star.  Simply playing on his lazy impulsiveness, Ben stroked his hand up her neck and to the back of her

head. He brought it to the back of her head and brought it down, and hissed her forehead. "This is nice, isn't it?" He asked as he pulled away, smiling. Cheri nodded with a wider smile, and licked his cheek. He shied away a little with a chuckle. "That tickles." He laughed. Cheri still grinned, and went in again. Ben turned his head away, pressing against the ground to escape, but didn't make any real attempt to stop her. She licked across his cheek, purring as he stroked her. He simply lay there in paradise, so to speak, laughing softly as she still continued.  "I wish Sumieri could ease up like this." He said with his grin disappearing for a moment. "I wish she would just loosen up."  "Luxio." Cheri nodded, but still continued, and pulled another grin to Ben's face.  "Are you ever going to stop that?" He laughed, pushing her head playfully.  "(Not if I can help it.)" She said in a pause, then went back to it.  "H-hey!" He laughed more, and pushed her head away. This time he leaned up a little and licked her cheek. "There." He said as his energy died again, and he dropped to the ground. "How do you like it?" He teased.  "(It's nice.)" She purred, licking his cheek yet again. Ben repeated, pushing her head aside and licking her cheek once more. Cheri pawed at his hand, and dived at him again, licking his cheek in turn.  They continued for a minute, just pushing one another aside and exchanging licks to the face. Ben only held out so long, and he eventually collapsed onto the ground again. Cheri grinned at her victory, and continued still. This time she licked under his chin too, and all around, still grinning. There was nothing that could bring her down- she was on cloud nine.  Then, Ben's hand landed on her back again. He trailed it up her back and neck, teasing her fur as he went, then brought it to the back of her head. Cheri stopped for a moment as Ben stroked her fur much more gently, and his smile softened a little. She drew her head back a little as Ben's hand tugged at her a little, and mewled in confusion.  "You mean a lot to me, Cheri." He said as they faced each other, locking eyes. "A very, very great amount..." He shut his mouth again, helplessly smiling despite his mental battle he fought. Her face- her smile- he couldn't help but smile and it won him over. It swayed the tide of hit mental battle. "Cheri- I love you." He brought her head down, quickly and smoothly, and pressed his lips against hers- and kissed her.  Cheri took no convincing- and she completely melted into him the instant their lips touched. Her body fell limp and weak, and she gave in to his kiss. Her tail wrapped gently around his leg in a bid to hold him tight, and she groaned softly as Ben's tongue intruded against her own. His arms wrapped around her body and hugged it to him, and she gave herself to him with a dreamy purr of

delight.  They just didn't let go. They stayed there for a minute, kissing and embracing, smothering one another slowly and gently. Ben was the one to finally break it off- and he gasped for air as soon as he was freed.  "Oh, Arceus... what am I doing...?"  "Yes, Ben!" Their shared laziness exploded into energy, and they both leapt to their feet.  "Shit..."  Emerging from the cavern exit, Sumieri stormed forwards, red-faced and growling. "What are you doing!?"  "Wait- I can explain!" Ben babbled as he backed away, Cheri also retreating at his side. "Oh, no! I will explain!" Sumieri barked, stopping in her advance. "You said you loved me- and now here you are kissing that... that little whore!"  "Hey!" Ben yelled and stepped forwards, meeting her halfway. "Don't you ever, ever call her that!" Sumieri yelped suddenly and leapt backwards, but succeeded this with another growl as she was quickly back on the attack.  "You liar!" She shouted, feeling tears form in the corners of her eyes. "You piece of shit!" Behind her, Jason finally emerged from the cave with a confused expression.  "You spoiled bitch! You've known from the start what you were doing to me!" Ben yelled back. "You were right- why the hell should I love you? What have you done for me? Nothing! NOTHING! You seduced me right from day one- that's the only reason I said I loved you! Only now- I feel real, true love-" He trembled in fury and fear, and he held one hand to regard Cheri who hid behind his legs, "only now that I know what real love is, can I tell the difference between love and your damn seduction!"  "Fuck you!" Sumieri exploded.  "Fuck you!" Ben shouted back.  "EVERYONE SETTLE THE FUCK DOWN! I DON'T FUCKING CARE!" Jason bellowed, well over anyone else's volume. "NEXT PERSON TO FUCKING YELL, I AM GOING TO BREAK THEIR FUCKING ARM!" He dropped his head again, growling and flicking his hate-stare between either party.  "I'm not speaking to him." Sumieri decided, turning away with a grunt.  "Fine by me." Ben replied levelly, sitting down beside Cheri. She nuzzled into his hand with a whine, nearly crying herself. Ben wiped a finger under her eye. "Sshhh..." He petted her comfortingly, whispering. "It's okay, Cheri... come here... don't worry about her..."  "I TOLD YOU I KNEW THE WAY OUT!" A telepathic scream tore through the clearing.  Jason's head spun towards Dev as he emerged, glaring with a loud, guttural growl.  "AAAAAAAAAAGH!"*  "I told him to go that way an hour before." Amy added once everyone had finished speaking.  "It was a different path!" Dev snapped.  "Shut it, or I'll break your other arm!" Jason barked, silencing Dev quickly.

"Arceus, you are all so fucking annoying!" He continued. "Dev, Amy- you had one disagreement! Get the fuck over it! No two people agree on everything, so stop letting such a tiny little fucking squabble get on your nerves!" Dev and Amy's heads hung shamefully, both at the same time. "Goddammit! You two have known each other how long? Now you're letting this little fucking scrap get between you? You're both fucking pathetic!"  Ben remained silent the whole while, avoiding eye contact with Jason. Still, it wasn't long.  "Ben!" Ben looked up as he was called. Jason bore his teeth, growling a little. "Make up your damn mind! How many fluffy asses do you need?"  "You know it's more complicated than that." Ben said pointedly. Jason's growling stopped. He cocked his head, shifting about a little in the mental department.  "Come with me." He said, standing up. Ben sighed and stood up, lifting Cheri off his lap. She mewled in protest, but he shook his head. This type of confrontation couldn't be avoided.  "I think I'd better talk with Jason alone." He said, patting her head. "I'll be back soon, kay Cheri? Cheri mumbled a little, but nodded reluctantly.  Jason led Ben away from the campfire, out into the grassy fields. He sat down when they reached a distance, and motioned to Ben to join him. Ben sat- the grass felt dewy and wet. Suddenly it was pleasant.  "You've got some serious problems"  "Don't I know it." Ben sighed, and glanced over his shoulder.  "I- as Keiomi- I'm pretty good with these things."  He said. "What's up with this whole situation? Between you and Sumieri, I mean."  "You know what's between us." Ben said as he looked back at Jason. "You saw us that night we spoke."  "But I don't know what you were thinking." Jason replied. "To be honest- you and Cheri? Not surprised. Not at all."  "Wait- what?"  "That makes sense to me. But you and Sumieri? That doesn't..."  "That's what I don't understand." Ben sighed. "Sure, she loves me and all, and I love her, but... I'm not sure which way I love her in. I don't love her in the same way I love Cheri."  "Then how do you love Cheri?"  "Idunno." Ben shrugged.  "How do you feel with her? What do you want for you and her?"  "I feel warm." Ben said with a shrug. "She's so affectionate and friendly, the way she licks me and cuddles into me- it's so warm, and nice. She's always with me, always at my side..." He trailed off, digging a little deeper. "She doesn't trust anyone, really. Anyone but me and Sumieri. She comforts me, and I her. We have fun together, she makes me smile and laugh. It's like we've been partners on this big journey together. She makes me feel like... I'm loved. She makes me feel cared for. I want to keep her safe, I want to be happy, to see her smile, to enjoy her company, to

laugh with her, to have fun together... I just want her near me."  Jason nodded slowly, taking this in. "And Sumieri?"  "I don't know." He shook his head. "She's just... she's gorgeous. She's flowing, and beautiful, and smooth and gorgeous, and lovely, and... gorgeous... her presence is pleasant. I just... I want her to be happy." He said simply. "I can't explain it more than that. I want her to be happy. I sleep beside her because... because it makes her happy. She could do so much- she could make a lot of herself. I want to help her to grow into the world so she can realise her potential -" Jason giggled a little. "What's so funny?" Ben frowned a little.  "Oh, it's nothing." Jason waved a hand dismissively. "But Jason's dad once gave him the same speech. Nearly word for word... it's kinda funny-"  "Arceus!" Ben leapt to his feet, his heart pounding with excitement. "That's it!"  "Huh?"  "Dad..." Ben whispered, smiling. "I feel like... her father."  "You... do?"  "It makes sense!" He snapped his fingers with the sudden realisation. "I love her in a fatherly way! It makes sense! I raised her for most of her life- I taught her, I took care of her, I want her to be happy- I'm pretty much her dad!"  "That's creepy..." Ben spun to Jason with a confused grunt. He had thought Jason would be a little more helpful or constructive.  "How's that creepy?" Ben demanded.  "Well, if you're like, her dad..." He shrugged. "You're gonna nail her eventually, aren't you?"  "What?"  "You're going to nail her?" Jason repeated helpfully. Ben remained silent, a faint blush growing pink in his cheeks. "Screw her? Root her? Fuck her? Mate her? You know- sexual intercourse? Breeding?" Ben blushed further, making no answer. Jason sighed and facepalmed. "You're going to put your dick in her-"  "Yeah, yeah..." Ben waved him off. He understood. "Wait- no! I mean, no! No, I'm not!"  "Well... she said you're her mate." Jason reminded him painfully. "You know, she expects you to. Do you really want to let her down?"  "Um..."  "Ben- do you want to have sex with Sumieri? Yes or no?"  "Well, yes..." He nodded nervously. She was quite alluring, to put it mildly. To put it perfectly honestly- she was gorgeous. "But... that doesn't mean I'm going to..."  "Why not?" Jason shrugged. "If I were you, I'd do it tonight. I'd walk over, talk to her about how I feel, lead her away and bang her. The whole "mating" thing reassured, and she knows you still love her."  "You're not serious..."  "Dude, I'm totally serious." Jason laughed and patted Ben's back. "Come on! Look at your position- You could fuck Suicune, tonight! You could have it any way with her you want! She's practically begging for

it!"  "Idunno..." Ben cheeks were draining of their redness now, embarrassment replaced by nervousness and uncertainty.  "You know what her fur feels like, right?" Ben nodded. "So imagine what screwing her would feel like..." Jason drifted off, briefly immersed in his own fantasy. "Inside her... can you imaginehow good that would feel?"  "Yuh..." Ben nodded dumbly, a little numbed by the vision. He licked his lips without realising it.  "You could do her all night!" Jason pressed, his hormones urging him on for his own pleasure. "Hours, and hours! Take her away tonight, fresh and virgin, return her tomorrow morning exhausted."  "You really know how to turn a guy on, Jason." Ben chuckled a little. "Not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing..."  "Go, man." Jason urged him, slapping him on the shoulder. "She's all yours."  "Yeah, all right." Ben nodded, psyching himself up. I'm about to fuck Suicune! His mind yelled ecstatically as he made his way back towards camp.  Something had happened- that was evident immediately. Dev and Amy sat side-by-side, speaking once again after Jason's rant. Then- there was Cheri and Sumieri, sitting face-to-face and speaking in their own language.  "Oh... hey you two." Ben came to a stop with a nervous scratch of his head. Both girls turned to face him.  "Hello Ben." Sumieri said with a nod. "Can you come here? Please?"  "Um, yeah. Sure." He awkwardly wandered towards the two, and sat alongside them. "Hey, um..."  "I'm sorry." Sumieri said.  "You're... you're sorry?"  "I was blinded at first." She said. "I forgot something my mother taught me. "The sea belongs to none, my daughter. The sea is ever expanding- reaching to all corners of the world. None can stake claim to the sea, for it belongs to us all.""  "What... does that mean? Exactly?" Ben blinked in confusion, looking between both girls.  "It means, I cannot claim you as my own- however much I should like to." She said. "Your transformation alters you; alters your desires slowly. By nature, you wish to roam, to search, to seek others. By nature, you will never be happy with one."  "I won't?" Ben repeated dumbly.  "Me, Cheri, you won't stop." She said. "You will seek others' love, you will keep going. That is the sea."  "I don't really feel that." He said.  "You will." Sumieri replied. "In my presence, you feel the sea stronger. Over time, you will change. You will calm, you will cool, but when stirred your wrath will consume all. You will serve and be served by all man and Pokémonkind. That is the sea. One day, you will become that. I accept this- and I apologise for my reaction to you and Cheri."  "Whoa... this is... unexpected." Ben said slowly, looking between both.

"So... what does this mean for you?"  "It means the same for I, too." She said with a sigh. "Whether I had you or not, I wouldn't be content with you alone. So we will see what happens."  "So it's an open relationship?" Everyone glanced at Jason as he joined the conversation, smirking. Not exactly Keiomi, but not Jason either.  "You could call it that." Sumieri said with a nod.  "Great. Does that mean I can root you?" He piped up. Ben glared at him and mouthed something frustratedly, and facepalmed.  "I don't see why not." She replied.  "Wha-" Ben gasped.  "Saywhat?" Jason recoiled, shocked by his answer.  "I suppose humans don't do it like this." Sumieri observed. "But yes- I will, Jason."  "Awesome..." He grinned a huge grin.  "You're... going to mate with Jason?" Ben asked levelly, disbelieving the entire situation.  "Is that a problem?" She asked. "Perhaps you are jealous?" Her muzzle curved a little, forming a canine smile.  "Okay- you know what? Yes. I am." Ben admitted finally, grumbling a little afterwards. "I am jealous. Why would I be jealous? I don't know, maybe because I thought we had something, and then you just... slut yourself out to Jason!" He paused breathlessly, staring as Sumieri's grin upheld slyly.  "What are you saying...?" She asked innocently, flicking her tails playfully.  "Oh, I see what you're doing." Ben realised, and crossed his arms with a frown. "Fine then. I'll say it. I do feel jealous. Can you do me first?"  "No fair!"  "That's the answer I was looking for." Sumieri answered shrewdly. "Ben, I will mate with you first."  "Thank you." He gulped and nodded, feigning a grin at his victory. What have I gotten myself into? "That's cool..."  Jason shook his head, still grinning. "I would have thought you would be hesitant with having sex with random people after... him." He asked telepathically.  "I was young." Sumieri said to him, shrugging. "I know what I am doing. I can say no-but I also can say yes. That matters. I won't have sex with random strangers- I know you and Ben."  "What are you...?" Ben looked between them, his confusion growing. "Telepathy?"  They ignored him. "Sounds good then." Jason grinned and nodded.  "Then it's settled." Sumieri decided, looking to Ben, then Jason, then back. "I look forwards to enjoying your boys' company." She smirked a little, mostly at Ben's face going red again. "Ben, we should make a time. How about tonight? Ten o'clock, in those trees over there." She pointed with one tail.  "Tonight?" He squeaked.  "Tonight." Sumieri nodded, then turned to Jason. "Same place. Twelve."  "Sweet." Jason nodded. "Then we can have all night..."  "Perhaps..."

She turned away on that last note, and glided away to the campfire again.  "(What are you planning...?)" Cheri asked as she caught up, and jumped onto her back.  "(You'll see.)" Sumieri chuckled. "(Just be there at ten, kay?)"  "(Kay.)" Cheri nodded, and nuzzled into her mane. "(You're warm.)"  "(So are you.)" Sumieri chuckled. "(Well, this will be interesting to see how this turns out...)"/Ben/  "What- just happened?" I swear, this whole thing must be a dream. Jason's hand slaps down on my shoulder as he comes to my side, watching Sumieri go with an excited grin.  "We're rooting Suicune." His teeth flash as he watches  "But- how did this suddenly happen?" I ask, but the question isn't really directed at anyone other than myself. One minute Sumieri's furious at me, the next... we're fucking at ten? How did this happen?  "Still- can't help but feel there's something funny going on here." Jason murmurs, tilting his head a bit as he watches.  "There's definitely something weird going on here..." I add, also watching her as she speaks to Cheri.  "So... do you plan on fucking Cheri next?"  "Hey!" I throw my elbow into him and send him staggering sideways. He laughs it off and regains his balance, smirking at me. Yeah, it was a joke. Still...  We too return to the firepit, sitting on a toppled tree trunk and making idle conversation. Nobody mentions anything to Dev or Amy, and I'm pretty sure they haven't heard us, so all good so far. Cheri lies in my lap, limp over me as I scratch her chin. Sumieri lies at my feet, joining in conversation where she can. That's surprising- she's suddenly a lot more talkative. I glance at Jason as she begins again. He's had a lot to do with her lately. When we were in the shit with one another, he was the one Sumieri sat by. Maybe they had a talk... and by talk, I mean Jason probably yelled at her.  Still, I don't know how I feel about Jason's sudden interest in Sumieri. Sure, it was all fine when we were on our own when it was just me, but suddenly it's some big sexy-party-thing.  At nine-fifty, I stood up and set off. A "toilet break" was answer enough to satisfy Amy's curiosity. Dev, not so much, but he didn't press me for the truth. Actually, that's weird. He's normally so nosy when it comes to these things...  Sumieri glanced at me as I left, and I spotted a smirk lit by the dim campfire. Her tails flicked, and she mouthed something. That's the one. I'm fucking that.*  It's ten on the dot when she turns up. The bush behind me cracks a little with her weight breaking a twig, and I spin around to face her.  "Hey Sum-" my voice breaks off as the figure steps from the darkness.   "Cheri?"  "Luxio." She stops and sits, waving a paw sheepishly. She trots towards

me and jumps onto her hind legs, placing her forepaws on my thighs. "Lux." She says with a grin, wrapping her tail around my leg.  "Oh, thank god!" I sigh and collapse, deflating and falling to my knees. I reach my hand to Cheri's head and pat her, immensely relieved. "I was so damn nervous about Sumieri..."  "Lux." She dismisses my anxiety with a lick to the face, then cuddles into my neck with her paws on my shoulders.  "I just feel like... she's still mad at me."  "(She isn't.)" Cheri shakes her head, easing off a little with her licking.  "She... isn't?" I ask dumbly, watching her head shake.  "(No. She's just changing a little. But I doubt she's actually going to do anything with Jason.)"  "So... where is she now?" I ask, still feeling a little shaken by the entire ordeal.  "(Probably at camp.)" Cheri sighs and presses a paw on my shirt. I sit still for a moment, trying to deduce what she's doing, then give in and lie on my back as she presses. "(Enough about her...)" She says as she strolls across my stomach, smirking. "(This is about us.)" She lies on my stomach and shuffles towards my face, then lowers her head to me. I place my hand on the back of her head and pull her in, kissing her. I feel her tail wag happily, touching my leg occasionally as it moves.  "I just don't feel for her like I do you." I breath as I pull away. "I love her like she's a daughter, but that's it. I love-" She interrupts me again with another kiss, cutting my babbling short as her warm tongue slips between my lips and dances across mine tantalisingly, salty with her own flavour. "... I just, I love you, I love you like-"  "(Shaddup.)" She goes again, consuming me with her warmth and again sapping my will to speak further. I just... I don't want to do anything else. She pulls away again, smiling softly. "(You were saying?)"  I smile back dumbly, and shake my head, and pull her in again. I feel her purring as we lock lips again, placing her paws on my shoulders and holding me.  At the tip of her tail, her star warms to life, growing to a dim glow in the surrounding darkness. I feel her increasing energy, and act upon my own, throwing both arms around her back and neck and smothering her with kisses and rubbing my hands along her back.  After what has to be two minutes, we release, and Cheri falls limp on me. "Lux." She purrs, cuddling up against me and into my neck, where she closes her eyes and settles finally. I too fall loose, everything just falling where it lands. My head drops back against the ground with a dizzy grin, simply grinning at life in general for the moment. Thanking life in general for this moment. Thanking it for Cheri.  Above us, the tree canopies glow green and gold in the shining of Cheri's tail star, its light sweeping across and about and illuminating them. Dew glistens, branches

brighten a beautiful hazel, the night sky above all this shimmers magically.  And above all of this, is an aurora. A beautiful, gold and two-tone blue aurora... just like Cheri.../Sumieri/  "So that's what it is...?" I murmur to myself as I watch the two, lying low and silent in the bushes just to the north of them. "This is true, real love..."  "That's it."  "Don't sneak up on me, Jason." I mutter over my shoulder, watching a hand part the bush behind me. Jason emerges with a faint grin, but it's hard to tell with his glasses.  "You aren't really going to let me mate you, are you?" He adds as he takes a seat next to me, watching Ben also.  "I said I would." I look away from him, rethinking my decision for a moment. "I will. I said I would."  "Huh." He grunts. "Here was Jason, all disappointed because I thought you wouldn't go through with it."  "I will." I say. "You can tell Jason he won't be disappointed."  "Really." Jason says, disbelieving me. "You're serious? You're going to mate with Jason? Before ben, even?"  "He doesn't love me."  "He does." Jason says. I jerk my head toward him with a confused grunt. "He said, he feels like your father."  "I have no father." I say quickly, and return my attention to Ben. "Well- he is long gone, at least. He is dead."  "He may not be your biological father, but he's raised you." Jason adds. I murmur and look down for a moment- he has a point. I run through my earliest memories with Ben...  "Those are cars, Sumieri." He says, leaning on the sill of his window. I stand next to him, propped on my hind legs with my forepaws holding me above the windowsill. Ben points at something whizzing along the distance, glinting red as a ray of sun reflects off the shiny surface. "They get us around- all over the place. People sit in them, and they transport them."  "Do you have a car?" I ask with a hopeful grin.  "Nah, I don't." He shakes his head, smiling still. He smiles a lot. "My parents have one, though. They have a few."  "Can I sit in one?" I beg, feeling my tails wriggle in anticipation.  "Sure." He laughs, stroking my back. "I don't see why not..."  A crack of laughter splits the air- I glance up, only to find the sun obscured by a shape. It curls into a ball in the air, and falls back down, crashing into the pool just beside me. I call and laugh as the waves slap my face, the water exploding over me as his water-bomb detonates. I flip and throw myself backwards, into the water. I love the water, it's amazing. I can go anywhere, I can do anything- it's so easy to move about. I shoot about Ben as he surfaces again, whizzing under his feet and bursting from the surface

on the other side of him.  "Hey!" He calls with a cry of joy, and dives at me. I duck under him with a giggle, wriggling underneath him and popping up on the other side.  "Missed me." I taunt, splashing him with one paw.  "I'm gonna get you!"  "Looks like fun." Jason says with a nod, snapping me from my vision. "Sorry- hijacked your flashback."  "That was a few days after he saved me." I explain, knowing he must be a little confused. "That's why I was so small. It was a while back... it was fun."  "That's what it's like to be a Pokémon." He says, smiling a bit wider. "Playing, having fun, enjoying each other's company."  "I see..." I murmur again, glancing up at Ben. "I'm... his daughter...?"  "That's how he feels."  "I see..." I murmur, dropping my head as I think. "That... I feel better." I smile a bit. "My dad..."  "And you two do have something. Something special." He nods. "That's why I'm not going to mate with you. Well- not yet anyway." He flashes me a smile now, winking. "I'll let him take you first. That would be the right thing to do. Then we can have a moment together."  "Very well then." I smile to him and nod, gracious of what he's doing. "Thank you."  "It's all good." He pats my shoulder, watching Ben for a moment longer. "Now get out of here before Jason arrives and we have a sudden, horny change of heart..."/3rd/  Upon arriving back at camp, Cheri managed to rekindle the campfire with a thunderbolt attack, though the impact nearly blew the pit's logs all across the camp Ben settled a comfortable distance from the fire, suddenly preferring the cool night air to the warmth of the fire. He rested on against Sumieri's side and Cheri rested on his lap. Closer to the fire- Jason and Dev were both slumped back against a fallen tree, arms over one another's shoulder and speaking amongst themselves. Amy had fallen asleep already, and was curled up in her sleeping bag a safe distance from the fire.  "Hey, Sumi..." Sumieri lifted her head, a little confused by Ben's use of her pet name. She turned her head to see him smiling. "I'm sorry... for all of this."  "I'm sorry too." She sighed, and rested her head so that she was curled up and could see him. "I've been behaving like a bitch for a long time now... I'm sorry."  "It's all how you were raised." Ben shrugged in her defence, stroking her muzzle a little with his free hand.  "That's not true." Sumieri shook her head, and licked his hand. "Because I was raised well. By you." She nuzzled into his hand with a purr, setting aside all her remorse for a moment.  "Thanks." Ben tickled her chin. "That means a lot to me." They all fell silent for a moment, playing on their collective

understanding and revelling in it. "I think this is going to work."  "I think so." Sumieri agreed.  "Lux." Cheri agreed also, smirking and nodding fervently.  "I understand what you and Cheri have, now." Sumieri added. "I... I was watching you. I saw something we don't have. I understand, and I'm sorry."  "Cut it out." Ben flicked her nose. Sumieri shied away and shook her head, murmuring at the irritating it stirred. "Stop saying sorry- every time you say it I have to say it back." He paused. "Sorry. We're both sorry, but it's going to work out. And besides- just because Cheri and I have something doesn't mean you and I don't."  "Ah, yes." She smirked a little. "Dad."  "Oh. Jason told you?"  "Yes."  "Well, in a sense that's it."  "But- I still-"  "Please, Sumieri..." Ben groaned, dropping his head back and then sighing in exasperation. "Please don't mention anything about sex... I've had enough of that topic for a long time..."  "Suit yourself." Sumieri shrugged as she could, and curled up a little. She left her eyes closed for a moment, but pried one open. "We're going to have to talk about it at some point..."  "I know..." Ben said, and turned a little, laying on his sleeping bag which lay spread out underneath everyone. Cheri leapt over him and curled up in a space between he and Sumieri, yawning. "But we don't want to kill the mood..."  "Well said." Sumieri commended, nodding. She closed her eyes again, and relaxed. She loosened a little as she felt Ben and Cheri's breathing against her, and slowly eased herself into sleep on the memories of an eventful day. She jerked upright again. "Ben?"  "Yuh?" He asked, yawning and sitting upright.  "Would you like to go for a ride?" She asked suddenly, and stood up.  "What- now...?" He rubbed his eyes.  "It's a nice time of night." Sumieri added, watching her aurora twirl and waver in the sky above. "It'd be fun."  Ben lifted himself with new energy, stirred by her mention of "fun".  "That's the first time I've ever heard you say that." He remarked, smiling. He slung his leg over her, and took hold of her mane. Cheri followed, leaping and resting between his arms and hanging on tightly.  "It's the first time I've felt like I'm allowed to have fun." She added, also smiling. She turned towards the dim, black horizon at the edge of the starry sky, she took a stepped backwards in preparation, and she took off.*  "Where you suppose they're going?" Jason asked as they disappeared. He still sat against the log with an arm around Dev's shoulder.  "Idunno." Dev yawned. "I'm surprised they have energy left still. Today's been hectic."  "Some of us have lots and lots of energy." Jason mentioned, tapping his

shoulder and grinning at him. "Like me."  "You aren't even tired a little bit?"  "I don't sleep." Jason said, wrapping his arm around Dev and pulling him a little closer. "I have a lot of mentality. I can rest one mind while my other stays awake. Then I just keep my body still so it too can recover. It gives me a lot of time to think."  "That's... a little creepy." Dev laughed. "So you're awake, watching me all night?"  "I have better things to do than stare at you all night." Jason rebutted.  "Really?"  "No." Jason chuckled again. "But I usually let Jason control us at night. I sleep so I can be awake the next day."  "Oh, so we have a psychopathic hybrid watching over us at night. That's reassuring."  "He usually finds something else to break." He replied. "When he feels the urge, that is. Violent urges."  "Exciting." Dev replied distantly, quickly growing tired.  "Don't get too excited. He'll take advantage of that."  "Do you like me?" He asked suddenly.  "Of course I like you." Jason shook his head quickly, again with that "no-shit" look.  "But, do you "like-like" me? like... you know..."  "Oh, no." Jason shook his head. "I just kissed you for no particular reason."  "It wasn't a real kiss." Dev reminded him. "Just a peck on the cheek. I just... why do you like me?"  "I know who you are." Jason said simply. "I can read your aura- however hard you try to hide it. I know what you're like, and I like it. You're a little like Sumieri actually."  "No way."  "Yes way." Jason nodded. "Your upbringing goes against what you want to be. Sumieri was brought up to be better than everyone else, but she wants to come down to earth. You... you're expected to be civil, but part of you wants to be irrational and wild. That's who you are, and you're hiding from that."  I'm not wild." Dev sighed, as if it was a bad thing.  "Stop being so proper and have a little fun." Jason added. "You're fun sometimes, but otherwise you're so... supressed. Like- you want to say or do something, but you're afraid to. Laugh some more, have fun, cut loose. We'll have fun." Jason lifted his arm, lifting Dev's also as he did, He grabbed Dev's paw and hoisted him to his feet with an excited grin. "For a start-" He lashed out as soon as Dev was standing, pushing him. Dev exclaimed as he stumbled into the tree behind him and tripped over it. "Tag!" Jason laughed as Dev climbed top his feet. Dev smirked a bit, and lashed out at Jason. Jason merely stood still and took it.  "Tag."Dev leapt back with a smirk.  "Nah." Jason shook his head and crossed his arms. "That's weak tag. You have to get the other one on the

ground."  "That's not how you play-"  "Who cares how you play?" Jason shot towards him suddenly, and dived at him, tackling him to the ground. He landed around his chest spike, and rolled. He spun out of his roll, landing on all fours and grinning maniacally. "Like that."  "You've done it now!" Dev's tail wagged playfully, something inside him stirred by the tumble. He dived after Jason with a yell- and it was on!*  Morning. Amy was first awake- save Jason. She awoke early, at six AM after a rather vivid and unpleasant dream. She managed to occupy herself for an hour, but grew lonely quickly, unknowing Jason was awake the whole while.  Ben, Cheri and Sumieri lay on one side of the fire pit. Judging by how they lay, it seemed Ben had been riding Sumieri, and they had just suddenly fallen over and passed out.  On the other side of the fire, Dev and Jason lay adjacent. Jason lay on his side with one arm draped over Dev, and Dev on his side too. He jerked to life as soon as Amy approached, shitscaring her and subsequently awaking everybody nearby with her scream.  After a slow and laborious morning, consisting mainly of breakfast, Jason threatening people in his "Jason" state and the others rambling about the day passed, everyone managed to pack their things and hit the road again.  Heading east towards Cerulean city, Jason led again. He pulled on his shades, assumed "jasonness" and headed off without another word. Dev's persistent attempts to make conversation were met with nothing but grunts and grumbles, and after a hour and a half he gave up.  Shortly after that, Cerulean city appeared over a rise. First, a spire of the city Pokémon gym appeared over the hill, then the rest of the city rose into view.  "About time." Ben sighed, still a little exhausted. He still rode Sumieri; Cheri sitting on her neck. He didn't get much sleep after last night. He spent most of his energy earlier yesterday, and what little he had left riding Sumieri about last night. He was still tired, and was anxious to get a decent bed.  As they hit town, the inevitable happened, of course. Every pair of eyes about swung to Ben and Sumieri, and the street grew into a bustle of excited conversation in seconds. People moved around them as they passed, but stared as they went. Rumours had surfaced, but nobody had believed them true.  "I know we're on a big "anti-shadow" campaign and all," Dev started nervously, "but it'd be cool to take a break for a while."  "No time." Jason replied levelly as they hit the main street through the city. "We have to get to Saffron city quickly."  "What for?" Ben yawned. "You may not know it, but Cheri and I did quite a lot of battling in mount moon. We're both a little stuffed."  "Lux." Cheri yawned too, to prove a point. 

"We're carrying on." Jason decided, walking past the Pokémon centre.  "We're not." Ben tapped Sumieri's haunch to stop. She did, and Ben unsaddled, ignoring the gawks of everybody around and their exclamations.  "We're moving along." Jason maintained, turning and beginning toward Ben. "There are more to kill." He had only managed to absorb one Pokémon in the centre, and it wasn't going to last long. Saffron city was the hub of Mister's operations. He hoped to find some information- and hopefully Shari.  "We're resting up." Ben maintained. "We're all tired, and we could use a break. There's no way we're going to be able to carry on for much longer."  "C'mon Keiomi..." Jason tensed a little as Dev's paw landed on his shoulder. Dev smirked, and ran his tongue up his cheek. "Please?" He whined.  Jason twitched a little at the contact, and Keiomi fought through. He smiled a little, and elbowed Dev gently in the gut. "All right, all right." He conceded, turning towards the Pokémon centre. "But... be prepared for... something unusual once we get inside." He reluctantly began towards the door, bittersweet memories resurfacing as they slid apart.  At the counter, nurse Joy faced away, working the machine behind the counter. Amy slid around Jason as he slowed a little, and he seemed to go a little pale. Amy approached the counter with a great grin, and played her usual part. "Hey, Monica."  "Amy?" Nurse joy spun around with a spontaneous grin, recognising the voice. As soon as she had turned, something crossed her face. Her smile upturned suddenly, and her eyes immediately left Amy. "Sweet Arceus..." She stared, going pale and shaking a little. "Is that..." She gulped. Amy spun around with a confused grunt, following nurse joy's gaze. "Travis?"  Jason sighed, and removed his shades. He folded them up and slid them into his pocket, then looked back at nurse joy with a grimace. He nodded.  "Mum."!WTF!This is just to fill up my 100,000 word quota... so... yeah. Let's see... Operation Phoenix(into the inferno redux)  is coming along nicely... at about 25,000 words now... plot is slow, but more descriptive apparently. Legend...  There you have it. Science and Religion is officially 100,000 words (including my stuff at the bottom and judging by my documents). Kick ass!  But, now it's time for a break. I'm putting this on pause for a while to work on something else. Arcticwolf brought up my sue-ness, and he's right. Ima write something else and focus on characterisation, then return to this and fix it once I get the hang of things properly. Researching OC creation and such, so lets see how I go.Cheers.  Terraphage.