A Unicorn's Mistake

Story by Kalan on SoFurry

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#24 of M/M Fun

Bruun the gelding goes to live and help a small band of unicorns in the midst of the forest, but finds himself unhappy with the untidy wild. When he helps one of the stallions relieve some tension he finds himself changed into a unicorn. Only.. he doesn't make a very good unicorn.

Enjoy my stories? Want to see some that are unreleased? Check out Dark Desires and Moon Cursed. Two collections of erotic stories that explore the dark, decadent and ever changing world .http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss_1?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=Kalan+Anarahttp://www.lulu.com/shop/search.ep?type=&keyWords=Kalan+Anara&x=0&y=0&sitesearch=lulu.com&q=

For a more serious book, experience the Dragon's Storm Trilogy. Where a mage's transformation leads to war, love, fear and deception.http://www.thedragonsstorm.com/#/trilogy

The meadow was a beautiful place, full of disorder and chaos that can only be found in the midst of a forest and untended by civilized hands. Wild flowers grew in riots of color in random patches instead of straight lines, trees that had fallen over the winter were left laying where they had dropped and with the spring weather they had started to become covered in a rich layer of moss. The grass was long and untended towards the edges of the meadow, but here and there paths were worn down from the passage of hooves until they formed regular trails. It was a wild place that was surrounded by massive conifers that rippled with the playful breeze that swept through them and sent the grass rolling like the waves on the ocean.

The only living thing in the meadow was a large golden draft horse who was stretched out on his back against one of the fallen logs and busily chewed a stem of grass as he enjoyed the cool breeze. It tickled against his pale mane while he stared up at the blue spring sky. It was a beautiful day! The birds were singing all over the forest and it made him feel restless. Bruun wasn't used to living outside of the farm he took care of and he'd never tried to live in the forest before. The gelding wasn't used to all the new noises, the new sounds and especially the new neighbors. It had seemed like such a good idea when he had first listened to one of the new stallion's talk about living wild. It was a very pretty place, but it wasn't his home.

All of the meadow looked so untidy and he itched to feel his harness being placed over his broad shoulders and chest. He wanted to plow them so that he could plant nice orderly rows of crops which would grow many tasty things for his friends, but he didn't have a plow that he could use. He also didn't have anyone who would help guide him in a straight line. It was very hard to plow on your own. There was food here in the forest, but it wasn't anything like the corn, peanuts, wheat and grains that he could plant if he just had the chance. He already had a good idea in mind on where he would put everything, but he had to leave them as dreams. The only reason that he kept returning was because he enjoyed the company and the job he'd been given.

It was easy to enjoy the company! The small group of unicorns that called this part of the forest home had been bemused and excited to see him. They were very handsome with coats the color of white foam and long flowing manes like bits of moon beams. They were very proud to be wild and free! When he arrived they had tangled manes and weren't nearly so pretty, they said that it was important that they enjoy the forest. He'd offered to stay and help groom them and do other little jobs around the forest. They had been excited as he worked hard to make sure that they were always beautiful and well groomed and amused that he wasn't nearly so possessive and loud as they were. After all, he wasn't anything like a stallion. They were always pushing each other around and mock fighting with their pearly golden horns.

"There you are." A soft amused voice broke into his musings on why it was far better to be a gelding. He blinked his eyes to see a pair of pale green eyes peering down at him and a spill of white mane. "I've been looking for you."

"It's very warm today, I wanted to enjoy it." Bruun pushed up onto his elbows as he grinned at Orion. The lead stallion chuckled softly to himself and slipped down to sit on the fallen log. "I was thinking that it would be nice for me to gather up wild flowers and I could make a border for the path. And then I could try to-"

The stallion tilted his head so that the horn caught the sunlight that filtered down from the trees. "Bruun, this is a wild place with wild things. We enjoy the flowers growing where they want to grow. You know that."

The gelding drooped his ears slightly. "It would look very nice, Orion, I promise you. I would be a very good gardener and would enjoy being busy. And it would look very nice. The blue flowers could be between the yellow ones and make a very pretty pattern. I promise."

The unicorn flicked his ears up at the touch of sadness in the geldings voice and moves his hand to slip beneath the golden chin. "Ahh you're not feeling as if you're using your skills here do you? Or do you just feel lonely out here in the midst of the woods?"

Bruun blustered slightly and tucked his head down as the green eyes watched him closely. His ears flickered back a little bit and finally gave a little puff of breath. "I groom you and make sure that you are very pretty, but that is all. It would be nice to do something better or to fit in more with everyone here. At the stables I was a very good gelding and used to haul things and plow and carry the hay. "

"And here you don't feel as if you're doing your part." The fingers beneath his chin trailed along the curve of his jaw, "Well then, should I try and give you something else to do so that you'll feel less restless? I'd wouldn't like it if you left us after all."

"I would like that very much." Bruun lifted his head up. "Shall I haul this log away, or can I cut it up for firewood. I am very good at cutting you know."

Orion whickered laughter and gave his head a shake. "Neither, I think we'll give you something more fitting the spring, hmm?"

Bruun opened his lips to reply, but the strong hands pulled him in close so that he puffed and snorted a little bit. His cheeks reddened just a touch in happy embarrassment as the fingers teased along his back and stroked up to the rise of his broad muscled shoulders. He was a gelding, but he knew what was on the unicorn's mind and it made him arch his neck slightly. He was often happy to help the stallions when they were pent up or frustrated, after all, he wasn't a threat to their mares and he liked to help others where he could. He thought it was much better than actually being a stallion with all those aggressive feelings.

He lowered his head and nuzzled gently into the broad chest and lipped lightly against the white fur. He had only seen a handful of stallions in the forest and no mares. How upset they must be! Perhaps they had mares hidden away, but he didn't think so. He would have seen them, because he was a gelding and they wouldn't care if he was hanging around them. He wriggled and rolled over so that he was kneeling in the meadow and he could feel his short jean shorts riding up a little bit as he watched the unicorn snort a little bit in amusement. The pale fingers smoothed against his cheek as Orion leaned back against the log and grinned down at him.

"It's been quite some time since I last saw a unicorn mare," Orion smoothed his fingers along the gelding's mane. "If I'd known you would be so eager..."

"but there are a lot of mares down in the valley at the stable!" Bruun flicked his ears up and licked his way along the hard muscles of the unicorn's belly. He whuffled a hot breath as his fingers spread out to either side of the hips and he wriggled a little further on the ground.

"Ahhh but we can't play with them. We're not allowed partnering with horse mares." Orion's featured look sad for a moment. "If they had a foal we'd have to take the foal away to live with us in the forest. But the rules never said anything about a gelding."

Bruun wagged his short tail back and forth as he licked a hot slow line right down the unicorn's belly. He teased his way a little bit lower until he was lipping along the edge of the smooth wool loin cloth that sprawled along the pale inner thighs. The gelding playfully plucked and nuzzled against the soft fur there as he rolled his eyes up to watch the unicorn. He could see the glittering horn catching in the sunlight as he playfully nuzzled his golden nose just beneath the edge of the loincloth and flipped it upwards. He knew how worked up the stallions from his old stable could get when they weren't able to have fun with mares, how much worse would it be for a unicorn that had no unicorn mares around!

The longing to start plowing and arranging the meadow to better suit what he thought it should be left him as he concentrated entirely on the unicorn. It made him feel good to be needed and even better to make others feel happy. The stallion's hand stroked along the curve of his cheek coaxingly as he lipped his way inwards until he was playfully plucking against the inner curve of the thigh. He could see the heavy dark hanging orbs resting right below a very full white sheath. The pale pink tip was already slipping free as he watched and Bruun started to wag his tail faster as he nuzzled upwards until he could rub his lips right around the base of the sheath. Orion let out a muted rumble as he felt the heavy flesh spilling down and nearly brushing against his golden furred nose.

Bruun lifted his head up until he used his broad tongue to drag right over the thickness of the glans and teased around the edges of it. He swirled his tongue in a playful circle right around the edges as the shaft started to spill out faster and faster. Orion let out a short snort and rolled his hips up as the gelding moved his hands up to wrap right around the middle and felt it starting to harden out. He was always interested to see how different the stallion's behaved and the unicorn was just like many of the stallions he had known. The muscled form was shivering slightly in reaction to the touches and the hand on the back of the golden neck flexed a little bit to guide his muzzle downwards.

He let the touch move his muzzle as his soft thick lips spread open and wrapped around the glans. He rolled his tongue out and swirled it over the opening as the hand on his neck shifted down along the curve of his shoulders. He knew how to get a stallion to squirm and shiver, especially as he worked his lips lower so that the thickened shaft started to slip down over his tongue and towards his throat. The thickness of the pink girth had him stretching his muzzle wide as he swallowed hotly around it and started to suckle. Each swallow tensed up his muzzle and rolled his tongue upwards as another inch slipped further down his throat.

Bruun rolled his eyes up to find the stallion watching him intently as he worked his muzzle downwards. The unicorns glittering silver horn started to glow and cast light over him as the stallion let out a groan and rolled his hips upwards a bit more firmly. Knowing that he was being watched made the gelding arch his neck and try to show off. He stood up on all fours so that he was pressed over the long legs and pushed his muzzle down before turning his head so that his tongue swirled over the swollen length. He could feel it pulsing against his tongue while his nostrils quivered at the warm scents on the air. The hand on the back of his neck smoothed down and stroked along the length of his spine as Bruun twitched his short tail faster back and forth.

He moved a big hand down and cupped beneath the dark orbs with a gentle stroke of his thumb. He sometimes wondered what it would be like to have such a heavy pair hanging between his legs, but he didn't care enough to really want them. They seemed to be nothing but trouble for those that had them. The stallion was a prime example as his hips shuddered up and he heard a soft cry as his fingers rolled the orbs back and forth against the palm of his hand. He could feel the weight of them as he pushed his muzzle down hard enough that his lips nearly popped the medial ring in before dragging backwards.

The gelding nearly fell backwards as the snowy white stallion surged up from his position of laying back and gathered his legs beneath him. Bruun pulled his lips back so that he could taste the syrupy precum drooling against his tongue as Orion managed to kneel up so that he towered above the golden form. The hands moved along his shoulders and trailed down to either side of his chest. The position gave the unicorn a bit more control as the pale form leaned over him and the powerful legs parted slightly. The stallion let out a whickering groan as his hips pumped shallowly and Bruun helpfully tilted his head up so that the swollen cock pushed in and dragged back out again. The edges of the glans tugged along his tongue while he swallowed messily.

The precum spilled out in syrupy ropes that splattered over his tongue and spilled out around the edges of his muzzle as he tried to swallow and work around it. It was made better by the hands that massaged and stroked long the curve of his sides and trailed back to cup the muscular globes of his ass. He loved feeling hands stroking and rubbing at him and Orion's touch was surprisingly gentle as they kneaded against his rump cheeks and made him push them upwards. His breath came out in a hot wash as he held his head still as the hips rolled forward again and sent the glans plunging in deeper into his muzzle. He suckled and worked hotly around it as he swallowed another splatter of precum that welled out of the tip.

A soft bearded chin pressed down against the curve of his rump as the weight of Orion's chest and stomach pressed down against his back and shoulders. The hips rippled and bucked forward as his muzzle spread open wider and the gelding let out a muffled noise as the medial ring pushed along his lips before pulling out again. The unicorn's horn brushed right against the curve of his rump cheeks and rubbed along it as the hips trembled and bucked harder against his muzzle. Bruun had to struggle as the thick tip plunged deeper into his throat and he could feel a mixture of precum and saliva wetting his golden lips. It was hard, but the gelding knew how to work hard and the soft snorts and groans from the unicorn egged him on. He was doing very good with this new chore!

He dropped his hands until he was on all fours and started to push his head back and forth. The warm slightly sweet taste of unicorn on his tongue as he pulled teasingly around the medial ring and each pull back had him swirling his tongue over the heavy fat glans. The pink flesh bowed slightly when the white hips thrust forward and he heard Orion whicker out as his pale hands kneaded firmly against the plump golden rump cheeks. The fingers pulled and stroked upwards as if Orion was trying to get a better grip as the hips ground forward before pulling back again. Strands of slippery wetness clung from the golden muzzle to the unicorn's girth while Bruun used his broad thick tongue to suckle and pull around him. The hot pulses of his muzzle tried to coax the stallion over the edge as he could feel the large thick tip starting to spread outwards.

Orion gave a thrust forward and the pale hips trembled while the flare started to stretch open wider. Bruun wagged his tail rapidly back and forth as the broad hoof tipped fingers gave a firm squeeze against his short covered rump cheeks. He pulled his head back so that the swelling tip pushed right over his warm flickering tongue. He suckled and pulled around it eagerly as he felt the entire tip jutting outwards as he pulled harder with his soft thick lips. The unicorn horn rubbed lightly against the small of his back as the hips jerked forward one final time and drove the swollen glans shoved towards the back of his muzzle.

Bruun had enough warning to brace himself, but barely enough warning, as the heavy dark orbs pulled up and the first hot syrupy rope of seed bubbled up along the shaft and splashed into his maw. The creamy thick seed erupted out of the tip in a rush that rolled over his tongue and the gelding struggled to swallow it as swiftly as it splattered out. It was almost feverishly hot as his tail swished faster against the curve of his rump cheeks and bobbed his head along the flared shaft tip. He pulled and swallowed as the thick syrupy drops drooled down his throat. He would have continued to go after it, if it hadn't have been for the sudden jerk of the hips backwards while Orion groaned out hotly against his rump cheeks and pulled the thickened shaft free from his lips with a lewd popping sound.

The pink swollen tip wasn't done, instead it pulsed and flexed in front of him so that a pearly splash of seed splattered right over the rise of his muzzle. The drops drooled along his golden fur as he gave his head a shake and moved his hand up to stroke right along the underside of the fat heavy girth. He gave a rubbing massage of his finger tips as the next rope of seed splattered right against his forehead and dribbled down over his long nose. The surging stallion started to calm down above him as the weight of the upper body pressed against his back and finally his friend let out a soft huffing groan and the hands slipped away from his rump cheeks. Bruun arched his neck happily as his tail wagged faster with pleasure as he felt the formerly tense muscles start to relax. He had done a very good job to make sure that the stallion was no longer so pent up.

The gelding felt the weight resting heavily on him and tensed up his arms to support the large stallion while he smugly licked his lips and cleaned off the sticky strands of seed. He was very good at making stallions feel good and he didn't even need to worry about being pent up himself. It was good to be a gelding. He continued to think about how much better it was being a gelding then a stallion when he realized that the splash of pearly seed that had landed on his forehead itched and started to feel hot. The sensation grew as he shivered beneath the pale silvery form brushing against his back. Orion moved a little bit as Bruun jerked his head back and let out a distressed snort. The heat was growing worse and he tried to cross his eyes as he moved a hand up.

"Bruun?" The unicorn's concerned voice voice was still out breath as the large stallion pushed away from him. "Are you okay?"

"I.. think so.." The gelding pushed back to land on his rump as the itching heat grew worse and worse and his head started to pound in time with his heart.

The unicorn crouched down as his softened pink member started to pull back in his sheath. The leaf green eyes watched him with worry in them. It was a worry that faded away as the eyes grew wider and wider. The gelding let out a distressed nicker before his hand moved up to feel against his forehead. The sticky warm seed clung against his fingers, but that wasn't want he was looking for. As the geldings fingers trailed up higher the distress faded away. His fingers found something hard and whorled jutting up from between his eyes. He looked up to find the unicorn staring at him in shock.

"Well... this is different..." Orion's voice was shaky as Bruun felt the horn from the thick base to the tapered tip. "Very different..."

~ ~ Two weeks later ~ ~

Bruun stood in the middle of the forest with a look of bemusement as he stared at the pool of water. He still wasn't used to his reflection. Orion had been just as shocked as he had been by the change and the stallion hadn't known what had caused it. Something about the unicorns seed was as permeated with magic as much as the unicorn himself was. As he stared down at his reflection he looked at the golden horn that rose up perfectly from between his eyes and he turned his head to one side and then to the other to admire himself. He did look quite handsome! It looked like sunlight made into hard horn and sparkled with a light just beneath the surface. His fur was an even richer gold color, so rich that it looked almost as beautiful as his horn did. It made him look very very handsome! Even his mane looked more silky then it had been before.

Orion had been a bit abashed by his change and had taken him straight to the small bachelor herd of unicorn stallions to show them what had happened. None of them were sure why the act had changed him into a unicorn, but they had told him that he was one now. He didn't feel exactly like a unicorn. He still felt like what he was, Bruun the gelding. At least that part hadn't changed. He'd been anxious that the changes would make him a stallion filled with uncontrolled hormones and strange desires. He liked being just how he was, calm and happy to help. Except, things had changed with more than just his body. The unicorns treated him differently.

Orion had insisted that he give up his well worn jean shorts and had made him throw them away, even though he loved them because they fit him perfectly. Instead, he'd been given clothing like the unicorns wore. It was very handsome looking. He had a silver edged gold loin cloth that hung down over the front and back of his body. The long silky material shimmered with metallic lights and the silver edges stood out against his gold fur beautifully. It made him feel quite handsome to wear it, but it wasn't something he could work in. He had insisted on having underwear though, he had felt strange not wearing it. But his old undies hadn't been given back to him, instead he wore a snug thong beneath the loin cloth that trailed between his rump cheeks and clung right over his sheath. He was glad he didn't have balls or else the tight material never would have fit!

He also had silver feathers braided into his mane and his short docked tail. They were soft and beaded with gold so that they shimmered in the light as they spilled down along his upper shoulders and chest. The ones on his tail were a lot longer and Orion had told him that they would make him look like he had a real tail instead of his docked one. He liked his docked tail! It made him look very dapper! Though the feathers did make him look handsome too. So they weren't so bad. But what really got him was that he was told that he wasn't allowed to be a servant anymore. He wasn't supposed to work and clean up after the unicorns or groom them. He was a unicorn too now.

Bruun twitched his tail and felt the feathers against his legs as he puffed unhappily. He liked to do chores and work! He wanted to be helpful! The unicorns had told him because he was one of them he would have to act like one and be wild and free. It all seemed very silly to the gelding who had spent his life enjoying hard work and farming. That was why he'd sneaked away from the group to the forest where it was nice and hidden. He was normally a very obedient gelding, but he wanted to try out being a unicorn. He wanted to do something with being one, and that's how he found out how to make things better. He could do it without needing a plow or anything else that he had bemoaned about. He could do it with magic.

The unicorn gelding wagged his tail against his rump cheeks as he looked around the patch of forest he had started to change. It was perfect! He had made the trees fall back so that there was a perfectly square patch of ground large enough that he could start the crops he had wanted to start. The green corn raised up in perfectly neat rows while they had started to grow heavy with the tasty vegetables. Around the crops he had started to use his magic to coax up the flowers to grow in a beautiful pattern of golden flowers and pale white ones. He liked those very much because they matched his coat. He had started to bring order around the woods a little bit at a time so that it looked less chaotic and a lot nicer than it had been.

Today he had come here to start something new. He liked the pool, it was very nice and still, but he wanted to make sure that his new crops would have plenty of water to grow strong and healthy. The unicorn gelding twitched his tail happily as he crouched down next to the cool still pool and moved one of his thick fingers out to touch the edge of the water. His touch rippled out little silvery sparks of magic as his horn pulsed along his forehead. He would make the pool spread out and then this entire part of the woods would grow bigger and look even better than it had before! He couldn't wait to have enough room to plant a crop of peanuts as well.

"Oh Bruun.." A soft, slightly frustrated voice made him stop and jerk back guiltily. He looked up to see Orion standing at the edge of his corn field and looking at him with a slightly sad smile. "Is this what you've been doing every day?"

"Well..." The gelding blustered, "I don't like prancing around and doing nothing. You said I couldn't groom you anymore or do work for you, so I wanted to practice my magic."

"Bruun.. our forest is a wild place and isn't meant to be a farm land." The unicorn stepped out of the woods and gazed over the crops in their very neat rows. "The forest is a place for wild flowers and trees to rise and fall. It's a place that's balanced by the creatures that live here."

"I know, but it's not very neat. It could be a lot prettier and.." Bruun flicked his ears back a little bit as Orion gave him a sad smile.

"And it's not what you want, is it?" The silvery-white stallion stepped forward and one hand moved to rest against his shoulder. "You can't turn it into this Bruun, a unicorn must enjoy the wild and be a part of it. He must encourage the wild growth and make sure that the forest flourishes."

"I don't make a very good unicorn, do I?" Bruun whickered wistfully as he looked at his corn field. The hand on his shoulder gave a firm squeeze.

"No, you don't make a very good unicorn at all, Bruun. But you make a very good gelding." The hand pulled him close and Bruun grew flustered as the other hand moved up onto his shoulder. He looked into the bright green eyes as they stared into his own. "And I think Triton is still fuming over that little patch of berries you made grow around his favorite napping spot."

"They are very tasty berries." Bruun snorted and flicked his ears back, "Triton is just upset because they make a good fence too and now he can't go tramping through them."

"Probably." Orion gave a short shake of his head, "You really are a terrible unicorn, but you should be exactly what you should be. Make sure you don't forget us, Bruun. I know I won't forget about you."

Bruun opened his mouth to give a reassurance, but his mouth was closed by the soft silver lips pressing against his own. A rush of heat flowed through him as Orion's horn crossed his own and an electric spark shot through him. The kiss deepened as the gelding felt as if a roar was rising through his ears and his body felt lighter and strangely far away. He took in a deep breath of sweet apple scented unicorn before it too started to fade away. The world darkened around him until the feel of the lips working against his muzzle slipped into nothing more than a phantom touch.

The gelding opened his eyes and stumbled back a little unsteadily. His back pressed up against something flat and wooden as he looked out over the familiar sight of the cultivated rolling hills and neat fences that enclosed the pastures. Bruun blinked rapidly and twisted around in a circle as he found himself standing next to the main barn of the farm he had always worked at. Something else had changed as well. He moved his hand up and smoothed his fingers over the flat place between his eyes. There was no proud horn there, there was no magic pulsing, nothing but his own smooth fur. The only hint that he had been a unicorn remained in the golden and silver clothing encircling his waist and the feathers that trailed along his legs. He rubbed his forehead slowly and then grinned out at the pastures that looked like they needed to be plowed. He would miss the unicorns, but it was good to be where he was needed most of all.