Spirit Force Adventures! Ep 7

Story by Fawks Silverwind on SoFurry

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#8 of Spirit Force Adventures!

This one is later than I had wanted to post, but here it is! The next one... will probably be a bit. Getting into the grove with work, so I need to feel the creative juices flowing again before I tackle the next episode. Hope you guys have enjoyed the series so far. Still a looong way to go. x3

And just as a warning. Things do get a bit violent.

All characters are mine except:

Watchdog/Eddy belongs to: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/thewatchdog

Buck/Wilk belongs to: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/wilkfiadh

The House of Loxwell

"Dear Sheriff. Our last encounter was too brief to properly discuss anything. I wish you to know a bit more about me so that then perhaps you can understand why I do what I do. And why your kind only furthers the problem that plagues all cities on this grand Earth. I was once something like you when I was younger. More naive. It wasn't all that long ago that I was a hired gun. One of the best mercenaries that money could buy. You wanted a leader of a country dead and have nothing leading back to you? Just give me a night to plan it. Granted things would not always go smoothly, as I know you have endured in the past.

I am drifting from the topic at paw though. I spent a good part of my life in other countries. Other cities. Cutting the heads of "serpents" and even other "heroes" like yourself that where "in the way" as my clients put it. Death is simply a part of life and I came to understand that early on. In my journeys I found a common thread that seems to link all countries in some way. It was a plain as the mask on your face. Nice short shorts by the way. Perhaps you should have gone with pixie boots though. Again, I digress.

No matter how many times you cut the head off a hydra, more will grow back. Surely in your time in crime-fighting you have noticed this. Though your way is far more flawed. You don't even eliminate the problem at hand. Your way is like tying up an ice cube, Sheriff. It eventually escapes and now you have a new problem to deal with. Killing is the only way to inflict a more long-term change. That isn't enough however. The more and more I killed, the more I learned that it wasn't just the leaders you had to take down. Not just the random thugs on the streets. You have to change the people's views as well to follow order. Truth. Equality.

My associate who you thrashed most ruthlessly was someone that I had liberated from those who oppressed him, and the first to join my band of "Merry Men." He was a far more frail man back then, but under my tutelage and care, he regained the strength that was lost to him. Together we swept through the streets and rid many of the evils that once caused trouble for the innocents of the world. Though his tendencies were... a bit rash, he remained loyal to me and the cause. Swearing a life oath to follow me until I grew weak, or stopped being the charismatic leader I seemed to be. It was then that I realized that if I can get one person to do this, perhaps I can get all people.. The world was far from black and white, and if I wanted everyone to be on equal footing. I was gonna have to take more initiative than I had been.

I began my quest. I picked a city that was in dire need of my help. Remember that I said there was a common thread that linked nations? It's the wealthy. Greed. For too long have those with money pushed down the masses. The true innocents of the world. Crime would not be as rampant as it is if there was equality among the people. No rich. No poor. Nothing to be jealous over because you posses as much as your fellow man. I had to show the masses that there was someone fighting for them. I would topple all the big gangs and spread what was so precious to them. Their wealth was only the start though. Taking down petty gangs is not enough. You have to take on the corporations. The wealthy men and women that call all the shots. Bring them back down to a furry level so that they can see that we are all the same. Teach them to think what's best for us, not just for themselves. And if they don't learn, you kill them and teach those willing to learn the true way.

My organization grows because I have shown people the light. You and your little friends could still be a part of this great truth. For if not you are simply the problem, and I do not trifle with small problems. Sooner or later you will learn that your way is flawed. You are not truly helping anyone. My associate is still recovering from your attempted murder, but he will be back to his feet soon enough. I have ordered him not to kill you but then... he may yet still hold a grudge, Sheriff. If you do not wish to join me, I suggest you stay out of my business. I see a bright future for you if you heed my words.

For now, I shall return to changing things from the background. Building my following. You won't see me again for a while, but I'm sure you have already seen all the copycats that are springing up around us. That is only a taste of what I have in store for. I have now tested the waters on what I can expect to run against and I was not fully impressed. You and your friends have a long way to go yet. Next I shall try my hand at Colbalt city. I understand their league is far more organized and my connections run deeper every day, Sheriff. One day not even the many leagues of "heroes" or even the so called villains will be able to oppose the will of the just. The greater good!

Sincerely yours, Mr Hood

PS: Tell my Maid Marian that I said hi~"

Robert put his pen down and folded up the note to place it in his bag for later. He idly glanced over his class. Some of them had shown some talent, but he expected more. His grand schemes were important, but sometimes you have to take a break. This was his break. Art was always his hobby. Then his eyes fell upon the student he expected the most out of. Such raw skill, yet it's sooo wasted by his amateurish and often anise approach to the work. Still, there was something else now. He couldn't put his finger on it, but there was just something familiar about this kid. He idly shut one eye and covered Fawks' face with his pen from where he was sitting, as if trying to remember something familiar.

Minding his own business and thinking up random ideas, Fawks had drawn himself another superhero. Someone hooded this time and carrying this long, slender looking shield that looked like it was part bo-staff too. Something random that came to mind, but drastically off project which he had next to him on the table. He saw Mr Loxwell looking at him and felt the fur crawling on his back. It wasn't the normal loathing though. There was a little something extra to this now. It had been a week since they had seen each other last, so what was it? It was as if he had seen that face elsewhere before. They both seemed to shrug after a moment and went back to doing what they were doing until the period bell finally sounded.

"Ahhhh, Mr Silvarin~ I don't know how you managed to weasel your way out of getting in trouble for missing soooo many days, but I'm going to expect you to have my project done by this weekend~ I expect a more... "spirited" piece this time around~"

"I'll make sure it flips your hood on its ear, Mr Loxwell..." They gave forced smiles to each other and went about their days.

A Terrible Thing to Waste

"Why do I always get the weirdos and UNFF... freaks?" Spirit dodged out of the way of some invisible piano. Or a safe. Probably a safe from the shape of the impression on the floor.

~"Would you rather deal with the emotional scaring gallery I have?"~ Quipped the mutt who was on the other side of town.

"...Good point. Still... Mime Time? It's like these freaks followed me from Cobalt!" He let out a grunt as he found himself hoisted up by some invisible rope. He glared at this beret wearing, probably French, ferret. "Don't leave me hanging, brah!"

~"What was that, Spirit?"~

"Sorry, gotta waste a mime!"

~"That's a terrib-"~

"Don't steal my bit. Spirit, out!" His purple aura whipped around him and made the "rope" that held him snap. The mime scowled, making rude gestures as he started to walk against the wind. He stirred up a howling wind storm that nearly knocked Spirit Force on his ass. "This blows, Mime Time!" His aura formed itself into a wedge shield in front of the hero to cut through the air as he ran towards his white faced foe.

The mime pouted and pantomimed putting on a backpack. Make that a jet pack! He gripped the invisible handles and started to take off with an arrogant smirk on his face, saluting his masked opponent as he tried to get away. The fox extended his arm quickly, reaching out with the purple energy with his best impression of a rubber man to grab hold of the ferret's leg, dragging him back down.

"A jet pack? That's a bit of a stretch~"

Mime Time crashed down, but gracefully got back to his feet after pantomiming scissors to snip the arm that held him. Fawks reeled back for a moment as if in pain, which gave the mime enough time to hoist a heavy object onto his shoulder and load something into it. The masked hero knew this move from the movies. It was a rocket launcher! He jumped behind a car and out of the way of the explosion where he was standing. Before the villain could reload, the hero jumped out and charged forward.

"It's been a blast!" He slugged the mime hard on the chin and sent him flying backwards. The ferret wiped the blood off his lip and rolled back onto his feet with the fox following quickly behind. With a gesture he pulled out and cocked a shotgun, blasting the vulpine out of the air right before he could land on the ferret. The fox pulled out a sword and shield to block the shots, but everything he did the other would try to outdo or simply counter until it was on big rock paper scissors contest. Quite literally at one point. Spirit kept trying to close the gap, but the mime had him with range and kept just slipping out of harm's way. All the while the mime kept taunting the fox, which only seemed to piss him off more and more.

"Rrrrr... I'm getting tired of these games, Mime!" The arrogant smile on the weasel was soon replaced by worry as the intent of the fox shifted. His attacks stopped being reserved and almost seemed to be out for blood as far as the ferret was concerned. This wasn't fun anymore! The battle had ranged through the alleys until it finally stumbled into an open street. The commotion had caught the attention of some passers by who ducked out of the way in fear as the two battled. One by stander pulled out a phone to record the fight as the fox's eyes began to burn with a purple fire instead of their normal white glow. Every step Spirit made left a trail of violet sparks, boosting his speed more and more until the ferret couldn't stay away. He was backed against a building and frantically gestured before Spirit could smash his head in with that blazing fist, blocking it against a solid and invisible wall instead. The enraged hero punched it several times while Mime Time slowly pantomimed with one paw, trying to act cool with a yawn using the other.

It was clear he could only create one thing at a time and the ferret was quite content to keep the wall up as long as he could. The smart thing would be to use that to your advantage and overwhelm the mime that way. Spirit would have done that in the past, but not right now. No, he was too far out of it to even think past wanting to twist the neck of the guy in front of him. The aura around the vulpine surged like a blaze before it began to condense to the masked fox's fists. "Say mime... you ever watch animes? Maybe you'll know this move.." There was a defiant change in the hero's voice. Something was just a bit off about it. Like two people were talking at the same time and it just sent chills up the ferret's spine.

There was a look of curiosity and worry in his eyes before he quickly had to bring both of his paws up to keep trying to maintain the wall. Spirit's glowing fists and palm strikes acting like a jackhammer as they struck different parts of the barrier. Faster and faster until the fox's movements started to look like a blur, all the while he just shouted, "WAHTATATATATATATATATATATATATA" The mime's nose started to bleed profusely and his face looked like it was strained as a loud cracking sound was began to be heard under the relentless assault of punches from the hero. "WAHTAAA" With a final strike it shattered to pieces and caused a mental backlash that made the mime crumple to the floor. The fox panted and wiped the sweat off his brow, still growling angrily as he gazed down. He was about to stomp the guy's head into the pavement before he stopped himself, shaking his head in a daze. "Ugghh... what the hell was I thinking?" The energy was fading fast around him, so he tied off the ferret's arms before collapsing himself. "Need a... scooby snack..."

There was a mixed reaction from the onlookers which gave the fox pause, as some of them seemed to look at -him- with the same kind of fear he'd expect out of reactions to a villain. It was like a dagger in his heart but the chirp in his ear pulled at his attention, as well as his urgent need to get out of there before the civilians got too curious and would want a closer look. It took a moment but Fawks was able to rouse himself back to sitting up, pulling an energy bar out of his boot to eat it quickly. He has hidden pockets in there, shut up!

"What is it Buck? Kitten in a tree tonight?" He finally answered after fiddling with his belt computer.

~"Spirit. My computer says an alarm was tripped at a Davidson's Jeweler. Think you could get down there?"~

"Bit of a run, but I should be able to make it. And here I thought I was gonna have to grab my own "jewels" tonight."

~"Hehe... and Spirit?"~

"What is it, Buck?"

~"Answer your com faster next time! Buck out."~

"Gee, I'm sorry Buck. I was kinda miming my own business..." He found that eating something after power use really did help him get back into the game faster. Which was good, cause he was pretty certain the cops were already on the way and he quickly made his way out to his next assignment! The looks that he was still getting just continued to dig into him, but he kept a straight face though it all. "I... I am the night..!" He tried to shrug off the upsetting stares as he scaled the fire escapes and drain pipes to run across roof tops, gliding around whenever possible just because he enjoyed the breeze. "At least it's normal crooks this time.."


Something was very off with him, but he just couldn't figure it out. He wasn't drinking too much soda. He wasn't on any kind of drugs as the blood work he had done showed him. There was an odd reading in his brain patterns, but he wouldn't be able to get any good information on this without going to his brother's Twilight Lounge to use the computers. Part of him wanted to bite the bullet and just go to him for help, but the other side of him just outright said no. "I... I should just go to him... NO! If you do that, you could lose your powers? You wouldn't want that, right? Well... no, but this just doesn't seem corr- ...listen, you're Spirit Force! You're a big boy. You can get through this on your own~ Maybe you're right.. Of course I am! ..I'm you! Remember that." Even just taking off the collar seemed like a terrible idea, which is why he hadn't done so since the day he put it on. Except for some minor incidents that is. It hurt if he had if off too long.

He rubbed his head as he loomed over a gargoyle on one of the older buildings in the city. It was a lovely view from there and he often came to this spot just to reflect and get a good view of troubled districts nearby. There wasn't time to worry about this unfortunately. Over the next few days things began to get a little more rocky. Not only for Fawks, but for the League as well. (See: http://www.furaffinity.net/view/7839316/ ) Eddy had gotten a little careless and allowed pictures to be taken of himself while on the job. Not that Fawks was much better. After his little fight with Mime Time got posted on You Tube, it was turned into a meme thanks to the anime style that the fox ended the fight in. There was even a version that had the fox dropping a steamroller on the guy. Got a chuckle out of him, but it was troubling. "I... honestly can't fully remember how it got that far" thought the fox.

He was so pissed off at Eddy for treating him like a child the other night that he just stopped talking with him for a little. It hurt, but he couldn't bring himself to see the others of the League for right now, which was made worse when he finally got a call from family.

~"ZZZZZPT... *crack* Spirit. What the hell were you thinking!?" Conner hacked the League line. His gruff voice was nice to hear again, but only for a moment as he continued to bark out his former sidekick. "That was excessive force, pup. That wasn't like you at all!"~

"Good to hear you too, Twi..."

~"Answer me, pup!"~

"Stop calling me that! I'm not a kit anymore, gray muzzle!"

~"Then stop acting like one! You've been doing fantastic until now... now I don't know what's gotten into you."~

"It's none of your busin-"

~"You -are- my business. This is not how we operate. You could have kill-"~

"We? It's not "we" anymore, bro. It's just me and my new team!"

~"...You haven't taken it off, have you?"~

"T-..taken what off?"

~"You -know- what! If I think for a moment that thing is corrupting you, I'm shutting you down. You've gotten careless."~ He growled into the mic.

"Back off! And don't you have a -new- ward to look after?" There was a hint of acid in his tone with this.

~"Oh good. You haven't forgotten your detective training after all."~

"It's kinda hard not knowing when the richest person in Colbalt adopts a son... Glad to see you finally replaced me."

~"Is -that- what this is about? Spirit... you know I wouldn't repl-"~

"Save it! I've got crimes to stop. Spirit out." He shut down all lines so he wouldn't be bothered the rest of the night. It was just him, the crooks, and his thoughts.

There were so many conflicting emotions within the fox that he had trouble knowing how to act a lot of the time. He knew he was sounding like a whiny bitch. He hated those types of characters in the comics, but he couldn't help it. More and more just seemed to weigh down on his mind with every passing night. The hunt for his League's leader by the cops. How both Eddy and his brother Conner just seemed to treat him like a kid. Not to mention the feeling of abandonment that he thought he locked away in his past. He couldn't fault Conner's new kid, but that was probably the most hurtful thing of all. It's all part of growing up, he thought.

Crime was slowly on the rise again in the city. Lots of nutballs and guys with powers on the rise too. Used to be rather uncommon in these parts for a villain or anyone to have anything more than their wits or some weapons by their side. Times were changing, but the fox couldn't help but think it was partly his fault for bringing this crowd here. The other side always tries to match against you what you throw against it. That old saying of "You wear a bullet proof vest, they get armor piercing bullets." Perhaps he tipped the balance too much. Yeah there was a guy with super speed here before him, but that was easy enough to counter if you knew what you were getting into. Smoke bombs, flash bangs. A strategically placed carrot under a box held up by sticks with string. "What happened to the simple wackos and roving gangs?"

Golden Ticket

Meanwhile, along the outskirts of the city stood a cabin in a wooded area. The air inside smelled sweet with a hint of smoke and wood with the room poorly lit. Sitting unconscious in the middle of it was a boy, strapped to a chair and blindfolded with the single light hanging above his head. He was your typical punk teen, rich boy. Privileged. Spoiled. The type that thought he could get away with anything. What he did not know was that following him home every day since that faithful night, was a man with a very interesting set of skills. Skills that would make him a nightmare for a boy like this, though a dream for good children. So every day the little bastard was followed. His schedule was memorized until a gap was noticed when he'd be all alone. It was time to strike, and so with the utmost care he was chloroformed, abducted and swept away to a land of make believe and sweets. Every good little boy's fantasy! But this was -not- a good little boy. At least, not to the man that took him.

He finally stirred in his seat. The raccoon was confused and dazed at first, but that soon gave way to panic as he struggled against the binding that held his arms. "Heh.. Marty... is this some kind of prank? Seriously.. let me out!" There was only silence in the room, which made the coon's heart beat faster in his chest as he bit his lip and squirmed harder. His cries for help only heard by the man that stood across the room from him. Staring with a sadness hidden behind the smile on his face. Perhaps I should serenade his troubled heart, the man thought? His tone was low and unnervingly upbeat as he spoke in a sing song sort of way, whispering into the boy's ear, "Ompaaa Lumpaaa doompidy doo...~"

"W-who's there!" He bit his lip again, dead still with fright.

"I've got another puzzle for you...~"

"ANSWER ME! I can give you money!"

"Ompaaa Lumpaaa doompada dee...~"

"S-stop singing! M-my parents will hear about this...!" The sound of defiance in his voice was fleeting and dread only seemed to grow in its place.

"You would be wise to listen to me...~" He then brought the edge of a sharp knife to the coon's cheek and carved into it carefully. Peeling the flesh and making the kid cringe in pain with his absolute terror finally sinking in. Tears soaking into the blindfold covering his face.

"AHH! P-pplease! I... don't kill me! Everything I have is yours! I-I swear!" He choked, trying to speak clearly despite the snot running down his face.

"Tut tut, Joseph. You can't buy back what you've taken from me." He was completely calm, still sounding upbeat. The cold, steel blade slashed at the other cheek as he whistled a joyful tune. Scoring the poor raccoon's face.


"Who else was with you that night?"

"W-What... what are yo-"

"Don't play dumb... The night of the -arson.- Tell me who the other naughty little girls and boys were~" With a flick of his wrist he jammed the knife into Joseph's hand with a wet thud and twisted it to make him squeal in agony. "Just tell me what I want to know and this will all be over. I'll send you back to your family."

"S-STOP... MY CREW! Marty, Gwen Gilbert and Zen! PLEASE! I w-wanna go hoooome..." He was out right bawling now as he blindfold was torn away to wipe the tear and blood soaked face clean. He looked on in horror at the man in front of him. Once kindly looking, was now deranged with a quite anger seeping past the plastered on smile. "N-no... Mr. C-"

"NO! That man is gone thanks to your little antics, Joseph... You thought that was just a prank!?"

"We d-didn't know they were still in there! Please! Y-You have to beli-"

"Believe? Oh we're well past that point now, aren't we Joseph?" He started to waltz around the room with the bloody knife back in his hand.

"But.. but but... you said you'd send me home!" He gave a futile thrashing against the chair before finally getting a good look at the room around him. The was a big copper vat filled with what looked like molten clear goo as well a big oven and other equipment he remembered from the shop he helped to burn down two weeks before.

"And I will, dear child... but you forgot the rules~"

"....WHAT RULES!?"

"I never said how~ You STOLE from me what I can never get back, so you get NOTHING! YOU LOSE!"

"W-what... why are you quoting that movie so much?! I TOLD YOU WHAT YOU WANTED!" The pain in his throat was almost on par with the pain from the cuts all over his body. Blood had soaked into his fur and left stains on the floor around the chair legs.

"Tell me, Joseph..." He crept ever close to the boy, singing to him once again. "Who can take a sunriiiiise~"

"N-no... no no no..."

"Sprinkle it with deeeeew~"

"God pleaaaase!!"

"Chop of nasty children to make candy for me and yoooou~ ...Well... maybe not you." His tongue slowly licked across the blade as he gazed directly into the coon's bloodshot eyes.

"Ah.. AUHHHHHHHHHHHH! GILK-" There was a crimson fountain of blood when Joseph's throat was slashed. The light fading from his eyes and body twitched in utter shock. His capture simply leaning in to grace him with the final words the raccoon would ever hear.

"The Candy Man... The Candy Man caaaaan....~"