Dragons Fury Chapter 1-the Dragon Awakes pt. 1

Story by Chaos121 on SoFurry

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#1 of Dragons Fury

Legalities: To begin let me say that all names and locations are fiction except for the city of Adelaide, its roads and suburbs, all sequences, and characters are completely original, Mass Effect, Biotics and Element Zero are copy write to the Mass Effect title owned by BiosWare and EA, the Minbari Fighting Pike is copy write to Babylonian productions Inc. and Warner Brothers. I hope you enjoy reading this story as much as I had writing it.


The Day started like every other day for the past three months. I would awake suddenly in a cold sweat then scrambled for my pad and pen before the events of my dream faded away, with a few scribbles of the pen I would write down what I could remember but today was different. after I wrote what I could remember I studied the strange markings I had made, the markings I made on the paper looked like a cross between Asian characters, Morse code and hieroglyphs but was unmistakably a word I ran back over some old pages and saw that it was a complete word, "yes!" I exclaimed quietly then went about my daily routine as always this ended up as a race and I was determined to get to the bathroom first due to my brother being a shower hog, with the speed of a Cheater I jumped out of bed, grabbed my clothes and bolted out the door almost tripping over the dog on the way out. I looked back to see the dog look at me with what could be interpreted as an annoyed expression "sorry Max" I said apologetically then turned and continued my sprint for the first hot shower of the day.

When I arrived at the bathroom I realised I was the first one there, finally after so many months I was the first and nothing was going to spoil the moment with the agility of an Inland Taipan strike I entered the bathroom closing the door behind me. After undressing and getting the shower to the right temperature I decided to check myself out in the mirror, the first thing you should know is that I'm a human/dragon hybrid, most of my body is covered in gold scales apart from may fore arms and lower legs which had an almost golden amber skin tone, my tail was almost 2 meters long and had the ability to stretch out a flange that assisted me when I was flying not to mention my wings were now strong enough to carry me for longer distances. The most striking feature of my body was the strange markings that tracked from my neck down both arms to my wrists then down the rest of the way till they reached my calves, when I was younger they were mealy thin grey lines that seem to look like surgical scars but now that I was almost eighteen the markings had grown in size and become darker to look like someone decided to tattoo black tribal war markings on my body. My head followed the same profile of every dragon only I supported two large horns that stuck out the top of my head at a 32 degree angle with feathers that filled the gap between them before giving way to two rows of spines that ran parallel to each other down the centre of my back to 15 centimetres away from the tip of my tail.

I opened my wings to find the underside of them was an Iridescent orange that shifted patterns like it was made out of liquid with a mind of its own, "you hansom devil" I said to myself before jumping in to the shower, it was at this point that my mind wondered back to my dream and began to put the puzzle pieces together. "What does it mean" I thought to myself, "Is it a vision of the future or some weird form of communication from some higher being, all I know is that word means something and I think mum may be able to translate it for me" a loud bang brought me out of my thought trance and almost fell over, it took me a few minutes to realise that it was someone at the door I called out saying that I would only be a minute, jumped out of the shower as quickly as possible, changed into my clothes with some difficulty then open the door. Just like in a sitcom or slapstick humour TV show dad stumbled in holding his snout and mumbling something about a skateboard, I looked around and spotted my little brothers skateboard sitting near the laundry cupboard door and realised that dad may have stepped on it and went flying. "You ok dad?" I asked as he sat down on the closed seat of the toilet, he nodded then removed his hand my dad was a red dragon with green eyes that seem to pierce your sole, it didn't faze me but I couldn't get over the fact that he looked more tired than he had been ever since my encounter with that dammed meteor "gezz dad how late did you get to bed last night?" I asked and checked to see if he needed to be treated for a broken nose, "got home at 1:30 didn't get to sleep until two" he replied then began to adjust the showers temperature till he was satisfied "I know I should have stayed at the lab but I needed to be home" I looked at him, shook my head then with a small sigh I closed the door behind me as I left the bathroom leaving him to his shower.

It was about 9:30 by the time dad and I were traveling down the road toward the suburb of Parafield, I knew dad had trouble at the lab but I didn't know the extent of the problem until he told me that I may be the only one to get the project going again, to top it all off the think tank that dad was working with decided to bring in their kids to try and crack the code, which in turn meant that my friends would be there. Dad drove our jeep through the winding suburban streets of Adelaide till we came to Main North Road then right on cue we got caught in a traffic jam this gave dad and I a chance to discuss my dream, "so did you finally get the word down?" dad asked, I gave him a nod and told him that I gave a copy of the word to mum, he smiled "if there is anyone that can translate that word for you it's her" he said cheerfully then it was as if a dark cloud had passed over him and with a look of worry on his face gazed down at the glove box indicating for me to open it, I opened the box slowly to prevent any small objects to fall out and was shocked to find a small cylindrical object the size of a 35g net glue stick, it was metal with a green button in the middle. "This was to be your birthday present but I have a feeling you will probably need it" I looked at him and with a big grin I said "thanks" and placed it on my belt, then proceeded to ask dad about the reason I was needed at the lab, instead of an explanation all I got was a you will see soon enough. "Hay dad when you said I would need this what did you mean" I asked curiously referring to the small cylinder on my belt, dad let out a quick breath then said with a worried look "a dragon has a sixth sense, it's like empathic connection with the surrounding environment, this sense picks up on small changes in the environment most commonly the emotions of other people, I can sense people's feelings within a certain distance and the vibes I'm getting are not good", I was about to ask him what he was feeling when a sharp stabbing pain shoots through my head causing me to double over. My vision blurred then I saw a vision, it was as if I was watching a scene from an action movie or a computer game cinematic but it was also a living nightmare.

My friends were hunkered down in a large lab filled with flammable and dangerous chemicals, the worst part of it was the room was being torn apart by gun fire to the right hand side of my field of vision I saw Henry a lion with a massive honour complex and Greg a human who seemed to have a silver tongue pulling some security guards behind the makeshift barricade while to my left the form of Ryan an energetic dingo and Steve a lace monitor with the strength to boot setting up what looked like a flame thrower from their position, they were doing their best to defend themselves but they were outnumbered and out gunned it was only a matter of time before they were overrun. My point of view shifted around as if a camera was panning around the scene coming to rest on two people, one was Vanessa a red fox and the only girl that hung out with our little band of misfits, the other was a blue fox I didn't recognise, she one of the most beautiful girls I had ever seen with blue eyes that burned with an inner fame and a coat that seemed to reflect light like water on a still lake, they were huddling behind a piece of air-conditioning duct that somehow became dislodged, throwing makeshift Molotov cocktails made from the various hazardous chemicals the lab had on hand at their attackers, even though the sound of the attack was defining I heard the blue fox give a plea for help before I was violently snapped out of my mind trip. Dad looked at me with a concerned look then parked the car in a nearby side street "you ok?" he asked, I shot him a look then replied "dad my friends are in trouble, don't ask me how I know but the lab is being attacked by mercenaries, we need to move now!!" Quickly we both jumped out and proceeded to prepare for flight, it was the only way to get there in time without getting caught in delays. Dad locked the car, unfurled his wings then gave them a flap to prime them for take-off I did the same followed by the creation of a mass effect field around me to make me slightly less heavy for added speed. I should tell you now that I am a biotic, this power was given to me in a freak close encounter with a meteor that almost killed me, I was walking through the bush doing an orienteering course when the meteor hit the ground near me cleaning me up in the process the next thing I remember was waking up in a crater surrounded by blue crystals that were manipulating the mass of objects around me. I eventually found out that I had developed telekinesis and that the substance that was in the crystals was mixed in to my blood stream completely, essentially it was fused to every DNA strand in my body so to speak like Tiberium but in a good way, it only seemed fitting that I would call the substance Element Zero and my powers Biotics after the Mass Effect series as the effects of these 'side effects' of the impact were the same. With a nod dad gave us a countdown then as if we were Neo from the Matrix we shot up into the clear blue skies above Adelaide and made a beeline for the labs.


It all happened so fast that even my dingo brain was still stuck at page one. One minute we were in a large conference room being introduced to our parents boss Joseph Christophe a crocodile Anthro that was easy to talk to in regards to CEO's of high class R & D firms to being pinned down in the complexes chemical research lab surrounded by flammable and explosive substances by masked men trying to kill us. These mercenaries or at least I think they were mercenaries were not even thinking about where they had cornered their prey and now they were paying the price by giving us cover, a strong defensible position and a large amount of potential explosives, but with all the advantages we were outnumbered twenty to one with the fire extinguishers causing some degree of problems as well. I took a deep breath and muttered "we're going to need a miracle" before lobbing a bottle of highly unstable liquid at a mercenary who was too stupid to take cover, there was a massive bang followed by a scream that meant the bottle hit its target then the mercenaries that did take cover began to targe where I took cover in retaliation. I smiled and primed the next bottle for hurling suddenly there was a loud crash and the room was filled with concrete dust for a minute all I saw was a beam of sun light streaming down through the dust from a huge hole in the ceiling, but then I spotted a large shape stand to its full height, a blue energy field was pulsating around it like a shield. The shape was of a person with dragon like features but as the dust settled I realised just who this stranger was, "wooooh, the cavalry's here!" came Steve's voice from a small overturned lab bench, "took your time Seth!" I yelled then gave him the thumbs up, with a nod he turned to the mercenaries and gave a raw.

"New primary target Shoot on sight" came the panicked cry of the mercenary commander as they moved to target Seth, I felt time slow and the sound of my heart pumping blood rang in ears as if I was watching a slow motion sequence in a movie then came the muffled sounds of gun fire. Seth just stood there with one hand raised up in a stop right there gesture as the bullets streaked toward him like cruise missiles heading for a bunker, I was about to say look out when a series of lightning bolts shot out from his hand swatting every projectile that came close other bullets that went wide seemed to hit a large invisible wall of energy that stopped them in their tracks then all hell broke loose. Seth became a bluer as he systematically pummelled each mercenary that stood in his way, each time a new one would pop up to fill the gap Seth had already flattened them or sent them packing, one fell victim to a fire ball that Seth had shot from his mouth while another was almost decapitated by the boomerang Seth carried around on his belt, within minutes the only one left standing was the merc leader a tall muscular man that looked like he was Arnold Schwarzenegger's clone and he was pissed, swearing at the top his lunges he emptied clip after clip from his submachine gun into Seth's barrier hoping to break through but all he got was the sound of bullets bouncing off the surface of the shield, after five minutes of continues fire the gun clicked several times signalling that the last clip was empty with another yell of frustration he ran at Seth with a large combat knife in hand Seth just waved his hand and caused a blue field of energy to appear around the merc stopping him dead in his tracks. With another wave that looked like he was pulling on a rope the leader then flew forward at high speed and impacted with Seth's on coming fist, the result was a massive blast that sent the merc flying through several walls before coming to rest at a concrete pillar, as our gold scaled saviour walked over to our position I knew he had become something els other than a hybrid of the great winged lizard variety, it was like he was growing into something more powerful and more dangerous.


All my friends were cheering at me as I lifted my head to the stream of sunlight falling through the massive hole I made in the roof, closed my eyes and gave out a raw that seemed to shake the very foundations of the cosmos, for a second I felt like I was a god with all the knowledge and power at my fingertips then I felt the weight of several bodies tackling me to the ground. I opened my eyes to find Vanessa and a group of girls that I didn't recognise pinning me to the ground, the first was a very attractive dragoness with purple scales, glowing amber eyes and a tail with several spikes sticking out like a mace, the second was a human with black hair, green eyes and looked to be of Asian descent the third was a tigress with extremely vibrant orange and black fur, the forth was a black wolf with silver streaks and the last was the blue fox from my vision, all of them seemed to be around my age. "Hay girls, could you please let me up before I set of a biotic burst and throw you off?" I asked trying to lift myself of the rubble that was now sticking me in the back, "ok Gold Scale" Vanessa said with a giggle and proceeded to help me up the other girls were giggling as well behind my back as I dusted myself off "now I believe some introduction are in order" I said as I indicated to the group of girls, "I'm Sarina" the dragoness piped up almost immediately then quieted down to stop herself looking like an infatuated groupie, after a small acquired silence the wolf walked over to me "my names Melisa" she said as she circled me running a finger seductively along body "and might I say that was an impassive feet of strength channelling all that energy into your punches". I replied with a thankyou then turn to see the tigress throw a piece of concrete at me "Seth think fast" she said as it piece of debris left her hand, my reflexes kicked in and I caught it in a mass effect field "nice try" I said as I increased the pressure around the debris pulverising it, "you can call me kess and that was a test to see if you had fear, know I am certain you do not" the tigress replied with a grin, "Kim is my name" the human injected straight after making Kess's grin turn to a frown, I quickly gave her a nod of acknowledgement then turned around to see the blue fox approach me.

The fox said nothing for a moment then pulled me in close and kissed me, I was totally taken of guard but didn't pull away, the moment seemed go on for an eternity then she finished kissing me and gave a big beaming smile. "That was for saving us" she said then moved away with a swagger that seemed to say I did one better than you girls, as she walked she turned to look at me and said "by the way the names Sky" by this time my other friends had clambered out of cover, I could tell that they went through hell but it didn't faze them. "Next time could you please hit the turbo boost a little sooner?" Ryan said then tossed me a gun from a dead merc, I checked the clip as I asked for a breakdown of the situation which caused an eruption of voices from every one, "one at a time please" I said loudly causing everyone to go quiet except for Henry who was checking a merc for ID, as he spoke I pieced together the events that led up to my little display of rage filled fighting. "Now we have to find our parents and get them out of this place before these ass holes do" he said as he pulled on a silver chain that was around the mercs neck, "where are they now?" I asked "the mainframe I think" replied Steve and proceeded to work out the best way to it from a map on the far wall of the chem lab my mind began to wander in its own little world calculating the information I had received as I served the scene but just as I about to come to a decision I was called back to reality by Henry's voice calling me over. I walked up to him then asked about what he needed me for "take a look at this" he said holding up a medallion the size of a clenched fist, it was made from two convex half's with a small hinge attached to the top of it, the chain tracked through it like it was attached to something inside but what. "What the?" was my only reaction but when I touched it the medallion shattered revealing a small crystal shard attached to the chain, to make matters even more bazar the crystal seemed to be attracted to me as if I was some magnet, I walked backward slowly but the force of attraction increased till it shot from henrys hand and perched itself around my neck for a minute the crystal just glowed a bluish purple then a bolt of pain surged through my head like someone was poking me in the skull with red hot needles, I gripped my head in pain and sank to my knees my eyes clenched tightly as the agony became almost unbearable the almost as quickly as it started the pain faded and I opened my eyes to find myself looking out over a bustling city I didn't recognise.

I looked around to see if my friends were with me but they were nowhere to be seen, slowly rising from my kneeling position I took in my surroundings, the cliff I was standing on was the maid from a Granite Batholith that jutted out from the side of a mountain about 700km above sea level and big enough for more than one person to stand safely on it. "beautiful isn't it" came a voice from behind me I quickly jumped and turned around to see an old man close to being a hundred or so walking slowly up to me, a tattered robe hung from him like a piece of torn skin and his walking stick was battle scared by years of wear and tear while a hood covered his face. I didn't say a word just gave a slow nod as he indicated to the view of the bustling metropolis below the cliff "this was what it was like before the trouble began, and how it will be again" the man whispered then turned to face me "who are you?" the man only chuckled "I am a friend" he said then pulled a familiar looking cylindrical object out from under his robe, my hand reached for my belt to find my boomerang and the gift from my dad missing "hey give me that!" I demanded then fired up my Biotics, "Interesting I have never seen someone of your lineage to possess such a unique ability" he replied then pressed the green button on the cylinder immediately the cylinder extended to a full sized battle staff with a few twirls of the staff he retracted the staff before tossing it back to me "that's a Minbari Fighting Pike isn't it? Must have been custom built" he continued then with a quick flick of his wrist, my boomerang shot forth from his cloak, hit a balloon target hanging in the air about thirty-nine meters above the cliff then come to rest at my feet "nice boomerang, you are indeed a formidable guardian" the man finished then placed his hand on my shoulder, I was about to ask him what he meant by what he called me when a burning sensation shot through me the subside "know this young redeemer of the clan Grey Guard you may be called to stop the destruction of the universe but on this day the true power of the Dragon Guardian will awaken" he said then my world went black only to be replaced with my friends helping me to my feet "I'm fine" I said to reassure them "what happened? For a second you looked like your head was going to explode then you blacked out" Kess said as she checked me for any signs of head trauma, "I can't explain and if I tried you would think I had set off the deep end" I replied rubbing my head, as if I had been at a press conference everyone started asking questions making what was left of a fading headache become a full blown migraine. Instead of answering them I waved my hand with an active Mass effect field around it to get their attention, told them to can it in the nicest way possible then looked at Steve, "are we ready?" I asked "yes" he replied, I gave him a nod of acknowledgement then said with a determined tone "in the words of the great Duke Nukem it's time to kick ass and chew bubble gum and I'm all out of gum" and walked out the lab gun in one hand deactivated Fighting Pike in the other, my friends new the quote very well gave a chuckle as they followed me out, I was pissed, in pain and fed up with being target practus, it was time to take the fight to these bustards.

To Be Continued

This is my first story that I have ever posted on any sight, I look forward to any constructive criticism and helpful tips to make my stories flow better and be more exciting, I also am looking for new and interesting ideas to input into my stories and that any suggestions would be appreciated. The next story will have more of the other characters points of view than focusing on Seth but I need to figure out the mechanics first. Thank you for reading and I look forward to your comments.