Legend of the Unkown (part 1)

Story by Dovakiin Unkown on SoFurry

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#1 of Legend of the Unkown

This is the first thing ive uploaded on sofurry so dont be too harsh..........

The Unkown. My speicies. Wiped out millions of years before earth was created. I am the last. Dovakiin Unkown. This is my story.

-mission log-

-0 hours of war-

(Unkown Commander) GO GO GO.GET THE FUCK OUT)

We were attacked. At that very moment... Things changed on my world. War had started....The War for our homeworld.

(Dovakiin) Just like old times X

(X) *silence*

(Dova) Silent as allways?

(X) *looks at Dovakiin*


X...No-one knew his real name. It's like he took the speacies Unkown and made his name....Unknown. He never spoke. It's like he's an empty shell.......


As I left the ship I saw something that no-one even knew exsisted......Dragons...

(Dova) Dragons? That's what we're fighting!?!

(Unkown Commander) If you've got an fucking problem with that I fucking suggest you go back to that shit-pile you came fro- AAAHHHHHHH........*Dies*

(Dova) Holy!!!

The Commander was burnt to death. The Dragons were real. When this war was going on I had no-idea were they came from or how they got here. But only one objective remanes.


(Dova) Why arn't our guns working?

(X) Dovakiin...Use the blade...It's the only weapon that can harm these beasts...

(Dova) YOU SPOKE!?!?!?

(X) Does that matter now?!? JUST GET THE BLADE!!!!!

(Dova) Well....were is it?

At that point...X was killed...Or at least thats all i know of. He was tassed through the air and fell 105829feet down our 'hole to the core'.

I got on a ship to leave the planet as i thought the 'Blade' would be elsewere on another planet. And after I left, the planet exploded...

To Be Continued.....