Fateful Happenstance: Chapter 4

Story by Jacko Hyena on SoFurry

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#4 of Fateful Happenstance

Phew! Done! :3 Enjoy!

"You are such a romantic."

"Am not."

"Are too! It's not even a date and you're still acting like the world depends on this one movie!" Rez rolled his eyes. "Give me a break."

"Oh, shut up," I snarled back. "At least you had time to cope with the fact that you're gay." My eyes scanned over my reflection in the mirror for the fifth time that afternoon. Just the act of worrying over my wardrobe made me feel... girlish. Not skipping-in-the-sandbox-with-pigtails-flying-in-the-wind girlish. Just less manly. And that scared me. "I... I don't know if I'm ready to admit that about myself yet."

Shit, I still wasn't all too sure about this 'gay thing,' or if it was even a 'thing' at all. My mind just screamed, "to hell with it." But could I? It was unbelievably confusing--almost to the point where I felt psychotic--but it was completely justified. My team was homophobic (with the exception of Noah of course); most of the school was. If I accepted this... part of me, then could I guarantee that my life would stay the same? Rez still hasn't outed himself at school and not even at home either. Most of that was due to his boyfriend's involvement in sports though. And that thought just made me wonder: was Kyel okay with this?

From what I can gather on Rez's first meeting with the sheppie, Kyel already knew he was gay in the first place. Did he just accept it and move on? Was it that easy? He didn't have a panic attack, like the one I was having now, and I bet he was absolutely euphoric when he learned his crush felt the same.

Damn, really? "Euphoric?" Even the word sounded so flamboyant. So... queer.

If I was gay, fine. But that didn't mean I wanted to change. I still wanted to be the masculine husky that kicked other football teams' asses. Sure, accuse me of being a misogynist, but even in today's hypocritical world, the moment a guy turned... not-so-guyish, he was weak, someone to pick on.

Yet another reason to worry about my brother.

I knew Restrif could take care of himself. He made that quite clear when he accepted Kyel's love. And now, he was trying to get me to accept Fahrin's. I just wasn't sure if I was ready for that kind of commitment yet. I know we're not getting married; it's freaking high school. But was I ready to out myself at school, and at home? To admit that I sort of... maybe... like someone? Even if it was another guy?


I sighed. Am I just thinking too much about it? "I know, I know. I'll hurry up."

So maybe I was being a bit too obsessive over my appearance, but hey, that didn't mean I had to be feminine. I didn't have to talk with a lisp either (God, no...). Fahrin didn't, so neither did I. A football player could be gay; it comes up on the news sometimes. I could still just be me. And no one had the right to tell me otherwise. At least, I hope they didn't. There were still some slight doubts that this was just a phase where I would return back to liking girls again. But with just the thought of Fahrin, I knew that my feelings wouldn't die down so easily.

"Who gives a damn what other people think?" my mind spoke cheerfully.

_ _

I nearly chuckled. "I do?"

"Grow a pair of balls, then. This is America, goddammit! Exercise your rights!"

_ _

"And dating Fahrin would be 'exercising my rights?'"

My husky angel (and I mean that in the loosest terms) giggled. "No, not really. Actually, I think it's counterproductive. But hey, it'd be one gigantic 'fuck you' to the Catholic church."

"Hey, I still want to go to heaven. Eternal damnation doesn't sound like a lot of fun."

"That's why you have Fahrin! What better way to get closer to God than by dating the reverend's son?"

_ _

I nearly choked on the air. "Um, dating the reverend himself?"

"True. But you can't fuck the reverend. At least with Fahrin, you can have the satisfaction of having 'tainted' him."

_ _

"That doesn't make my position with God any better!"

The husky actually seemed stumped for a moment. "Um, how do you feel about charity?"

I sighed. My 'angel' really wasn't the best crayon in the crayon box, was he?

"I'm still here, jackass! I'll have you know that my 'crayon' works perfectly fine!" he protested. My mind immediately stung with the sudden image of my nude reflection grasping his 'tool' in his paws, a devious smirk on the husky's muzzle.

"Please... Never again. I think the only tool you could possibly be would be my school pencil. Dull and makes way too many mistakes."

"You suck," the husky whined.

I grinned. "And you swallow."

That brought mirth to the dog's eyes. "I'll have to remember that one."

And then he vanished.

Leaving me with my clothing problems once more.

I stared at my paws blankly, as though the way my paws clenched and opened seemed even remotely interesting. What was I even doing? I was stressing so much over something that probably wouldn't matter years later. But still, even if it wasn't a date and the signs I got from Fahrin were purely misinterpreted, I still felt like a normal pick-with-my-eyes-closed just wouldn't do with a wolf like him. I probably should have taken Noah up for that date with those girls. At least I wouldn't be worrying as much as I was now. Even if they were a bit too promiscuous for my liking.

I turned around to face my brother. "Sorry," I mumbled, dusting off invisible dirt off the ebony fabric. "I just want to look perfect, okay?" My brother gave me a curious look, and I groaned. "Yes, I know it's not a date. I don't even know if I want it to be a date. I'm just... really confused at the moment."

The wolf smiled softly. "I know that. I was just teasing ya'." He patted me on the back softly, nuzzling my neck from behind. My ears twitched, curving towards Rez's warm breath before I relaxed into his embrace. "Don't stress out too much. From what I hear, he's a smart kid. He'll notice you panicking from far away." Rez licked his finger and flattened out a stray hair sticking out from atop my muzzle. "And if he really does like you, your anxiety would be even more obvious," he added, smirking as he said so. "All his attention would be on you."

"Well ain't that just wonderful," I said sarcastically. "You're such a helpful little brother."

Rez breathed heavily, wrapping his arms tighter. "I'm serious, Kag. I know you still have doubts about... this. Hell, even I have doubts about myself when I'm with Kyel." Doubts? I turned around to face my brother, showing him a skeptical look. He simply chuckled. "Yes, I have doubts. Maybe not that kind of doubts you're probably thinking of, but in reality, I think they're kind of the same in the end."

I scoffed. "I don't think so. It depends on the context of the matter." Restrif shook his head.

"You sure about that? In the end, I think, it's all just rhetoric, words meant to confuse other people. A doubt, no matter how you define it, is nothing less than a product of distrust. I'm not sure of myself. You're not sure of yourself. When it comes down to it, we're all just cynics of our own good fortune."

"Fine then," I shrugged. "What could you possibly be so scared about?"

Rez smiled sadly. "You know, the typical: 'Am I good enough for him?' or the 'Am I just a chess piece he can say he conquered, and then he'll leave me for good?' I wonder that constantly and I can't help but think... " Rez's voice trailed off, straining out the last two words: "Why me?"

His head hung low, a breathless sigh escaping his lips, his arms falling helplessly at his sides, and quite frankly, I didn't know what to do at that moment either. My emotional capability, parallel to that of a plastic fork, didn't decide to have a spontaneous epiphany; so I just waited and watched, letting my brother work up his emotions to continue again. "Are you okay?"

Rez nodded. "Yeah, I'll be fine." He took in a deep breath. "It's just... with his dedication to soccer, Kyel could have easily gotten anyone he wanted. And yeah, that includes not only girls, but guys too." The wolf gave a mock snort of irritation.

"Why? Jealous?" I waggled my eyebrows at him. "I wouldn't worry about it too much. There can't be that many gay furs out to steal your man anyway."

Rez elbowed me in the ribs. "You'd be surprised. If you were observant enough, you could tell that not all of the guys that came to the soccer game were there to watch the game, if you catch my drift."

I chuckled at the last comment. "I'm assuming that includes you, as well?"

"Damn straight," Rez laughed. "And you know what?"

"What?" I said with a smile.

My brother grinned with enough humor to match his eyes. "I think it turns him on knowing that I'm watching him play out in the field."

I nudged my brother with my shoulder playfully. "What gave it away? The growing bulge in his shorts?"

Rez giggled. "You know what they say. Keep your eyes on the prize."

I recoiled in fake disgust and pretend to retch in horror. "Oh god Rez, you're sick."

The wolf lapped my cheek tenderly. "Get used to it, Kag. If all goes well, you'll be getting your first taste of cock soon anyway."

... I can't believe he just said that to me.

My paw thwacked him so hard in the head that I could have given him a concussion and a half. The sadistic side of me listened with content as my brother whined in pain. That'll teach him to say things like that again.

"Ouch, Kag, that really hurt, you know."

"Fuck you. You deserved it."

Rez glared at me, his tail flicking in half-hearted annoyance. "Why? Gonna throw any more light fixtures at me?"

I matched his mock anger with some of my own. "No. Because if I did, I just might injure your pretty little face."

"Oh face it big bro. You're gay and you know it."

I rolled my eyes. "But didn't I just tell you that I--"

"No buts!" he interrupted, cutting me off mid-speech. The little bastard. I was about to object, but then he continued, wearing a wide smirk on his muzzle. "Unless you're talking about ass. Then we're finally on the same page."

My subconscious and I sighed simultaneously. There was just no stopping him, was there?

"Yeah, yeah. Ass, cock, dick, whatever. I don't give a damn. Now hurry up and help me with my 'non-date.'"

He responded with a quick mumble of "oh yeah," before proceeding to spray some sort of cologne. I took a quick sniff, which, in my terms, means inhaling the air around me in large gulps. As for the cologne, I didn't really have an opinion. It had a slightly sweet chocolate scent to it but hidden underneath layers of natural, earthy aroma. Like the literal earth from the ground. I certainly felt more wild with this on my body, but I didn't think that was exactly what I wanted Fahrin to think.

"It's perfect!"

"W-Wait, what?"

"Not only do you smell wild, he'll probably think you're an absolute monster in b--"

_ _

"No! I am not going to think about that!" I interjected.

Fahrin? In my... bed?

_ _

Despite me saying so, my curiosity (imagination) took over, as slightly blurred images managed to slip through the cracks in my mental shield. I bit my lip, trying to distracting myself with the pain, but all in vain. Hell, since when does that ever work? My mind filled in the forced blanks and replaced the blurred areas with higher quality details.

Slowly Fahrin's body began to take shape in my thoughts, and, like a dream, it was sort of murky, almost like an eternally shifting portrait. I could still make out several details: his muscular chest, his cute belly... his stirring sheath. I tried thinking about anything to distract myself from the path I knew where it was leading.

I thought about the night sky. The black color made me thing of Fahrin's naked body. I switched to the green pastures of Germany, a sight from when my family and I went on a vacation to Europe. It reminded me of the beautiful color that pooled in Fahrin's eyes. As a last resort, I thought of my father in red spandex underwear (for the extreme cases of horniness). And it deflated my sex drive a little. But the red tint made me think of the blush on Fahrin's cheeks, his panting tongue... and other things that could be red.


_ _

My mind drifted back once more to my image of Fahrin, but now, I was too far into the daydream to give a damn anymore.

I was looking down at his sheath again, and, with some sick fascination, I found myself licking my lips in anticipation. God, how much I wanted it. A hint of red was poking out from the weeping tip, a drop of liquid musk glistening in the dimmed light. His paws shifted to cover his erection, but I quickly pinned them to the side. He wasn't going to go shy on me now.

Fahrin was mine!

_ _

I could smell his delicious scent, the smell enveloping my senses, eliciting a growl from my throat. That wolf belonged to me now... I pictured myself above him, tonguing the sensitive joint in his neck, our nude bodies gliding against each other, while I listened to him moan and squeal in pleasure.

He blushed, a complete red, as I scanned his entirely naked body, squirming beneath me on the bed. I slowly slid down, my eyes never breaking his, and felt his rising chest with my cheek. My ear twitched slightly, listening to the rapid pumping of his heart, as I pressed firmly against the lupine's body. How warm he felt, so close to me, so perfect. My two paws explored his small body, one caressing his inner thigh, close to his heated, pulsing member, while the other massaged his lower back tenderly. He moaned my name, his voice carrying a now a higher tone to it. I chuckled heartily. Making him feel this good, I wanted to do more.

I heard his breath hitch, as my tongue flicked over one of his nipples, a loud whine echoing in the slightly lit room, while my claw gently teased the other. His cries grew louder, and god, how much I loved that sound. That addictive wolf musk emanated from his stiff body, tensing more as I continued to suck as I pleased. I knew he was desperate, his desire made no secret as he pleaded me to touch him. No words were exchanged, of course, but the silence might as well have been the blasting keys of a piano organ. Not yet, I reminded myself. I wanted to enjoy this as much as I could.

My muzzle traveled upwards to meet Fahrin's. This time, there was no interrupting ring of the school bell, no mind-piercing shriek of the class students, and no constant preaching of a stuck-up sub-conscience to interject. I felt his lips meld against mine, the soft joining of our muzzles muffling his cute whimpers. My arms brought him closer against me, my tongue now pushing against the trembling gates to his mouth. A loud gasp broke the doors, a paw reaching around front to grasp his furry sac, as I forced my tongue into his muzzle. I memorized each crevice and shape, feeling my way into his maw, enjoying the sounds of bliss spring from his throat.

I broke the kiss slowly, a stray strand of saliva connecting our drooling faces. He had a sleepy, content expression in his eyes, and I laughed happily. I kissed him again quickly, before returning back downwards to familiarize myself with Fahrin's more intimate parts.

His knot throbbed inside his sheath, almost seemingly painful, but now more of his dribbling member bulged out from inside its furred cloak. I looked up at Fahrin. He whined softly and nodded, that cute blush of his still prevalent on his cheeks. My paw wrapped leisurely around his wolfhood, just to tease him a little more, as a loud groan followed a clenching of the bed sheets. The lupine gave a sigh in relief as I gently pulled the sheath over the enlarging bulb at the base of his heated cock. It was a masculine scent, somewhat submissive, but there was so much of it that I had to moan. I brought my nose against his crotch, reveling in the scent that was purely Fahrin. He shivered slightly at the moment of coldness but squealed when a rough tongue lapped from the base of his member to the sensitive tip, wiping off the pre-cum collecting at the peak.

Both of my paws drifted to cup his ass cheeks, a yelp releasing from his lips, as a stray claw brushed across his furry sack to the clenched hole underneath his tail. I brought my other paw to my lips, sucking on the fingertips and slickening them with saliva. Fahrin watched with lustful fascination, his tongue hanging out from the side of his mouth. He was so adorable.

I slid the fingers from my mouth, grinning at the wolf who lay panting, his legs spread open, his virgin hole exposed just for me. My paw slid downwards, a single claw tracing the outer edge of his bud, before I pushed in, penetrating the wolf beneath me with a single finger. Fahrin howled.



_ _

"You dumb husky. Listen to your brother when he's talking to you!"

I shook my head, feeling the fabric of the vivid dream disintegrate into oblivion. "Not real. Not real. Not real." I repeated the same mantra in my head to block out the remnants of the porn movie unfolding in my mind. Too bad the effects were just a little (more than a little) too late. My pants were a lot more tighter now, and even a person nearing legally blind could easily see the large bulge in my crotch area. I was dangling on the verge of dread and if I could have, I would have locked myself in the closet, where I would hopefully stay for life.

My brother had been behind me the entire time during my... episode, the wolf noting any minor nuances with my clothing. I swore that if Rez couldn't smell the waves of arousal emitting from my body, he was a poor excuse of a canid.

"Sorry, Rez."

He shrugged, and after making a quick inspection, he grunted in approval. "I still don't know what you're worried about. You look fine. Just tell me when you're about to leave, okay?"

That's it? Really?

I nearly thought I was off the hook. In all the possible rolls of Lady Luck's die, I must have won a fortune. Of course, that was what I had thought. All my hopes were dashed when Rez started sniffing the air curiously. My heart pounded against my chest, threatening to break through the skin. He can smell it. Rez can fucking smell it! I thought of quick excuses--with none of them sounding anywhere near logical-- then switched to just avoiding the question altogether, and finally panicked into just getting the hell out of my room. Before I could lift a paw, Rez spoke.

"Um, Kager? I think I can still smell Kyel's musk in here."

Kyel's? Was Rez sick or what? "Yeah," I said, almost letting my relief betray my own voice. "Probably from when you guys had sex on my own bed."

"Hey, I said I was sorry, didn't I?" he said, his ears flattening against his head.

I grinned. "I know. I just can't resist taking a jab at you every once in a while."

He rolled his eyes. "I'll see you downstairs." And before I could respond, he turned and exited the room, leaving me alone with the slowly softening erection in my jeans.

"So... Wasn't that exciting?"

_ _

"Oh, shut your trap," I muttered. "I don't need anymore excitement in my life, thank you."

Getting up from my bed, I sighed heavily and checked the time. 6:30. Only an hour before the movie started. On a previous agreement between the two of us, Fahrin and I decided that we would meet at the theatre ahead of time and quickly find good seats to watch some action flick that seemed interesting. I found it kind of humorous that I actually didn't remember the title of the movie. I was just hoping that Fahrin remembered. I recall being... distracted, when I called him. Not distracted in that kind of way, but because of my broher.

Rez, despite all that genius inside of his head, was busy making lewd motions while I was calling my "secret sexy lover," my brother's new nickname for the wolf. One action was particularly engaging, with Rez rubbing his groin and moaning Fahrin's name.

In retrospect, I think my face had never turned so red out of embarrassment (arousal) in my entire life. Restrif also now knows what it feels like to be smothered by a pillow for more than ten minutes. The worst part, however, came when Fahrin heard his name through the phone. I stuttered a quick explanation for his question that ended up being almost completely unbelievable. I mean, how often do movie actors moan "farm" while in the throes of ecstasy? There was a dubious edge to the wolf's tone when he responded, and well, I couldn't blame him either. My excuse that the television was to blame was the worst improvisation in the history of liars, not to mention cliché.

Rez was just giggling in the background.

I groaned, cupping my face in my paws. Maybe today just wasn't a great day for me, or a movie for that matter. Still, a promise, no matter how half-assed it was, was a promise.

I checked my reflection once more, posing in front of my mirror, my eyes scanning the husky reflected in the slightly dusty sheet of glass. He had on a striped black and grey button-up shirt and matching black vest and pants. Semi-casual, Rez called it. I really didn't know what to think of it though. This meeting, date, or whatever it was, wasn't going to be a formal occasion, and I didn't want to come overdressed for the event. But I didn't want to be too casual either. Should I have called Fahrin? I could have asked what he was wearing to the movie; but when I asked Restrif's opinion on the manner, he shook his head furiously.

"No," he said. "Let it be a surprise. Makes you more excited to see him."

And Rez was right. With each passing minute, the more anxious I felt to see my (cute) chemistry partner. I couldn't wait to see the adorable blush he makes when he's shy or the subtle flick of his ears when he gets excited.

Sliding my paws across my clothing to brush off some lint, I smiled approvingly at the now shiny texture of my vest. I'll have to ask Rez one day where he bought this for me. Pausing to flick the light switch to my room off, I headed down the hallway and towards the stairs.

While walking down the wooden steps, I was yet again greeted with another 'distracting' sight. Shaking my head slightly, I couldn't help it when a stray thought in my head wondered: would there ever be a normal day for me?

In the doorway, Rez was salivating over the lips of his lover, while Kyel was responding just as messily. Their tongues wrapped around each other's muzzles, lips, noses, as high-pitched whines and whimpers filled the room. I just watched with amusement that the two decided that now was the time to make out; especially when the front door was wide open and the neighbors could easily see what was going on. Not to mention that dad and mom were probably just sitting in the kitchen nearby. Knowing that the moment was going to take quite a while, I sat on the second-to-last step of the stairs to wait it out. If I wanted to get into my car out front, then I would have to barge through both of the lascivious canines and out the door. But knowing that Rez would pissed at me later (if he wasn't busy screwing his mate in his own room), I decided to let the passion between the two die out.

As easy as that sounds, I had to sit in the same position, with my muzzle resting on the palm of my right hand, for fifteen minutes before the couple had satisfied its urges enough to just settle with gentle, chaste touches.

"Are you guys done yet?" I asked, smirking.

Kyel jumped in surprise. "H-Hey, Kager..." he said, forcing his tail to cover the visible erection in his soccer shorts. The dog turned to face the door but not quick enough for me to catch the blush visible on his cheeks. "I-I didn't see you there."

Rez chuckled, grasping the canine's paw in his hand. "I did. I just thought it would be interesting to have my brother watch."

"It'd be nice if you told me!" the German shepherd whined. "You're not the one in the ridiculously tight shorts!" I raised an eyebrow at that.

His mate just smiled and kissed him softly on the lips. "Sorry, love. I got carried away."

I rolled my eyes. "Don't you always?"

"Oh shut up, Kag," Rez retorted. "Don't you have some date to be getting to?"

Kyel's ears perked in interest. "Ooh. You're dating someone, Kager? Who's the lucky girl?" Girl? I cringed visibly. It nearly slipped my mind that Kyel didn't know about Fahrin yet. I flashed a pleading look towards Rez, who understood immediately.

"C'mon Kyel, it's up to my bro to decide whether he wants to tell you or not," Rez said, tugging gently on the dog's arm. Kyel gave me a speculative look and shrugged.

"I guess..."

Rez smiled. "Good. And for that," He licked Kyel's muzzle affectionately. "You get a reward later."

My eyesight may not be the best, but I think the bulge, which was still visible beneath the dog's tail, just got even larger.

"That's why I love you," Kyel drawled.

Rez laughed. "I love you, too."

God, it was getting sappy. "Lay off on the Shakespeare guys. Too much romance than I'm comfortable with." I picked up my brother and rubbed my muzzle against his. He nuzzled back, hugging me happily. "I'll be back soon." Placing him back on the floor, I headed towards my car.

Restrif beamed happily at me. "Don't be jealous Kag," the wolf said, his tail wagging. "I think Shakespeare was getting on to something there."

"Like what?" I asked.

He sighed happily. "Well, isn't it every couple's dream? I'm not talking about the suicide, of course, but just the idea." Rez squeezed Kyel's paw tightly. "I think Kyel would make a lovely Juliet."

"What are you talking about?" the sheppie whined. "I'm no girl. You can be Juliet and I'll be Romeo."

"I sure as hell am not a girl either!" Rez said. "Besides, we both know who's more dominant in bed."

Kyel's body jerked upwards. He looked as though he had a panicked expression, and I watched as his paw quickly came to cover Rez's muzzle. "Yeah, but your brother doesn't know that!"

I laughed at the mortified expression on the dog's face, his cheeks a glowing red, bright enough to match the scarlet t-shirt that adorned my brother's torso.

"Aww, don't tease the kid too much."

_ _

"But it's so much fun!" I said, chuckling.

The husky in my head frowned. "Kyel's an athlete, too. He's just as concerned about his masculinity as you are."

My laughter died down afterwards. I mean, what could I say to that? "I... I guess you're right." For once, I nearly added.

My eyes drifted up to the sky in thought. "How about Benvolio?" I suggested.

"Romeo's cousin? What about him?" Kyel asked.

"Yeah! That's perfect!" my brother winked at me, later turning to his mate. "I can be Romeo and you can be my Benvolio."

"Wait... incest?"

Rez smirked at his mate's question. "Anything against it?"

"Romeo and Benvolio..." Kyel snickered, licking Rez on the cheek. "I like the sound of that. Always thought there was some secret romance between those two."

I could see it now. Headline news: "Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet Finally Deciphered; Forbidden Love Between Romeo and his Cousin." Below the title would be some color washed, computerized editing of the star actors kissing. I wouldn't put it past the media to use clips from the most recent movie adaptation either. Just a bit of Photoshop magic and presto, instant homosexual lovers.

Makes you wonder how many of the supposed 'gay' actors are actually gay; actors who actually want someone with the same junk in their undies...

It sort of made sense though. After all, Shakespeare only casted males to play the parts in his plays. Maybe the playwright had a secret of his own? It just made Romeo and Benvolio's love all the more likely. It was all speculation, of course. And everyone knows, speculation is just the naughty bitch of a person's imagination.

"But still, a secret romance! Similar to what you and Fahrin would have, don't ya think?"

_ _

I snorted. Despite how stereotypical that sounded, I knew that it would be true. Of all likelihood, if there did happen to be a relationship between Fahrin and me, it would have to be kept hidden in the dark. Fahrin still has ties with the Christian church, even more so because of his father. The idea seemed repulsive, the fact that I couldn't claim Fahrin as mine in public. But my disgust towards this life of secrecy... Shouldn't I be happy? I could continue to play football as much as I wanted, and Fahrin could continue his support of the church.

"You wanted this anyway. The gods granted your wish and now you have to live with it."

_ _

But honestly, that didn't mean I had to accept it. For heaven's sake, I wasn't sure if Fahrin even liked me. I was just walking blind in the hopes that in the miniscule amount of luck that I had, it was enough to guarantee a reciprocation of emotion. The pessimistic part of brain bumped in: As if Fahrin could love a dumbass jockey like me.

I turned to Kyel and Rez, and my heart ached in jealousy, a dull pain but still there. I smiled at them warmly.

It was time to go.

Once inside my car, I turned on the ignition, backed out of the driveway, and drove off, letting instinct guide me to the movie theater where I would meet Fahrin. As I veered onto the main road, it wasn't until I reached my first intersection did I realize that I forgot to put on my seatbelt. Hearing the satisfied click of the safety restraint, I couldn't help but wonder. What now? My brother and his new boyfriend... What future lay for the two of them?

Their first meeting was purely serendipitous, the result of an overpowered kick of a soccer ball and two unaware high school students. Who could have expected that the two would be in the same place at the right time? Who could have known that they would have fallen in the perfect motion for a kiss? Who could have assured the two canines that their love wasn't some monstrosity, a sexual deviation of the social norm?

No one could. No one could prove that Kyel's and Rez's love was predictable, that its fruition was only prevented by their physical separation. I supposed this was when people turn to religion for an explanation. Maybe God did influence that day's occurrences. That what appeared to be a fateful happenstance was simply an omnipresent force at work. Would God have wanted them to be together? They are both male, after all. But the two still loved each other, and all one had to do to see it was look into their eyes. They sparkled with a brilliance that arose only when the other was nearby.

Was that really love, however? Kyel and my brother were incredibly physical when it came to demonstrating their attraction towards one another, but was there more than that? There was always the stereotypical "I love you" and "I love you, too" moments, the ones that made me want to retch with how sugarcoated each word sounded. These phrases, so often said without meaning, reminded me of an infinitely looping soundtrack. It gets old after a while, eventually to the point where it gets used as much as I use my toaster.

Don't get me wrong; I wasn't comparing their love to the machine that makes my breakfast. And that doesn't mean that I don't trust Kyel either. Hell, I let him fuck my brother on my own bed. I just feared the day, whether it does come or not, where the two will be forced to separate. If that day does arrive, then hopefully it wouldn't be until much later. Seldom do first relationships really last for a lifetime, and even if it was a little fantasy of mine, I really wanted their love to last... and maybe if there was an extra pinch of luck left, that the love between Fahrin and me blossom as well.

I stuck my tongue out in disgust. 'Blossom?' Maybe I should take my own advice and lay off the archaic English for a while. Until I settled all my problems, then I might consider looking into Shakespeare again. Although, I think I can make Romeo and Juliet an exception. Maybe there was some insinuated romance between Romeo and Benvolio that just appealed to me. Two forbidden lovers in a world of conflicted society... I wonder. Would Romeo's eyes have lit up in joy in the presence of his true lover?

As I reached the side road that led to the movie theater's parking lot, I turned and parallel-parked my car along the row of automobiles beside the curb. Stepping out from my vehicle, I searched for my black wolf amidst the crowd.

It was a lot easier than expected.

I took no time at all to pick Fahrin out from the large mass of furs that lined up to get their tickets. He was the only one standing alone in the undulating waves of ears, fur, and tails. Fahrin wore a snow-white sports jacket over a charcoal grey polo shirt; the jacket's sleeves were rolled slightly upwards to reveal a chrome-colored watch on the wolf's left wrist.

I admired him from the distance while he stared at the movie boards, his tail wagging in anxiety and... hope? With some humor, I noticed Fahrin check his watch every thirty seconds, almost in epileptic motions. The comicality of the moment died, however, as his ears hung slightly lower as time continued to pass.

Did he really want to see me that bad?

_ _

I locked my car and strolled closer, just enough to hear him sigh. The dejection in his voice made my heart crumble.

"I guess he's not coming," he muttered. Ouch, I wasn't that late, was I?

Panicking, I shouted to him. "Hey, Fahrin! Wait for me!" I waved my hand and watched him turn. The excitement that encroached on his young face filled my chest with a fuzzy levity that I found intoxicating.

"Kager! You're here!"

He ran up to me, his tail swishing animatedly, and...

Surprised me.

The black wolf was hugging me tightly, burying his muzzle into my chest. "I didn't think you would make it."

I stood awkwardly as the lupine was breathing in my scent; small signs of a subtle smile stretching his lips.

"Hold him. He's right there."

_ _

The husky in my mind didn't need to do any more urging. Unconsciously, my arms drifted around Fahrin's back, pushing him further against my chest. He sighed contentedly and closed his eyes as he enjoyed the moment. I would be lying if I said I didn't either.

Was love supposed to feel like this? Did it make your heart slow, like the gentle water drops of a spring rain shower? Did it fill your chest with an indescribable lightness, like what Fahrin was doing to me?

When I tilted my muzzle to see the wolf that fit comfortably in my embrace, I met his sparkling emerald eyes. They reminded me so much of the light in Kyel's and Rez's own, whenever the two were together.

Tell me, Fahrin... are you in love with me?

_ _

Because I can tell you right now.

_ _

I'm in love with you, too.