Hunter and Trapper

Story by Philisophical_noone on SoFurry

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#18 of Fallen Sky Tales

It's been a month since Dante took a personal vacation on Paradise. It wasn't so much that it was a utopia and relaxing, but it's a planet, named by the followers of Abuio (Ratchet is a priestess of Abuio, so it just came up) for it's hunting. Every inch of the land in uninhabitable by civilized society, and there is as much prey as there are predators. Dante thought it would be a good idea to unwind and get free from technology and Fallen Sky. While most hunters made a pilgrimage for a few days, Dante elected to stay for a month with nothing but the clothes on his back, a knife, and a tracking beacon.

"I hope he stayed to the forest area. More prey there, and less chance of one of those Uiotpo packs attacking." Ratchet was the authority.

Wendy scratched her head as the Albatross hovered over the planet, around the area Dante was last seen, "What's a... Uiotpo?"

"Oh, that's simple. There are these four-legged creatures, a fine fur as black as mindnight. Their eyes are actually these uh... 'feelers" that branch off of their heads. On all fours, they are about as long as Titus is tall. In general, they hunt in packs, and no sane hunter would go after one since they are smart and know how to lure idiots into traps." Ratchet smiled, "I will say though, their fur is amazing. It's so soft, like wearing a cloud. And it is both warm and cold depending on how the weather is." She hugged herself and shivered.

"Calm down, we just need to get Dante. Uh..." Miss Star looked around, "We've been flying for a while now..."

The AI spoke, "I am heading towards the tracking beacon, as instructed. It is approximately 200 miles north of here. I will increase speeds to approach the location faster." Almost as soon as the announcement was made, the ship was far north.

"Really?! Why would Dante willingly come up here?!"Chey was plastered to the lounge window. It was an icy tundra outside, the AI gave the temperature as 4 degrees, with a 30 mph steady wind.

Ratchet started putting on extra clothes, "Nothing up here but a few animals and some of the worst predators I've ever known. Some are even legendary for being the most dangerous on this planet. Or, if you go by some guides, the galaxy. I hope Dante's alright. Chey, grab a bigger gun. Titus, use more explosive ammunition."

"I'm coming too."

"Sorry, I know this place well. A party of three is the most allowed by my people. More just attracts attention, and increases death rates. Chey and Titus, follow my lead exactly. And don't make a sound." The three got geared up, and made sure to wear a few extra layers.

Wendy was looking out of the glass, "So much snow..." She was smiling.

Jill put a hand on her head, "You seem to enjoy it quite a bit."

She nodded as Sere got close, "The snow kept people inside and warm. Raiders stayed away, people were happy."

"Ugh, the engines need to stay on. They almost froze up when they were off."

Jill patted both of their heads, "Well, enjoy the scenery. I'm sure Dante will come back and something completely chaotic will happen... again."


Ratchet led her small group towards the tracking beacon. It was hard to get a solid footing on the ice and snow, and the winds didn't help either. Soon, Ratchet held a hand up and dashed forward. She crouched low and used her scope to look ahead. A few seconds later, she hesitantly waved the two on.

Even Titus could see the (mostly) skeletal remains of a massive creature. It must have been 40 feet high, a few tons (when it was alive), and aggressive. Just beyond the remains was a faint light coming from a hill. Ratchet wasted no time, so Chey and Titus had to rush to keep up.

It was a tiny cave. Two massive rib bones and some hide from that creature covered the entrance, "Dante." Ratchet whispered.

"It's been a month already?" The small party opened the door covered just enough to slip inside. There sat Dante, but he didn't look the same. Beyond the fire, they could see he was wearing the same hide that made up the doorway, with some black fur poking out under his neck. Only his face was exposed, and even that had a rough beard. There was a rough wooden bow to his left with a few arrows made from bone. On his right, there was a claw from the massive creature, with a few holes and a handle to extend his reach, "What?"

Chey removed her facemask, "Did you kill that thing?!"

He nodded, then Ratchet almost squealed, "Really?! That's... amazing! Nobody has ever met one of those and lived to tell the tale! Their hide can stop arrows! How?!"

"Hm? I killed three more on my way up here. I just left that one there for the meet, bones, and hide. Not to mention those wolf-ish things, killed a few packs of those. This planet was boring. I even lost my knife and I took down a pack... oh well, not much left for me here." he took a bite out of a large chunk of meat, "Here, take a bite. You all look cold." Ratchet was the first to take a bite, then she handed it behind her.

"Dante, how are you alive? You've fought things that nobody has ever won against."

Dante looked at her with his one eye, "Easy. I was stronger. Come on, let's get moving. I'm sure you people have something for me to do." He stood up, but only took the claw, "Move!" The three jumped to attention and just barely put on their facemasks before they got into the open, "Look, you let them follow you."

"Uh, the bow?"

Dante gestured to Ratchet, "It's yours if you want it." She eagerly picked it up, along with the arrows.

A pack of Uiotpo was growling and bearing their fangs, "Dante, got a plan?"

He walked forward with the claw ready to strike, but instead of attacking, he let out a savage growl that echoed even in the flat landscape. The Uiotpo left immediately, with their tails between their legs, "I don't remember saying to stop and stare, you'll freeze to death."

Titus paused, "Dante... that wasn't natural, even I can't do that."

Dante picked up a pile of snow, "No idea. But I can do it. Hurry it up."


As soon as they reached the Albatross, a message came through, "Dante! Happy to see you, but we need to get moving..."

"What now?"

Mira rolled up to him, "Simple. Isa wants the heads of the new Fallen Sky to address some of the key members and invited guests. Something about being a more open organization. Well, get ready! I wrote a speech if you need one."

Dante pinched the bridge of his nose and walked towards his room. Sere smiled at the other three, "You'd better get out of all that gear, you'll boil to death!"

Ratchet wasted no time in walking towards her room (hugging Dante's bow tightly), while Chey and Titus were busy explaining the roar Dante made, "Oh," Wendy leaned around the corner, "We heard that too. Dante made that? Maybe the rumors were true..."

Jill patted her head (a new favorite hobby, as she was like the big sister), "Rumors? What rumors?"

All of Zero Unit, save for Dante, gathered in the lounge. Wendy was nervous, "Uh, well, there were people that said Dante wasn't born. He just... existed. I can remember a little, about when people wanted to find where he lived... and there was no house ever in that spot. The medical records found didn't show him being born everywhere, and he never mentioned his parents."

Ratchet sat up, "Woah, is that even possible? I mean, I know there was a war all over, but still. Not everything could be destroyed."

Wendy lifted a crude necklace out from under her dress, "My mommy and daddy gave me this, before saying that if I pray that Dante will save me, he will." The necklace was made with a twine-like string, and there was a tiny bit of metal wrapped around a glass vial filled with dirt, grass, a flower petal, and a pebble, "I don't know why, but it makes me feel so safe and happy when Dante is near me."

Rachel was leaning back and thinking, "Well, from the records about human anatomy, he's completely normal."

Cratis nodded, "I'm not used to humans, but he seems like one."

"Then again, it is Dante. I don't know if he is normal after all of what we've seen. He's got this... aura about him." Jill was kicking her feet, "Maybe he is special?"

Ratchet smiled, "He is, I know he is."

Miss Star was as enthusiastic as ever, "He's Dante! The best man to ever join Fallen Sky!"

Jill looked at the others seriously, "In any case, Dante is Dante. That's all he is to me."

A short flight later...

"And now, the man you've all been waiting for, Dante!"

There was quite a bit of applause as Dante walked on stage, but it quickly faded. He was wearing his savage clothing he made on Paradise, and he stepped up to the podium, "I'm not here to motivate you. I'm not here to tell you to run off mindlessly and die. The people on your crew, the people up here, the people you call friends, they are all your family. It is important for you to know this. Always stand by their side. If someone says to run, you'd better take them with you. Every member of your family needs you help as much as you need their help. Never surrender to those who wish to harm your family." Dante looked to Isa, "Am I done here?"

"Wait! We have someone who wants to say something!" There was an unfamiliar voice from the back of the room. Dante was aware of the recent talks with some of the more minor mercenary groups, but he didn't know details. This was definitely one of them, "We wish to help make Fallen Sky, and our Night Prowlers, invincible!"

Time froze as a human woman walked in. The original members of Zero Unit couldn't look away, but Ratchet made sure to watch Dante. It was that woman, the beautiful blonde woman, the one they killed so long ago, "Miss me my dearest?"

Isa, Marie, and the Goddess could see how tense Dante was. The wood of the podium began to shatter as he gripped tighter, "Um, who are you?"

"Oh, my apologizes Captain Isa. They call me Daisy. I'm an old friend, well," She chuckled, "more than a friend, of Dante."

Titus stood up and pointed, "I saw Dante put a bullet through your skull!"

Daisy smiled, "Oh you poor, stupid creature. That wasn't me. If it was, only Dante would have been left alive. That was some rich girl who admired me. Even went through genetic surgery to look like me. Adorable, but she served her purpose."

"Anima would like to say hello." Dante raised Anima, and as soon as he did the gun fired. Daisy had pulled one of her own men in front of her before that though. He dropped to the ground, "You bitch!" Dante leaped over the podium, and it took Chey, Cratis, and Titus to hold him back. Ratchet silently drew a knife, while Jill readied her handgun.

"Oh don't say that, you know I'm the only one that can satisfy all of your urges. While I'm here though," She brushed her blonde hair from her face, "I wouldn't mind spending some time alone with you, just the two of us. Like old times. A bottle of old liquor, machine guns, taking shelter in a ruined building with nothing but each other making warmth..." She shivered.

The members of Fallen Sky raised their rifles to the members of the Night Prowlers, "Hey, you aren't welcome. But this is a peaceful area, so leave. Or I'll help Dante tear you to shreds." Marie was stretching her arm.

"Fine, fine, let's go boys. See you soon Dante." Daisy blew him a kiss before leaving.

Some members of Fallen Sky were about to chase her, "Stop! Check the area for traps, it's what she does..." As he said that, he walked towards the door. Dante ran a finger along the air, then pulled. A string snapped, but he was able to stop the sharp trap from going off, "She wants to talk, fine. Isa, get everyone settled."

Outside, on the wide open plains, Daisy stood alone. She was ready to pounce though, so Dante took the same position, "I know all of your moves..."

"I know yours as well, so give up and I'll kill you quick."

She smiled, "So, Anima still remembers me. I think I was the only one who noticed you didn't touch the trigger. Well, it's been a while!"

Zero Unit, as well as some key members of Fallen Sky, were watching the actionless exchange, "I hate you so much!" The voice of a little girl shocked them, "Why are you so mean!"

"Anima! It's been so long since I heard that heavenly little voice of yours!"

"Quiet! You hurt Dante, and everyone else! I can't ever forgive you!"

Daisy smiled, "But look! I even made it do he would be standing on earth. The dirt he knows and loves, plus a few rocks. Wow, this place is in the middle of nowhere."

"Dante! Quick!"

Daisy seemed sad, "Aww, you aren't doing that ghost thing. Oh well, Dante knows more than anyone why he can't attack just now. And Dante? You should trim your beard a bit. Not the best look the way it is." She waved and jumped backwards just as her ship flew by.

Fallen Sky members fired at the ship, but it was a hopeless endeavor. The Goddess ran up to Dante, "What happened?"

"Anima spoke, what of it? You need to get sweepers out here, this whole place is likely filled with traps. I need a drink, and I'm going to go kill her."

Isa stood in his way, "Sorry, I can't let you do that. Sure, she needs to die. But not this second. When the time comes, I promise you'll be the one to kill her Dante. But for now, we need to play this right. A full scale war between mercenary companies would wreck havoc on the innocents."

"Fine, I'm going back to the Albatross." As he trudged away, holding Anima tightly, his crew didn't know how to react or what to do.

Titus was just as slow as the others, but managed to at least say, "Has anyone seen Ratchet?"


Dante took off his survival gear and put on more casual clothing before laying down and staring at the ceiling. He was well aware of the situation, and knew that her head wasn't worth a few thousand innocents. Anima making a surprise appearance was unusual, as she's only done that twice around Dante, and only briefly, "Sorry Dante, I missed."

"You did fine kid. She knew you were going to do that. She's close to me in that regard, always planning for contingencies at the last second. At least you scared a few people, Daisy didn't expect to hear you."

The ghostly little girl in the corner of the room smiled, "I know. We'll get her next time!"

"Damn straight."

"Dante, does it still hurt?"

He chuckled, "Kid, I'm surprised I can still walk around. Too stubborn to die I guess. Well, as long as the shadows remain, I don't think I'm going anywhere."

Anima sat on his lap, "It's okay, I'm here for you. So is everyone else."

Dante outstretched a hand to his ceiling, and stared, "I wonder if I still have a purpose, or if I can die... doesn't matter in the end I suppose. These people are useless without me."

Anima couldn't help but giggle, "Well, I was the only one who figured it out. And you saved my life twice, so I'm glad I can be by your side. You are human Dante, but you are so much more on the inside."