A Strange World Chapter 9 (Final)

Story by Zack_Wolfe on SoFurry

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#6 of A Strange World Series

Chapter 9: A Strange World.

John walked about the apartment gathering up various things, his time on this world had come to a close. A long and incredibly interesting year has passed. He began to put the various items into the bags. Krystal had also been helping John. After a few more minutes he had everything packed up and he headed down to the research facility. He arrived there to find many of the city's inhabitants waiting outside of the facility. He and Krystal got out of their hovercar. They walked through the building and down the hall to the main room.

Sky greeted the two along with all off the researchers and staff. "Hey are you two ready?" Sky asked. John and Krystal looked at each other, they nodded. "Alright then we will have you suit up and then go to adress the people." Sky said. "Is the ship all ready to go?" John asked. "Almost, we need to run some more calibrations." Sky said. John nodded. The two had comstom made and fitted space suits. John and Krystal had other people helping them to dawn them. "I'm really nervous." Krystal said. "Me too,but we are still together." John said smiling. A dragon came up to them. "Jik man geff dan der shast." He bellowed very deeply. "The news conference is ready for us." Krystal said. John and krystal walked out some sliding steel doors to an open concrete parking lot next to a shuttle.

There was a large roar as the two came out. They walked another thirty feet to a platform with a podium. John walked up to the mic and tapped it. There was close to 10,000 furs standing behind a fence. "Is this thing on?" John said into the mic. He heard the speakers. Krystal was also given a microphone so that she would be able to translate. John took a deep breath and cleared his throat. The crowd fell silent.

"It is an honor to be able to speak in front of all of you and all of Venra. It was one year ago when I first arrived on this world. At first I was afraid I was going to be killed, well actually first I was scared I was going to die on my rocket or in space. When landed on your planet I thought of you as enemies, but as I spent time with you I have become friends. On earth we only have dreamed of such things happening, not once have we ever truly thought that there was other life in space, well I guess we proved them wrong huh? I have learned so much of your people and I hope you have all learned many things about Humans and Earth. Maybe one day Furries and Humans can live together. I could have never imagined all of these things happening to me. It has truly been a pleasure meeting all of you and having this experience." John finished saying.

An even louder roar came over them as the two dawned their helmets and got into the rocket. The two sat nervously in their seats. Sky's voice came on in their intercoms. "With the new engine in there it will only take a month to reach earth." He said. John knew the plan. Krystal had also been briefed on it. "Commencing lift off." A voice said. The rockets roared to life. They felt smashed against their seats. They began to soar moe and more with each passing second. Soon they were in space and the rockets did their jobs as the shuttle detached. The two were soon in orbit and the artificial gravity field was turned on. The two got out of their seats consumed their calorie bars and entered the cryogentic chambers. This time around it would be far sooner.

The two soon awoke. The hibernation sickness only lasted a minute this time. The two were soon in the earth's orbit and strapped themselves in as the entered the earth's atmosphere. Soon they landed at their intended target. The ship landed next to the U.N. building. The two got out of the ship and met up with all of the leaders of earth. The military freaked when the seen Krystal but John defended her and told them everything that happend.

Soon they exchanged their information. Major advances in medicine, science, engineering and language were possible because of the furs. Once the public was informed of all of this many people were hateful of the furries. They said it was beastiality and man on dog relationships, soon there were many people rallying against these hate groups. After five years there were Furries living on earth and soon there were also Humans on Venra. Furs and Humans co-existed. It was truly amazing strange world.