Subject Drafess Revealed!

Story by Xinnova on SoFurry

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/></a> <br /><br /> Just thought I would have some fun while at the same time finally putting out a real description for myself as I am now. <br /><br /> I did it in an artistic sense, portraying the 'Subject Drafess' (which is none other than myself) Through a research teams eyes as they discover what I am and how I function.<br /><br /> There's emphasis on vore in the way I describe myself, but sorry to say there is no real vore here. Some adult stuff when detailing sex: basically just verifying my being herm and how everything works.<br /><br /> But nothing over the top or any real sex play involved.<br /><br /> Around 2100 words.<br /><br /> Hope this helps people understand my appearance without being over the top or boring >.<<br /><br /> Description is below, +18 for graphic nude description under the SEX: section.<br /><br /> Enjoy!</p> <hr class=


Subject Profile for Species: Drafess

Name: Xinnova Ferrin Clawars (Formally Shen' Wong)

Species: Drafess (Dragon/Thylacine Hybrid)

Height: Feral- 70ish feet tall from paw to the top of head.

Anthro- 5'4 from foot to top of head.

Length: Feral- 150' long from tip of snout to end of tail bulb.

Wingspan: Around 170. Being a lighter body than a normal dragon the Drafess doesn't require a huge wing span to propel itself into flight. Weight: Unknown, Being the only one of its kind its best to describe the Drafess as an agile and light creature compared to its western dragon cousin. (I'm not really sure of what to base the weight off of, so it's hard to say what a proper weight would be >.<)

Eye color: A soft ocean blue (An icy glowing blue when using mind control on its prey)

Horns: Being a young dragon the Drafess' horns have only barely grown, curving back a bit and having ebony black color.

Head: Snout is basically the shape of a canine's mixed with a dragon, baring the fangs of a dragon. Inner maw is rolled with sharp teeth with a wide long tongue between them that lead to the back of the maw. The voice box in the back of the throat opens up fully allowing food to pass without any resistance, while the throat expands to aid in swallowing.


Nostrils take the place of a nose, having the same abilities of smell to detect both prey and potential predators. Eyes having a slit like iris to increase the ability to see during both the day and night. Jaws like the thylacine jaws they are able to unhinge if needed to swallow food too large for a normal eating. Ears are smaller than typical canine, being more thylacine than wolf but still having the same abilities to hear great distances though being rather sensitive to touch.

From the front roof of the mouth leading down into the throat all the way to the stomach are glowing blue runes. These ancient draconic symbols speaking out the foods last rites of passage into the next life. Sealing all power they may have inside of the Drafess, locking the food into a process of digesting allowing the Drafess to feed on any manor of magical creature.

Neck: Is broad but not as long as typical western dragons, having the ability to stretch out to meet the needs of whatever food passes through it. Esophagus being reinforced with added muscle allows for the travel of living food with added help from the muscles themselves. Enlarged esophageal glands keep the passage for food slick to assure the food will pass without causing blockage.

The glowing blue runes follow down the roof of the esophagus, the glow vibrating along with the travel of the food as if to allow it to read the symbols while it is eaten.

Body: Having a broad chest (But not as large as seen on most western dragons), the Drafess has reinforced bones giving it the ability to take hard hits before succumbing to breaks or shatters. It also houses organs vital for the creatures daily life as well as allowing to process food at a faster rate than normal if need be (allowing the Drafess to expend more energy with a higher metabolism, to increase flight speed or running ability).

A slim torso when hunting, having the ability to expand to great proportions if needed for the holding of food during digestion. At the bottom of the rib cage are located two sets of tits that are flat when not filled with milk, but become enlarged like that of a canines when filled. Filling normally occurs for the Drafess after every large mill that produces an overabundance of nutrients. The nutrients are absorbed if not drained in moments of need (Such as escaping a predator's advance or in a fight for survival). Just below the tits is an opening slit that goes Horizontal across the belly which contains that of a pouch meant to house young. Inside of the pouch near its opening are a set of tits that don't fill out with milk but still contain such for young in case the mother Drafess must hide from predators allowing for feeding and escaping or hunting.

The pouch can both be an instrument of housing young but also it can be used as a means of capturing prey, having an opening within it (A smaller type of esophagus) that leads to the stomach. This tubing shrinks down to a flattened state when not in use to keep the other needed organs from being affected while not in use.

The stomach itself is capable of breaking down most foods and even some non-biological items such as clothes and jewelry. The Drafess' stomach is lined with runic symbols of ancient magic that was imbued into its stomach before birth. This runic magic allows the stomach to digest mystical power and even that of spirits of the food that is digested. Turning the power into energy for its body to use and even increasing the creatures output and abilities. This prison of a chamber is where the food becomes broken down to nutrients to add to the Drafess' body to keep it alive.

Due to the extremes of the devouring of souls being new to the Drafess mistakes did occur with the stronger magical beings. One such incident left both the stomach and the tail with partial souls still intact. Giving them almost sentient qualities in the way they react to the Drafess and the food. Appearing to have emotions and gestures that could almost mark them as being their own species of creature!

Legs: The Drafess is an agile creature, but sadly due to its size it's not near as strong as that of its western cousin. Trading speed and quickness for brute strength, the Drafess uses wit and quick actions to take down its meal or when defending itself from predators. Its paws are built like that of a canines, having large pads that are thick for heavy travel but soft to the touch as the Drafess doesn't like walking around if it doesn't have to. Claws are normally sharp but dulled down when too sharp to prevent harming those that are being cared for or hir young.

Paws are typical canine, having the normal number of pads that you would see on a large dog. Though with claws that are extended and broad like that of a dragons.

Tail: Broad at the base but moving down into a slender tail up to the end which holds a large red bulb. The bulb is in the shape of a rose before it blooms in spring. A luring instrument used to bring in prey close to see the beautiful bloom. The bulb opens up like a flower but then as it reaches full bloom it emits a strong neurotoxin that sprays out like a yellow mist of pollen. The prey breathes it in and gets it all over their skin, it's both consumed and seeps into the skin causing strong paralysis that could last for hours or even become permanent. This tool can both be used as a means to catch large prey but also can be used to defend itself; only a small bit of the spray on the skin is enough to usually ward off even the more stubborn of predators.

The tail also emits that of a hiss when the Drafess is threatened or feels uncomfortable. Its length allows it to also constrict smaller prey in a snake like coil. The opening of the flowery bulb contains a tube like a third esophagus, the opening filled with needle like teeth used for gripping the food and holding it while the muscles within the tunnel of flesh grip and drag down which leads towards the stomach for the process of breaking down.

Accessories: A light blue bandana the same shade of colors of the Drafess' eyes is normally always upon the creatures head. Horns poke out from the front of the bandana as the ears poke out from the sides of it. From under the front come three strands of banes, in a combination of black red black. A golden collar is normally upon the creature's neck, suggesting this creature is owned by someone. It's make is of gold, having two great cobra's hissing and ready to strike at each other while a ruby between them keeps them from doing so.

Coloration: The Drafess is a shade of black, just a little lighter than ebony that keeps it concealed in shadowy areas or within hiding spots. Starting from the lower back are stripes that move down its hips and over the tail completely. These stripes becoming bigger just as they pass over the back legs but get smaller as they begin to move down the tail. Their coloration is that of a crimson red, the same color used on the tail bulb.

The claws are a grey that is lighter than the shade of the fur. Paw pads are of the same crimson red, giving the Drafess the alluring beauty of a rare creature but also a clear warning that it's dangerous to anyone that would harm it.

Sex: The Drafess being the only one of its kind is a Herm, having both a penis and a vagina while remarkably being able to both make children in another host as well as producing children of its own from most mates. The penis of the Drafess is built large; the spear like tip and sizeable knot at its base suggests that the Drafess is a creature of 'claiming' mating. Preferring to find a suitable mate, mounting said mate and then proceeding to move on; Though it has been recorded many times that the Drafess has stood its ground and defended those of its genes when needing to do so.

Its vagina is that of typical dragons, having the ability to take on larger mates if need be but preferring to take on only those that are first able to earn that right (most of them just being able to survive the Drafess' hunger). Being located just behind its sack, the beginning of the sexual opening being close to the sack as it works up close to the tails anus pucker.

Distinction from feral to anthro: Though most of what the Drafess is stays the same in the human like form of its anthro self. There are a few changes that do take place that you must look for when trying to be sure that the Drafess is indeed the real thing. Instead of the four tits out and two inside the pouch, the anthro has all six breasts out on display, the top pair being the biggest while the second and third are small than the first. Also the pouch in anthro is removed and instead is replaced by a brown satchel bag at the anthro's side. Whatever was housed in the pouch at the time of transformation is moved to this bag by means of magical manipulation.

Other Facts: The Drafess isn't super strong but houses some powerful magical energy, being able to consume other magical creatures to gain their power has given the creature a powerful edge. One should also be mindful of the powerful mental capacity this creature boasts, being able to tap into another's mind and bend it to the Drafess' will is something that has been recorded many times over. It's been recorded that some have even emitted acts of uncontrolled climax when being under the control of the creature.

The eyes will turn into a glowing icy blue when it begins to tap into the prey's mind, what happens from that point is a guess even to us. The subject has been recorded to take delight in breaking down even the most strong willed of creatures just before sealing their fates. One would call this creature a monster if it wasn't for the fact it cares so deeply for the children and pets that it takes under its wings. Being recorded to have even going up against spiritual deities in some wise man tales to protect those it cares for.