Untold Pleasures Chapter 2: A loved ones return

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-Chapter 2-

When Max awoke, Michelle was still curled up into a tight ball in his arms, fast asleep. Slowly Max slid his arms out from around her and got up, walking over to a nearby window and peering out. It was now almost pitch black outside, save for a few streetlights here and there casting an orange glow on the street. Max knew he had to leave now and get home before his mother filed a missing persons report. So, max walked back over to the coutch where Michelle was sleeping and gently roused her from her sleep.

"Michelle, hey Michelle! Wake up!" Max said.

"Mmmmm.....hm? Oh hey Max." she said with a yawn, "Whats up?"

"I need to get going now, I'm really late and my mother is going to KILL me." he replied.

"Oh....alright then." she said with a bit of a dissappointed look, "Will I see you tomorrow?"

"You know it babe." Max said, kissing her cheek very gently.

"Ok....I can't wait..." Michelle said, a slightly seductive tone in her voice.

Max then got dressed and called his home to explain to his mother where he had been all day. She, of course, wasn't too happy but she understood why he would have been worried so she decided to let it slide this time. After he said his goodbyes to his mother, he turned to Michelle and couldn't find the words he was looking for. Michelle already knew though, she was feeling the same thing and she could tell Max was too.

"Max....listen I....errr....well I..." she trailed off.

"What is it Michelle?" he asked.

"Well I....I think I...Max I think I love you." she finally said.

Max felt his cheeks flare instantly and his voice came out a bit shakey, "I-I know...I could feel it..and I think I love you too Michelle."

Michelle suddenly felt very giddy and she ran into his arms, snuggling against his form tightly. She had never been so happy to hear somone say that to her in her whole life. She felt warm tears of joy begin rolling down her soft cheeks as she held him. It's true, she never wanted to let him go but she knew she had to for now. But, she also knew that no matter what happened, she would only want Max from now till the day she died and she knew deep down that Max felt the same about her. Max slowly pulled away and wiped the tears from michelle eyes, a warm smile forming on his face. Michelle beamed right back at him and the words were understood, not spoken. With a bit of hesitation, max turned and walked out the door, glancing over his shoulder once to wink back at Michelle before he rounded a corner.

As Max walked home, he couldn't get Michelle off of his mind at all. He seemed to be in an endless happy stupor and he even skipped a bit as he came upon the driveway of his home. Max noticed a familiar car in the driveway....but there was no way that person could be here, surely he would have heard about it first. Max ran in the front door and looked about for his mother, calling her name. He finally found her out in the backyard sitting with the only other person Max loved esides his mom and now Michelle, it was his sister Sasha. Sasha was about 6'2" and had orange fur like Max and his Mother, although her tail had a black tip, obviously inherited from thier recently deceased father whom had been a red fox with a black tipped tail, a very unusual trait. Sasha had emerald green eyes that seemed to sparkle in any light just like real emeralds would. She was 19 years old and had been going to college for the past year or so. Max yipped in excitement and ran over to hug his older sister, who happily hugged her special little brother back in a tight embrace.

"Well, it would seem somone missed me greatly." Sasha said, giggling at her brothers excitement.

"Of course I missed you sis! I've missed you everyday terribly!" Max said.

"So, has my baby brother met anyone special yet?" Sasha cooed.

"Well....you could say that...." Max answered, feeling his cheeks flush.

"OH! Who is it?" Sasha asked quickly.

"Well....errrr....." Max started.

"Oh come on! Please tell me?" she said, looking down on Max with her beautiful eyes.

"It's....Michelle..." Max finally said.

Sasha squealed with excitement and hugged Max again, "Oh Max, I'm so happy for you!"

Max knew it was only half hearted though, he knew thats all it ever would be ever since that night 2 years ago during the thunderstorm.....

***** 2 years ago *****

It was a very dark and gloomy night, long rolls of thunder and bright flashes of lightning happening at random intervals of time. Max was just 10 years old and he was still afraid of the dark...and thunderstorms. There was a bright flash of blue light and then a roaring clap of thunder a mere 2 seconds afterwards. That was all Max could stand, with a yipp of fright he hopped from his bed and ran into his big sisters room. She was sleeping soundly on her soft full sized bed, snoring ever so softly. Max slowly climbed into her bed and nuzzled his way into her arms, wimpering as another loud roll of thunder came. Sasha, who hadn't really been asleep at all, pretended to slowly wake from her fake slumber and nuzzled Max's ear softly.

"Whats wrong baby brother?" she asked.

"It's this storm...it's scaring me." Max replied, snuggling his body closer to her.

"Awwwww.....you poor thing." she cooed softly to him, "You wanna sleep with me tonight?"

Max just nodded slowly and turned to face his older sister, "I really would...I hate thunderstorms."

"I know sweetie..." she said, slowly stroking his fur as he buried his face against her chest.

Sasha would never admit to it, but she loved it when max came to sleep with her. Sure she had boyfriends that had cuddled with her before but none made her feel as happy as Max had. She just hugged him close to herself, closing her eyes lightly enjoying the moment. After a while she felt somthing poking her soft tummy and she giggled to herself. She knew her brother had little control over what his cock did at this age, but still she loved the fact that it always happened when he slept with her.

Max was starting to calm down as he lay there with his head buried against his sisters breasts. He could hear her heart beating very calmly and the slow pace was lulling him to sleep. As his vision became dark the last thing he remembered, was his sister wispering somthing into his ear....somthing he couldn't understand.

Once she was sure her baby brother was asleep, Sasha decided to make her move on the little kit. Slowly she reached down and slid her hand into his pants, caressing his warm pulsing member softly. This made the little kit before her moan slightly and snuggle closer to her. She giggled devilishly at the thought of yiffing her baby brother, it wasn't somthing she had ever planned on, but she knew she wanted him. Slowly she wrapped her paw around his stiff rod and began rubbing it along the length up and down. Max gave her a loving nip in his sleep as he murred softly. The nip surprised Sasha at first and she almost yelped in surprise but she held her tongue at the risk of waking her parents and Max. Eventually Max loosened the bite enough for her to slip out of it and she continued to paw her little brother until she felt his body stiffin. Then she quickly slid down and placed her mouth over the kit's cock as he spewed his seed down her throat. She swallowed the whole load hungrily but still craved more, so she licked the head clean. She heard a small wimper from Max and she looked up...only to see him staring down at her with a look of surprise and shock.

"S-sis.....w-what are you doing?" he stuttered.

Sasha did her best sexy voice and smiled at Max, "Oh, I was just doing you a favor."

"Oh really? So how is licking my cock doing me a favor?" he asked.

"It felt good didn't it?" she asked, obviously amused by her brother trying to act mature.

"Well I......." Max began, but he cut off as he felt himself blushing.

"Mhmmm I thought so." Sasha said, "You know what would feel even better Max?"

"No, what?" he asked.

"I'll show you...." she said, sitting up and bending over in front of the small kit, spreading her vaginal lips slightly, "Do you see that hole there?"

"Yeah, what about it?" he asked.

"I want you to take your cock and stick it in there, i promise it will be the best feeling you've had in your entire life." she said with a smirk.

Max looked shocked again, "But sis.....thats a big no no according to mom and dad."

"Mom and dad arent here now, are they?" she asked.

"W-well.....no they arent but..." he said.

"BUT nothing, they wont know I promise." she said reassuringly.

Max opened his mouth in protest but he knew he wouldnt win this battle, so with a sight of reluctance he positioned himself behind his big sister and aimed his throbbing member for her hot hole. sasha giggled in anticipation, it had been a while since she had a partner to do this with. she felt Max's head touch her vaginal lips and she instantly felt that familiar electricity shoot through her body and she moaned quietly. Max slowly stuffed himself inside of her, it was a bit difficult but he finally hilted himself inside of Sasha and he could feel the walls of her private area squeesing his cock over and over again. the feel of it was so...electrifyingly pleasurable, it was all max could do not to scream in ecstacy.

"W-what now sis?" Max asked.

"Mmmmmh.....just thrust in and out of me Max...don't be too gentle though, this isnt my first time.." she replied.

"Ok...." Max said, he was still feeling very wrong about all of this but somthing inside him was telling him to just go with it.

So he slowly started to thrust in and out of his sisters hole, each time hilting himself inside of her, causing her to moan each time. Sasha was beside herself, she never thought her baby brother was so big. he was only 10 years old and yet his cock was still reaching deep enough to stimulate the most sensitive parts of her vagina walls. Each time he thrust into her she felt her body grow hotter and hotter with pleasure and lust. Max was starting to really enjoy himself, the feel of her walls contracting around his cock felt so good...and combined with his thrusting movements it was getting hard for him not to moan so he bit into his sisters shoulder hard. Sasha stiffled a cry as a tear came to her eye. For a little guy, her brother bit really hard. after a while longer, Sasha told Max to pull out so she could get into a better position. Max was a bit sad to have to pull out so soon but he did as he was told. sasha then got onto her back and opened her legs wide to let her brother back in.

"C'mon big boy...take me..." Sasha said seductively.

"Hehe...only the best for my big sister..." Max said, trying to act mature again.

Max got atop his sister and smiled down at her as he slid inside of her again. He wrapped his small arms around her body tight and thrust at a moderate pace. He could feel his sisters hot breath as she panted with each thrusting motion. He took one paw and gently squeesed at her sisters breast, he had seen a guy at school do that to his girlfriend before and she loved it. sasha instantly responded by moaning long yet quietly. Sasha began bucking her hips up to meet her brothers as he thrust into her. She could feel her orgasm approaching fast as Max squeesed her beasts slightly. She looked up at him as he continued thrusting away until his eyes finally met hers. Max didn't know why but he got the urge to try somthing he had never dreamed of till this night. He slowly leaned forward till his lips met Sasha's and kissed her passionately, taking her head in the paw he was squeezing her breast with, pulling it closer to himself. Sasha murred into the kiss and swiftly slid her tongue inside of Max's mouth to meet his, wrapping it around it in a lovers embrance. All of the sudden, Sasha felt Max begin to speed up rapidly and she felt his knot pounding against her opening like a battering ram. Max thrust his toungue deep into Sasha's mouth, keeping the kiss going as instinct took over and he began trying to get his knot inside of Sasha's tight opening. Finally after about a minute of continuous hard and fast thrusting Max's knot slid inside of Sasha and she literally cried out in pleasure as she felt his rod begin twitching irratically and Max's whole body seemed to grow very tense. He was visibly trying his hardest to hold in a yell of pleasure as his second orgasm of the night hit him like a train.

As Max felt his cock begin twitching, he felt his balls tighten as a warm substance leaked out of his tip and sprayed deep inside of his sisters womb. The feel of Max's hot seed firing into her was all Sasha needed, with a quiet yipp of pure ecstacy, she bucked her hips irractically up at Max as her walls contracted over and over again around his throbbing member, milking it for every drop of cum it had to offer. As thier climax's subsided, Max fell atop his loving big sister panting heavily. Sasha, who was also panting hard, smiles up at him and licked his muzzle affectionately.

"Ohhhh Max......I really needed that, thank you.." she said.

"No....promblem" Max panted.

"Are you tired baby?" she asked.

"Yeah...." Max replied, yawning deeply.

"Well then you get some rest sweetie....I'll still be here when you wake up." she said.

"Ok.....oh and Sasha...thanks...tonight was fun to say the least..." Max said.

"No problem dear.....it was fun for me too." Sasha said, hugging max close to her warm body again.

Max hardley had time to think as the curtain of sleep quickly overtook him and his world went black. Sasha lay in bed awake for another thirty minutes until Max's cock finally slid out of her pussy. With a satisfyed mur she licked her dear brother and finally closed her eyes too for some much needed rest.

*****Present day *****

"Thanks sis..." Max said, "It means a lot to me to know that you are happy for me."

"Hey you two, isn't it about time for you to go to bed?" thier mother cut in.

"Yeah...it is." Sasha said.

Max could have sworn he noticed a slight glint in her eye as she said that. "Errr....well...yeah i guess it is time..."

"Well then go on! Get your PJ's on and get to bed." thier mom said.

Max and Sasha raced up the stairs and Max won by a nose. Sasha pretended to get mad and she turned away from him and stormed off to her old bedroom. Max knew shed be back so he simply got into his PJ's and brushed his teeth before finally crawling into his bed. Just as he finally started falling asleep he heard his bedroom door creak open slowly and he saw a skinny figure walking towards his bed. It was Sasha and she was in her favorite pink night shirt and appeared to not have bottoms on.

"Max.....can I sleep with you tonight?" she asked innocently.

"Well....I spose.....for old times sake." Max said, grining slightly.

Sasha smiled and crawled under the covers with him and snuggled up close to him like he had 2 years ago, "Thanks baby brother..." she wispered.

"Anytime big sister..." Max said happily.

"You know what i wanna do know for old times sake Max?" Sasha asked.

"Hmmmm......I don't think I do sis...care to enlighten me?" Max asked slyly.

"You never were good at lieing Max" Sasha said.

"Yeah I know...." Max said with a shrug.

Sasha simply giggled and slowly moved down max's body.......but the rest....is another story......

-To be continued-