A Name, Not A Number (Chapter 1)

Story by Sanus on SoFurry

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#1 of -A Name, Not A Number-

The light stun the husky's eyes. He looked around trying to figure out where he was. "Toby, get up!" His eyes slowly started to adjust to light and focus. A figure stood before him, but what or who was it. "Toby, get out of bed right now. I am not going to tell you again." The figure was finally given a face. "OK, OK dad. I am getting up. Just leave me alone." Tobias realized that it was morning and his dad was trying to get him up for school. School, the word he hated to hear so early in the morning. He dreaded school, he hated it. He hated the early mornings, the boring classes, the stupid accusations and labels, the clicks, the teachers that didn't care, and the stupid furs. The only upside to school was Tobias' close friends. They were the only things that got him out of bed. That is the times he got out of bed and wasn't too sick to go to school, which he was often.

Tobias was a 16 year old husky with amazing, sparkling, deep, blue eyes, which everyone knew him by. Many people thought he was "hot," but he never really noticed himself. He had an average build and was around 6 ft. tall. He had many health issues, which mostly came from the stress school. He was a number at Veritas High, not a name. The name of the school portrayed something it wasn't. All they cared about was the money, and they would do anything to get it. That is why he had so much trouble there. He was sick a lot and he missed quite a bit school. And the school did nothing to help or accommodate him. They just made threats of failure and expulsion. If he wasn't there, they wouldn't get money, so if he wasn't there a lot, they should just get rid of him. All of this, mixed with all of the homework, caused a lot of stress, which caused more sickness. It was a twisted cycle.

He didn't want this to bother him today. He wanted to be his normal, happy self, despite his troubles. He liked being happy. Plus he was used to the stupid school. He didn't need to be bothered by it. He wouldn't. As he got his clothes together for a shower, he thought of how his day was going to be. It was a Friday, his favorite day of the week.

The hot water washed away some of the soreness and grogginess from the previous night's sleep. Tobias loved showers. They were so refreshing. He could just stand there forever. The soothing stream of hot water, the steam, the-


The husky jumped at the sound. "Hurry it up Toby, the bus is going to be here soon!" He hated being interrupted during his shower. Oh well, school was going to start pretty soon. Tobias turned off the water, pushed down the shower tab, got out, and dried off. As he got dressed, Tobias tried to figure out what the tab to turn on the shower was called. After getting dressed, and with no success about what the name of the tab thing, he left the bathroom and headed out the door.

The bus ride was the same any other bus ride. The loud children in the front talking about stupid things, the middle schoolers that thought they were better than everyone, and the terrible smell of the bus.

"Hi!" rang a familiar voice.

"Hey Kayla." Tobias said with a less than enthusiastic expression on his face.

Kayla was a Yellow lab and was Tobias' age. Tobias had always considered her beautiful, though he wasn't really attracted to her, for she was one of his best friends.

"So how are you doing this morning?" Kayla said in her normal hyper voice.

"Meh, same as any other early morning. You?" Tobias said in not near as hyper voice.

"Great! I love mornings!"Kayla announced.

Kayla was one of Tobias' best friends, but she still got on his nerves sometimes. He was too tired to deal with her. So he just acted like he was listening as he thought about the coming day at his horrid school that was getting closer with each new member added to the bus.

As Tobias got off the bus, he looked around at the familiar sight of kids in their certain clicks, in their certain places. As he passed the preps, who sat under the flagpoles, he got the usual snide remarks. "Hey fag, what brings you to school today?" said a fur somewhere in the crowd. "Hey, emo fag, why don't you just go and start cutting yourself!" said another.

Tobias had recently discovered he was bi, or maybe even gay, but no one knew about him. He just got these stupid insults because he didn't dress like all the other hicks, jocks, or preps. He was considered a gay, emo kid. It was stupid.

Tobias just brushed the insults off and walked in the front doors, turning left on his way to the cafeteria. He went all the way to the corner and sat at his usual spot at the end of the furthest table. Tobias's bus usually arrived before the rest, so he was there earlier than most everyone else. He sat there alone, listening to his IPod and waiting for his friends to arrive.


Tobias sat up from his doze and rubbed his head where a paw had just made contact with it.

"Man, why did you do that?" Tobias questioned his best friend Josh, in a confused state.

Josh was a white tiger with green eyes. He, like Tobias, had an average build, but was a bit smaller. He was Tobias's best friend. They had known each other since 1st grade and they had been the best of friends since they first met. They got along so well because they were so similar. They went through pretty much the same problems and they were into pretty much the same type of things.

"Aw, I just decided to take the liberty of waking you." Josh explained, in a less than sympathetic tone.

"Well did you have to do it like that?" Tobias questioned.

"I just thought that would be the best way to fully awaken you Tobe." chuckled Josh.

"Uhhg... My name is Tobias, or even Toby, but is as sure as hell not Tobe!" Tobias exclaimed, glaring at his friend.

"Wow, man. What is wrong with you today?" asked Josh, "I mean I know how much you hate mornings, but you usually aren't this pissy."

"Sorry Josh." Toby said in an apologetic tone. "Yeah, I just guess I am just still grumpy from just waking up."

"Now there's an understatement." Josh laughed. "Oh well, I am going to get breakfast, you wanna come?"

"No thanks, I hate eating in the morning, let alone eating the school's food in the morning." Tobias explained.

"Yeah, yeah, I know." said Josh. "Well, I will be right back."

Tobias sat at the table and talked to his friends as they sat down. They talked while the awaited the terrible electrical bell, which would send them off to their first classes.


There it was. As Tobias walked with Josh, talking about abstract art, Tobias's favorite type of art, they got their normal, insulting remarks. Tobias waved to Josh as his friend went into the doorway leading to health, while Tobias continued on to his, World history.

Tobias sat inattentively through his classes, not really learning anything he didn't know. He sat alone through lunch, because he didn't have any friends in his lunch period, and was relieved when it came time for Honors English 1 (Tobias was very smart despite his lack of motivation at school), which was his favorite class. He hated the subject of English with a passion, but the teacher of English 1 was amazing. Her name was Mrs. Marsh. She was a black panther and was of pretty small stature compared to most black panthers. She had hazel/brown eyes that seemed to look into yours and penetrate any wall you might have put up to block a deep, dark secret. Tobias liked her so much because she was just like him. She loved doing the same things that Toby loved doing and she was really weird, in a cool way. Toby loved her.

"Good afternoon, Toby," purred the feline's voice. "How are you doing on the spectacular day?"

"Spectacular," Tobias grinned, "But of course I am in your spectacular class, so how could I not be?"

"Well thank you Toby, but you better go sit down," said the feline.

"K, Mrs. Marsh," Tobias replied, "Whatever you say."

Tobias sat through her class, talking to Josh and a few others once in a while, and listened to the interesting stories Mrs. Marsh had to talk about.


"Damn it," Tobias thought to himself as that stupid bell interrupted one of the teacher's stories. Tobias thought about the terrible classes to come as he, as well as many others, poured out of her classroom. He had to rush to make it on time to next class, Algebra 2. He ran in just as the bell rang. He sat down as the gaze of his teacher's eyes focused on him.

"You had better learn how to move faster between classes if you don't want to get another, in a long line of tardies," the teacher scolded.

Tobias hated this class. He loved math, but this teacher hated him, so Tobias did not enjoy this class.

Tobias sat through the next few classes, dozing off several times, before the bell to end school finally came as Tobias counted down in his head.


Another boring, uneventful day at school was over finally. Tobias walked out of the classroom and made his way through the crowd of furs to his locker. He fiddled with the combination lock trying to remember his code. 13-27... -32! He opened his locker just enough to be slammed shut by the white paw of Josh.

"Rggg," Tobias growled as he started putting in his combination again.

"So Tobe-, I mean Toby, are you coming to my musical tonight?" questioned Josh.

"Yeah, of course I am," Tobias replied. "You are my best friend and I am kinda interested in seeing how you are going to do Fiddler on the Roof with our small high school drama team.

"Well don't sound too enthusiastic," said Josh in a sarcastic tone.

"I mean, I just can't wait to see it, Josh," replied Tobias, also in a sarcastic tone. "Thanks for bestowing me with the pleasure of seeing you perform."

"Much better." Josh said as he playfully punched Toby in the arm.

"K, well I will see you then." Tobias said, returning the punch. "I gotta home and shower before then."

"You and your showers," said Josh. "Well, see ya then"

Tobias got on the familiar bus as the familiar smell entered his nostrils. He passed familiar people as he went and sat in his familiar seat. He sat through the familiar long, bumpy ride until he arrived at his familiar stop. He exited the bus and readjusted the strap on his mail carrier/backpack as he began the mile long trek down his long, virtually-impassable-by-vehicles-driveway.

When Tobias arrived home, he got a small snack and showered. He got on some of his nicer, casual clothes, which consisted of a tight pair of jeans and a black, silk, button down shirt under a Linkin Park t-shirt (showing only the sleeves and the collar of the dress shirt), and sat down to watch some TV before it was time to leave for Josh's musical.

When Tobias arrived at the high school, he was nearly tackled by Josh, who was wearing a rabbi costume. Once Toby recovered from the tackle, he was introduced to an unfamiliar grey and black wolf.

"This is one of my old friends who used to live here and has recently moved back." Josh stated proudly. "His name is Akkia or Ky for short. He hasn't started at our school yet cause he is still getting settled in his new house. He is going to watch the musical with you, if that's ok."

Tobias stared at the beautiful creature. Ky was a grey wolf with some black on his head that, looked like, trailed down his back. His eyes were grayish blue and were almost as brilliant as Tobias's. He had almost the exact build as the Tobias and was about the same height. Tobias was dumbstruck.

"Hi!" Tobias chuckled, partly at his friend's enthusiasm, and partly of his lack of words. "I am Tobias, or Toby, as some know me by. Awesome to meet you, and yeah, it's fine for you to watch the musical with me.

"Awesome," Ky said he smiled, "and nice to meet you too."

"Well, I got to leave you two lovebirds and get ready." Josh said as he laughed. "I will be watching to make sure you're watching. See ya after!"

"K, Good luck!" Tobias and Ky said, almost in perfect unison.

As Josh bounded off, Tobias and Ky turned around and headed for their seats in the auditorium. They sat down and started talking.

"So," Tobias said in a questioning way, "Why did you move away before?"

"Well my dad was involved in the military, so we had to move a lot." Ky explained, answering Toby's question.

"Was?" Toby asked.

"Yeah," answered Ky, "He died a several months ago, so we moved back."

"I am so sorry," Toby apologized, "I don't know when to stop talking."

"No," Ky came back, "its fine, I have, for the most part, got over it. And anyways, I like the sound of your voice."

Ky smacked his forehead at his stupid remark as Tobias tried to analyze what Ky meant. Tobias didn't understand.

"Uh..." Tobias started, feeling a loss for words, "I uh-"

All of a sudden, loud music started playing as the musical started and both Ky and Toby's attention turned to the stage.

As the musical went on, both Tobias and Ky kept exchanging glances. They couldn't keep their eyes, their beautiful eyes, off of each other. Both were thinking of what to say after the musical was over. Ky was thinking of what to say to explain himself and Toby was thinking of how to respond to what Ky had said. It was very awkward and both could feel each other felling uncomfortable.

The musical ended after some interesting songs and acting, and after congratulating Josh on his good acting and singing, Tobias couldn't think of anything else to say or do, so he decided to head home. He said his good-byes both the Josh and Ky, but nothing more was said to either.

When he arrived home, Tobias kept going through the earlier events, what happened between Ky and him, through his head. He had noticed Ky staring at him several times throughout the night and Ky did say that he liked Tobias's voice, so what else could Ky be if he wasn't interested in him. Tobias thought about it for a long time as he made himself a late dinner and thought about it awhile he ate. He just couldn't get that beautiful wolf out of his head. He wanted Ky more than anything in the world. I just wanted to hug him, kiss him, and hold him and do much more with him. He wanted it so much. As Toby washed his dishes he hummed a song he liked as he thought about how much he liked Ky. He continued doing so as he took his before-bed-shower, and while he dried off.

Tobias lay in his bed, thinking of how to tell Ky how he felt about him. Tobias wanted Ky to at least know how he felt, even if Ky wasn't interested. Although he hoped, with everything he had to hope with, that Ky would be interested. It would be the best thing in the world if they got together. He wouldn't need anything else but to be Ky's. To be loved by Ky.

With those thoughts racing through his mind, the husky slipped into a deep sleep as he snuggled up against his body pillow, dreaming about the person he had, only a few hours ago, fallen for.