Chapter 29: Back to Square One

Story by NewLegend1 on SoFurry

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#29 of The Spyro Chronicles SE

Part 6: The Long Struggle

Chapter 29: Back to Square One Dragon Realms, Uncharted System May 14, 2204 1022 Hours Landing Zone Bravo, Dragon City of Warfang

Dust cleared from the small concrete pad as the helicopter landed, the massive rotors stirring up whatever dirt had been on the pad before they landed. The troop bay lowered and the soldiers slowly exited, Spyro and Cynder doing the same afterwards. The air was cold, oddly so since this was Summer time now here in the Realms.

All around the pad there were crates filled with supplies, soldiers walking around and other civilians of Warfang carrying supplies to and from the pad. Another drop ship landed nearby, the bay opening and being filled with more crates of food and water as opposed to soldiers. Moles came out of the bay and carried the crates and barrels out, putting them on the pad.

The sky was cloudy, an eerie grey in fact. The buildings around the landing site were cracked and battered, as if a large battle had just ended. Some had small fires here and there, small pillars of smoke coming up from areas farther off. Debris littered the street and there didn't seem to be much effort to clean up the pieces. Things seemed to be frantic.

"They hit us hard." Spyro heard Wagner say as he walked up, throwing Spyro out of his trance.

"What happened since we were gone? Just how long have we been gone?" He asked.

"You've been gone for a few months, 3 I think. I lost track a while ago." He replied, removing his helmet and scratching his head. He finally put his helmet back on and sighed, ushering him and Cynder to follow him as he walked. Karson and Allison came in behind, as did Hunter.

"We did our best at Dale, but without you two we could only last so long." He stated, walking towards the New Dragon Temple. As they walked, Spyro saw several injured Marines and Alliance Soldiers being cared for by the civilians there, mainly moles.

"In fact we would have never noticed you two disappearing. We have Sparx to thank for seeing you two fly into the water. It wasn't long after that Ape ships picked you up and sailed out to sea, our fighters not being able to track them down."


"Yeah. He followed you guys out to see for miles before coming to alert us. We did what we could to locate you guys but we had to defend Dale. Dale lasted a while actually. We managed to keep them back, giving us time to get all the civilians we could out. But then..."


"Then the Dark Master came, plowing through our forces. Not even the last minute arrival or the Dragon Guardians could turn the tide. He just... he ended the battle." Spyro could see by Wagner's expressions that he had seen some stuff back there... things he knew the Human Commander wasn't comfortable recalling. He'd seen the Dark Master's strength before... he didn't need to think too hard to imagine just how horrific it must've been.

"Needless to say, Dale fell within hours. We retreated south and managed to gather here in Warfang, along with other key settlements along the shore. It's our last line of defense against the Dark Master's forces."

"He hasn't attacked since then?"

"Oh no, he's attacked alright... " Karson added as he walked behind him.

"Yeah, they breached the wall too." Allison said.

"They breached the wall within a day or two of their siege, then started carving their way into the city." Wagner said as they walked more. Spyro could see the evidence of the battle all around.

"What stopped them?"

"They lost momentum for some reason. Every night of their siege we saw some sort of bright light in the sky, tormenting the attackers I guess. Taking the chance we managed to fight back, but we've only managed to stop their advance."

"They control at least a good quarter of the city, and are taunting us by just walking around..." Hunter said with malice in his voice.

"For some reason the main assault force withdrew overnight, and now we've just got enemy soldiers walking around the occupied city, sometimes even into our front lines. Now its just skirmishes here and there." "We've got to get them out of the city then..." Spyro said with a low growl.

"I'm afraid it isn't that easy." Wagner said, ushering them inside the tower that held the temple above them as they reached it.

"What do you mean?" Spyro asked.

"These guys are dug in pretty good..." Karson said, walking inside.

"We've got your friends out there right now, patrolling the city. We're trying to keep them out of the main parts of the city while we found you guys." Allison threw in.

"They're in the main city?"


"Then I need to go help them." Spyro said, turning around.

"Hold on there purple boy." Allison said, blocking him.

"The Colonel wants to speak to you before you do anything else." Karson said, ushering him with his hand. Spyro turned around and followed once more. Cynder, having not said a word since they got back together at the citadel, walked past them with a solemn look.

"Cynder?" Spyro asked. She made no response.

They went on, climbing up the tower and ascending to the temple on the roof of the tower. Spyro looked out over the city, seeing parts of the city on fire. He sighed sadly as they entered through the gardens, a wind causing the trees to sway and leaves to fly through the pathways. They walked towards where the statues were that guarded the entryway into the new dragon temple. The dark hallways looked different from the well and sunlit halls Spyro had left months before.

Cheetahs, Dragons, Moles, several creatures were cleaning up pieces of wall or ceiling that had collapsed earlier. He sighed as he continued walking, looking around at the temple now. They entered an open room, Wagner ushering them in. A table was inside the room with charts and maps of the entire Dragon Peninsula. Warfang, the burned lands and other locations dotted the map, writing being scribbled in a language Spyro didn't quite understand too well.

There were even older charts and graphs that the Dragons and Moles had used before Malefor did all this. In front of the maps stood Human soldiers and other Alliance soldiers. These, however, looked of a more senior rank. The cheetahs and larger anthros in the group looked older and more of a command status. The Humans standing there had two silver bars on their helmet, as opposing to Wagner's single bar. There were also soldiers there with what he thought were leaves on their helmets made out of silver and gold. Was a weird way to express a rank... Though he assumed they must've been more important because of that. Though the most important man in the room was of course Colonel Dyke. The Colonel's rank was shown by a metal carving of what Spyro assumed was an eagle with a circle in the middle. They appeared to be in a debate at the moment.

"Major Howards, need I remind you, the Dark Forces control that section and can overpower any armored column we send through there..."

"But Colonel, if we can retake that square, we can deploy soldiers in all directions and retake that section."

"You forget that those Grenadier Patrols can take out one of your armored behemoths with their magic, especially in such tight spaces as these passageways."

"Those new drones can take out a whole damned platoon in a single shot. Scouts say they infest that street. They know we need that square."

"Colonel, sir." Karson saluted the Human commander and Dyke looked up from the charts, seeing his new guests. He smiled and set his helmet aside, returning the salute.

"At ease Private, Spyro, please, join us! Cynder too!" Spyro and Cynder came forward and the others in the room looked with delight and some in either awe or with an unimpressed look.

As they approached, Spyro saw something that caught him completely by surprise. Next to Dyke stood a Lakador! They looked as if they were completely comfortable with one another! Spyro entered a combative stance but was quickly waved down by Dyke.

"No need to be alarmed Spyro. They are not our enemy." Dyke said.

"It is true. Greetings, I am Supreme Commander Huvunnes. I have heard great things about you Spyro. I'm sure you are curious as to why I am here on a friendly basis. Well... the answer is simple."

Spyro tilted his head. How could it be so simple? Only a few months ago you were a very hostile enemy!

"We received orders from our command to exterminate and control any creature on this world non-lakador. So far we've not seen any real evidence to support as to why this order is justifiable. We are a race of honor and virtue Spyro, I hope we can show that. We do not condone such acts of horrific violence. If we die in honorable combat, it shall be for a noble reason. Not something trivial... So, we garnered a truce with your species and these Humans. They are not our enemy. This Dark Master, he is a true enemy."

Spyro still felt really confused. Dyke, sensing this, changed the topic immediately.

"We finally managed to track you two down. It took quite an undertaking for our units to get you out of that citadel. It was one of their most heavily defended fortresses."

"Thanks for getting us out of there, we're sorry for making you have to go out of your way to get us..."

"Well the important thing is that you two are back here and we suffered minimal casualties retrieving you. We took them entirely by surprise and our tactical nuke both took out their base and at least 40,000 of their soldiers."

"40,000? That's a lot!" Spyro replied, hearing the numbers.

"They were just chump change. Since you two disappeared, the Dark Master has mustered a fighting force that just rolled over our small battalion of soldiers. We lost Dale, and they crushed our firebase and supply lines in Mandobar, forcing us all the way back to Warfang. Now, they even broke through the wall and control a significant part of the city. They even have a few costal areas under control. Things are just a mess..." Spyro sighed. The situation seemed just really hopeless. Though, that's how it was when Cynder was in control, and the Dark Master the last time. Victory wasn't an impossible thing.

"What can I do to help?" Spyro asked. Dyke took a note book and flipped through it before pointing to a spot in the city.

"Your friends volunteered for street patrols in this section of the city. For now we're bottlenecked between the Dark Master's forces and our Frigate can hardly provide any support, we're bone dry on shells for our guns and due to no fuel, we've had to put it down in another location. So for now we're stuck in this city and all I can really suggest you do is help patrol the streets for now until we can come up with a plan. Link up with your friends in this section and help them root out any enemy soldiers wandering to close to our lines."

"I'll do my best!" Spyro said before turning. Cynder didn't budge much, standing near the table still.

"Cynder? Are you alright?" He asked, seeing this.

She didn't respond.


"Huh? Oh! I'm fine, I just don't feel too good..." Cynder said, snapping out of what looked like a trance.

"Stay here then, you could probably use some rest after what we just went through back there..." She merely nodded, walking off right after that. Spyro frowned. He hated seeing her like this, and he wanted to help. Problem was, he didn't know what to do or why she was like this. Well, he needed to help his friends out in the city. Sighing, he turned and trotted out of the Command Room and down the hall. He was in such deep thought that he almost ran headlong into Terrador.

"Young dragon, it is good to see you again!" He said, almost scaring Spyro.

"Oh hey Terrador. The Human Commander told me about what's happened."

"Yes... Malefor's forces dealt us a blow they did... even we guardians couldn't turn the tide of the battle back there. None of us could. The Dark Master himself destroyed what defenses we had left and now they're taunting us..."


"Come young dragon, you look as if there is something plaguing your mind." Terrador outstretched his wing to offer Spyro to follow him. Spyro smiled and nodded, following the Earth Guardian. They walked into the main part of the temple, where the statue of Malefor stood. The cloudy sky sat above them, casting a dull and lowly state over the room.

"What is on your mind?" Terrador asked as they walked into the massive dojo.

"Well... it's Cynder."

"Ah..." Terrador merely chuckled.

"Ever since we left the citadel... she's been acting down... like she's really sad about something."

"Young dragon, a girl's heart is a very confusing place indeed. Was there anything that occurred during your stay in the citadel that might have provoked this kind of behavior?"

"Well... while we were there we were forced to fight one another. I became Dark Spyro and I must've hurt her in that state... When I came back to my senses, she morphed to her own corrupted side and her tail blade injured me." He raised his injured leg up, the wound scabbing over, but still showing signs of being fresh. He had almost forgotten about it, the pain being not something he was concerned about.

"I see..."

"I don't know what's gotten her so down."

"Well young dragon, I can tell that ever since this entire ordeal started, you two have grown close. You two share a bond most dragons do not. You've endured things together which have brought you two just as so. I cannot say for sure but she's a young teenage dragoness. At this age, you will constantly be bombarded will feelings of pain and sadness, for your young bodies are still growing up. Though I could tell she is shaken up about something. I will speak to her for now. You go and find your friends within the city. They could probably use your help."

With that Terrador walked off back out of the dojo. Spyro turned and walked onwards, passing Soldiers of all races sitting and resting. Naturally, Spyro noted that the Marines and Lakadors occupied opposite sides of the dojo, staying clear of one another. Their command might be welcoming of this truce, but their foot soldiers sure seemed very unfit to this truce. Spyro wasn't surprised. Two former enemies now asked to fight alongside each other? It would be a very daunting task...

Spyro passed them and went to the balcony that stretched out over towards the city. The once calm city of dragons was now looking very grim. Fires were widespread and a depressing scene of grey cast itself over the once mighty city.

Spyro flapped his wings and soared off of the balcony, sailing down to the city below. He flew over the destroyed buildings, fallen debris and motor. He looked at the barren landscape beyond and the depressing destruction that dotted his vision. Lowering his altitude he flapped his wings and set down on one of the streets. A few carts lay scattered around and an eerie calm settled over the street. An uneaten apple rolled on the ground, the once beautiful tan stones used to construct the city now held a grey tone. Boulders from artillery bombardments littered the streets. It wasn't a pretty sight.

Hearing something Spyro walked along the street and saw a pile of debris set up, blocking the entire street. The barricade was reinforced with boards and other stone to keep enemies out. Human Marines sat upon the hill of rubble, keeping a lookout. Spyro must've been at the front lines. He trotted over to them, almost scaring them. They kept looking out though even as he leapt over them and continued onwards. This caught them by surprise.

"Hey, I hope you know that this is the front lines kid! There ain't anybody to protect you beyond here!" A soldier said. Spyro merely looked at him, looking him dead in the eye. The look that Spyro gave him caused the soldier to shut his mouth and lie back down on the rubble where he had been before. Spyro turned and kept going into the streets. That calm returned once more, keeping Spyro on his toes.

He walked some more into the destroyed city, seeing more Marines. It must've been a patrol. The group was no larger then 5 and they had packs of food that they must've scrounged from a destroyed food market. Were things that desperate? Scrounging for food now? Spyro knew he had to change things, for the betterment of his fellow dragons.

The soldiers took cover behind a fallen rock and their leader waved his soldiers forward and they left the cover and crossed the road, heading the opposite direction Spyro was going and heading back to the front. As they passed Spyro merely looked then turned to trot onwards. He walked for a while, seeing nothing. There was the occasional puddle of blood or group of scattered spent shell casings littering the ground, a reminder of the heavy conflict and bloodshed spent in defense of their species.

Spyro found that the road ahead of him was blocked off by a fallen tower. He looked around and saw an opening in a blown out building. He walked over and used his paw to move a board blocking the improvised entrance. He slipped into the structure and fumbled a bit over fallen rock and debris before coming into the heavily damaged interior. Judging from the design of the furniture inside the rooms that this was the residence of Dragons.

He walked into what would have been a den. The ceiling was half collapsed, debris crushing furniture and smoke from dust in the room. Looking around Spyro was something. He walked over to the side of the room and saw something sticking out of the rubble. He grabbed it with his muzzle and dragged it out. He dropped it when realizing what it was.

It was the leg bone to an adult dragon.

The creature perished under the fallen rubble. Though... the puddle of dried crimson blood leading to the site of the body indicated the creature might have been mortally wounded before being crushed.

Frowning he left the den, going to what would have been a bedroom. A nest built for a young dragon sat in the corner, partially crushed under a fallen support beam from the ceiling. Spyro saw something that made his gut wrench.

There, in the corner, sat two sets of dragon skeletons. One belonged to an adult female, a mother. The second, was a young dragon, held dearly in the arms of the mother. Blood sat beneath their skeletons and covered the broken and damaged wooden floor. The smell of long decayed flesh filled the air. The absolute genocide against the dragon race... it was sickening. It made Spyro feel a knot in his stomach. He should have been there... he should have! Damn it this family was dead! Brutally murdered in their home!

Shaking his head Spyro trotted into a hallway and saw that part of the wall had collapsed, a passageway onto the street. He took it and turned, taking a look back at the destroyed home and sighed. He walked outside into the gloomy streets and felt a raindrop. The dark skies churned a bit, a light sprinkle starting. He trotted off once more, walking off in the streets again.

Spyro noticed that now skeletons sat in the streets. Some belonged to dragons, moles, cheetahs, Lakadors, even Human Marines with blood stained uniforms and cracked armor still on them. Fresh bodies were on the ground too. Grublins, Orcs, and several new species from other regions of the Realms, Soldiers of the Dark Master.

A burning chassis of a Marine Cougar vehicle sat nearby, evidence of a recent skirmish. Spyro looked at the fire. The fire danced with a resilience, sparks and embers floating from it, giving the destructive force a sense of beauty and awe.

Spyro was taken from his daydreaming with a nearby THUD. The sound came from down the street and it sounded as if a skirmish was erupting nearby. He dashed off into the thick smoke coming from fallen buildings as the light pitter patter of rain started to coat the city.

He trotted to where a dead Orc was, blood seeping from its body. A mist of rain settled as Spyro walked slowly through, looking around for anybody. He walked under an archway and looked out over a courtyard. The trees that had once been standing in the courtyard were battered, only one standing. The others had fallen over and there was even a hole punched in the ground from an artillery round.

Suddenly, out of the mist, an enemy soldier materialized and walked towards where Spyro was. Spyro was hidden under a large shadow cast from the archway and the soldier looked on edge. He held his sword out of its sheath and stopped as he glanced around.

Spyro slowly came out of his hiding place and ran over to the blind side of the soldier's vision. Rain plastered itself all around and Spyro slowly crept up on the unsuspecting creature. The soldier turned rapidly, just in time to see Spyro. Spyro snarled and leapt onto the creature full force. The soldier was knocked over and Spyro aimed for the throat with one decisive strike. Blood mixed in with the rain water on the street and Spyro stood up and off the fallen creature. Spitting the crimson liquid from his mouth and washing it out with rain water. Walking away from the body Spyro heard a sudden sound and saw an arrow streak through the mist of water in front of him and strike the ground in front of him. The arrow snapped and a piece of wood got in-between his scales and he felt a bit of pain as a result.

Looking through the mist several more enemy soldiers materialized from the mist and rushed Spyro. Growling, he dashed at them, accepting their challenge. He smashed into the lead soldier, using him as a buffer between the others. He tossed him into a wooden support post and a pile of unsupported rubble fell a top the soldier. The others swung their swords at him, rain water splashing on their weapons and causing sheen to appear on the blades.

One Orc swung at Spyro. Spyro rolled to the side and the blade got lodged in a broken piece of rock. Spyro used his tail to knock the soldier back and took great advantage of the rain water as he rolled into a damaged yet dry building and shot electricity into the air, causing a large explosion of force. The electricity arced in the rain water and shocked the soldiers before him for at least a few seconds. Finally, they fall down, lifeless.

Spyro walked back out into the rain, looking through the mist. He saw the sheets of rain falling from the dark sky now, the cold wind slapping against him and feeling it sink deep to his bones. He trotted off once more, climbing a top a fallen wooden beam to walk along the damaged frames of the buildings along the street. It wasn't the best vantage point but at least he could see down into the street and over wreckage.

As he reached a courtyard he climbed onto the roof of a building and used it to get a full view of the courtyard from above. Walking along the wet stone and brick he saw figures in the courtyard below. They were more Orcs. They walked inside the opening and scavenged the bodies of dead Dragons that lied in the street. Grunting, Spyro leapt down after firing a volley of ice shards. The ice flew through the air and connected with one Orc, sending it down into the water, ice sticking out of its chest.

The others looked up in time for Spyro to grab one of them and fling them into a wall. Another reached for its sword just in time for Spyro to shatter it with his tail and slam the creature into the ground. The last one who had been scavenging roared out and grabbed Spyro's tail, sending him into the ground. Spyro grabbed the creature who held him and sent him into the ground as well. The group of Orcs growled and got back up, coming up to Spyro who growled but then stopped as he felt the ground shake.

The Orcs snarled and approached him. Spyro grunted and lashed his tail out, encasing it in ice and forming spikes in his tail. As they fell over with holes in their armor, a nearby building exploded outwards, a large troll pulling itself through and rumbling into the courtyard. Spyro leapt back as it crushed the area he had just occupied. Rain splattered over the creature's green fur coat and it snarled as it stared him down.

Spyro grunted and unleashed a ball of fire that streaked at the troll. The ball smashed into the troll and steam rose off its coat. It didn't even faze him. Spyro dashed off and regained his spot a top the building overlooking the courtyard as the Troll smashed the ground he had stood on once more.

The Troll swung again, hitting the building Spyro sat on. Spyro leapt off and rolled on the ground as the creature howled and approached. Spyro growled, baring his teeth in the rain. Before the Troll could strike again however, a beam of energy hit its chest. Looking, Spyro saw a large white dragon fly into the courtyard and hit the Troll with another beam of energy.

A few more dragons and creatures took position in the courtyard. They were his friends. Tom, Roxy, Krypto, Aaron and Zephyr all raced in and attacked the Troll, Spyro smiling and adding to the fray with his own beams of energy.

Krypto threw the creature into a building and it finally died and hit the ground motionless.

"Spyro! You alright?" Aaron said as he ran over.

"Just fine, yeah." Spyro said, brushing off some debris from his arm.

"C'mon you guys, this rain is getting harder, let's find some place dry!" Roxy said, ushering them towards an open building nearby. They nodded and went inside, Krypto managing to fit through the small archway. The loud pitter patter of rain echoed through the vaulted ceiling of the room they occupied, a mist from the outside rain coming inside.

"Good to see you Spyro!" Roxy said, hugging they purple dragon.

"Hey Roxy! How've you guys been?" He asked.

"Getting our tail kicked by the Dark Master. Other than that, great!" Aaron added.

"Just about." Zephyr said.

"Yeah... Dyke told me about what happened." Spyro said.

"Where's Cynder?" Tom asked, noticing her lack of presence.

"She stayed back at the Temple, she didn't feel well."

"Aww... poor thing. I bet not, after you two got captured and all." Roxy said.

Spyro smiled weakly. Normally he'd shrug it off but... something just wasn't right. The best way to say it was that he was worried about Cynder. Though... he just didn't know. For now, he'd just have to do what he came out here to do.

"So how's your patrol going?" Spyro finally asked.

"Great, if you consider we whipped out at least 10 enemy patrols." Aaron joked.

"10? How many of those guys are out here?" Spyro asked.

"A lot, I think that'll give you an idea." Tom said with a bit of a smirk, flexing his paws as he stood watch.

"Guess they really did breach then..."

"Breach? That's putting it mildly." Krypto said.

"Just how bad were things while I was gone?"

"Bad. Those guys kicked our butts. They drove us all the way back to Warfang before we could even blink."

"Right now we're just making sure they don't do that again. They stopped for some reason. They could have just punched all the way into Warfang and taken us out all the way to the coast." Aaron said.

"Don't jinx it..." Roxy added.

"Well we've got Spyro and Cynder back! No way they can win now. Right?" They all turned to Spyro. Spyro lifted an eyebrow to this.

"Well... I can fight them, I cant promise a win."

"Well then we'll make sure it's a win." Roxy said while placing her sword on her back.

"Let's get back to the temple, the rain's letting up." Tom said.

Nodding, they walked out of their protective structure and ventured through the wet streets as the rain had diminished to a drizzle by now, barely drenching them.

"I hate this rain... it's getting my wings soaked..." Zephyr said while they went. Zephyr, having wings that were made out of feathers and not wing skin like the others, water would be problematic.

"I dunno, I kinda like it." Roxy said as she went along.

Spyro looked up and saw the upper part of the city. The upper portions of Warfang was almost like a second city wall. The last bastion of their Alliance almost... especially now that they had been pushed back so far.

"What about the other settlements, how're they faring?" Spyro asked, remembering that Dyke said their forces had been pushed to all along the coast line.

"They're doing alright, at least for now. Since their forces withdrew a month or so ago, the coastline has been the only safe place. We cant really go past it or else we'd be overwhelmed by the enemy armies. We still don't know where they're all coming from." Aaron explained.


"Well now that you're back, we'll kick their tails!" Aaron proclaimed. Spyro wished he could share the black dragon's enthusiasm but right now, Spyro wondered how they were going to recover from their very torn status. He had pulled a victory out of nothing it seemed before with Cynder and Malefor, why was this time any different?

They passed a squad of Marines walking into the area, all with their weapons at ease and they just walked without much of a purpose in the opposite direction.

"Hey there Sergeant, how's your patrol?" Aaron asked.

"As good as it'll ever be. Those freak faces haven't gotten to our check point yet, not goin to let them now." The lead Marine responded, Aaron nodded.

The Marines passed them up and they went down to where a pile of rubble was, Soldiers both Alliance and Human stood guard over it. They passed into the check point and after going through it took off towards the tower in the center of the city. It wasn't long before they finally reached the tower, heading inside and up to the Temple.

In the Dojo, they saw more and more creatures inside, talking and conversing with one another. A light drizzle fell through the opening in the roof to the Dojo, the statue of Malefor presuming over the creatures within.

While the others walked off to separate rooms and hallways within the temple, Spyro trotted off onto the Balcony that overlooked the city. The same depressing sea of burned buildings sat before Spyro, and it wasn't all to different then when he stood there a few hours ago. Looking to the sides he saw the coastline running in each direction. He saw small settlements running along the sides for a few miles, each with an obvious line of defense as the Dark Armies no doubtably attempted to breach all the way to the Ocean.

For now, it was just another day. Spyro felt like he stood in front of the entire world and they were ready to pounce. This was going to be a very hard struggle, but one he had to fight. He had to put the Dark Master down for good.

Turning, he went back into the dojo, rain falling from the opening overhead, making the entire dojo one wet scene. He walked down the halls and into an area where there were several rooms. He saw that his friends had taken up residence in these rooms, each having their own. There was one at the end of the hallway that Spyro entered to see Cynder, staring out over the city through a window inside the room.

"Cynder?" Spyro asked, walking inside and next to her. Her head shot over to him as if he startled her, and a faint smile crept onto her face.

"Hey Spyro... I was just looking at the city..."

"I see..." He sat down next to her and looked out over the city too.

"How'd the patrol go?" She asked.

"Alright, it's like they said, the dark forces have parts of the city under their control."

"Ah... I can't believe we were beaten like that..."

"Well we weren't here to help... There wasn't anything we could do..."

"I know..."

"How're you feeling?"

"Oh me? Fine... I'm just thinking..."

"About what?"

"Well... about what Malefor said to me back at the citadel..."

Spyro looked at her.


"Yes... he told me that he never really took control of me... that he just gave me the power and it consumed me, making me who I was... I was never under his control."


"I've done such horrible things... and I've told myself that it was because I was under the Dark Master's control... but I wasn't... I did ALL those horrible things..."

"Cynder, we all do things we're not proud of. We all do things and sometimes they aren't what we wish or things we'd regret. You're not like that anymore, you're a better person, I know you."

"But Spyro, back in that arena, I felt that power again... it felt so great! I just, I just couldn't resist it anymore... I craved the power."

"That doesn't make you a bad person Cynder. Look... We all crave things... and the power that Malefor gave you, it was just too tempting to give up... that's all... it doesn't make you a horrible person for it."

"But Spyro... I could have really hurt you back there..."

"Don't worry about it. You won't ever do that, I trust you." She looked up at him.

Spyro smiled back, warmly. She smiled too and looked down at the floor for a bit before looking back at him.

"Thanks Spyro... just... thank you..."

Spyro chuckled.

"It's no problem." There was a long period of silence after this, almost like a vial coming over the room. Cynder finally broke the silence, them still standing by the window.

"Well I guess we have some work to do then, right?" She asked, looking at him.

"Yeah... I did my patrol out into the city. It's a mess out there. I want to see how the coastal areas are holding up. I was going to head out there maybe tomorrow in the morning." "I'll come with you then." She said. Spyro smiled and nodded as he walked over and sat on the bed. Cynder joined him on the bed and he smiled, and looked out to the window again. He would go to the coastal areas now, but it seemed that storm wouldn't let him go anywhere. For now, he'd just sit in the room with Cynder, though he personally didn't object to it at all. She curled up with him and their tails intertwined, sparking a blush from both dragons. She retracted her tail but Spyro's insisted and she remained where she was. They smiled at each other and lied down, taking a nice afternoon nap together.

End of Chapter 29