Ferret and Rain

Story by Oswald on SoFurry

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#3 of Oswald Furo; Freelance Journalist

This chapter is dedicated to Danielle, who would be shocked to find her name on something like this... if she knew it was here. (c) 2007 Oswald Furo, all rights reserved All the characters in this account are fictional, or are portrayed the way they asked me to. If you beg to differ, stop sniffing glue. * * *

Chapter 3, Ferret and Rain

  • * * In the few months since I'd covered the rally, things had gotten crazy all over the country. The anti fur movement had gained momentum, and last week reports had started coming in of roaming groups of humans directing violence against anthros. Anthro owned businesses had been looted and burned, and if one of us had to go out at night, we went in groups. Of course, nothing had happened here, probably because the percentage here was so high in favor of us. At least that's what I thought. Anthropop had me cover a number of stories involving the growing tension here. Anthropop had become a clarion call for action in the face of rampant specisim, trying to calm the fires of hatred around the country, and I had become something of a celebrity. I had become a voice of reason. No longer did I try to downplay the threat that we faced, but tried to throw a harsh spotlight on the situation. I had become an activist, quite accidentally. Of course, all this was the farthest thing from my mind as I made my way through the damp city streets. It was coming up on six months since Kia and Jimmy had gotten together, and I wanted to surprise him with a present. I had a friend who worked in the art department at the university, and she would let me use one of the large flat bed printers that I needed to produce the surprise. I made my way through the halls, and peeked into her classroom. It was full, but she wasn't lecturing today. I snuck in quietly and made my way over to the bank of computers and scanners over along one wall of the large room. Sitting down, I removed the thumb key that I'd brought with me from the front pocket of my shirt. I plugged it into the computer, and brought up the image that I'd taken of Kia and Sara at the moment that Jimmy and I had laid eyes on them for the first time. As I worked manipulating the picture to make Kia stand out, and to make the picture even more dynamic, I reflected on the relationship that Sara and I shared. She and I were both too free spirited to settle down with one person, but we did enjoy the occasional liaison, when both our schedules aligned. "Oooh, pretty," came a voice unexpectedly from over my shoulder, causing me to jump, "yours?" I turned around and gazed into a pair of golden eyes. My friend Finley was standing behind me, the teacher whose class I was invading. I grinned up at her and replied, "Depends on how you define the term. I took the picture, the bunny and I are... friendly, but the deer," I paused, knowing how delicious she would find this next piece of news, "is Jimmie's." Finley gasped in surprise, "no! Jimmy?" I nodded still smiling ear to ear, which is hard when your ears are as far up on your head as mine are, trust me. "I didn't know he was like that!" As impossible as it sounds my grin got bigger, "he wasn't... till I got a hold of him." "Oz you didn't! I thought Jimmy was straight," she gaped. I understood where she had misunderstood, "no, no, no, I just took him to Profligacy for the first time. That's where I took the picture, and he hooked up with her." Finley raised an eyebrow. "They're both beautiful, you have good taste Oz," like me, Finley is bi. Unlike me, she was a Barred owl. Her face covered in white feathers, her arms white and tan. It still seems funny to me that I, a small furry animal, was friends with an owl, basically an eater of small furry animals. On the other hand all we anthros were all in the same boat now. When I was in college, I knew a lion that brought a sheep fem home to meet his parents. Tell me that wasn't one nightmare scene. Anyway, Finley was an associate professor here, just waiting on her tenure. When she wasn't teaching the next generations of great artists, she was active in the anthro rights movement, just like I had become. I explained what I was up to, and she told me to make myself at home. As I worked, Finley began working her way among the students arrayed in front of their easels. Offering advice here and encouragement there, she was a born teacher. I finished up my manipulation of the photo, and sent it to the printer, in large format poster size. While I waited for the beast to work its magic, my curiosity got the better of me, and I walked over to see what was on the dais at the front of the room. Instead of the bowl of fruit, or urn on a plinth as I expected there was a very attractive young human wearing some strategically draped gauze and nothing else. You can call me a horney bastard if you want to, but there was something about her dark hair cascading over her shoulders, against her alabaster skin, along with the way that she remained perfectly motionless with the ghost of a smile on her lips that got me going. I stood there mesmerized by her beauty, agog at this apparition of beauty that had appeared before me. I was quite intrigued; I'd never seemed to hit it off with human girls. It may be because so many of them think ferrets are some sort of rodent, and they never get over their instinctual distaste long enough to find out that I am, in fact, a mustelid. For whatever reason, I'd never managed to connect with a human girl; I still found them attractive, in an exotic way. Oh well, I stopped drooling long enough to walk over to the printer to see how far the job was along. As I stood there examining what it had produced so far, I heard Finley excuse class, and the rustle and scrape of chairs as the students gathered their things and made their way out of the room. I stood there musing over nothing much in particular when I heard a female voice ask, "Excuse me, but are you Oswald Furo?" I turned somewhat astonished. I hadn't realized that my fame had grown to the point that complete strangers would recognize me. As I completed the turn, my answer died on my lips. It was the model from before. "Y... Yes I am," I stammered, "but you can call me Oz." "Hi I'm Tara Simon," she said, "wow; it's you. I love your work. I just can't believe that I'm meeting you!" Up close, her beauty was even more striking. She had a heart shaped face, surrounded by hair so dark brown it was practically black. Her eyes were the deep green of Irish marble, her lips full, with just a hint of color. She was absolutely beautiful. Her voice had an almost ethereal quality that made me think of the Sidhe of the Celts singing while they danced in a faerie ring. You can call me egotistical if you want to, but she was the first 'fan' that had approached me. I was flattered, and you know as well as I do that the way to a male's heart is through his ego. "Really? Well I must say that it's a pleasure meeting you as well, and if I may say without being too forward, I would love to take some pictures of you sometime." She blinked, as though I had said something in a foreign language and she was trying to make sense of it. Her mouth opened and shut a few times until she managed to get out, "you... would like to take pictures... of me?" "Of course I would, who wouldn't," I replied, genuinely confused by her reaction. It was as if I'd offered her a crown or something. I guess I'd underestimated my fame. She stood there a moment, as if trying to wrap her head around a concept too big for her to manage. After a second she said, "When?" I smiled, and said, "If you're not busy now...?" "I'll get my coat." We walked out into the crisp autumn air. It was a wet time of year in this part of the country, but thankfully the cold driving rain that accompanied the change of seasons had stopped for the time being. The autumn was my favorite time of the year, the clean smell of the rain complementing the musk of fallen leaves. As we left the building I noticed a figure watching us. It was leaning up against a sport bike, the kind that I always call a crotch rocket. It was dressed in those bike clothes that look a little like body armor, all in black. I couldn't tell if it was male or female, or even if it was a human or anthro, because the clothes, coupled with a helmet with a tinted face mask obscured any details. All I could see was a cigar held in one gloved hand, and the hilt of a sword strapped by the gas tank. Given the circumstances it was a little unnerving, but my apprehension faded as I was distracted by my companion. I felt a little silly escorting a beautiful young woman with a poster tube underneath my arm, but on the other hand I couldn't take the chance of the poster getting ruined before I had a chance to give it to Jimmy, and I wasn't about to let this opportunity pass me by. We went to get a bite to eat at Calvin's café, mostly because I wanted to feel her out, and get a sense of her personality. Despite the fact that I wasn't looking for a relationship, I still had a policy of not sleeping with anyone who I wouldn't date seriously, just in case anything happened. Pregnancy wasn't an issue, but things could go wrong, and I could still find myself on the wrong end of a stalker. We sat there for a while getting to know each other, partaking of Calvin's expertise with pastry and his artistry with coffee. She had aspirations to be a professional model, but was studying journalism for something to fall back on. She used the modest income that she earned as an artist's model to keep her fed and dry, but hoped someday it would get her noticed when school ended and it was time to start her career. Despite wanting to be a model, she had a good head on her shoulders, which is one of my prerequisites, and after a while our conversation turned to the technical side of journalism. The Silhouettes couldn't have been more thrilled. The Seductress exclaimed, "The plan is in motion. Our agents have raised the other citizens groups against the Furs. Our activities will go without notice." The Other Woman raised a question, "how do we know that the friends and relatives of those we harvest won't go to the authorities?" "Those doing the actual harvesting ARE the authorities. Nobody is going to believe animals and furverts against the word of the local police. Those that need to know in the assorted departments are on our side. They too deplore the corruption of our society," replied the Seductress. "Why this city," wondered the Scientist. The Commander spoke up for the first time, "This city is where we will begin. There are more of the animals here than anywhere else in the country. We will use your formula here first, and then when its effectiveness has been proven without a doubt, we will deploy it to the other cities." "And you have units ready to carry out the mission," demanded the Other Woman. The commander responded, "not as many as I'd like, there are far too many who sympathize, as if these things aren't degrading the foundation of the country. However there are enough of those who I trust to carry out our plan, albeit not in the same timeframe as we would hope. The Seductress spoke again, the smile audible in her voice, "let us go, the first 'volunteers' should be arriving soon." I could have sat in the coffee shop with Tara for hours, but Calvin came over with some disturbing news. The kind of riots that had seemed impossible in this city earlier today had broken out. Anthros were being advised to stay off the streets, and to lock their doors. Roving bands of humans were attacking any anthro that they caught on the streets. The worst of it was going on in the section of the city where Tara lived, and the police had cordoned it off, letting no one in or out. Tara looked at me helplessly. Remember the whole "knight in shining armor" thing? It went into overdrive with that one hopeless glance from her. "I live just a few blocks away," I said, "I have a couch, and my roommate should be there too," trying to put her at her ease. She smiled at me, and seeing right through what I was trying to do, said, "It's ok Oz, I feel safe with you." This of course only kicked up my chivalrous instincts even further. As we made our way back to my apartment, we could see the orange glow of firelight illuminating the undersides of the low hanging clouds to the west. Calvin hadn't been exaggerating when he said it had gotten bad. We could hear the fury, thousands of voices, screams, shouts all mingling into a frightening drone. Apprehensive, we quickened our pace. We didn't quicken it enough. Two blocks from my apartment, three young men turned the corner. One was armed with cheap Korean reproduction nunchaku I doubted he knew how to use, the other two with lengths of board. This was going to be messy. The bravo who watched too much Kung-fu leered, "well, well, well. What have we here? Looks like a fucking rat. What are you doing with the girl, Mickey?" Remember what I said about people thinking I'm a rodent? It pisses me off. Not just a little bit, it really, really makes me mad. This was probably why I responded the way I did, "Nothing that's any concern of yours, Pinky. Oh by the way, when did gorillas start suffering from male pattern baldness?" The bravo's face twisted in hate, "Real smartass aren't you?" Fuelled by fear and rage, I riposted, "Better than being a dumbass." He looked at Tara, going for the weaker target, "look here sweetie, why don't you come over here with your own kind? I'll show what a real man can do." I guess she felt safer with me than I realized, because instead of ignoring him she responded, "ok, but did you have a real man in mind, because I don't see any here." Bruce Wannabe's face contorted with anger, "first I'm going to squash your boyfriend. Then I'm going to show you just how much of a man I am. Who knows? You may never go back to bestiality again." Having exhausted his vocabulary, he and his two buddies launched themselves at me. I've had training in self defense, and on top of that, claws are standard equipment to a ferret. Furthermore, we are really hard to intimidate. Bruce's first wild swing missed me entirely, but my punch to his kidney didn't. He howled and dropped to the ground, writhing in pain. Goon number one tried to feint, but he telegraphed his move, and it did him no good. My claws dug into his hand, and my fist flattened his nose across his face. Of course I'd forgotten about Goon number two. His makeshift club slammed into my side, and I felt my ribs creak under the blow. Luckily my skeleton is considerably springier than a human's, and so a blow that should have broken something just knocked a little wind out of me. So, I was able to follow up with a roundhouse kick that brought my foot claws into play. Since I go barefoot, the claws on my feet are sharpened whenever I walk. They shredded through his cotton hoodie, t-shirt and skin like tissue paper. Just for good measure, I planted my tough heel pad right in his solar plexus, trying to gasp and scream simultaneously, he dropped to the ground. I heard a sizzle and looked around at Goon number one shaking where he stood, as Tara held something that looked like an electric razor to the side of his neck. Bruce had regained his feet hands and knees by now, but I maneuvered behind him, and caught his neck in the crook of my elbow, pinching shut his carotid arteries in what is commonly known as a "sleeper hold". He had about thirty seconds. As he fell to the ground, the sky opened up. Cold rain began pouring down in torrents, leaching the heat of battle from my body, and bringing me back down to reality from the "fight or flight" mode I had been in. Tara and I looked at each other. The whole thing had taken less than a minute and a half, but we were both panting, out of exertion and out of fear. Without a word we linked hands, and fled. Safely back at my apartment, with the door locked and the blinds shut, we huddled on the couch for mutual comfort saying nothing. There were no words to make what had just happened ok. Of course fear is a POWERFULL aphrodisiac, and what began as huddling, turned into cuddling. One of her hands strayed up by back to my ear, and she began gently rubbing it. I sighed and shifted against her, rubbing my fur against her smooth cheek. The sensation must have pleased her, because she pressed her face against mine, and as we moved against each other, our lips came into contact. We shared a long deep kiss, our tongues intertwining, her soft, mobile lips moving against my far less flexible ones, her tongue exploring the length of my canines, her hand fondling my ear. My own hand had its own exploration to do, and it slid between us, up underneath her damp shirt, feeling the chill of the rain on her skin contrast with the heat of her nipples as my fingers found one and began gently rolling between my finger and thumb as I massaged the firm mound of her breast. She moaned against my lips, and arched her back. "God," she whispered, "I love the feeling of your fur against my skin." I said nothing, and merely stripped her damp shirt off, followed by my own. She wore no bra, and I pressed her bare chest against mine, and bore her down to the couch, stretching out on top of her. Her arms circled my neck, and pulled me tighter against her. My erection was at its fullest now, and I gently rolled my hips against her moaning with need. She could feel my length throbbing against her thigh, and made a noise between a moan and a purr. Her hand slid down the front of my pants, and quickly found and encircled my sheath. Gripping gently she skimmed it down off of my member, exposing the slick shaft. Murmuring in pleasure at what she found, she forced me up off of her, and guiding me by the penis, sat me down on the couch. She let go of my cock long enough to pull my hips to the edge, and strip my pants off, exposing me to her fully. She ran her hands down my chest, over my navel, and stopped at my furred tube. Gently she exposed me once again, and took me into her mouth. Now I'd never been with a human before, and I have to tell you, I didn't know the things that she did with her lips and tongue were possible. As her lips wrapped around me, and her tongue slid down my swollen length, I felt such an intense explosion of pleasure I went blind for a second. With a gentle inward suction she slowly pulled her lips far enough from where my sheath ringed the base of my member to wrap her hand around it. Stroking at the same time she worked my penis in and out of her mouth, all I could do was sit there and gape, so immersed in the sensations that I was experiencing that I couldn't will any of my muscles to move. I still don't know if it was only a few moments or hours before I felt myself closing the gap between ecstasy and explosion and managed to get out a weak warning. I expected her to stop. I didn't expect her to look up and meet my eyes as she swirled her tongue around the tip of my erection. That was all it took for me to lose the fingernail of control that I had and gasp as my by whole body tightened and semen poured out of my cock into her mouth. She swallowed, and smiled at me. "I guess I should have asked this first," she said, a little uncertainly, "But you're not one of those guys who are weird about kissing a girl after..." I answered her by pulling her up to me and leaning down to kiss her. I could taste the salty flavor of my release on her lips as I slid my tongue into her mouth. She pressed into the kiss and gently rubbed her bare front against my chest as we embraced. I could feel the heat of her nipples through my fur, and wanted to reciprocate the pleasure she had just given me. So I stood and taking her by the hand, guided her into my bedroom. Once there, I laid her out on my bed, and unbuttoned her jeans gently parting them. Her white cotton panties made a triangle against her skin, framed by the dark blue denim. I ran my paw down her chest, and underneath the elastic. I slid it lower, expecting to run into a wiry patch of hair. All I felt was smooth skin until I reached the place where her labia joined. She was shaved. This was something that I had to see for myself and hastily stripped her out of her jeans and underwear. I couldn't believe my eyes. There was her sex, bare, perfectly visible, but terra incognita none the less. I kneeled on my bed, and brought my face down. With one hand I parted the larger lips exposing the delicate folds that they concealed. They glistened slightly in the light and I could smell the musky scent of her arousal. Pressing my face close, I gently dipped my tongue into her, beginning my exploration. She gasped, and thrust her hips into the stroke. I lapped at her clit, causing her to moan and grip the sheets in her fists. One of her hands cupped the back of my head, and she urged me on, desiring the sweet release of the little death. She was primed already, and my attentions didn't take very long before her body spasmed and she writhed as her orgasm flooded her with pleasure. She lay there a moment, and I could see the aftershocks ripple through her body. After a moment, she opened her eyes, and said, "I want you to take me. Now." I looked down at her lying before me, legs slightly parted, all I could say was, "your wish is my command." I stretched out on top of her, propping myself up, she reached between us, and gently guided me to her waiting opening. With a thrust of my hips I was inside her, and she was so tight. She moaned aloud as my cock worked its way along the ripples inside her passage. I rolled my hips sliding out and back into her, as her fingernails gripped my back. It was almost painful, but something about it felt almost right. I savored the feeling of her muscles pulling me deeper inside, and her voice calling my name. Soon I found myself answering her moans and cries with my own, thrusting into her harder with each passing moment. "Fill me, Oz," she panted, "I want to feel you inside me." I slammed my hips into her harder and harder. She came again, practically screaming with the pleasure of it. The tightening of her muscles was the last straw my orgasm screamed through my body as my voice howled to the sky. My cock twitched in her passage as it was flooded with my milky semen. Exhausted and spent, I collapsed on top of her, too weak to move. For a few moments I lay there, until I finally heaved myself off. Satisfied, we cuddled, talking in to the night as words slowly failed us, and we drifted off to sleep. I have no idea how long we lay there, when I heard the front door burst open, and Jimmy's voice franticly calling my name. Something was wrong. I jumped out of bed, threw on my bathrobe, and went into the living room. Jimmy was a mess. His eyes were puffy, and there was a bruise just starting to come up on the side of his head. I asked him what the matter was. He looked at me with hollow eyes and answered me in just three words. "They took Kia."