Human boy to Elite hero CH.4

Story by shelbyproject on SoFurry

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December 16th, 2541, 9:30 pm, Planet Reach, Covenant Air Port, Shal-tablii had taken Jacob, and is now escorting him to the covenant's recently acquired airport. As they passed the entrance gates, burning jets, heli's, warthogs, refueling trucks, and many other vehicles were almost like flares that aren't going out anytime soon. As Jacob looks around, he starts to notice grunts and Jackals spread out in many groups, salvaging weapons, and piling dead human bodies in piles, and once that pile was big enough, pyro elite would set the dead pile on fire. This fire burned a bright blue, to a deep sea blue, to a dark purple at the tip of the flame. Jacob looked down at his feet trying not to think about what he just saw. "It's a shame we have to kill one another. But when it comes down to it, orders are orders, and I'm not about to die for this war", said Shal-tablii in a despised voice. "Hopefully if what I suspect about you is correct, it might help bring this fighting to an end". As she finished her sentence, they pull up next to a phantom prepping to take off and dock with a covenant carrier ship, waiting in orbit. Shal-tablii parks the revenant and Jacob gets out slowly not to raise an alarm. Shal-tablii puts a pair of plasma cuffs on Jacob's wrists, plasma cuffs are just like human handcuffs, only plasma, and she then grabs his arm, and walks to the phantom. "HALT! Where is this human going?" said an elite guard. "I'm taking this human as both prisoner and trainee", said Shal-tablii. "Train? This? HAHAHAHA, surly you jest, there's no way you could have gotten the clearance for this!" said the guard in a mocking matter. Shal-tablii pulled out her orders and gave it to the guard; she smiled as she let her oderd do the talking. The guard's eye's opened wide and the "mocking" smile disappeared quickly. "Come aboard, but watch your back human scum". Said the guard in a displeased voice. Both Shal-tablii and Jacob walked up the right side ramp, once inside, the ramps rose up and sealed shut. As the phantom started to elevate, Jacob sat down and grabbed his legs, setting his chin on his arms. "Relax Jacob, you won't die by our hands, that fate has been removed. Just don't betray us, cause then, it's your hide". She said in a calm voice. "Right, wouldn't want to piss off all who are serving the prophets". Jacob said in reply. "So...what will I be training?" Jacob asked out of his curiosity. "Quite a bit, but first, were going to analyze your body, physically and mentally. So it all depends on the results---...were here, stand up, it won't be pretty for the first week or so. I think you know why." Shal-tablii said as the phantom came to a slow stop and docked in the carrier's landing docks. The left side lowered down and they started to walk down. Once off the phantom, all eyes turned to Jacob, some stopped what they were doing most went back to what they were doing. They walked past the workers and made their way to the bridge. Moments later, a wide door beeps a long tone and flashes as it opened up. "Hello Ship master, I have returned." Shal-tablii said as she kneeled on one knee. "And what is this? Why have you brought this human on board my ship?" Asked the shipmaster in a displeased voice. Shal-tablii handed the shipmaster her orders. The shipmaster read over the orders, then he gave a light chuckle, "Well, never did I think the counsel would make such a decision. You will be the one training him correct?", " Yes shipmaster, he will be in my sight at all times.", "Very well then, I'm looking Forward to this, welcome aboard my ship human, may your training go well. Shal-tablii, he will be bunking with you. I don't want to change anything with the crew. Knowing them, they will try to do something to the human." Said the ship master, trying to keep Jacob out of trouble. "By your command shipmaster", Replied Shal-tablii as she rose to her feet. "Also, take off the restraints; I don't believe he will try anything outrageous." Said the shipmaster as he smiled and pointed at Jacobs plasma cuffs. Shal-tablii nodded and removed the plasma cuff off of Jacobs wrists and put the cuffs on her belt. They headed out of the bridge and made their way to Shal-tablii's room. While on their way to her room, Jacob gets a bunch of dirty looks from the ship's crew. They looked like cats ready to pounce Jacob and kill'em. Soon after that, the halls echoed with a beep, "Attention ship, attention ship, this is the shipmaster, I know that has been some aboard who have seen a human, well to confirm, yes there is a human aboard the ship, and he is not our enemy, this is an order to all hands though out the ship. This order not only comes from me, but from the council, do not harm this human, this human is to be trained here aboard this ship as ordered by the council. That is all". The volume of the halls though out the ship rose quite a bit, from the new information that had been announced."Were here." Shal-tablii said as she placed her hand on a panel next to the door. The panel scanned her hand, beeped, then the door opened. "So are you ready Jacob?" TO BE CONTINUED!!!

Authors note: sorry it took so long to upload another chapter, but I'll try to upload more though out the future, thanks for reading ^.^

P.s. all rights belong to bungie, 343 industries, and not my sexy ass rofl