Tropical - Chapter Five

Story by WhitePawPrints on SoFurry

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#5 of Tropical

The playful battle over the apple had left an impression on unexpected pairs of eyes, that will later cause trouble for Rye. This doesn't stop him from spending time with his favorite otter.

Throughout the week Rye and Cloud often hung out with each other, in school, at the pool and occasionally at Rye's apartment. After school, Rye would always give Cloud a ride home, and sometimes Rye would pick Cloud up on the way to school, if Rye woke up early enough. Students among Rye's friends started to realize that Cloud assumed the responsibility of being Rye's best friend.

Cloud made a point to become good friends with Rye's friends, but the two otters remained closest friends with each other than anyone else. Most of the students assumed that they remained close because they were the only two otters in the city.

Rye's feelings toward Cloud grew stronger but he was able to keep his act up so that no one, least of all Cloud, would find out about his love-interest.

The week didn't differ much from the first two days except for Friday when Ben, one of Rye's distant, almost rival, friends approached Rye as he sat alone waiting for Cloud to get out of the long lunch line.

"You and your new best friend seem close," Ben said, sitting next to Rye in Cloud's seat. "Really close."

Rye glared at the lizard. "What do you mean?"

"People are going to start thinking you're gay Rye," Ben said. "You spend so much time with Cloud alone in your apartment."

"People will think I'm gay because my best friend is a guy?" Rye asked rhetorically. "I swear, high school teenagers can be the most prejudice people in the system."

"Rumors are already going around," Ben said with almost a smirk of amusement.

"We all know you like to gossip the most in the entire school Ben," Rye combated back. "Any rumors going around would have been started by you."

"I'm just warning you."

"If you're trying to get me to confess something that's not true, then you're wasting your time. Cloud and I are just friends. Even if we were more than that, what would be the big deal? Jake and Mark have been going out for over a year now." Rye nodded toward a male falcon and a male salamander down the table.

"There's no big deal," Ben said defensively, trying not to accept his defeat. A muffled pawstep was heard behind Ben and he looked up to see Cloud standing behind him, waiting for him to leave. Ben got up without another word and went back to his usual seat and Cloud claimed his spot back.

"What was all that about?" Cloud asked.

"Ben is just spreading rumors about us," Rye answered angrily, turning back to his lunch. He was so infuriated, which he knew that he shouldn't be. He told the truth, Rye and Cloud were just friends. Rye couldn't deny that he did wish for more than just a friendship with Cloud, but he wouldn't admit it either.

"That we're going out," Cloud said not in a question tone, as he pressed for more information.

Rye sighed. "Yeah. Just ignore him; he'll do anything for attention." With effort, Rye forced himself to calm down.

Cloud looked down the table at Mark and Jake. "So there are gay couples in this group?" Rye wasn't sure if the question was directed at him or meant to be answered at all but he decided to answer it anyway.

"Jake and Mark are the only two going out," Rye said. "Dylan, Catherine and Victoria are also gay." Rye realized his mistake the moment he closed his maw.

"Is that all the gays in the group?" Cloud said looking at the three Rye just named off. Cloud knew them because he knew most of the people in the group by name already.

Rye tried to think of a way out of this one but he could only think of a white lie. "As far as the group knows, yes."

"What about you?" Cloud asked still looking at the five gay teenagers. Rye held his breath, he couldn't breathe; he was basically just asked directly if he was gay and he told himself that he wouldn't lie. He couldn't lie to Cloud of all people, it'd ruin everything if he did lie and Cloud still found out by another way. It might ruin everything if he told the truth now. "As far as you know, who's gay?" Rye exhaled, relieved.

"I don't think they're all ready to come out," Rye said, thinking of an excellent way to turn this around on Cloud. "It's not my place to call them out. Why are you taking such an interest?"

"Oh," Cloud said. "I guess I'm a sucker for gossip. And besides, I'm trying to figure out the niches around here, remember?"

Rye laughed, but it worked and Cloud dropped the subject.


The otter turned around to see his wolf friend, Nate, standing behind him. "Yes?"

"Can I speak with you for a moment?" Nate asked, smiling at Cloud.

"Sure," Rye agreed and got up. "I'll be right back," Rye said to Cloud before Nate led him away from the table. "What's up Nate?"

"I just need a confirmation," Nate said looking at Rye directly.

"Of what?" Rye asked, confused and slightly worried.

"Are you and Cloud going out?" Nate asked straight up.

"No," Rye said, trying to remain emotionless.

"Rye, we've been friends since freshman and only Ariel knows you better than I," Nate started to say. "I overheard your argument, and discussion with Ben and Cloud, and you chose your words very carefully."

"I'm not going out with Cloud."

"Are you gay?"

Rye hesitated. For some reason, he didn't react the same way when he thought Cloud asked him the same question not thirty seconds ago. He wouldn't lie, and this was the first time anyone has ever asked him. Nate was one of his best friends but Rye still didn't feel like causing extra drama in his life if word was to spread around school.

"Why do you need to know?" Rye asked, avoiding the question.

"Because if you are, then I can help keep Ben in his place," Nate answered back. The wolf remained calm, but Rye couldn't help but to glare at him.

"I don't need help. There is no burden of a secret that weighs me down and I'm perfectly fine with how things are now."

"If you don't want to tell me, then don't. I knew that you didn't like girls when Ariel started dating Patrick and you weren't affected by it at all."

"Nate, I don't need extra drama in my life," Rye said with his voice growing harsher.

"So you are gay."


"I won't tell anyone," Nate assured Rye with a smile. "But I'll keep Ben in line. We've had debate class with each other, you know how manipulating I can be while avoiding the truth."

Rye allowed himself to laugh, reassured that Nate wouldn't attract unwanted attention. "Can I go back to the table now?"

"Sure," Nate answered. "But wait, do you like Cloud?"

"Nate," Rye groaned.

"Sorry, just go."

Rye laughed and went back to sit down with Cloud, while the wolf went to his own seat.

"Talking about wolf things?" Cloud asked with a chuckle.

"He just wanted to confirm a few things," Rye said. "Most students ask me a lot of questions about the pool right before the Games." Grateful to have the subject finally dropped, Rye continued to speak about the party.

"The lanes at the pool will be open for racing," said Rye. "You and I should race again. We haven't raced since Monday and I think I got a little faster since then. We'll have to have someone time our race."

"I'll still beat you," Cloud said confidently and stuck his tongue out at Rye. Rye laughed. "I slowed myself down that race just so I didn't make you feel bad."

"Right, of course you did," Rye mocked the white otter. "If that's so then I claim to be the better diver."

"Nope, I'm still better," Cloud playfully and stubbornly said.

"So what am I better at then?"

"Fetching apples."

Rye and Cloud laughed.

"Oh by the way, do you need a ride?" Rye asked.

"The pool is within walking distance of the school," answered Cloud, who ironically was now chewing on an apple like on Tuesday of that week.

"But not Ariel's house," Rye volleyed.

"True, but the pool will wear me out."

"No, no, no. You're going to the whole party. Even if I have to tie you up and throw you in the back of my car."

Cloud laughed. "I guess I have no choice then. I'll ride with you." Cloud took another bite of the apple before he added, "Thanks."

"Do you want to dive again too?"

"Sure, but I don't feel like competing," Cloud answered. "That gets too boring, especially since we can't tell whose better."

"Alright," Rye agreed and continued eating his lunch. "To be honest, I think I like it better knowing that we won't be competing again."

"Not as stressful," Cloud agreed. "We can actually relax and have fun. Do you know what we're doing in Gym today?"

"I think we're playing soccer again. Coach Kirkland doesn't move onto a different sport until after like a month."

"So you had Gym every year with the Coach?"

"Yes, but he switches it up every year. Last year we started with swimming, and then it was tennis. Obviously we can't do swimming this year because of the pool being reconstructed. Soccer was sometime in winter though."

"So we can't predict what's next."


"Did you get any homework for the weekend?" Cloud asked.

"No, did you?"


"Usually teachers don't give out homework when the Amor Games are going on," Rye explained. "They also attend the parties, and they bring their families so they understand that the students don't want to do any work either."

"That's convenient," Cloud chuckled, finishing his lunch. "Are you almost done?"

"Yeah," answered Rye as he finished his own lunch. "Come on, let's go outside."

Rye leading, the otters exited the cafeteria and basked in the sun, while they wandered toward a group of their friends who already finished their meals. For the rest of the lunch hour, Rye and Cloud spoke about random things with each other and many of their friends. The day continued on as it normally did, even after they were in their gym class and forming teams for the soccer game.

During the game, Rye made a score and was congratulated by his team and even Cloud.

"Nice shot," Cloud said, walking back to their side of the field.

"Thanks," Rye responded.

"I could have done it better though," Cloud laughed, joking around as usual.


"Yep," Cloud said smugly. "I best you at everything."

"Is that so?" Rye said, with a smile and a low growl coming from his throat. Without warning, Rye pounced on Cloud and they both fell to the ground. Taken by surprise, Cloud was soon pinned to the ground on his chest, while Rye sat on him and held his arm behind the white otter's back. "Seems like I can best you at wrestling."

"Ouch," Cloud complained. He turned his head, with his cheek resting on the grass and looked at Rye. "Guess again." Cloud grinned and used his tail to pull Rye off of his back. Without pausing, Cloud tackled Rye and soon had him pinned in the same way Rye had him pinned.

"Ow, ow, ow," Rye cried, while Cloud kept Rye to the ground. "Okay, I give. I submit."

Cloud stood up off Rye. "To be fair, you are the better diver." Cloud extended his paw to Rye and helped him up.

Oblivious that the game had already resumed, Rye and Cloud continued speaking to each other. "You're aggressive," Rye complained, rubbing his shoulder.

"You tackled me first," Cloud defended himself, with a light laugh. "Are you alright though?"

"I'll live," Rye replied and allowed himself to smile. "We'll have a proper match later."

"If you say so," Cloud said and laughed. "Come on otter, let's get back in the game."

The remainder of the class was uneventful, but the last class of the day was full of anxious and excited students which even the teachers had their share of. When the final bell rang, the school nearly exploded with excitement. Several types of cars were outside to pick up students, the students with trucks had their beds full with fur and claws and a column was already walking off the campus toward the pool. Schoolwork was forgotten and the scene looked like school had just ended for the year.

Rye headed toward his car, passing the large crowds that were migrating to the parking lot. The entire school was leaving at once, which was very rare, so the crowds were more difficult to get through than usual. Leaning against the car, waiting for Rye, was Cloud, and two other friends that Rye agreed to give a ride were prancing around the parking lot nearby.

Rye sat in the driver seat and Cloud got in the passenger seat.

"You'd think this would be more of a school's-ending party than a back-to-school party," Cloud commented with an expressionless tone looking at the mass crowds that were cheering.

"That party at the end of the year has almost the entire city invited," Rye said. "Attracts a lot of tourist too. It's also to celebrate the end of winter, although this city isn't hit that hard by the cold. You should get use to the Amor Games. They're what keep us going through the year. There's one at Halloween, Christmas Eve, Valentine's Day and the end of the year. Spring Break, everyone goes off on their own and does their own thing."

Rye turned the key in the ignition and the engine roared to life. He honked the horn so that the two others would get in the car, one being Dylan that Rye mentioned at lunch earlier in the day and the other was a tiger named Greg.

"Maybe I did come to the right city after all," Cloud commented to himself. "Are we going directly to Beach Lagoon?"

"They can't get in without me," Rye said smiling. He pulled the car out of the parking spot and sped through the traffic, which the majority of the cars got out of the way for the familiar sports car. "You have everything you need?"

"Just my swim trunks," Cloud answered holding up his bag where his shorts were stored. "I don't think I'll be needing much more than that."

"Nope, not really."

Speeding down the block to Beach Lagoon, Rye arrived still later after some of the students, where they were already waiting to be let into the lobby. Rye parked his car in a spot that was reserved for employees near the front entrance. The two students in backseat jumped out of the car before Rye could turn off the engine.