Margret`s wish. (Just a teaser, will have more later. Actually am doing this for a close friend.)

Story by Pyro Fox on SoFurry

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The moon shown brightly as the crows screamed for mercy as their nest and trees rustled as the silence of night was broken by blood curdling screams. Then loud howls and scraping of claws against rocks. Another howl came from another direction and and then they clashed. All the sounds of fighting, scratching, clawing, snarling and biting filled the night. Blood covered the once un-tainted dirt of the dark woods and the leaves that were once unmoved were rustled about. A heavy brown broken bloody mass toppled over and whimpered in pain and then went silent. A long creak was heard as a tree cried for the lost soul and the wind shed her tears. A large black and white mass bolted through the night and came to a small town on the end of the forest. The moon faded and the created howled as it was destroyed and replaced by a man. This man was a werewolf, this man was a murderer, of humans, vampires and other of his cursed kin. He panted tiredly as he clamped his right side. His right side was gushing blood, obviously torn by the other wolf's claws.

The man trudged down the small hill that led to the town. He hopped over a small wooden fence and fell with a thud, his wounds were getting worse and worse. He hoisted himself up and kept going towards the light of the town. He slammed down onto the grass and everything went black. He then awoke and was smashed in the nose with the scents of musk, blood, mud and beer. He looked to his side and found that it was wrapped up in cloth, someone had helped him. He knew not who it was, but wanted to know whom it was. He tried to sit up and smacked his head on an overhanging beam.

His blue eyes darted across the room he was now laying in. It was a deep stained wood, a faint smell of alcohol and murmuring of voices were heard from down below. The man realized that he was in a room above a tavern. The man sat up, grunting through the pain and hobbled over to a mirror. He face was fuller than usual, his goatee was trimmed down, his dirt and bloody face was washed. His blonde hair was cut short, very short. Much like a buzz, he had a white cloth around his head, most likely to reduce the risk of concussion. His nose was obviously broken and he had a few cuts and bruises. He groaned in pain and stepped over to his bed. There was a pair of black boots, a pair of black pants, a black long sleeve shirt and a black robe with a hood. He quickly put them on, grunting as he side burned and screamed with protest. He was worrying, worrying that whomever had found him had discovered his secret. If people knew, he'd be kicked out of the town. He went down down the small stairwell and moved into the light, it was brighter than usual. Obviously the fight last night had knocked him about and he still need to heal a bit more, his beast blood was helping the healing, but it was not yet fast enough to heal all his wounds. The candles burned brightly and hard as he walked by and sat at the bar. The candles went out and people stared at him, he was worrying himself as well. Never before had the flame protested his presence like that. It was a sign, a sign of something, but he knew not what. Everyone else is the bar went quiet. The bartender came over to the man.

"Ah, you are awake, good thing. You almost died out there. Another man came in and told me to tend to you and paid for your room. What might be your name?"

The man rolled his aching shoulders, his muscle tensing in the pain, he winced and chuckled out. "Balthor, thirteenth son of Margret." The bartenders eyes went wide for only a second and then he went back to his warm look. The whispers behind made the man uneasy, Magret must not be liked here. Margret was a goddess, she had blessed thirteen men with the gift of the hunt. As far Blathor knew, he was the last. They had all been killed by The Spear of Man. They were a hunting group, strictly for werewolves and had hunted them down because they were a disgrace to man. He was sure he had over-stayed his welcome.

The man went away from the bar and left the building, he was then grabbed and pushed into an alley way. The stench of garbage and filth filled the man's nose, the heightened sense of smell made it worse. He rolled his shoulders and winced again as a voice spoke out, it was not a deep voice, not high pitched either, just a rusty like tone.

"Balthor, you are lucky to be alive, the werewolf you killed last night was not so lucky. Seems the Goddess still watches over her last son."

Balthor growled feral like and grumbled to the voice.

"Show yourself, tell me how you know of me and of what happened last night."

"Now now, no need for hostility. We are the same, we are both of the same beast. The werewolf you killed last night, I have been hunting for three months. I must ask what brought the legendary Balthor to this small little town."

The man stepped into view. Balthor's heart sank, he felt a rumbling in his gut, telling him that he could trust this person but his mind was screaming no. The man was toned, deep brown eyes, long black shoulder length hair, he was obviously experienced with Margret and knew a lot about her. His face was like a flame in a pitch black room, Balthor had a hard time keeping a blush from his face. The other man asked again.

"What brings you here?" "Who are you, first off?"

The man spoke again, in a sweet tone. It made Balthor's guts twist in of themselves, in a good way. "I am Serith, I have followed you for awhile, that werewolf was hunting you, I was going to kill him for you and introduce myself properly, but you beat me to it. I had to drag you into the tavern and pay your fee."

"I'm sorry about that Serith, I can pay you back, but why me?"

"Stupid beast, haven't heard, The Spear of man are hunting again, they have heard whispers of your name. They are looking for you."

"So, they are in arms again? Like twelve years ago, or is it worse?"

"Far worse Balthor, they have mages, they are really looking for you. I have been sent by Margret to find you."

"Wait, Marget has another group of blessed ones?"

"No, I am her messenger, you always thought I was a part of the thirteen?"

"Yeah, I suppose. Why she need me?"

"She needs to talk to you, but we have two days left, she wants me to..."

"What? What does she want you to do?"

"She's been into my dreams and is ordering me to make those real."

"What do you mean Serith?"

Balthor's trust rose for the other werewolf, as he knew that he was sent by Margret. He wanted to know what this cute werewolf wanted. He did all in his power not to pounce on him, even though he was not dominate, he just wanted to pounce him. As Balthor was thinking about what he could do this cutie, the man stepped closer to him, pressing him into the alley wall. His breath was hot, steaming even and a faint smell of juniper was in it. It was driving Balthor crazy and he just could not help himself. He kissed the other man, he sniffed in all of Serith's scent, the smell was heavenly. Serith gave a growl and submitted, with a whisper.

"This is what she wanted..."

Balthor's ears started to turn into a wolf's as his arousal grew and grew. Serith put a finger to Balthor's lips.

"Follow me."

Balthor nodded and followed the other beast. Serith led him to an abandoned house, the walls were broken, the windows were also shattered and the door was gone, Balthor swore that the house was haunted. Serith turned to him.

"The locals fear this place, we can be as loud as we like."

Balthor grinned and followed the other man into the house. He turned to face the black haired beast.

"Why does Margret want this?"

"Balthor, she's been in both of our dreams, she knows our desires."

Balthor shrugged and nodded. Serith put his arms around Balthor and whispered.

"Then lets make her happy, hmm?"

Balthor chuckled, and kissed Serith, with a gentle groan.

"Then lets."

Balthor growled loudly as he grinned to Serith and grabbed behind where Serith's tail would be if he was in his beast form. Serith moaned softly and growled back.

"Then get this really to heat up, hmm?"

Balthor, grinned widely and shoved Serith down and kept growling as his hands started to change into paws, his body started to change, his spine extended into a tail and he grew black and white fur all over. Serith changed as well, except his fur was pitch black. Serith kept those lovely deep brown eyes. They looked him better in his wolf form. They scrambled out there clothes and started licking each other's fur all over, Serith started at Balthor's neck as he trailed his thick and sloppy tongue down his chest. Balthor's curled his toes in pleasure, his claws digging into the wooden floor boards. He let out a growl of pleasure and tackled Serith down and started grinding against him, their fur was drenched in each other's sweat and they were rolling around on the dusty old floor together.

Their tongues darted around each other's bodies, their arousal rising higher and higher as Serith howled. Growling dominantly as his member came forth and he rolled Balthor over so he was on top of the black and white beast. Balthor growled loudly, darting his tongue around Serith's ears as he submitted to the other beast. Serith started thrusting into Balthor with a loud howl, the other whimpered and growled loudly. The monstrous beasts started to fill the night with loud sounds of feral passion. Howling and growling they kept going at it, until Serith finished in Balthor, they switched up positions and went at it again, again and again. They let their passion control them. They were on their seventh time when Serith broke the silence with a growl.

"You like this, Stud?" "Nnnghh, yeah. I love it....Give me more..."

Serith snarled, drooling onto Balthor's back as he slammed into him yet again, for a seventh time Balthor received Serith's seed.