Everyday Life, Part 3

Story by Tanglenose on SoFurry

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#3 of Everyday Life

Will quickly ran down the basement stairs, turning the corner to get to Samantha's door. Without knocking, he slammed the door open to find Sam lying in a heap with a chair on top of her. Will quickly flipped the chair off her as she tried to push herself off the ground. That's when he noticed the blood and the knife sticking out of her thigh.

"Woah! Don't move!" He said, slowly flipping her over till she was on her back. The knife looked like a military combat knife, which lead Will to wonder where it had come from. "Did somebody stab you?" He asked, reaching for the nearest weapon, which happened to be a tire iron. Sam's room was filled with various instruments which could be used to murder someone given the situation. Sometimes her family wondered if she was paranoid, but Will thought she just liked to have weapons near her.

"NO! No, I had an accident. There's no one here." Sam quickly explained, staring down her body at the knife that was penetrating her leg.

"Well, then how the fuck did you end up with a knife in your leg?" Will asked, throwing the tire iron on to the bed.

"I was practicing my stance and I tripped on the chair." She said sheepishly.

"No, you tripped on your own stupidity. The chair was merely a catalyst." He muttered, rolling his eyes. "Hold still, I'm going to pull the knife out of your leg." He said, reaching for the knife.

"Wait, there's some medical supplies under the bed. Grab gauze, bandages, rubbing alcohol, a needle, some fishing wire, and some painkillers." She instructed, sighing and looking around the room. "Oh, and grab the switchblade hidden in that red book." She added, pointing at her bookshelf.

"Why do I need a switchblade?" Will asked, pulling out a fairly large box from under Sam's bed and opened it to find what looked like a doctor's office; among the contents were surgery tools, various types of bandages, and a small pharmacy filled with different kind of pills. He even saw what he thought was a bone saw.

"Because, you can't stitch me up with my pants on." She smiled, as she watched him dig through all the medical supplies.

"Wait a minute, I have to stitch you up? Why the hell can't you do it?" He asked, trying to find the right length of bandage.

"You have the better vantage point. Besides, you're already here and you told me not to move." She smirked at Will, who was finished with the medical portion. "And you have a steady hand."

"Whatever." Will grunted, moving over to the bookshelf and sliding the red book out of its spot. He opened it and, sure enough, there was a switchblade hidden inside the hallowed out book. He grabbed it and moved to Samantha's side.

"Alright, now if you cut me, I'll rip this knife out of my leg and stab you with it until you're dead." She explained, smiling sweetly.

"Alrighty then." He said, starting to cut at the bottom of her right leg. He slowly made his way up her leg, connecting his cut with the cut that had been created by the combat knife. "Please be wearing underwear, please be wearing underwear." He muttered under his breath, but just loud enough that Sam could hear him.

"Calm down there, stud. I'm wearing panties and a boner will also result in disembowelment." She stated, crossing her arms across her chest.

"You're fucking sick." Will said bluntly, cutting through the crotch area. After revealing Sam's dark green underwear, which was really nothing special, he made his way down her other leg. "So I'm guessing that you don't want anyone to know how you stabbed yourself." He asked, slicing through the last fibers of the jeans and carefully pulling them away from Samantha's body.

"Yeah, and it would also be great if you didn't tell Mom or Dad that I have this knife. They might go insane if they knew I had anything actually dangerous." She said, sighing and rolling her eyes at their parent's stupid rules of having no weapons in the house.

"Okay, now comes the fun part." Will sighed, pouring rubbing alcohol on the needle and wire. "Okay, ummm..." He trailed off, looking around. He grabbed a pair of socks that was lying on the ground. They seemed clean enough, so he stuck them in her mouth. "This is so you don't bite your tongue." He explained when she started to squirm. "Here we go!" He said, grasping the knife at the hilt. Then he had a thought and took the socks out of Sam's mouth. "Wait, why aren't we going to the hospital?" He asked, a part of him already knowing the answer.

"Because, hospitals suck and smell funky." She explained, before Will jammed the socks back into her mouth.

"Okay then." He said, looking back at the knife. "Countdown; five, four, thr-" He then yanked out the knife in the middle of three.

Sam writhed around on the ground, spitting the socks out of her mouth. "AH, YOU FUCKING DICK!" She shouted, trying to kick him in the face while blood spouted out of her leg. Will grabbed her flailing leg and held it to the ground.

"If you don't calm down, this surgery is going to need a blood transfusion." That shut her up almost immediately. Will picked up the needle and fishing wire and slowly started to stitch the hole in her leg up.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck, ass cunt dick piss shit!" She yelled as Will worked away.

"Maybe this will teach you to be more careful."

"Maybe you should go suck a dick!" She retaliated, brushing the hair out of her face.

"You shouldn't fuck with your makeshift doctor. He may just stitch his name into your thigh." He threatened, finishing up with the stab wound.

"You do that and I'll piss on your face in your sleep!" She yelled back, glaring at him.

"Sounds kinky." He muttered, carefully putting the gauze over her stitching as he bandaged her leg up.

"And you say I'm the sick fuck."

A few minutes of silence were spent carefully bandaging her leg, before he finally patted her leg gently. "I'm done. You should wrap your leg up in plastic wrap and take a shower. I'll clean up this." He said, gesturing towards the bloody mess on the floor. "You're lucky you have cement floors." Will helped Samantha up off the floor and handed her a baseball bat. "Here, have a cane."

"Okay." She said, taking the cane and stepping out of the puddle of blood. "I don't need the painkillers, I'll be fine without them." She then promptly punched Will straight in the stomach. "That's for yanking the knife out." She explained as Will doubled over. Bending over so her face was level with his, she quickly planted a kiss in the middle of his forehead. "Thanks. For everything." She said, hobbling over to her bathroom to shower up. Will grabbed the box of saran wrap from the medical supplies and threw it at her, missing her by a few inches.

"You forgot that." He explained when she whipped around and held the baseball bat threateningly. Sam just scoffed and closed the door to her bathroom while Will walked to the linen closet to find some towels to mop up the blood. After wiping up the puddle of blood, cleaning off the needle and knife, throwing away the jeans, and putting away the leftover surgical equipment, Will threw the towels into the washing machine just as Terri wandered into the basement.

"Will, what are you doing?" She asked, looking around at the basement. "I heard weird noises a while ago, but I was busy doing my homework."

"I was just talking to-" He cut himself off as he realized his hands were still covered in blood. "Me and Sam were just having a talk." He lied, hiding his hands behind his back as he slowly slid by Terri and bolted upstairs, going for the bathroom. He scrubbed up, washing all traces of Sam's blood off his hands, making sure not to miss under his nails. When he walked out of the bathroom, he was surprised to see Terri standing at the door waiting for him.

"What were you talking about?" She asked, staring at him with her cold eyes.

"Uhh... We were talking about... how we were going to take you out for ice cream after dinner." He slowly said, watching as her face lit up.

"Awesome!" She squealed, running to the kitchen as Will followed her.

"We're not having supper for a while now, calm yourself." He laughed as Terri sat at the kitchen table and waited for her food to arrive. "I'm going to my room."

He walked up the stairs to his room, stopping only to examine the fake copy of 'The Scream' that was hanging in the stairwell. When he finally got to his room, he closed the door and flung himself down in front of his computer, opening 'Dreams of Terror', which was a survival horror game. A quick glance at the messenger system told him that Trace was online. Slipping on his headset, he started a chat with Trace.

"Sup bro?" Trace asked.

"Not much. Wanna play Dreams?" Will asked, searching through the levels for one he hadn't played yet. Most of the levels for this game were created by other players, so there was no stop to the flow of new levels.

"Sure, why not." Trace mumbled as Will sent him a request to join his party.

"Okay, this one's rated with four and a half stars, so let's start with that." Will said, starting up the level. Immediately, Will was plunged into a shallow pool of water. He jumped on top of a floating box, cautious of what the murky water might be hiding. Looking around, he determined that they were in a basement somewhere. Trace had run up the set of stairs that were at one side of the room.

"The doors locked. Always good." Trace muttered as the boys looked around for a key. After a few minutes of searching, Will shoved a large block that apparently was blocking the drain. The basement quickly drained, revealing a small key which was lying in front of a mouse hole.

"Oh, this looks legit." He stated, fully expecting something to reach out of the dark hole. Of course, a claw shot out and slashed his leg, not making Will jump one bit. As he was making his way up the stairs, the door blew apart and a figure rushed into the room. "NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE!" Will shouted, turning and running. Trace, who had constructed a small wall with the scattered boxes, began throwing bits of his fortress at the monster as it chased Will. A few boxes to the face sent the monster to the ground, thankfully not moving.

"Haha! Take that, you fucker!" Trace cheered, beating on the monster's dead body with yet another box. Will got up close to the monster to find that it was, in fact, an old man whose mouth was sewn shut. "Oh wait... were we supposed to kill him?"

"Uh, I don't know..." Will muttered, digging through the man's pockets. "Oh, there's a note here. Uh... 'You done goofed'. Well. Fuck." He sighed, leaving the body's side and cautiously walked up the stairs, peering into the darkness of the next room. Trace pushed past him and barged into the next room. As soon as he stepped through the doorway, the room was illuminated and was revealed to be a kitchen, covered in blood and littered with human limbs.

"This is quaint." Trace stated, throwing body parts around the room as he searched for something that might be useful. "Make us a cup of tea, dear." A kettle was chucked at Will's face, who failed at dodging it. "Oh, there's a trap door here. See if your key works." Trace said, throwing dishes at the trap door. Will unlocked it and opened the door to what appeared to be a very large pit.

"Fuck that shit." Will said, turning around to see a room full of rabid hellhounds. "Well then." Trace promptly threw himself into the hole, soon followed by Will. After falling for a fairly good chunk of time, they landed in a pool filled with blood, which was pleasant. When they swam their way to the edge, they discovered they were in a series of hallways. Large, disfigured monsters climbed out of the pool behind them. Running as fast as they could, loud noises and flashing lights bombarded them, making Will cringe in his chair.

"Split up!" Trace shouted, turning down another hallway, monsters still following him. After a few more minutes of running aimlessly, Will's hallway ended with a solitary room, door already fully open. He threw himself into the room and slammed the door behind him, throwing as many boxes and chairs as he could in front of the door. Quickly looking around the room, he found a knife lying on a table. He grabbed it and hid in a dark corner, waiting for the monsters to break through.

"I'm running, I'm running, I'm running, I'm ru-AHHRAHHA!" Trace screamed, loud banging coming from the other side of connection.

"What happened?" Will shouted through the microphone.

"I'm surrounded, but some of them are trying to break through a door!"

"I'm inside; I'm coming to help you!"

"No, it's too late! Leave me behinddddddd!" Trace trailed off as the monsters overwhelmed him. Suddenly, everything was black, except for a door that materialized in front of him. The door was covered in blood.

"I don't wanna..." Will whimpered as he slowly opened the door. Inside was a small living room, filled with the same monsters as before. This time, the monsters were all wearing party hats and confetti was everywhere. "What?" The words on screen flashed 'YOU WIN!' in bright rainbow text. "Dude, it says I won..."

"Cool story, bro."

"Okay then, let's load up a... what?" Will had hit the escape key, but all the buttons on the pop up pause menu were labeled 'You're next', which was really fucking creepy. He clicked on one of the buttons, but it just closed the menu, showing all of the monsters were gone. All that was left was the moaning and groans and horrible gurgling sounds. They eventually got louder and louder until it started to hurt his ears. Then, all of a sudden, the screen went blood red and the sound suddenly disappeared. A few seconds later, the man with his lips stitched together bolted at the screen full speed while a loud scream sounded in the background, causing Will to fall out of his computer chair. "THAT'S NOT FUCKING COOL!" He whined, putting his chair back in place and exiting the level, which was successful this time. He realized his glasses were still on the floor, so he bent over and slid them back onto the bridge of his nose.

This game was played for a couple of hours, until Terri came and knocked on his door. "Can we have dinner now?" She asked, opening the door and peeking her head through.

"Uh... Sure. I have to go now Trace, see you later." He said into the headset before shutting down the game and taking the headset off, following Terri as she tore down the hallway towards the kitchen. A few minutes and a box of Kraft Dinner later, dinner was ready. "SAMANTHAAAAA!" He shouted through the house. Samantha came up the stairs a few seconds later, sporting loose pajama pants. Even though she just had a makeshift minor surgery a couple of hours ago, she was only walking with a slight limp. Everyone gathered around the table and started to chow down. "So Sam, what's it like finally being finished with school?" He asked, finished with his dinner.

"It's kinda boring now, there's not much to do now but lay around the house, draw, or work. It's actually disappointing; I thought that I would be out having fun or something." She moaned, putting down her fork.

"Getting ice cream will be fun!" Terri chimed in, grinning at Sam. Sam glanced at Will, who just winked at her, as if that was his way of informing her.

"Yes. Yes it will." Samantha stated while picking up the dishes from the table and tossing them in the sink. "Come on, I'll drive."

"You can't drive; you've got a hole in your leg." Will whispered in her ear as Terri ran to put her shoes back on.

"I'll make do."

"Not while I'm in the car. I'm driving." He said firmly, wrestling the keys from Sam's hands. "Come on, we'll take the Zepplin." He said as he opened the door, letting Terri run to the car. Terri jumped in the back as Sam and Will slid into the front seats. "Everyone ready to go?"

"Yep!" The girls said in unison.

"Alright then, let's go!"