The Gift 2: Love Changes

Story by wolfied91 on SoFurry

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#2 of The Gift

A commissioned sequel that I did for The Gift, posted to FA. Dealing with two new characters who grow and change with the arrival of the mysterious man and his gifts.

Ian was ready for his first day of culinary school, but he was also nervous. He had been up almost all of the night before worrying that he would not be good enough, that they'd laugh at him and tell him to get out of the school just as fast as he'd walked in, if not faster. But they weren't just thoughts in Ian's mind, these were things that he half-expected to happen. If he had been trying to calm himself down like his boyfriend Justin had been trying to get him to do all the night before, then Ian might not have had any issues with going off to culinary school now. He was stressed, for sure, but he wasn't going to let that get him down. He wanted this, and regardless what they said he was going to keep his head high and make it through his first day to becoming a top chef without breaking down like a small part of him wanted to.

The problems were nothing compared to the biggest issue that Ian had run into while applying to culinary school. He'd found that most everyone there in the school had at least some form of an overweight body. The old adage "Never trust a skinny chef" seemed to hold true for this school for sure, and Ian was almost certain that his skinny frame would be altered before he graduated in a few years. His boyfriend Justin was already rather hefty, something Ian secretly admired but was too shy to even admit to his boyfriend (but of course Justin knew it; who wouldn't think that when your boyfriend's first idea of cuddling is laying his head on your gut?). Ian hadn't thought about putting on any weight before, but he thought that they'd have to do something to make everyone there as husky in size as they were.

No, his biggest problem wasn't even that, although he was sure that maybe that was part of it. His issue was that he hated cooking, he had never liked it after that incident with the molasses back in New Hampshire that one summer at camp. He had been partnered with a rather slow boy who didn't remember to use an oven mitt when grabbing the hot pot filled with near-boiling molasses and when it burned that boy's hands, he dropped the pot. The pot spilled over Ian and burned him fairly badly. He'd strayed from cooking for most of his life since.

"So what makes you think you have what it takes to be a top chef then?" Justin had asked him maybe a thousand times by now, and he was asking right now too. Ian straightened his collared shirt a bit, hoping that by dressing to impress he could somehow have better luck today.

"Like you always tell me, honey: I gotta face my fear some time." It was true, Justin did say that a lot. Justin nodded a bit proudly and hugged his boyfriend to him tightly. "Good luck at school yourself today. I know finals are coming up." They kept embraced for a while before finally pulling apart, albeit like trying to unglue two pieces of paper.

On the way out the door of the apartment complex, Ian started to grab his book bag but he was stopped by a man in a rather nice looking suit. It even was topped with one of those old-timey fedoras that Ian honestly hadn't seen outside of TV or magazines. The man hid his face well under that fedora, and Ian thought that didn't seem right. The man was taller than Ian was, and heavier set, but what stopped Ian in his tracks was the gloved hand that held him by the wrist.

"What the hell?" Ian stopped and looked at the man with the fedora as he frowned a bit.

"Are you the one they call Kenji Hasukii?" The man asked with a quiet, but stern tone as he seemed to face Ian under the fedora. The other hand that wasn't holding Ian's wrist was holding a gift-wrapped box, but the wrapping was not a fancy Christmas wrapping, it was a sleek red piece of silk. There wasn't even a bow, it was just lightly draped over the box and held together loosely with a piece of twine. Ian's eyes ticked back up to the man with a bit of surprise.

"How do you know that name?" Ian asked a bit shocked. The name Kenji Hasukii was the name of his fursona, a fox-husky combination. He didn't think just anyone in a stiff suit knew it. He looked at the box again as it moved.

The man in the suit was moving the box with his other hand, still holding Ian's wrist with his first hand. "This box is for Kenji Hasukii and Rowan Nero. It must be delivered now." The man's voice was silent but it sounded urgent still.

"I... uh... I am Kenji." Ian said with a bit of a shy blush as he looked around the downstairs hallway to make sure nobody else saw this exchange or heard their conversation. Luckily nobody was there to hear it.

The box was immediately thrust into his hands and he looked at it, feeling how light the box was. It felt like just an empty cardboard box wrapped in silk. He looked sternly at the fedora man and frowned a bit as he held the box. He watched the man with the fedora and the suit suddenly turn on his heels and begin to head for the door to the apartment complex. Ian was barely able to even protest before he pushed through the door.

"Wait! What am I supposed to do with this?" Ian called as he went after the man a few steps.

The man didn't stop or turn back. He kept moving. "Use everything in the box and you will become Kenji Hasukii and Rowan Nero. But Rowan must be present in order for anything to work."

Ian blinked a bit more and frowned before turning his attention to the box again. It felt lighter than air almost, but when he shook it he heard something clatter around inside. He hoped he didn't break anything. He turned and went up the stairs he'd just come down again, and burst back into Justin's apartment.

"Hey, Justin, come here real quick!" Ian exclaimed as he burst into the apartment. He began to immediately clear off the coffee table in the living area and set the box neatly in the center of the table despite having knocked everything else on the table to the side or even to the floor. He started to call for Justin again when he heard the bathroom door open and Justin came out with a towel wrapped around his waist. The water was hissing as the shower had just been turned on.

"Ian, go to class! What are you still doing in here?" Ian frowned but blushed a bit embarrassed at his boyfriend's scolding remarks. He held up a hand and waved Justin over.

"Come here and look what this guy in the hall gave me." Justin's eyes formed a narrow, suspicious slit across his face as he put his hands to his hips. Ian rolled his eyes and waved Justin over again. "Just come here, Justin. I bet there's probably nothing in it."

"Then why do I have to come see nothing?"

"Because, if you don't you won't get to keep the silk it came in!" Ian stuck his tongue out teasingly at Justin, who relented and approached the couch.

"You do know I'm trying to shower right?"

Ian didn't care. As soon as Justin got to the couch, Ian unwrapped the box and then flipped open the top of it letting the top fly through the air a short ways until it landed on the floor at his feet. Justin audibly sighed; Ian was sort of messy and he never really cleaned up after himself when he made a mess like this unless he was barked at. Ian looked into the box.

"What the hell?" Justin asked a bit as he blinked looking into the box. Inside there was nothing more than a simple note. Justin snatched up the note and glanced at it. "You're kidding me... 'Enjoy your new lives.' Who the hell plays a joke like this?" Justin demanded as Ian looked dumbfounded into the box. Surely there was more to it than a simple piece of paper? What a fucking rip-off, Justin was saying, but Ian wasn't hearing him. He was not even sure what the note meant. Had that guy been serious when he said they'd become Kenji and Rowan? How the hell was that even possible? "I can't believe you're making me waste my shower for this, Ian. Get on to class before you're late for your first day... or I'm late for exams." Justin started in towards the shower again.

"I swear, the guy said-"

"I don't care what he said. It's obvious he was messing with you." Justin said with a bit of a growl as he closed the bathroom door. He really didn't have time for Ian's little games, and he knew Ian didn't either.

Ian sat there on the couch staring stupidly into the box unable to comprehend how any of this was even possible, but there it was in front of his face; an empty box with nothing but a piece of red silk wrapped around it. He picked up the silk and immediately thought to rip it to shreds. He was pissed off; how could somebody trick him that easily?

Simple. They knew not only his fursona's name, but Justin's as well. Nobody in the entire apartment block knew that, let alone the whole campus. So the guy had to know something. He wouldn't forget telling somebody where Justin lived. He was a bit confused still, but Ian resolved that Justin was right. He had to get to class before he was late. He went to knock on the bathroom door before he left though, to apologize for his actions. That was when he stopped, just a half an inch from the bathroom door, hand raised to knock.

The silk hadn't come out of his hand like he thought it had when he stood up from the couch. In fact, he was also pretty sure he hadn't draped it around his hand. And hadn't it been red? Why was the silk white now? He turned to face the box on the table and was surprised to see that the red piece of silk was in fact still on the table. What in the hell was on his hands then? It spread a bit right in front of his eyes, the silk got a little fuzzier and then started to look downright furry as it spread upwards, past the wrist and to the elbow. A short ways after the elbow the fur turned red and Ian stared in supreme shock as he could barely move. The fur was slowly spreading up his arm and it was quickly becoming obvious that this was Kenji's fur pattern. Ian was a bit in surprise at this revelation but not as much as the initial shock that something was happening right in front of him that he couldn't explain.

Meanwhile, Justin dipped his head under the shower and sighed a bit as the shampoo in his head rubbed out with the steaming water. Why did Ian always pick the worst times to play his little jokes? Justin would be walking out the door to go to work: surprise hug from behind. Justin would be cooking dinner for them: "Hey come play games with me!" Justin would be tired and feeling ill: "Got your glasses!" He was really getting tired of his boyfriend acting like a little puppy sometimes. He barely even used his glasses for anything besides reading, but it was still a shock to have them suddenly removed. In fact, he started wishing that Ian would be a bit more mature, dominant in his head like he always was when he played Kenji online. The second that wish left his mind, Ian's feet were heard at the door. Had he come to say he was sorry or something? Jeez, just go to class, Justin thought to himself as he turned around and tipped his head back to make sure all the shampoo left his hair before searching for the soap among the steamy water. Ian never opened the door though, but he also never left. Justin would've heard it if he had, the board in front of the door to the bathroom always creaked when somebody stepped on it. Ian was just standing there. Another of his tricks?

No, the door finally burst open and before Justin could even say a word, the shower curtain opened and Ian's furry arm nearly smacked him in the face as he called out all in one excited squeal, "Lookathis!" Justin blinked a bit and let his eyes adjust to the sudden increase in light from having the curtain opened and the steam suddenly cleared with the open door. Truthfully, it took Justin a second to even realize what he was seeing but when the black claws that tipped Ian's fingers wiggled in his face and nearly mauled him to death with scratches, he immediately realized that Ian had some kind of fur suit piece on. Where had he gotten that from?

"Look Justin! It's fur!" The fur was quickly sliding over Ian's shoulder and spreading down his chest and back simultaneously. Ian was quickly covering himself in fur and Justin wasn't even sure how this was happening. He felt a bit of an arousal start growing, however, and he blushed hard trying to cover it up by grabbing the shower curtain to hide it. He normally didn't get walked in on during his shower.

"Ian, what the fuck is all this? How is that happening?" Justin exclaimed with more surprise than he'd intended, and somehow a bit less loudly than he intended. He wanted to tell Ian to get out of the bathroom and just go the fuck to class, but Ian's new furry chest distracted Justin from any real thought for a second.

Justin heard Ian squealing a bit in surprise as he watched himself changing in the mirror, his chest creamy and white like his lower arm and hand were, the shoulders and down his back were still red though. Justin watched the fur swirl just above his ass as Ian began to grow a tail, but Ian didn't seem in pain or even to notice any pressure there at all. He instinctively took it into his paw (that's what his hand looked like now) as it grew longer and fluffier with thick red fur, though even thicker white fur grew under the red as the white fur spread under and between Ian's legs as the fur grew over his last three extremities in rapid motions. The red fur stopped at the knees and just before elbow on the three limbs, then became white to match the other arm. Black claws grew from the fingernails and toenails, becoming deadly sharp as the fur finished growing over all but Ian's head, leaving him in an essential furry bodysuit.

When the fur did finally reach up to his head the red was the dominant color, replacing his normal hair with just reddish fur before covering all but the area around his mouth. When the white fur had covered the last space there, Justin heard (and likewise Ian felt) a series of cracks and snaps as a muzzle grew into place, a thick square canine muzzle tipped with the black and leathery canine nose that reminded Justin of the kind a husky or some other dog would have. He stared dumbfounded watching his boyfriend change rapidly right in front of his face, the steamy hot water no longer even felt on his back as it pelted him. He was too engrossed in his boyfriend changing before his eyes; speaking of eyes, Ian's had become a crystalline blue as the changes progressed. He didn't miss Ian's ears growing points and shift to face forward atop his head, with white fur inside the larger ears as the typical white marking of a husky etched their way onto the fur between Ian's eyes and on his forehead a bit (or where it used to be; the fur hid all sense of it now).

Thick pads had formed on all of Ian's new paws, the feet more dramatically shifted into hind-paws than the hands had, but all of them wore thick black pads now that completed the canine appearance that Ian now certainly seemed to fill. In fact, if Justin hadn't seen the pictures of Kenji, he'd have never even realized it was Ian anymore.

The husky took a step towards the mirror, his tail wagging behind him as he looked at himself. Justin noticed he was standing on the front of his feet like a true canine would. It wasn't all husky, though; the paws were decidedly bigger all around, and the tail was certainly longer and thicker with fur. He was Kenji now, Ian thought to himself as he grinned wolfishly, revealing the new fangs in his muzzle as he panted a bit from a new arousal. His crotch had been hidden in the thick coating of white fur, but Ian knew better. The balls were much bigger now, heavier inside a thick fuzzy sac of white fur, and his new thick doggy cock was stirring inside the sheath above those balls. Justin smelled the scent of arousal thicker than he thought he should've been able to, but he didn't even say anything. He was too dumbfounded now.

Ian was chuckling a bit as he turned around to face Justin. "Well... this was certainly different." Ian's voice was deeper and had an underlining growl to it. Justin's arousal grew thicker and the bulge in the shower curtain proved it to Ian who smirked a bit and put his paws on the shower's faucets and turned it off.

Justin began to weakly protest, "My shower, Ian-"

"It's Kenji. I know you know that by now." Kenji said with a bit of a grin. "I still feel like me on the inside, but I'm definitely Kenji on the outside."

"Ian... wait a second-" Justin was getting turned on by Ian's new form and he looked down a bit to see that Ian was actually a bit pudgy now. It wasn't just the fur making his belly look thicker, he really was a little pudgy now. He looked at it for a second, having never thought Ian would put on the weight in his life because he'd always been so thin. Justin, on the other hand...

"Come on fat boy. I'm going to give you a reason to need one of those."

"What-" Before Justin could even react, he felt his hand grabbed by a paw and dragged with surprising force from the shower and dripping naked back to the bedroom across the hall. Kenji led the way, a new dominance in his strides that Justin had never before experienced with his boyfriend. He was starting to get used to having Kenji's name resound through his head instead of Ian's, but his head was jumbled up when he felt himself fly through the air briefly as he fell backwards onto the bed. He lay spread out on the full-sized bed as his husky/fox boyfriend climbed over the top of him, his doggy cock throbbing and dripping a little pre onto the bed sheets as he got onto the bed. He kissed his boyfriend's nose and then licked his face playfully.

"I'm going to show you what I can do, Justin. You think I'm annoying but I'm going to change all that here in a second." Kenji was rearranging himself and Justin knew what was about to happen.

In desperation, he sputtered out, "Ian you don't annoy me all the time!"

"Oh please, you always tell me what to do." Kenji snapped a bit as he growled some at Justin, flipping Justin's legs up a bit as he found what he wanted. Justin blushed hard and began to feel a bit embarrassed, and a little ashamed at Kenji's response.

"No. I love you-" Justin began to try to explain but he was swiftly squashed with another kiss to his lips by the newly changed Kenji. Almost immediately he felt a swift pain in his rear; there had been no lubrication so it would be a rough ride. Justin's mind yelled at all of this to stop, but it was quickly quieting down. He wanted it.

"I love you too, Rowan... now shut up and take my cock." Kenji began to mercilessly thrust in and out of his partner's ass, the thick doggy cock throbbing inside of Justin's tight hole as Kenji panted and began to go faster. Justin yelped out but he felt himself inexplicably enjoying the pain.

"I'm not... I'm not Rowan though, Ian!" Justin called out trying to protest this again. "I wish I was though!"

"Don't wish it, be it!" Kenji growled all at once as he went deeper. And as he went deeper, something began to feel odd to Justin. He felt a warmth spreading from his ass, but he couldn't look down. Not only was he enjoying the pleasure too much to really care at this point, but his belly would have prevented it anyways. If he had seen it, though, he would have seen a thick brown fur spreading outwards from his thick ass. He didn't even realize that's what was happening until he felt Kenji pull out all the way and he flipped through the air and landed on his belly, ass upended and exposed. When Kenji went to push back in, he felt a long extension of his spine get pushed out of the way and also felt how much looser his hole was, thanks to the countless times Kenji had fucked him. Wait-

"Mmm, Kenji!" Justin called out as he felt himself changing more, embracing the changes. The fur spread rapidly over his body, outwards from his ass as Kenji resumed fucking it, a slick and sloppy noise coming from the hole as he was lubed up thanks to Kenji's pre. He felt the warm fur cover the wet skin, becoming instantly dry as it spread up his back and down to his feet from his legs. He didn't want to know it was happening, because it tickled to be honest, and he couldn't help but stifle some laughter even though his ass hurt from being fucked as hard as Kenji could give it out. He moaned a bit and felt his own cock throbbing fully hard underneath the fat gut he had, the fat jiggling with each thrust, but he didn't feel the barbs from his new feline cock pressing itself into a new shape. The cock was covered at the base by a thick brown sheath, similar to Kenji's white sheath. His balls grew a bit bigger before settling into a thick furry sac themselves. "More... More!" Justin tried to be the dominant one like he always felt like he was in the relationship, but his words came out in a quieter, highly submissive tone.

"Hehe, you're not the dom anymore, Rowan. I am." Kenji growled assertively as he went harder still, the knot on his cock making plopping noises as it began to grow already. Justin blushed hard, feeling the brown fur covering more of his body except for the tip of his tail which was nearly an electric blue in color. He didn't see this, of course, but he knew it by instinct. If Ian had become Kenji, then the furry covering he was feeling could only mean he was becoming Rowan. And that thought sated his mind's curiosity almost as much as Kenji's cock was sating his growing horniness. Justin moaned again at Kenji's words, knowing them to be true.

The fur kept spreading, covering his feet now as they changed and expanded a bit, the toes growing both retractable claws and a bit of webbing between the toes to show off his tabby cat/otter hybrid combination. He was slowly but surely feeling the fur wrap over his belly and up his chest, then down his arms and back as Kenji's thrusts seemed to time little jumps in the progression of the fur. Each thrust in made the fur shoot forward, and each pull back made the fur thicker and denser. The faster Kenji went, the quicker the fur spread. It continued for what felt like hours; Justin lay under Kenji enjoying it extensively as he felt the pre coating his hole and making him feel warm inside.

The fur on his back grew two blue tiger-like stripes over the middle, thick and outstanding amongst the otherwise brown fur on his back. Kenji smiled seeing them form and placed both paws squarely between the stripes as he changed his position a little, but kept Justin on all fours beneath him. The new position allowed him to go faster, harder, and deeper without much more effort than he was already giving. Justin's newly changed cock thrust a bit of pre down into the sheets on the bed and he felt the final changes coming on already.

As the fur spread up his neck he nipped a bit and then purred a little thanks to the tabby side of him as his vocal chords changed a little, becoming deeper and growly like his boyfriend's had. The fur spread over his face and a sleek, slim, and short maw pushed out from his face where his mouth and nose were, the nose also turning black similar to Kenji's but a bit different. The fangs were also different, made more for fishing than for hunting meat like his partner was. He felt his ears pull out to the sides and up a bit as they also changed, growing points and becoming more feline-like in shape. He felt himself close to climax now and he closed his eyes and bit down almost out of habit on his left wrist, trying to hold back for a little while longer to let the changes finish. Blue streaks of fur dotted both ears and cheeks on his new otter/tabby face as his eyes changed a little to match his mate's as they became an icy blue. Now fully changed, he let out a loud roar, similar to Kenji's simultaneous howl as both came at the same time. Kenji's knot locked inside of Rowan's ass as the changes completed and Justin was no more. Rowan was now in charge.

As they both panted coming down from the orgasm, Kenji pushed Rowan into the cum-stained bed and hugged him tightly. They'd both came at the same time again, each of them thought at the same time, they were really getting good at timing it just right. Whereas Ian and Justin had had issues with timing before, where one would usually cum first (like in most early-on relationships), Rowan and Kenji now possessed the experience to know each other backwards and forwards. They hugged each other, knotted together for a bit longer, and made out quietly together in the aftermath.

After a while, however, Rowan thought aloud, "If we're the same on the inside, Kenji... why do I remember things differently and yet still feel the same?" Kenji could only shrug. Rowan didn't think too much about it, it hurt his head to think too hard about things he didn't understand anything about. In fact, now that they were different, he usually only thought about Kenji and all the wonderful things they did to prove their love for each other. Whereas Justin usually did the housework because Ian would not, now Rowan did the housework to please Kenji, and as a result Kenji would do the same back. It was an equal partnership, something that most early-on lovers typically don't find for a couple of years into the relationship. He kept thinking, "Maybe we should go find the guy and thank him for all this..."

"I think that's a good idea, Ro-chan." Kenji said with a chuckle and then kissed his mate's neck softly, causing Rowan to purr a little. "After I take you for another round." Rowan knew that deep down, that's exactly what he was wanting too.