Issues of a 16 Year Old Boy.

Story by Doggy dos equis on SoFurry

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A new high school, new town, new state, new world. (some names are changed for no reason at all)

Vanessa came up to me and said, "Hey there Travis. How are you?" "It's alright." It wasn't alright, at all. We were at school, and this is also a new school in a new state. It's hard for me to make friends, and especially in this small town. I was sitting up against a wall in the hallway, drawing, and eating a granola bar. This happens every day. "Hi Travis." "Hi Vanessa." Talk, talk, talk. I mean I'm glad she talks to me but I'm still not making any friends. Recently things have changed up a bit. A friend of her's, a boy comes up to say hi to her. He's gay also, and so am I. He's really cute and I make a giant fool of myself around him. He started to sit with us half way into lunch almost everyday. I try to not be shy, but I always am. I don't talk much when I'm shy. When I know people I'm really talkative and it's hard to make me shut up. Anyways I want to get to know him, but I have no idea how! I was scrolling through Facebook and accepted a friend request and he was there in suggested friends because of someone else who added me, so I sent him request. He started to like a lot of my post, even old pictures. It was obvious he was creeping. It took me awhile to send a message to him so I just sent "Hey Richie! ^_^" and he replied later that night with "hey" I mean, maybe I'm over thinking it, but it doesn't seem like he wants to message me, because when I message other people hay seem very ecstatic with a bunch of words, faces, and punctuation/grammar. So I just didn't reply, but the again I'm probably over reacting. I seem to be attracted to him, I just can't keep my eyes off of him. I don't want to be shy, but it's hard to talk to people, for me at least.