Bitter...Yet Refreshing! Series

Story by Tropicalyoshi13 on SoFurry

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#3 of itter...Yet Refreshing! Series

The next part to Bitter....Yet Refreshing!

I call it,

"Laundry, Pizza, Beer. Got it."

Tony woke to the sound of a car alarm going off outside the window, with the noise came a splitting headache. "Oh, God....What time is it?" He looked at the alarm clock on the nightstand beside him. The red digital numerals flashed 3:35, then only a moment later, 3:36. He swung his legs over the side of the bed and slowly walked to the trashed living room and flopped on the couch, holding his throbbing head in his paws. He just sat on the couch with his chin in hands, he sat around like this until about five o'clock when he finally went to get dressed.

His feet brought him back into his room and he shuffled them over to the nearly empty closet.

"Right...." He said. "Laundry.....Need quarters." Tony pulled on a blue shirt it felt tight, but it was the only thing left in the closet. Leaving the same pair of khaki pants on, Tony grabbed the basket of laundry and threw a bottle of laundry soap into it. "Quarters.." He returned to the room and searched for his wallet when he found a pair of lacy red panties belonging to Kimmy. "Well, well, when was this?" Tony laughed and threw the garmet into the basket and returned to looking for his wallet, which he found shortly after.

Almost fifteen minutes later, Tony stood over a washer at the nearest laundromat, tossing in any articles of clothing he came across. He didn't believe in sorting. So what if his white shirt was dyed black? Not like he was a big-shot model or anything and he definately did not plan to enter any upcoming beauty contests. He poured in the soap and deposited quarters, leaving the washer to it's devices. The wolf padded over to one of the nearby tables, and began reading old ads from several months ago. "Buy one. Get two, free." Tony read in a bored voice. "Oh, joy." He tossed the paper aside when he noticed another wolf next to him. He was about Tony's height but he looked a year or two younger with grey fur, rather than brown. "Hey." He half waved to Tony. "You know those are old right?" Tony nodded. "Yep, but what cha gonna do?"

"Bring a book?" The stranger suggested waving a novel in the air. Tony just stared at him for a minute. "What's your name kid?"

"My name's Aiden, Aiden Harwell. You?"

"Tony Richardson." Tony replied, offering a hand for Aiden to shake, but the other wolf did not take it. "Alllllrighty, then," Tony said withdrawing the offer.

"Soooo....." Tony drummed brown fingers on the table, looking up when a loud buzzer sounded. The buzzer meant that a dryer had stopped. "Well, I'll see you around, Tony." Aiden stood up from the table and quickly gathered his clothes from the dryer. He waved a friendly good-bye as he exited the laundromat. Tony waved back then turned to watch the machine as his clothes tumbled around carelessly inside.

"Damn dryers made me wait another hour and a half." Tony grunted to himself as he carried the basket into the apartment. He sat it down and huffed, leaving the clean clothes just inside his bedroom. "Well, today's over." He said looking at the clock, it read 5:58. "Time for some dinner and a drink or two." Tony grabbed his foodstamp card and began his walk to the grocery store, passing by others on their way home from work.

He pulled open the door and walked inside, heading straight for the 3rd aisle. "Beer, beer, beer." Tony grabbed a six pack of Henry's Golden Brew, the light brown cans decorated with a tiny blue bull on either side of each one. After leaving the booze aisle, he picked up a personal pizza from one of the many freezers in aisle 10 and headed for the register.

"Thanks." He said and took his groceries from the flirty white tiger behind the counter. "Any time, babe." She said and watched Tony, her green eyes flicking to his bottom as he walked. "Girl, look at that ass." Her coworker, Jezabelle said, one hand cupping her words into the tiger's left ear.

Tony made his way back home, tossed the mushroom and cheese pizza into the oven and waited. Five minutes later, it was done and Tony flopped down onto the couch with three slices on a paper plate and a cold beer in his left hand. "Nothin better." He said to himself and flipped on the T.v.