New Life - Part 1

Story by Wolfsters Creations on SoFurry

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#1 of New Life Series

It's been awhile since I have done any writting and it has sucked. Inspiration wasn't there, my life was going to shit but I think I'm getting back on track with everything. So to open back with my stories I am going to re-tell my "Dream" series. Things have changed since then.

The bed sheets ruffle and move around with a huge object underneath. Heavy and deep sounds boom from the mass hidden under the covers as it continues to toss back and forth. After a few more moments, the sun rises with a few rays streaming through the holes in the window blinds. As the rays grows fuller, there warmth becomes more bothersome to the object under the sheets. With a few more minutes going by he finally throws the sheets off to reveal that a living thing was there. In the bed was what looked to be a canine, a beast being half wolf and half husky. As the male lay there with five beams of light moving across his body like search lights, he groans heavily trying to stay asleep, his very large and beefy frame taking up most of the bed as he is constantly moving around.

The light hits over his belly which looks like he just ate for hours with it swollen, round, and dominating his front. The male then moves one of his big meaty paws to his even more impressive chest as he scratches. The paw rubbing around his thick mounds of beefy flesh with his nipples looking more like nobs, each one looking like they have been steroid juiced. The canine continues to fight his ever increasing urge to wake up until his alarm goes off, when it did the male slowly stands up making all the morning noises one does as he lumbers over to the bathroom. With the alarm still going he turns on the shower with the water beginning to stream out hard and fast. He puts one paw in to feel the water, hoping today will be the day he can enjoy his morning. Luckily the water turns warm and he steps inside. As he starts to wet all his white fur with blue stripes down he looks down and sees that he has another erection. He smiles and begins to pleasure himself. Following the shower and him cleaning up his mess, he steps out, grabs a towel and tries to wrap it around his waist. As he does he notices that it no longer covers what it did a few days ago. His waist line is now wider with his butt looking very huge and round with each cheek looking perfect and plump.

The canines thighs are also not to be forgotten as he walks they support his manly frame with rich muscled-fat. He just drops the towel and starts to shake himself as he walks back out with the alarm still sounding off, he looks over at it and softly growls toward it. To finish off his morning ritual he goes to the fridge and sees what he has left after the weekend stuffing. A sigh comes from the male with him shutting the door a holding a piece of pizza in his paw. Next he walks over and gulps down the slice as he picks-up his work clothes for the day and puts them on. Again as he does he notices that the shirt no longer covers his huge manly belly and his pants are feeling much tighter than before the weekend. "Fuck! I'm gonna get fired now!!!!" He does the best he can to get them to work on his body as he throws on some shoes and heads out the door.