One Lost Note Chapter 1

Story by Wolfy76 on SoFurry

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#1 of One Lost Note

New series I'm writing about Andrew,A young fox,Who tries to change the lives of others,While trying to keep his from shattering.

I've had a few questions about who I get my inspiration from.

Most of it is from my fans,You guys are great,Without you,I doubt I'd have the urge to keep writing,Sorry if I take a bit longer then I should,Birthday was great yesterday(Except for watching The Human Centipede 1 & 2,Don't ever watch that,I'm sitting here looking behind me for a psychotic German scientist to kidnap me)

There are two authors that I also draw Inspiration from:

Ezekial Thompson was the first story on this site that I read,And it changed my life.From then on,I wanted to take charge of my life,Just as Zeke did. His story helped me get my passion to write and I want to give a personal thanks to him,Thank you Zeke

The other is Kyell Gold,I read Aquifers a few months ago,And from then on I had a much deeper connection with writing. His works also changed my life,It helped me to realize my sexuality,And I have to thank you for that. Thanks Kyell,

Also wanna give a shout out to Gingenshi,Van Rorie, and Tyler and Wolfie Steel(Thanks for the advice on how to break up my paragraphs)Thanks for all the support guys,You've been a great help.

Once again,I do mess up,So if you see any large grammatical errors,Please send a PM or comment,You might get included in the series :)


It was a typical day for the young fox. Sitting in Algebra,I try to keep my mind on the new lessons and equations,having to make up for botching my way through the first semester. A_ll I need is the credit,Just pay attention,You'll get your credit and you'll be done with this class forever_ I keep telling myself. Math is not my strong point,It's actually my weakest class. Economics and Science just come naturally to me,I'm a little mediocre in English,the material doesn't really suit me.

The problem with Math is that it builds on itself,and since I didn't listen entirely at the beginning of the year,I had to make up for it later by focusing completely on that Smart Board displaying several quadratic equations I barely knew how to solve.

"Andrew,Are you paying attention?" Asks Mrs. J(She asks everyone to call her that,So far no one knows her actual name)

"Very much so" I respond wrly. We had a funny relationship,almost like relatives. I'd be a little sarcastic now and then and she'd give me faux chew outs in front of the class,I had quite a reputation in that class. Afterwards she'd always dismiss me with a "Oh just get out Andrew" and a wink.

"Good,Now please solve number 12" She says while raising an eyebrow.

"Um.." I mumble while wracking my brain,first take negative B and then times...No,no plus the square root of...Agh,What was it? "I..Don't know" I look down,attempting to keep my reddening face from my peers.

"Can someone help him out?" Asks Mrs.J to no one in particular.

"X equals negative 7 and X equals 5" Says a sweet sounding voice from the front of the room"

I look up to see my best friend,Aria,smirking at me.

"Very good Aria,Andrew,you might want to study off Aria for a bit" Mrs. J says while scoffing. The class laughs.

I mouth a "Thank you" to Aria before scribbling down the assignment in my notebook,not a second too soon,as the bell rings. Attempting to put all my books in my bag,I drop 'Maximum Ride:Saving The World And Other Extreme Sports' Sighing,I reach down to pick it up only to have a size 12 nike pin it to the floor.

Looking up I see Kevin,the school asshole,No one likes him,but he still tries to make it seem like that. He was "Friends" with the meatheads of the school,So no one stood up to him. I was the exception.

"Oh Whoops,didn't mean to step on your book bro" Kevin says while flashing a faux smile.

"Fuck off Kevin,and move" I say while shoving his foot on my book,before promptly putting it in my backpack.

"Oh whats wrong? I catch the fox on a bad day?" He says returning my shove.

I glance over his shoulder to see Aria biting her lip while looking over here. I give her a slight shake of my head,And she nods.

"Kevin,Just go away,No one likes you. You think you have friends but you don't." I say raising my voice slowly as I get more riled up "Your're an asshole Kevin,You think that your so cool,But you're not,You know,You might actually have friends if you weren't such a prick" I spit the last word at him like a curse. Slinging my backpack over my shoulder,I step past him towards the door,a cautious Aria waiting for me.

"Hey Fag,Did I say you could leave" I hear as a thick paw grabs my shoulder and spins me around. Kevin was a bulldog,Short and stocky.

Now I'm in pretty good shape,I got in a health phase a while back so I've been eating better,working out more,so I've got a pretty fit body. Normally,I would have tried something with this arrogant Bulldog. I know Krav Maga,and a few other self defense styles. Kevin was a football player,so he'd have muscle on his side,but I was a lot quicker and I had more experience. So I normally might win,but I didn't feel like getting in a fight today,so I just grabbed his index finger,and I twisted it away from his body.

"Now Kevin,I have English to get to,So you ARE going to stop pestering,Go do whatever your type does" I say condescendingly while wrenching his finger,at the point of breaking it.

"OK OK OK!" Squeals Kevin.

I release his finger,then spinning on my heels,head towards the door,smiling at Aria as she meets me in the hall.

"Someone feeling ballsy today" She asks while raising her eyebrows.

"I'm just sick of his type thinking they run the school,They don't" I say still a bit annoyed over the situation with Kevin.

"I know what you mean,but that showed him,I doubt he'll mess with you again,less he wants more of his fingers broken" She says while punching me in the arm. "Now I gotta go to Economics,I'll talk to you later" She says while smiling.

"Yea,I got English,Bye Ari" I say smiling.

Turning towards the west hallway,I start walking towards english,thinking about the little skirmish with Kevin. Normally,I'm a deeply sympathetic person,and that side tends to show AFTER something happens. I started feeling a little bad for Kevin,I mean he has no friends and he's surrounded by those assholes.

As I walk into English,I've decided I'm going to apologize to Kevin when I get in homeroom. Smiling to myself as I decide upon that,I wave to Jesse,sitting near the back.

Jesse was one of my friends,we used to be very close,but we just...grew apart,kinda sad. We both know it's happening but neither of us does anything about it.

Sitting in my chair,the teacher waits for the tardy bell to ring,then walks to the front of the class and begins the lesson for today. Immediately,I'm lost in thought,We didn't do a lot in English,so I considered it a second study hall,all the assignments Mrs. Doe,the class teacher(A good-willed vixen.),I had completed.

Mrs. Doe was interesting,her story had an ironic air about it. She was abandoned as a child when she was 2,she was brought into an orphanage and passed around a bit. She finally settled into a nice home at the age of 8 and lived there for a few years,where she decided she wanted to become a teacher. She'd loved poems and writing her entire life so English fell naturally to her.

Sneakily pulling out my Ipod and hooking up my headphones,I scroll through my playlist until I find a song I like. As 'Apologize' hums in my ear,I pull out a notebook and begin sketching,Got 45 more minutes to burn....

Aria: Why does economics have to be so difficult.What's the difference between Micro and Macro! I think angrily to myself. Sighing,I put down my pencil and raise my hand. Mrs. Varch,A gentle and friendly cheetah, smiles at me and then walks over.

"Something wrong Aria?" She asks with a sympathetic smile

"Yes,I don't understand this worksheet. How do you distinguish between Supply and Demand curves?" I plead.

"Well look at the direction the curve is going,If up,Supply,If down,Demand."

My mind clicks "Ohhh,Ok,Thank you Mrs. Varch" I smile

"No problem,Hon,Good luck" She says before going to help another distressing student. Using my newly found knowledge,I finish the worksheet and turn it in,before pulling out a book to read. 'Nightshade' A pretty good book,I liked the whole 'Wolf Metamorphic' scene going on.

Finding my bookmark and reading,I get a good chunk before the bell dismisses the class to Homeroom. My 8th Period was the same as Homeroom,So I don't do anything. I love my schedule I think as I smile inwardly.

Andrew and I had the same Homeroom,so I was never really bored in Homeroom. There are a few people I wouldn't mind leaving. The loud and gossipy cat. The sporty and obnoxious lions who always ragged on each other,to the dismay of every single person in the class. But I'll tolerate them,Andrew had always joked that she came off a bit as a elitist.

"Let them share your air,Jeez" He'd joke now and then.

Speaking of Andrew,who had just walked into homeroom,saw Aria and immediately sat at a seat next to her.

"Hey Aria"

"What's up?" I ask.

"I'm gonna talk to Kevin,I feel bad that I did that to him"

"What?! Why? All he's been is mean to you and you want to apologize. You are one messed up fox" She says grinning.


Just then,Kevin walks in the room with his usual air of swagger which,upon seeing Andrew,dissolves as he quickly takes his seat on the other side of the room.

Now how am I going to approach him I wonder.

As he gets up and walks over to Mrs. Masons desk,I read his lips "Can I go to the bathroom" He asks.

Waiting for him to leave the room,I walk up to the desk also. "May I go to the the bathroom"

"Yes,Good sir,You may" She says mocking my politeness.

Taking a pass,I hurriedly try to catch up to kevin,walking into the lobby,I notice the door to the bathroom closing. There he is.

Walking in,I notice he's looking at himself in the mirror,Not wanting to expose myself,I press myself against the corner,Partially hidden by the trash cans. Examining him closely,I see he's holding his head,Cringing. I also notice that he's whispering to himself,But I'm too far away and he's being too quiet about it.

My heart not being able to stand this poor kid like this quickly overides my logic and tells me to help him.

Walking from behind the cover to the garbage cans,I say "Kevin?"

Embarrassed,Kevin wheels around and upon seeing me,jumps back into the wall.

"W-what do y-you want An-Andrew? He asks,Clearly scared.

"Kevin,I came to apologize,I'm sorry for that thing in Math,I didn't mean to be so cruel. I didn't mean what I said,You aren't any of those things." I say apologetically.

"No,You were right about all those things.You think I don't know I don't have any friends" He says while his voice rises,Showing his emotional unstability.

Noticing a twinkle from his eyes,I see him starting to cry. Oh please don't I think. I can't take people crying,mom used to cry all the time when she drank,at first I had just held her till she stopped or fell asleep. But now I just ran out of patience with her. With anyone else however,I instantly had the urge to embrace them,To wipe those tears away.

"Kevin,It's ok,And you do have friends,Me" I say smiling to him.

"You're lying! They always lie,You,The teachers,Dad!" He says yelling "Dad said he'd come back,Why didn't he??!" He says yelling at me,No longer holding the tears back,He sobs.

"Kevin,It's ok,I promise that we're friends. I say while embracing him. He must no longer care as the second I hug him,he clutches to me for dear life,sobbing louder. Not wanting for anyone to hear him crying,I bury him in my chest,my hoodie taking most of the sound.

"Shhh,It's ok Kevin,You're ok" I say while easing him down into a crouch against the wall. Pulling him close I wrap my arms around him and bury his face in my neck. I used to do this when Ben would cry.

Ben was my little brother,he had Social Anxiety Disorder,so when Mom said he had to go to school,he'd obviously freaked out. I'd just hold him until he stopped crying and went to sleep in my arms. Then I'd carry him into his room, And gently lay him on his bed,And tuck him in. Some days at school,He'd get teased and he'd take it too far,Crying and thinking everyone hated him. He'd run home and I repeat the comfort.

It wasn't too terrible anymore though. As he got better,We realized he had a gem personality,He was very friendly and liked making others feel good. Having such an amazing and friendly personality,he quickly made good friends,who in time,he told about his SAD. One day in 4th grade,I had been called to go to the school,mom was hungover and couldn't do it,so I called a cab as I hadn't gotten my license yet,and drove up to the school. What I saw made my heart flutter.

Ben was curled up on a couch,being held lovingly by his current best friend,Michael,who was carressing his head while whispering to him. I made eye contact with him and mouthed a 'Thank you'. He nodded and whispered into Ben's here. Ben hearing this, turned towards me and ran into my embrace. Michael would calm down Ben periodaclly and was a great help. He was friendly and Mom loved him,He'd sleepover nearly every weekend. Last weekend,I'd seen something that suprised me. Michael,the friendly and caring german shepherd,and Ben,the introverted and shy fox, were kissing innocently on his bed. I smiled on the inside when I was peeking into his room. I had already known that Ben was Bi for some time,So seeing him finally meeting someone made me happy on the inside.

Now back to Kevin,whispering comforts into his ear,he slowly calms down,his sobs becoming quieter and his shakes dissapearing completely. After 10 minutes,I started to worry,Mrs. Varch was definetly going to call us down. Glancing towards the doorway,my mouth makes a perfect O as I see Aria,Leaning against the wall,Smirking to me.

"That's Cute" She mouths,not wanting to disturb Kevin

"Oh shut up" I mouth while rolling my eyes and smiling.

Shrugging,She walks out,Mrs. Mason probably sent her down,She'd understand. She was really in touch with kids,Not like some of the other teachers. She'd ask how your day went and actually care.

A whimper from Kevin returns my thoughts to him.

"Hey Kevo? Kev,buddy,We gotta get back to homeroom" I say while teasing with his mane.

"O..Ok" He says. Grabbing a few napkins,I give them to him,he nods his thanks,then wipes his eyes. Making sure he looks appropriate,I help him get a few of the tears that strayed down his face,Wetting his mane. Not noticing this before,Kevin was an attractive lion,With a great build,But I wouldn't dare try anything now. He'd just nearly broken down emotionally and needed friends.

"Uh,Hey Andrew?" He says averting his eyes.

"Yes Kevin?" I say smiling

"Thanks for being there" He says finally cracking a smile.

"No problem" I say,ruffling his mane again.

"Stop" He giggles before swatting my paw away playfully.

"We better get back to Homeroom,Mrs. Varch'll concerned.

"Oh,Right,Andrew,I really meant what I said. Thank you,no one's really been there for me. Dad left when I was young and Mom isn't really.." That's as far as he gets before a sob wrecks his body.

"Hey,Hey,It's ok Kevin,I'm here,I'll always be here for you" I say while holding him closely.

"I..I know,Thanks" He says returning the hug,looking in the mirror and making sure he looks fine,before leaving the bathroom.

Looking in the mirror,I'm proud of myself,I'd turned a self-concious bully into a nicer person,And I'd made a friend. Let's go back to Homeroom,Mrs. Varch is probably freaking.

Walking into the Homeroom,I see a shocking thing. Kevin is sitting next to Aria...Talking. Upon seeing me,they both smile.

Sitting down,I give a show of fake shock. "Kevin and Aria talking,Has the world ended?" I say while faking tears.

Kevin seeing this,His eyes go wide. I notice this. "Kevin,It's ok" I say while putting my hand on his arm. He calms down and smiles.

That afternoon Homeroom,I discovered a lot of things. Kevin was actually a pleasant person,He just needed a little help.As the bus wave bell rang and he left,He looked at me and whispered a thank you,before I hugged him. Him being a little shy,Immedately cowered,But I just hugged him harder.

He finally returns the hug,and then leaves. Walking back to my desk,I notice Mrs. Varch looking at me. Nodding her head towards her direction,I understand the signal. I stand up then head over to her desk,where I notice she is beaming at me.

"That was one of the sweetest things I've ever seen Andrew,Kevin has been through a lot."

"What do you mean?" I say trying to retain the secrety of the situation.

"Andrew,I know what you did. I'm just wanting to say my thanks,Kevin has always had a bumpy life,you giving a bit of stability will help a lot."

"No problem,I like helping people" I say honestly.

"I know,And that's why you have so many friends" She says smiling.

"Thanks Mrs. Varch" I say before returning to my desk.

Talkin briefly with Aria,before the Second Wave Bell dismisses her,I sit back in my desk thinking about the day.

I had helped Kevin open up,and I felt great for doing that. Though a little part of me wanted something else. When I'd been holding him,I hadn't noticed his muscles. He was ripped,And I felt it hugging him. Thinking back now,I remember seeing his body bulging against his T-Shirt,Threating to rip it completely off.

I shake these thoughts out of my head,Kevin was under stress right now,And I don't need to upset his life now. I need to help him..But maybe later when he's more stable I think,smiling to myself.

Pulling out my Ipod again,I nod at Mrs. Mason,who nods back,Before turning on some Manian,It's been a long day... A long and great day...