Knife’s Edge

Story by Jake Shadow Wolf on SoFurry

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Just a poem that slowly changed as my attitude changed while I was writing it. The one mentioned in it knows who she is, and told me I should do more poetry. I may just do so.

I walk a knife's edge.

Demons a wait on my right,

Standing in a flaming Light

To the left endless pain

Is this what it's like to be insane?

Voices ring out in my mind

The agony of their yelling makes me feel blind

The blade cuts into my feet

The pain creates unholy heat

Ahead the path takes a sharp turn

Behind me the edge starts to burn

Above is nothing but sky

Below are the forces that hope I die

I walk a knife's edge

Why can I not find a simple ledge?

Friends await at the end

Maybe their aid they can lend?

I walk a knife's edge.

Walking along this blade I feel it all fall away

Can I survive yet another day?

My friends await me

Why can't they see

That I bring only agony?

I walk a knife's edge.

I have made a slip

I wish my friends had seen me on this trip

Out of the darkness comes a hand

I reach for it, yet my limbs seem to move as if trapped in sand

I walk a knife's edge.

I have found my salvation

She is safety from the desolation

As she draws me out of the dark and into the light

I can't help but fight

I walk a knife's edge.

As she brings me to where I'm free

I fight the hands of demons and the dark that try to grasp me

I finally am standing on a ledge

Thanks to her love I've left that knife's edge.

I walk a knife's edge no more

Instead I walk alongside her and my heart is able to soar

We enjoy the warmth and the light

I am happy because I no longer fight

I am free

So long as she stands beside me

Together we prepare to stay

Though I know the darkness may try to return another day.

I have escaped the knife's edge.

The time will come for me to walk away

However, my love will always ask me to stay

At times gone as if I am the leaves in fall

Yet always do I return to her call