The Sapphire guardian

Story by YiffKitsune on SoFurry

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A short delve into a fascinating world with Aireph.

Silence enveloped the tavern as the heavily cloaked and hooded stranger pushed open the door and walked in. He was about average height, with tanned skin and a good build. The tell-tale hard edged lines of fine leather armour could be seen through his cloak. He had a noble bearing, even though one could not see past the shadows cast by his hood. Most interesting, however, were his cat-like eyes, which burned with an inner fire that unsettled every man who looked upon him. Stalking over to the bar, he waited for the rest of the tavern's patrons to turn back to their conversations. Ordering some mead, he sat down and waited for it to arrive. looking around, he eavsdropped on the people sitting behind him, taking in all that was said and storing it for farther use. Walking out of the kitchen, the barmaid placed the mug in front of him, looking at him expectantly. handing over the two copper, he lifted up the mug and took a long drink. satisfied with the taste, he set it down and continued to eavsdrop. hearing nothing of interest he finished his mead, stood up, and turned to leave, only to find his way blocked by three well muscled, armed town guards. here we go, he thought. "Halt! By order of the Theocrat, you are to come with us!" Stated the lead man. "And what if I refuse?" replied the stranger. "Than we'll make ya come with us!" The lead guard said, putting his hand on the pommel of his sword. There was a flash of steel as, faster than the eye could follow, the hooded man sank a dagger into the bottom of the man's jaw. Crying out in surprise, the other guards jumped back, fumbling for their weapons. Covering the distance between them with a quick leap, Aireph slit the throat of the nearest guard, and turned just in time to parry the clumbsy attack of the remaining man. Throwing his dagger to distract his adversary, Aireph drew his sword and lunged, stabbing downwards for the man's belly. Caught by surprise, the guard tried to block, failed, and let out a dying scream as the sword sank into his stomach. Aireph felt energy flow up the blade of his sword and into him as the weapon drank the guard's lifeforce. Feeling the flow ebb, he pulled the sword out of the dead man's stomach and turned, heading for the door. He didn't bother to see if any of the tavern's patrons were following him; they were all too stunned by the sudden beginning, and end, of the battle. Pushing open the door, he was confronted by a watchman, concerned with the blood on his sword, whome he slew swiftly. Sheathing his sword after wiping it on some grass, he turned a corner into an alley. better keep hidden, he thought. Taking in his surroundings, he tilted his head, hearing something... warning bells! He swore, some of the people outside the tavern must have heard the fight. hearing voices behind him, he sprinted down the alley. Almost at the end of the alley, he skidded to a stop, just as a search party rounded the corner. catching sight of him, the lead guard pointed at him and shouted something to his comrades, and they all started running toward him. turning back he sprinted toward the corner of a different alley, as he now only had one route of escape. Rounding a corner, he was just about to begin sprinting again when a third group of guards came around the corner. Seeing him, they fanned out, surrounding him, as the other two search parties rounded the bend and started doing the same. Well, it seems there is only one option, he thought. Sighing, he closed his eyes, reaching into his inner beast. Snowy white dappled fur covered his body. He dropped on all fours. His face elongated into a feline muzzle, and a tail curled behind him. Launching himself at the guards (which seemed somewhat shorter to him now) he literally tore into the ranks, killing most men instantly, and leaving a few heavily wounded while only taking a few slashes himself. reaching the other side of the crowd of guards, the now-snow-leapard pivoted and scrabbled onto the wooden roof of a nearby house. Bounding across the top of the house, he reached the edge and leapt the gap onto the next house. Time-consumingly jumping from house to house, Aireph finally made it to the eastern wall. With a final, mighty jump, he was on the wall. Clawing an archer, he swiftly jumped to the left to avoid an arrow, and leapt on top of the other archer. biting the man's neck, he shook him until he felt his spine break, and jumped out over the wall, landing safely among the bushes of the forest below. tearing through the forest, skillfully dodging low-hanging branches and large roots, he kept on going untill the warning bells had faded into a heavy silence. Finding a small clearing, Aireph stopped, listening for search parties, though he doubted they could have followed him quickly enough to catch up. Hearing nothing, he stood up on his hind legs, and shifted back into his human form. Staggering, Aireph put his back to a nearby tree, and sank into blackness.