Future Vision: Vipers Journal Part 1

Story by Namyrolis on SoFurry

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I wrote this journal, or rather have been writing it for a while now knowing that I am or was going to die defending something I loved. Writing this really does not have a sense of past or present, since I am neither dying nor dead. Writing this has been agonizing but peaceful at the same time, much like a key lime pie. No one likes limes really, and they are awful by themselves. A pie without any flavor or sweetener is no better than a biscuit. Put the two together and you have a wonderful treat worth eating and the time to make. Much is the same for this journal, and it is to be shared with the ones I cared about the most if I die. Hopefully I will be finished with it by then.

I think the best place to start would be high school. No one gives a damn about your childhood other than your relatives and since they will not be reading it, let's go ahead and say it doesn't exist shall we. Let's start at the year 2495, back when I was 18 years old.


High School:

One could say, well would know, that I did not have the best childhood or even proper upbringing really. My parents a few years back, I lost count really, decided that they did not want to be together.

My father, he was truly a manipulative asshole. He was the type of person that you could look at and say "He doesn't need to live". His conversations were crude, he jokes sexist, and he was very speciesist. He once was in the army but I don't blame them for his attitude in life, I blame him. It seemed like he never got the norm of society, not that he didn't want to obey it, just actually never understood it. This wasn't to add that he was stupid by any means, but hanging out with a brick wall or even your first car was more exciting and oddly more appropriate.

My mother, well she wasn't bad or good. She was just there. She would cook, clean, go outside to tend to her plants, but she also kept to herself. She wasn't really stupid, but could be a real klutz for reasons where it was impossible to be one. She also never really grasped the concept of "stuff can break so be careful with it, and if you like it have the money to fix it". Going along with that was of course the concept of money, to which she had either little, or none. Couldn't tell you which because the line was hair thin.

Had a brother as well, older than me and somehow wiser yet dumber. He was 24 when I was 18, and he was off living with friends, something I did not have, or ones rather I truly cared nothing for. I considered them company and nothing more. My brother however was of both Social Grace, and Superior Stupidity.

Life was not bad, but was not good when I was 18, and a few years beyond that. I landed a job a week or so after I turned 18, and a week or so after my father and mother got devoiced. He said he got tired of her and that he couldn't deal with it. I think he more or less gave up and she couldn't cope. I blame both for their atrocities in my life, but I do not hold a grudge rather a pure hate. Thankfully I did not plan out my future to be screwed out of it, though I did have some dreams which could have been accomplished if it hadn't been for them.

High School was truly a bore but it was something to do. It was there for me really just to pass time at first. I went to my classes on time, not for any fear of punishment but rather respect, I did my work, even though it was half assed and so only "decent" grades, and I kept to myself. There were a few that tried to talk to me, but I quickly bored them with one worded answers, or simply not answering them at all.

It was all pretty routine really, go to school for five days, do other shit for the two you weren't. I had no problem with that, and I worked most of my time on weekends. It was a balance I could deal with, and I felt not one way or the other.

That was until I met him... In the sixth quarter of my senior year. Now if you are a true Vari you don't think as stupid as humans do labeling their sexuality, and what isn't the social norm is wrong. I don't consider myself homosexual, or bisexual. I've been attracted to both genders, but just prefer males for some reason. Can't explain it and certainly not going to bother. If you cannot understand than you are a lost cause as it is.

His name was Gelaous Pridallus. Yes it rhymed but it was a beautiful name, to me anyway regardless what you think. I first met him in weightlifting. He was a bit smaller than I was, but not by much, maybe 7 or 10 Kilos. I was about 82 Kilos and he was about 74. Now let me tell you this little dude, little compared to me even if slightly, could out lift me by over 30 Kilos in every category.

Every day since then he became the biggest distraction, I shared three other classes with him, but weightlifting was the best of them all. He choose to go shirtless most days and out of the corner on my vision I would watch his muscles flex as he lifted, squatted, and lifted. I even dedicated an ear to always be turned vaguely in his direction so I could hear him. He never grunted like a jock trying to show off and sound tough, nor did he work himself silly. It was on rare occasions that he lifted his max, but it was good because he was so good looking the way he was. Plus I had the feeling he was there just to keep in shape instead of putting it on.

I guess you may be interested in this part of my life as a whole by now, so I shall continue more in depth than I have been. I remember my senior year after that point with so vividly one could say it happened yesterday, so we shall start on the day before the above. I will not bother boring you with everyday, but will write ones that were interesting, and in memory. I have a long feeling that this is going to be a biography rather than a simple journal. No matter, it is time you have learned the true story of Viper, or so I like to be called.


Date: 24/16/2495:

Walking to school was a pain in the ass, or rather going to be. There was no lying about that, especially after you have had vehicle. I just so happened to ram the thing into a landing spaceship about 3 or 4 kilometers above ground, with what odds the spirits are probably having trouble estimating. It was a nice one too, no a cheap broken down piece of shit. Truth is that i nicked it from a dead lady's house. It was in the backyard rotting away and apparently it never existed anyway. All it needed was a new transfer coil, and that was also easy enough to steal.

I remember falling, maybe you could call it semi-gliding since I was still going forwards at about 80 M/sec, and crashing into a lake and passing out, but only for a moment. The Pugette, the brand of the car of course, managed to skid its way to the bank so I was in no danger of sinking which both made me groan and subside my panic.

I worked my way out of the now trash heap and took a good look around to find forest in every direction. I estimated I must have glided a good 10, maybe 15 kilometers before crashing. Luckily I knew which direction and began my journey back. I was proud at this moment that I was very in touch with my wolf instincts, and I let them help guide me back to the city.

I knew however after about a standard hour or walking that I was not going to make it back to the city in one day. This was not due to laziness but rather twin suns settling in the far south. We as a culture had adapted some, or maybe a lot of terms from Humans for directions as well as other things. This also meant, from a relative perspective of the orbital plane of the other planets, that this on, Evceion IV, rotated horizontally rather than vertically. This made the climate very unstable and most of the time the planet would be very cold, and some parts covered in ice. Hence this planet was classified as an "Ice-Planet"

I managed another 5 or 6 Kilometers before I knew it would get to cold to walk. I managed to find the basic materials for making a shelter and a fire and made quick work of it. I was a wolf and not really picky or worried too much about safety, more so since I had all the same weapons as feral wolves did. However like them I was not to fond of this planet, hence only the Arctic Wolf sub-species survived. I however was not that mix and so this planet during its coldest months was unbearable. I applauded the Guardians however for trying to replicate Earths eco-system on each inhabitable planet. That race of beings was truly magnificent.

I laid down upon my mat or dried leaves, depending on how you look at it, and watched the fire flicker for a good few minutes before I let sleep take over my body. It was going to be a cold night but my fur would protect me enough for tonight, and the fire would also help.