15 scars and bulimia

Story by Rose_20 on SoFurry

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all the cuts on my arms tell all the names I was called. My "fat" body tells you somebody told me I was fat. I have no words for the time I was assalted and almost raped by the man I thought I could trust. I had no one I was alone and now I trust no one. I haves 15 scars and 20 more the way the women told me in the locker room I was ugly and fat.

I smoke alot now I drink alot of alcohol I wash away my pain. Trust me the I thing I want most is someone I can really trust. I don't want sympathy I want to be a leason to stop bullying and stop words from "killing" people or actucauly killing people. I'm unfixible just a washed up toy.

Rose the doe she looks so pretty but has so much pain inside her.