Poem #47: Holes

Story by bhscorch1313 on SoFurry

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#48 of Poetry

I wrote this poem when I was very depressed. It's a reflective piece about the absence of love, which for me is the fact that I've never met or been loved by my father. Enjoy.


There are holes Inside my heart They can never be filled With the love I crave

They stretch and widen Creating a black cavern Inside my heart Yearning for feeling

Red and black blood seeps out This heart is weeping For the pain That has bored into it

The holes now crack Breaking into pieces This heart falls apart Swallowed by the darkness

Time may heal But wallowing in self Negates the cure The heart shatters

Each piece to dust Swept away by soul Released into the void Black as its own blood

Don't let the Holes Appear in your heart Love before you're lost Feel before you cannot.


Creative Commons License "Holes" by bhscorch is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License