Everyday Life, Part 2

Story by Tanglenose on SoFurry

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#2 of Everyday Life

Will usually drove the Zepplin to school, dropping Terri off at the local elementary school and then picking up Trace, Will's childhood friend. Trace had been Will's friend since grade two, which was pretty much as far back as anyone could be friends. Will pulled away from his house and turned the corner of the street, stopping at the stop sign first. Flipping on the radio to classic rock, 'Another One Bites The Dust' by Queen started blasting through the car's crappy sound system. The only thing in the car that worked the way it was supposed to was the cigarette lighter, not that Will smoked, so it didn't really matter.

Slowing to a stop in front of Trace's house, Will leaned away from the steering wheel.

"Would you like to play with the horn today?" He asked Terri, turning his head so he could see her with one eye.

"Yeah!" She exclaimed, unbuckling her seat belt and leaning forward to give the horn one big loud 'BLEEEEEEEEEEEEEP'.

"Good job, now buckle up." He said, being the big brother that he was. The front door to the house opened and Trace jogged out, backpack over one shoulder. Trace, like Will, was human, but his big brother, Lucian, had gotten the change and lived now as a perfectly happy red fox. Trace's parents were very accepting of the change, even paid for half of it - and it was a fairly expensive procedure. Opening the door and sliding in, Trace turned down the music so they could talk.

"Hey, you hear about Myles? It turns out that he was gay the entire time; now he's dating Keith." Will stated, pulling away from the curb.

"No, I was unaware of this. Hey Midget." He added, looking at Terri in the back seat.

"Hey Bigfoot." She retorted. She called him this because Trace had exceptionally big feet, coming in around a size thirteen, but I guess that was kind of normal when you were 6'4".

"Yeah, apparently he never liked Heather, he only liked the guys she attracted, which is kinda creepy." Will mumbled the last bit, stopping at the elementary school.

"Bye guys." Terri called out as she jumped out of the car, running towards the front doors. Will and Trace drove off, being careful not to mow down the tabby twins in the crosswalk.

"So," Will started, "Did'ja hear about that Walkers guy?" When Trace stared back at him blankly, he continued. "Stabbed, then pissed on." He explained, stopping at a red light.

"Let me guess, he was a fur." Will just nodded. "It's so nice that everyone can be civil to each other now-a-days. AND SO I STABBED THE FUCKER AND STOLE HIS MINTS." He added in, going off on a weird-ass internet tangent. "But seriously, that's just fucking sick."

"Yeah, well, life sucks. Lots of things happen for no logical or sane reason, but we just have to deal with it and move on."

"Not if we had super powers." Trace muttered, crossing his arms. "Shoot fucking lightning bolts from my fingers. Fucking blow your shit up. FUCKING BLUE LIGHTNING BOLTS. Fuck the white ones. Fucking racist like that, deal with it." Trace enjoyed going off on weird-ass tangents.

Will parked the car on the street and turned it off. "If you're finished, we're here." He said, grabbing his shoulder bag as Trace hopped out of the passenger's seat. "What you got for first block? I have uh..." He paused, pulling his timetable out of his pocket. "History with Mr. Burton, whoever he is." Burton must have been a new teacher; Will had never heard of him before.

"I got the same, then English with Stevens, th-"

"Stevens won't be here, he's the one who found the body, he's probably taking a sick day or something. But I have him too." He elaborated, peering at Traces timetable. As it turned out, English and History were the only classes that they had together. Shame.

"Ah, that sucks, he's a cool teacher. But I gue - Hey Trevor." He cut himself off as a rather large German shepherd walked past them, heading the other way. "I guess we get a sub now or some shit." They entered the school and walked to their locker, pushing their way past the hordes of eighth graders who had no idea where they were going.

"Oh my god, get the fuck out of the way." Will moaned, squeezing past a group of girls who decided it was a good idea to stand in a circle right in the middle of the fucking hall gossiping about who had a nice ass or whatever it was that they did.

"I'm going to fucking mow you down!" Trace yelled at one fairly short girl who apparently couldn't walk and text at the same time, for she had stopped in the middle of a doorway. Don't you just love stupid teenagers? Will and Trace eventually reached their locker; they had to share one after the school started charging money for lockers, which was complete bullshit.

"What room is first class in again?" Will asked Trace, too lazy to pull out his timetable to look for himself. "156?"

"Naw man, it's 172." Trace said, who was taping random pictures to the door of their locker: zombie here, bikini model there, Mario and Luigi somewhere in between them, it was all very random. Overhead, the bell sounded out, signaling the beginning of the school day. Will slammed the locker shut, jokingly trying to crush Trace's fingers in the door. "You dick." Trace growled, punching him in the arm.

"Come on, maybe we'll see Angela in history." Angela was this real bitch of a mouse who insisted to annoy Trace at every turn, regardless of what he said.

"Oh, yay!" Trace squealed, making everyone within ear shot flick their eyes toward him to see if a seven year old had gotten lose in the hallways. Will just rolled his eyes and dragged away the tall boy, who was screaming "I WANT ICECREAM!" with a voice of a young girl.

"Shut up, you freak!" Will shouted, trying to jab him in the kidneys to get him to shut up, but it wasn't working. Eventually, Will just reached up and covered his mouth and nose with his hand until he shut up. "Now come on, we're going to be late." He said, walking down the hall, navigating through the hundreds of kids that were all heading to their respective classes.

"Oh no, we're going to be late for the first class of the first day. No one's ever done that before." Trace said as they turned into a classroom and sat down in desks parallel to each other. At the front of the class was a desk, and behind the desk sat a young looking grey wolf, who Will assumed was Mr. Burton. The bell rang again, signaling the beginning of first class and the last of the students trudged into the classroom, sitting in whatever desks were left over.

"Ok, so," Mr. Burton started, standing up from behind the desk and walked around so he was leaning against the front of the desk. "This is History Twelve with Mr. Burton, so if you're in the wrong class, get out now or suffer painfully." He dead-panned, jerking a thumb towards the door. Everyone in the class just looked at one another and shuffled uncomfortably, wondering if this guy was serious or not. After a few tense moments of Mr. Burton and the students just staring at each other in silence, wondering who would make the first noise. After what seemed like an eternity, Mr. Burton finally smiled and walked up to the white board, picking up a blue marker and wrote 'James McMurphy' in the center of the board. "Ok, so who knows who this man is?"

Will looked around the room to see if anyone was going to raise their hand and after a few seconds he slowly raised his hand. "He was the scientist that everyone hated because he was experimenting on humans?" He asked after Mr. Burton pointed to him. "I think he was the first person to combine other species with human genes."

"Close, Mister..." He trailed off, waiting for Will to give forth his name.

"Oh, uh, Parker."

"Ok then, Mr. Parker. You were close; McMurphy wasn't the first person to combine the genes, but he was the first to do it successfully. Many scientists before McMurphy had tried and failed, usually ending in the 'experiments' death." He was silent for a few seconds, letting the students take notes. "They would use unborn fetus' still in their mother's womb and attempt to splice in various animal genes, creating mutants. All were born dead, until McMurphy successfully combined a mouse's DNA with Subject 239 in 2018. 239 only lived for eight days, but was born with fur covering his body, mouse-like ears, and a tail. Once McMurphy realized that he had gotten something, he immediately made his research available to the other scientists around the world who were also attempting to cross species."

Someone in the back of the class raised their hand after waiting for Mr. Burton to pause. Will turned his head to see a white cat wearing goth clothing with her hand up in the air. She was wearing the special eye makeup for furs that Will had seen in stores. It was actually kind of sexy. "How did the scientists go from turning fetus' into furs to turning fully grown humans into furs?" She asked, one of her ears flicking as she stared at the teacher.

"Well, it took them many, many years after the first fur was born. The procedure is still very risky. I had a friend named Christopher who wanted to get the change. He considered it for the longest time, weighing the pros against the cons, and eventually went in to get changed to a raccoon. There were 'complications' during the surgery and he didn't make it." Mr. Burton paused for a moment, looking out the window. "The younger you are, the higher your chance of survival is. I got the change when I was 24." Mr. Burton stopped talking, as if reminiscing on the past.

Will considered raising his hand to ask why Mr. Burton had gotten the change, but decided it would be similar to asking a gay man why he liked cock. It's just the way some people are. In Will's case, he still hadn't decided. At heart, he knew it's what he wanted, but he still couldn't bring himself to make that step.

Eventually, Mr. Burton snapped out of it and waved his hand to the back of the classroom. "Alright everyone, go to the back of the room and grab your textbooks and write your name in the front of the book." He instructed, sitting down at his desk, opening his own copy of 'Explorers 12', which was the standard textbook for History Twelve classes across the nation. The rest of the period was basically them watching a movie about life before 2020, which was pretty much the same as it was now, save for a few advances. Most of the cool 'futuristic' technology had been hoarded by the government and the military, which was kind of disappointing because, hell, who didn't want a gun that shot lasers or a jetpack or even a robot that did your homework for you?

Just as Will was fantasizing about the possibility of having a machine that synthesized potato chips and sodas whenever you demanded it, the bell rang, signaling the end of class. Almost instantly, everyone was on their feet and was rushing out the door to their next class. Will and Trace walked out together, discussing the way that most of the video games that had been coming out were absolutely horrible. Sure, the graphics were amazing, but the plots had been getting worse and worse. Most of the twists were overused and worn out. Oh no, your girlfriend is your sister? No one saw that coming when you both look exactly the same. Sometimes, nothings as good as a good early twenty-first century plot.

English was pretty uninteresting since Mr. Stevens was missing. It was basically just the substitute handing out copies of 'Hamlet' and then letting everyone talk amongst themselves. Trace and Will sat and played several games of Crazy Eights until lunch time. Trace and Will sat together out in the middle of the football field and watched the energetic people play football and maul each other to death, which was always entertaining. Trace got up, ran up towards the kid that he thought didn't have much weight to him, and tackled him, full speed. He then promptly grabbed the ball out of the hand of the player that was holding it, kicked it as hard as he could, somehow managed a field goal, and then ran away as fast as he could. Will just sat there laughing until the bell rang again, then went to his next class; P.E., which was basically just running around the track until you collapse or die, whichever comes first.

After P.E. came his spare, which he spent in the library, browsing through his copy of Hamlet. It seemed like a good book, but Shakespearian was kind of hard to read. He decided to pick out another book for his own entertainment, finally deciding on the first Harry Potter, an old classic that had been in every child's heart since the 1990s. He had already read the series multiple times, but who the fuck doesn't want to re-read Harry Potter? Mrs. Owen, the librarian, who was also a white rabbit, signed the book out to Will just as the bell rang. Will strolled out of the library with his bag slung over one shoulder. He walked to where his car was parked, where Trace was waiting.

"Come on, hurry up, oh my fucking god, WALK FASTER!" Trace yelled at him, even though he was only five feet away from Will. Will just planted his knee in Trace's balls.

"You should work on your reaction time." He commented, pushing Trace, who was doubled over clutching his package, into the passenger's seat. Walking around to the driver's side, he slipped into the car and pulled away from the curb.

"Aeehchghyoufuckingdickimgoingtomurderyouuuuuu." Trace groaned, rolling around in his seat. After about five minutes, he finally straightened up and put his seatbelt on. "I'm going to get your sister to hit you in the fucking balls with a baseball bat."

Will just laughed, pulling into the local elementary school. He pulled up to the front door, where Terri was sitting, reading a book. Upon further investigation, it turned out to be a Science 10 textbook.

"Dude, how the fuck is your sister reading that?" Trace asked, his mind completely blown.

"Chill out, faggot. She's looking at the pictures for the most part. She doesn't understand a good portion of the words." He explained, unlocking the door as Terri hopped in. "See, look. Ter, what were you reading about?"

"Something about biomes, I think. Stuff like deserts and forests and the North Pole." Terri muttered, slipping the science book into her backpack.

"Do you know what a biome is?" Will asked, pulling away from the school. He looked at the small girl's reflection in the rearview mirror.

"Um... A big piece of Earth?"

"Close enough. Trace, tell her what she's won!" Will shouted, smacking Trace in the chest when he didn't say anything.

"I don't fucking know, I don't have any treats." Trace explained, digging through his backpack to see if he could find anything, but all that was turning up was overdue assignments.

"Hey Bigfoot, no swearing. Pay up." Terri said, poking Trace in the back of the head.

"Fine, you little pirate." Trace grumbled, pulling a quarter out of his pocket and throwing it at Terri, who deposited it in a small coin purse neatly labeled 'Trace is a moron'.

"You have no one to blame but yourself." She smirked, slipping the coin purse into her pocket as Will pulled up to the curb in front of Trace's house.

"See you later Will." He then whipped around and pointed at Terri, with a crazy twinkle in his eye. "YOU! You evil demon baby." He yelled, stepping out of the car and staring through the window at Terri with the most insane face he could think of until Will slowly rolled away.

The rest of the car ride went in silence, Terri watching the children outside who were playing with sidewalk chalk or driving around on their bikes while Will listened to the radio, which was playing 'Tom Sawyer'. He turned into the driveway and turned the car off while Terri jumped out of the car, running to the house like a rocket. Of course, she had to wait for Will to come unlock the front door. As soon as he did, she bolted into the house and took off towards her room. Will, on the other hand, had noticed Samantha's car in the driveway, and knew she would be around here somewhere. He dropped his bag at the front door and slowly crept down the stairs to the basement, where Sam's room was located. Creeping past the water heater, he didn't dare touch the light switch; it would be Samantha's indicator that he was approaching. The door to her room was slightly open and he quietly pushed it the rest of the way open.

Will heard a slight scratch above him and immediately knew it was too late. A bucket of water, which had been perfectly balanced, splashed down over his head, thoroughly soaking him. He just stood there as the water poured down his body, seeping into his shoes. He was a little surprised; usually her traps were more sophisticated, but he guessed that sometimes the simplest traps were the ones you least expected. He sighed, turned around and walked back up the stairs. He took off his jacket and went to hang it up in the hall closet when suddenly, it was flung open from the other side, crashing into his face and sending him to the ground.

"GOD DAMN IT, WOMAN!" Will shouted, rubbing his nose as Samantha stood above him, triumphant. "Stop hitting me in the face! You're going to fucking break my nose one day."

"Come on, little brother. Don't be a whiner." Samantha laughed, sticking her tongue out. She held out a hand, helping Will to his feet. "Suck it up, Princess." With that, she slapped him lightly on the cheek, turned, and strolled down the stairs to her room.

"You're insane!" He called after her before hanging up his soaking wet jacket in the closet. Trudging upstairs, Will grabbed a towel from the linen closet and made his way to his room. Soggy clothes came off and Will patted himself down, putting on clean clothes once he was completely dry. He was lucky that Samantha's attacks only came once or twice a day. It was sort of like a prank war, but without the pranks. Mostly just pain.

Will walked to the kitchen, looking for a sandwich or something to occupy his stomach until it was time for dinner. He pulled a couple slices of bread from the bag and searched the fridge for the rest of the ingredients. Ham, turkey, mayo, tomato, cheese, and lettuce eventually got thrown in between the two slices of bread, a glass of milk on the side. He was just bringing it up to his room when he heard a loud smash and a short high pitched yelp come from the basement. Will carefully laid his food down on the floor before walking to the basement stairs, wondering what had happened.