Savannah Blues Part 2

Story by Roofles on SoFurry

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#3 of Savannah Blues

Savannah Blues part 2 By Roofles

"You're one to talk." Isaac halfheartedly laughed back.

"I'm Bi," the dog clarified very gentleman like half bowing as he spoke.

"You're just on the freeway to gay vile, a fruit basket will be arriving at our door any day now welcoming you to the club." Isaac rolled his eyes as he got up off the bed and lumbered over to his closet. Twisting the metal lock a few times before popping the door open.

"Hey, I'm no fag." Jack growled but broke into a smile before he could even finish what he was saying.

"I'm gay, not a fag." Isaac clarified something he had said since he had come out. "I don't wear tight colorful clothes, I eat double stacked bacon cheeseburgers and never count calories. I wear loose baggy clothes because their comfortable and I just so happen to fuck guys."

Jack rolled his eyes as he grabbed the few bottles of soap from his closet. "Whatever dude, you're a bottom you have no room to talk."

"Only when I'm with a fat guy," Isaac corrected sticking his tongue out.

"You'd never date a fat guy."

"I just so happened to have been in a happy relationship with a bear, just so you know." Isaac retorted with a scuff. "Nice dude...until he became Ms. Cherrybottom at Go-Goes." He mumbled remembered the tight leather pants, fishnet stockings and make-up smeared face he had stumbled on one night. "We keep in contact though."

"I thought gays had the worst relationships." Jack asked leaning back against his closet's door. "From what I heard most end horrible or never happen to begin with."

Isaac rolled his eyes as he shook his head. He had been trying his best to educate the populace where ever he went. Trying to make sure not everyone saw them as just a bunch of slutty fairies that would sleep with any male that let them. "Even in highschool I was in serious relationships. I don't go for the one time deals most my 'brethren' do. I plan to get married, have a bunch of pups and grow old together mocking the world as it rolled by us."

"Sweet, cute, and very gay." Jack laughed shaking his head.

"Thanks," Isaac grinned as he pulled out his few pairs of coats and compared them with what he had on.

"Wait up a bit, I'll join you. Need to get a shower in," Jack sniffed under his arm quickly shaking his head afterwards and laughing. "I doubt you want to tow around a musky mutt like me as I am."

Isaac smiled slyly to himself as he wouldn't mind the mutt stripped down sweating from head to toe strapped to his bed. "Hurry up, I don't got all day. Ok, I do but that's beside the point." He blushed as he looked away from the dog, realizing he had been staring again.

"Alright, keep your pants on. Unless you want to join me," Jack teased with a wink as he slipped on a pair of shower sandals and headed out. "My shower curtains always opened for ya," he laughed as the door shut behind him leaving Isaac alone with his thoughts again.

His nose twitched as his eyes looked over Jack's stuff his eyes falling to the pair of discarded briefs. He shook his head as he went back to his bed with a coat in paw. He tossed it on the edge of his bed as sat on the edge looking over at the time as well as his phone resting on his nightstand. There weren't any new messages or voicemails and he found his heart slipping again.

He reached out and touched the discarded clothing and pulled it over with a toe. Isaac bent down to pick it up, even before his fingers laced around the elastic band felt like an idiot. Jack had been going to gym for as long as he'd known him, sometimes several times a week putting Isaac to shame. He even found himself confronted by the dog about going with him and even then he felt uncomfortable enough about it to decline putting up the front that he needed to finish a paper for tomorrow's class. Jack hadn't taken it personally but ever since he seemed to find that their gym schedules were beginning to coincide.

Jack would stand above him, his crotch almost in his face, as he spotted him on the lift. After every day he offered the same thing about sharing a shower in order to "conserve water." This is where the wild dog had taken it on himself to ask the hyena every chance he got to "save the planet one drop at a time." From waking up in the morning to after their late work out, Jack would offer. Isaac always assumed he was joking but as the days had dragged into weeks that ended up into months he began to figure the dog was barking for more.

Even with the garment against his snout he didn't understand why the dog would bother teasing him so. Sleeping only a few feet away it would have been easy business harassing him in other means but Jack seemed to have drawn a line for himself only ever pushing him just enough before backing off.

That body and this sent was enticing enough to make the hyena want to give in. But there was that nagging suspicion that he was just teasing him. Just messing with him. He didn't want things to become awkward or troublesome by misinterpreting his signals as something more. Jack was a great roommate Isaac figured. He was clean enough and never brought any drama or trouble back to the dorm with him. In fact now that Isaac thought about it he had never seen Jack with anyone be it guy or girl.

The African Wild Dog had never been with anyone as far as Isaac had seen. No other scent on his clothes, no other bodies in his bed. He was a perfect saint when it came to the actual physical interaction. He'd tease and poke at the issue, fish around but in the end even if he landed a nice catch he'd just let it go and move on.

It had only been a month 'n a half since the two found each other together as roomies. It hadn't been long and they both were dealing with their own separate lives from school to work to as much of a social life as Isaac could manage.

He tossed the garment back to the floor as he licked his snout and shivered. Guilt seeped like molasses across his face as he buried his face in his paws shaking his head back and forth thinking just how pathetic he was. He knew Jack wouldn't mind but he wasn't this guy. A guy that would do something as stupid, silly and perverted as this!

Yet here he was sniffing his roomies underwear, checking him out and even to the point fantasizing what it would be like to taste that man. He groaned shaking his head again trying to get the thoughts out of his head. The smell stuck in his nostrils and each breath he took reminded him of that arousing scent. The taste on his tongue he tried to swallow away still haunting him as he tried to forget. It was all because he hadn't gotten that one call, that one text, that one reply he finally managed to reason.

Glaring at the phone he wanted to say it was his fault he was like this now. His fault no one else's but he knew better. He knew that it wasn't. All that cat had done was aroused the building need he had inside, the yearning that had begun to boil over to the point where he was doing something like this.

Isaac slapped his cheeks a few times with both paws trying to get out of the lustful trance he found himself in. Jack was his friend. One of the few he had here. Something that didn't happen often. He was usually reserved, keeping to himself. "So quiet and polite" people would always say about him. Maybe that's just one thing he liked about Jack so much. He had such a large...personality. If he thought something he'd say it. He wouldn't sugar coat it or try and spruce it up so that it was something else. No, he was a man of his word. A man that was true to himself.

The hyena looked over in the body mirror hanging from his closet door and saw the pitiful site of himself. The fur was white and spotted, matter and frizzed out in all different directions. And this was him on a good day. That dark black mane ran down the back of his neck making it impossible to wear a hood properly. His gut always stuck out and his paws were bigger than they should have been for a man his size. All traits, genes of his family. A curse as far as he was concerned. A hyena wasn't a lion, wasn't some pretty fox. They were just another scavenger trying to survive. You'd never see them on tv or in magazines, on billboards or cereal boxes. No, a hyena was just another species that society would prefer to forget.

Isaac tore his gaze away from those amber eyes that looked back with sadness at him. In mind and body he was truly just a pathetic man. Sitting here waiting for a call he knew would never come. The lion had just indulged him, raised his hopes and dreams up to satisfy his own ends not wanting to waist the night. Might as well use the silly hyena for some fun before throwing him out on the streets.

"He said he wanted me to sleep over. Spend the weakened," he mumbled aloud before giving a cruel chuckle. "Whatever it took for me to give in and put out." Isaac leaned back on the bed looking up at the ceiling, subconsciously licking his nose again.

He was glad he didn't. That he had more self-respect than that. Even if he wanted to he had controlled himself and not bitten into that proverbial forbidden apple. Not sunk into primal desires and fallen for those pretty eyes that batted him for more. And because of that he had what little pride he accumulated coming here left but with blue balls.

So Isaac reached over once more and grabbed those old pair of briefs and lay back on his bed letting them rest on the tip of his muzzle with a stupid smirk and pains of guilt drift through him as he breathed deeply.

Isaac was lost in thought, and other things with a paw in his pants, as the doorknob shook. Isaac quickly ripped the garments from his nose and stuffed it under his pillow before turning back to the damp dog, a towel wrapped around his waist. Jack shook comically after shutting the door sending a few droplets hither and there.

"Ah, nothing beats a warm hot shower and a paw off." Jack yawned stretching fully the towel slipping a bit from his waist.

"How about the real thing?" Isaac asked a bit amused watching the dog.

"Unless your offering..." Jack gave him a wink catching the slipping towel with one paw. Isaac rolled his eyes turning away from him to look at his phone again.

Jack ears twitched at the gestured, folding back on his head. The next instance they were up again and he was smiling as he walked over to the clothes he had laid out. Picking up the pink spotted underwear his ears twitch feeling as if he was missing something but all the clothes he had laid out were there and he let it slip his mind as he looked back over to the hyena. Isaac had closed his eyes popping his head phones back in and was zoning out the world around him.

The dog frowned a bit but didn't show any other sign that it affected him. He turned his back, dropped his towel and slipped his briefs on. They were tighter than he liked but curved around his frame perfectly, though it didn't give his boys room to breathe. Shorts soon follow before a tight sleeveless shirt hugged his frame. He didn't mind the bagginess of his shorts but the shirt had to be tight. It didn't feel right otherwise, smoothing out each edge making sure it formed perfectly to his frame. He tossed a light summer coat on adjusting the collar a few times.

Isaac had been watching between half closed eyes. Licking his bottom lip he enjoyed the show before it was done. Jack bent over tying on the sandals most commonly outfitted by any fur. The paws alone made it very inconvenient for the toes and heels of most furs. Some simple went barefoot but he was killer for the pads making them rough and scratchy beyond repair.

The dog's tail stuck up, wagging slowly back and forth before it fell back as he stretched his back. 'Shoes' firmly tied. "Where we headin'?" He asked not even looking over his shoulder at him.

Isaac got up slapping his ass with the back of his paw making the dog yip and the hyena break out into a fit of giggles. It took several second for him to calm down before answering him. "There's this bagel place down the way. They have some of the best donuts in town."

"In the state." Jack corrected him nodding as he headed towards the door.

Isaac was in toe all too aware the dog had lifted his tail for him as he followed him out giving him a clear view of his behind. The door slammed shut, locking behind them. The hyena unaware from the message he got on his phone he had left behind...