The Walk Home

Story by Goji on SoFurry

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"Oliver, for the last time, stop tapping and put the pen down, or I'm going to send you down to the office."

Mrs. K's sharp voice startled me, and I bolted up right, the pen clattering to the floor. Hushed giggles erupted around me. I could feel the eyes of all my classmates, and my snout burned from embarrassment as I reached down to pick up the pen, sliding it into my pocket. "S-sorry," I stammered, my ears curling backwards.

"Sorry, what?"

"M-ma'am! Sorry, ma'am!" There were more giggles now. I crossed my arms, glaring down at my desk. The aging kangaroo's admonishment hurt. She never picked on anyone else. I was the only one who had to say 'no, ma'am, yes ma'am' to her. It wasn't my fault that english was so boring. I didn't care that F. Scott Fitzgerald's 'The Great Gatsby' was an insight into the flaws of life in the 'Roaring Twenties'. I didn't care about how the color green symbolized the promise of a better tomorrow. Ms. K would drone on and on about how the novel was a classic and one of her favorites, but it was just so boring!

"I need you to stay after class, Oliver," Mrs. K was saying. It took all of my willpower not to protest, and instead, I just nodded, defeated. The teacher must've been expecting more of a fight, she sniffed in disappointment before continuing with her lecture. I chanced a glance around the classroom. Ms. K assigned chairs in rows and columns, and so I had a chair close to the front, far away from the windows. My friend, Anise, sat across the room from me. She got the best window seat. When we'd first started in the class, the both of us sat together, but Mrs. K had it out for me. After a week, she sat me over here and left her over there. That was two months ago.

Since I couldn't tap my pen, I had to amuse myself in other ways. At first, I idly kicked at my backpack with my hoof. When the kid behind me kicked my chair, I stopped that, and started rolling my tongue over my broken tusk. It still felt weird, even though the accident happened over three years ago. My left tusk was long enough that when I opened my mouth, it still reached past my lip. But my right tusk had snapped in half, so I was always nicking the corner of my mouth with it if I wasn't paying attention. It caused me to talk with a bit of lisp, and kids would always tease me about it. They'd call me Snaggletooth or Snag. I don't know why, but it always pissed me off.

Time couldn't pass quickly enough. I started playing with the beads and wristbands I had, twisting them and pulling at them. I liked playing with rubberbands, so I had a couple of those on my left wrist, and I almost always had the rainbow bracelet Anise made for me on my right. I also had a bunch of thin jelly bracelets that were different colors. I couldn't pull hard on those, or they'd break. I glanced towards the analog clock on the wall; 2:38. It was hard not to groan. School let out at 2:56, and the buses left at 3:10. I glanced out the window. The sky was cloudless and so blue that you felt like you could just fall into it. I didn't live too far away; maybe staying after and missing the bus wouldn't be too bad after all.

At ten minutes till, Mrs. K started handing out pieces of paper, our quiz from yesterday. She reached me, sliding my paper face down. Flipping over of, my eyes immediately narrowed, and I was so tempted to crumple up the quiz and trash it. It had been a 5 question review, but she had docked me points because I doodled on the side! 20 points! I had an 85, but thanks to that, I'd failed! That wasn't fair at all! "I'm very impressed, class," the hag was saying, with her graying fur, glasses with chains, and a flower patchwork dress. "Almost everyone passed. As a reward, if you got a score above 70, I'm giving you 5 points extra credit. Think of it like a Columbus Day present. Enjoy your weekend!"

The entire class erupted into cheers, except me. Apparently, I was the only one that didn't get the extra credit. The room filled with the sound of papers shuffling as kids stuffed their backpacks with their books. The school bell sounded, and there was a stampede as they booked it for the door, excited for their three day weekend.

Anise held back, instead walking over to my desk. "Hey, deer," she said, smoothing out my auburn hair. "Didn't brush again?"

"Sorry, chika... I slept in and almost missed the bus." I glanced up at the blue-jay. Her feathers had a beautiful cerulean sheen to them that her mom and dad didn't have. She always wore pink or yellow tank tops and black shorts, even in winter. I could never figure out how she never got cold. "You're gonna miss it too if you don't get going."

"Nah, my best friend's gonna end up walking home, so I'm gonna give him some company." Before I could protest, she ruffled my hair, just after she'd finished smoothing it. "I'll wait outside for you." Instead of a backpack, she kept a satchel, which she slung over her shoulder. "Meet me by the vending machine."

"Kay." Reluctantly, I gathered all my stuff and grabbed my backpack. I kept most of my junk in my locker, so my bag was really light. Back when they allowed skating, I always had my board strapped in. Though I wasn't looking at her, I knew Mrs. K was waiting for me. At first, I always thought that it stood for kangaroo, but no, her name was Grace Marie Kavanaugh. I can't ever say it without totally butchering it. I walked up to her desk, timid and full of dread. I hated 'the talk'. My hand clutched the straps of my backpack tightly. "Y-yes, ma'am?"

"I know you're struggling with keeping your focus. I've had several students who have to cope with having ADHD." Oh god, it was -this- talk. The ADHD talk was the worst, worse than the 'your brother did better, why don't you follow his example' talk. I don't want to take medicine for it. Besides, it's not like it was much of a problem, I could pay attention fine if the stuff wasn't boring. I listened to her go on and on about the challenges that I'd face later in life if I didn't keep it under control.

"My bro's been helping me," I said. It wasn't a lie; for books too boring for me to read, he'd give me a cliff-note summary. He's the book reader, not me.

"You can be an intelligent young man. You should know that your brother isn't always going to be around to help you."

I tried not to get angry, I really did, but it was hard. Didn't she think I knew that? I deal with the fact that Ben's going to college every single day. Every time I want to play something with him, he's too busy. About the only time I can even get him to do anything with me is if it's schoolwork. "Yeah, I know. I'll try."

"That's all I ask, Oliver. That, and don't be a disruption to the class. And don't doodle. Every second you spend doodling, you should spend elaborating on your thesis. Get going. I don't want you to miss the bus."

I wanted to mumble under my breath, but I didn't. I just turned and hurried out of the room. My hooves clacked loudly on the tile floor as I trotted. The last thing I needed was some assistant principal to drag me into their office for running. There were still kids hanging in the hallway, talking to their friends by the lockers and on the stairs. I downed the stairs two at a time, catching a scolding by a teacher about halfway down. I had to slow down, which I did until she was out of sight. I reached the main corridor, a giant plus sign of four hallways. The vending machines were at the crossroads, and I saw Anise waiting for me.

"How'd it go," she asked just as I reached her.

"Another talk about my ADHD," I said, crossing my arms. "I don't know why people can't just leave me alone about it. I get distracted easily, so what? It's not like I'm retarded or something!" Anise punched my arm. For a girl whose fists are made of feathers, she hits pretty hard. "Sorry, I mean handicapped."

"Better." Anise had an older brother who was so mentally ill, he basically lived in a hospital. She wasn't close to him, but she still hated when people called others retarded. "What'd you get on the quiz? I got an 83."

"85, but she docked 20 points for doodling! It's such bul... erm.." a teacher walked by us, "it's just BS that she can do that just because she doesn't like me."

Anise choked back a laugh. "Hah! Can't you just not doodle, then?"

"Yeah, but it just happens! I get so bored of the test, my hand just starts doing what it wants." We started walking, and I about fell on the ground when we walked into the sun. It felt great, no, more than great! There was a light breeze, and the temperature was in the low 80s. It was awesome skating weather. I paused and took a deep breath before we started heading home. "Man, this feels awesome."

"Yeah, kinda makes you want to sing."

"So, why don't you?" I grinned at her. Anise had an amazing voice, but you had to twist her arm to get her to show it. It's the only thing I know that can ever make her self-conscious. She punched me in the arm again. "Ow! That hurts, you know!"

"That's cause you're a wuss. Besides, I said it makes 'you' want to sing. Not me."

"But... I can't sing..."

"No, but it'd be funny as hell." Anise grinned as I tried to hit her back. "You hit like a girl! I guess it makes sense."

I grew flustered. "Dude, what's that s'posed to mean?"

The blue jay nudged closer to me. "So... tell me how it was?"

"Anise..." I whined, quickening my pace a little. It wouldn't matter, though, Anise always scored better in track than I did.

"What?" she asked, an innocent, hurt expression on her beak. She grinned again, and I knew what was coming. "You go and have sex and force me to listen to it, the least you could do is tell me how it was! Besides, I'd have thought you'd be happy you weren't a virgin anymore!" She leaned backwards. "Well, at least one part of you is happy."

"H-huh?" I stammered, only to then realize that my tail had been wagging like a dog's. My cheeks burned red. "T-that was over a week ago..."

"So, you're saying you forgot what happened?"


"So, how was it?"

I glanced around. We'd turned a corner and were well out of sight of the school. We were still in the neighborhood, though, and some of these houses belonged to kids who knew me. "F-fine..." I said in a hushed voice.

"Fine? It was only fine? From the sounds I heard--"

"It was awesome, okay, Anise?!" I blurted, my cheeks so red and hot, I thought they'd burst into flames. I hushed back down. "It was the best feeling I ever had. I liked it! I liked it a whole lot! It was better than that toy you let me borrow. He was hot and big and thick and he came in me." I felt Anise's wing drape across my shoulder. She may have been short for a girl, but I was even shorter. She stood at 5'4", me at 5'1". "It felt so good, I felt like such a slut to love it so much."

She giggled, which only made me burn more. "There's nothing wrong with that. But you haven't done anything else with him?"

"No.... our parents came home the next day... and he's been studying so hard, he doesn't have any time for me."

"You know what you need?"


"You need a boyfriend!"

"What? Dude, I... I don't want someone who likes me just because I have sex with them, I-"

"No, not that kind of boyfriend. I mean, you know, like a fuck buddy. You have a sexy ass, you know."

I stopped walking. "W-whoa... my head got dizzy." I wasn't shocked at what she said, well, maybe a little, but not totally. She'd been my best friend for over seven years, since we were in elementary school, and she always talked like that. "You really think that's a good idea?"

"Sure, long as you record it," she said with a giggle.

"W-what?" I looked at her with horror, even more so when I realized she was serious.

"Sure! I'm a girl! I like guy on guy stuff, just like guys like girl on girl."

"But I don't..."

"Oliver, you're a bigger girl than I am! Hell, look at what you're wearing compared to me!"

She had a point. Where as she always wore baggy shorts from the boys section, I tended to mix and match and sometimes wore tight-fitting pants. Since I had a smaller waist than she did, sometimes I had to go into the girl's section to find pants that would fit my waist and hips. "I... maybe... tied?"

Anise shook her head. "Nope, you're definitely the bigger girl. Hey, between the two of us, you were the first to actually have sex with a guy!" She stuck her tongue out at me.

"God, I gotta deal with an hour of this," I moaned. She punched me in the shoulder again, then bolted off. I sprinted after her. Anise may have been the better runner, but I always beat her when it came to cross-country. Something about hooves being better than talons or something. We ran for like 20 minutes until Anise slowed, breathing hard. I trotted up to her and slugged her as hard as I could in the arm.

She looked up at me with such bemusement that I was tempted to ask if she were okay. "You hit like such a girl!" she said before tackling me into the lawn of the house we were in front of, knocking the wind out of my lungs. I pushed up at her, but she didn't relent. We wrestled, rolling on the grass until we were both exhausted, my backpack and her satchel getting strewn to the side somewhere. Somehow, she'd managed to force me on my stomach, pinning my arms against my back. "Say uncle!" she said, pressuring my arms, forcing them uncomfortably up.

I kicked my hooves in submission, whining. "Uncle, uncle! Lemme up! That hurts!"

She let go of my arms, but sat down on my rump, straddling me. "Yup, totally a girl."

Laying my head on my arms, I pouted. "That's no fair! You didn't even give me any warning. Plus, you always win that. I could beat you in Rainbow Six!"

"Yeah, well, this isn't Rainbow Six!" Anise suddenly started giggling. "Hah, I get it! Rainbows."

"Never playing again."

She rolled off of my back. "Aww, don't be mad. Tell you what, let's get home, and I'll make it up to you."

I crawled over to my backpack and tossed her satchel to her. "Make it up, how?"

"I dunno, order a pizza?"



"You gotta get the movie, too!"

"What? Hell, no! You're the one with rich parents, not me."

Grinning, I climbed back up, dusting off the blades of grass that still clung to me. "Okay, okay. Casino Royale?"

"God, you have no taste! Goldfinger!"

"I have taste, you just like old crap." Anise curled her feathers into a fist again, but I raised my hands in defense. "Hey, hey, hey, I didn't say it was bad crap, just old! It's 1964! That's a lot older than 2006."

"You're just a young buck," the blue jay squawked, imitated the elder voice of her grandmother.

"At least you admit I'm a guy now," I giggled. She hit me again.

An hour, and three romps on the grass, later, my house finally came into view. The driveway was empty as usual. Mom and Dad probably wouldn't come home until bedtime, anyways. Mom was working a big case, defending a wolf accused of arson and murder. Dad had a big project, too, though not so life-threatening. Guinevere was out with her violin quartette. She'd aced her recital, so she and her friends got to travel the country, performing. And of course, Elizabeth as out of state as well, with college and whatnot, where Benjamin would soon be.

I sighed. Benjamin would be home right now, but after Winter Break, he'd go out of state for college, too. It wasn't until recently that I realized just how alone I was going to be once he was gone. I trudged up our walkway, fumbling in my pockets for my keys. When I found them, I held the door open for Anise. She paused at the door and looked at me. "Shouldn't you head in first? You know, ladies first?"

"Dude!" I protested, but I didn't budge. We stood there, door open, for what felt like an eternity, until Benjamin peaked his head around the corner.

"What're you guys doing?" my brother asked. My heart sank a bit. Ben looked exhausted, like he had just been woken up prematurely from a nap. He may have been my twin, but the guy I was looking at was totally different. He was taller and stockier than me, but he had bags underneath his eyes, and his t-shirt hung off his shoulder. "You're making a racket."

Anise relented and walked through the door, and I closed it after us. "Sorry," I apologized. "I didn't think you'd be sleeping."

Ben rubbed his ear after stifling a yawn. "Yeah... I nodded off for a bit... maybe 30 minutes ago. Didn't get much sleep. What's up, Anise? Taking good care of my bro?"

The blue jay was out of hitting range, and so I already started wincing. "Yeah, but not as well as you." Yup, there it was.

My brother must have been even more tired than I thought. He stared with a bit of confusion before shrugging his shoulders. "Yeah, sure, whatever. Just keep it down, okay? I'm gonna be studying."

"Wait, Benji!" I said suddenly, trotting over to him. "We're gonna order a pizza and watch a movie. Wanna join?"

He ruffled my hair. Why does everyone do that? "Sorry, bro, you know I gotta study."

"But you already had midterms this week!"

"Yeah, but this is a test to certify for a scholarship. If I qualify, I could get awarded ten thousand dollars. It's really important, Oliver."

"Yeah, I know... I just... I'm sorry. We'll keep it down." Benji smiled at me, we did a fist bump, and then he went back upstairs.

"Man, he's really dedicated, isn't he?" Anise slung her arm around me again and dragged me into the living room. I plopped down on our sofa, laying my head back and groaning. "He's definitely gonna be a tough nut to crack."

"Yeah, but... I don't really want to. Well, I mean, I want to but, it wouldn't be fair to him. He's working so hard to get into a really good school. I want him to stay here, but... it's not like I'm never gonna see him again, right? What if he decided that he was gonna give that up and stay here? It'd be my fault. I can't do that to him."

"Well, if you love something, you gotta let it go, right?" Anise strolled into our kitchen, grabbing our phone. "Papa John's or Mr. Jim's?"

"Um, Papa John's, I guess?"


"Normal, square cut, well done."

"Square cut, are you insane? We're getting normal slices."

"Fine, whatever." Dad's laptop was sitting on the coffee table. It wasn't his work computer, so he never kept a password on it. I logged on to Netflix's website and flipped through the different genres. I tried action, then adventure. Mystery, Suspense, but I couldn't find anything. I typed Goldfinger, 007, James Bond and Casino Royale in the search window, but I didn't find a single James Bond movie. "Dude, Anise," I called out to my friend. "Netflix doesn't have Bond."

"Seriously? Well, what're we gonna watch, then? Pizza's here in like 40 minutes."

"Godzilla? They have Godzilla Raids Again."

"The one with Anguirus? Do they have any of the Heisei series?"

"Um... nope. Just the the old black and white ones."

"Eh, I haven't seen it, so I guess it'll work."

We spent the 40 minutes before the pizza arrived flipping through channels and laughing at weird titles. The best part was when we found the adult programing, not that we could watch anything without paying for it. The doorbell rang, and Anise sprang up to meet it, a twenty in her feathery hands. The delicious aroma already started wafting into the room even before she brought in the pizza. We had a bunch of paper plates in the cabinet, so I grabbed a couple for us and met Anise back on the sofa. My stomach started grumbling in anticipation.

"Hey, you think your bro'll want some?" Anise asked before she stuffed a whole slice messily into her beak. Watching a blue jay eat pizza was a show in and of itself.

"Yeah, he might," I said after I'd managed to stop giggling. I loaded a plate with a couple of slices. "I'll be right back. Go ahead and start the movie." Anise waved me away, so I headed up the stairs, making my way to our bedroom. The door was closed, so I gently cracked it open. No lights were on, so the whole room was illuminated in a pale light streaming from the window. Benjamin was hunched over his desk, holding a pen, but he wasn't moving. I crept over to him and gently rocked his shoulder. "Hey, Benji?"

It took a few minutes of rocking him before I finally got my bro to open his eyes. "H-huh? Oliver?" he asked in a bit of a stupor. "What're you doing in here?"

"I brought you some pizza."

"Thanks, but... but I have to study," he said with an almost pained groan.

"No, you need to take a break, bro!" I said, suddenly angry. Benjamin looked up at me with a baffled expression, compounded with obvious exhaustion. "Look at you, you're so tired! You were sleeping just a second ago!"

"I wasn't... I was just resting my eyes for a little bit."

"Bullsh-... bullcrap! You were up studying all night! When I went to bed and when I got up! I didn't even see you at school." My anger vanished as suddenly as it had appeared. "C'mon, Benji, just eat something, okay?" I pleaded, falling down on my knees next to him. My hands gripped his t-shirt, tugging lightly at it. "I don't want you to get sick and mess up on your test. Just take a break or something. You don't even have to do anything with me if you don't want to."

I don't know if what I said got to him or what, but Benjamin started rubbing the bridge of my snout. Somewhere in the back of my mind, I marveled at how soft the palms of his hands were. Ben smiled at me. "Hey, that's not fair, you know. You think I'm trying to avoid you?"

"No, I... that just slipped out," I mumbled, biting my lip. "I know you have to do this. I don't wanna hold you back. I just... I'm gonna miss you. When you leave, I'm gonna be all by myself."

"Yeah, I know. I'm gonna miss you, too, Snaggletooth." Ben must have seen me pout because he lifted my chin with his thumb. He slid out of his chair and knelt close to me, his nose touching mine. I don't remember if I pulled, or he pushed, but we ended up on the cool floor, our muzzles locked together, our tongues dancing with one another. His hand drifted down, rubbing along the contour of my body, before it drifted underneath my shirt. He broke the kiss to whisper in my ear, "You have a really sexy body, you know that?"

"B-Benji..." I whined softly, shuffling my hooves underneath him. I don't know how he did it, but every time his hand moved, he managed to rub another one of my most sensitive areas, and within moments, I was squirming and writhing under him. With his exploring hand, he unfastened the button to my jeans and slipped past my briefs. I held on to his arm, mewling like a cat. The touch of someone else down there felt so weird, but at the same time, I couldn't help but want more of it. My hips bucked on there own accord as Benji thumbed the head of my dick.

"I'm too tired to do much," he mumbled, kissing me on my neck. His tusks parted my fur and grazed my skin, sending tiny shivers running down my spine.

I sat up, nuzzling against him. "Here, lemme try," I said softly, my hands fumbling with his gym shorts and boxers. Unless I'm writing, I'm hopelessly clumsy with my hands, and in the end, Benji had to slide his own shorts down for me. Between the two of us, he was easily the larger, and I found myself biting back my nervousness. I neared his crotch, inhaling the scent of his body wash, some cocoa butter extract that reminded me of cake. Tentatively, I lapped out with my tongue, drawing it up along Benji's underside until I reached the very tip. Maybe I wasn't very good at it, but Benji started giggling. I looked up with dismay. "W-what? I'm sorry, I've never done this before...."

"No, it's not that," he said with a grin that wasn't as tired as before. "You must have some dog in you. Your tail's wagging nonstop."

I blushed furiously. It was a habit I'd gotten a long time ago, and no one in our family had it but me. I always wagged my tail when I was enjoying myself. "W-we're twins, you know," I pointed out, trying not to get dizzy as my blush grew deeper.

"Yeah, fraternal twins. Keep going, you were doing great."

I thought about nicking him with my tusk, but then my eyes fixed on his cock again. It stood there, right in front of me, tall and proud, thick and pulse. My mind addled; all I could think about was shoving my muzzle as far down as it could go. I held on to his waist as I started lapping at it again, suckling around the glans. I licked my lips then pulled them back, covering my teeth as I slowly slid that beautiful hunk of meat down my mouth. Benji's light moans spurred me on, and I started bobbing my head, moving faster the louder he moaned.

His hand fell on top of my head, rubbing around my tiny nub of an antler. I moaned lightly, but his hand guided me back down. Benji chuckled again. "Keep going... I'm almost...." At his words, I pressed my lips together, trying to imitate a warm, tight hole. I must've done something right because Benjamin suddenly grabbed my head with both of his hands and bucked up, and I felt my muzzle fill with warm, slightly salty cum. I tried to swallow, but he kept bucking, and I had to pull myself away just so I could breathe. A thick rope of his seed splashed against my face.

"Eww... it's in my hair..." I whined, wiping my chin clean with my arm.

"Fine, c'mere," my brother said, and I crawled closer to him. He wrapped his arms around me and drew me into a hug, licking the cum from my face before locking muzzles with me again. I could taste his seed in his mouth, a taste I was sad I wouldn't get to have for much longer. "I took a break," he said after minutes of us kissing. "Happy now?"

"A little, I guess... you still need to eat. Your pizza's all cold." My stomach growled as well. Benjamin rubbed my head, massaging around my antlers. My tail started wagging again. "Are you gonna come down?"

"Yeah, I will. Promise."

"Cool. C'ya in a bit, then, bro," I said, pulling up my pants before kissing him lightly on the nose. Benjamin didn't have freckles like I did, but his nose had these cute little spots. Reluctantly, I pulled away from him, trotting down the stairs. Anise glanced up at me, and she grinned, her beak stuffed with pizza. "What?" I asked, defensively. "Geez, half the pizza's already gone!"

"Well, you took too long! Have fun?" she said, sheepishly.

"W-well, he was hard to wake up. How's the movie going?"

"Pretty good, though Godzilla vs. Mothra was better. Oh, Oliver?"


"You have cum in your hair."