Life's Many Surprises-chapter 5

Story by Codeman90 on SoFurry

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#5 of Life's Many Surprises

First off I would like to say a big thanks to cjgs1993 for proofing the story and providing his opinions. So here we are with a new chapter and it's even longer than before, filled with comedy and quite a bit of embarrassment.

The two minute walk towards Ryan's car was uneventful, due to the fact that both Adam and Kate hadn't said a word to each other yet. Instead Adam looked at the area around him, surprised that with changing into a dragon, he now had a more heightened sense of smell and could smell flowers that were nearly a half a mile away, along with the unsavory smells that emanated from the parking lot. Kate on the other hand just looked down at the ground wondering to herself how lucky she was that this was finally happening, and praying that nothing bad, or strange would happen while on their date.

"I'm glad to hear the date is starting off well." Ryan said jokingly hoping that Adam and Kate would start talking soon and end the awkward silence. Unfortunately his joke didn't do a thing and Adam and Kate were now embarrassed along with feeling nervous.

"You two wait here and I'll go get my car, and if you two aren't talking when I come back then there will be repercussions." Ryan said warningly to the couple, soon walking away to retrieve his car after seeing that they both got the message.

For a few minutes nothing had been said between the two and Adam was beginning to worry at what Ryan would do to them if they didn't talk soon. After taking a few seconds imagining all the possibilities Ryan could punish them, Adam decided he would just say something and hope that would start a conversation.

"So Ryan told me that you two know each other pretty well." Adam blurted out but soon realized what he had just said.

"Uhh...yeah I do, we talk pretty often." Kate replied nervously.

'I can't believe he would tell Adam that. Why would he anyway, there's no reason for Adam to know that I talk to Ryan.' Kate thought to herself as she hoped that Ryan didn't tell Adam too much information about their talks.

"What do you guys usually talk about?" Adam asked, wishing he didn't start the conversation like this but still continuing to satisfy his curiosity.

"Oh just and stuff like that." Kate answered while she looked down at the ground as she rubbed her foot against the ground.

"But you're surrounded by your friends at school at all times, when would you two have time to talk to each other?" Adam asked wondering where Ryan and Kate would have anytime to talk to each other.

"Just this place that I like to go to on the weekends when I'm free. I wonder when Ryan is going to show up?" Kate replied and then looking around hoping that Ryan would come by soon so Adam wouldn't ask anymore questions about this subject. Once again as if on cue, Ryan drove up in his car, a small Suzuki Aerio, that at best could hold four humans comfortably.

"All aboard the love mobile." Ryan said with a smile after stopping next to Adam and Kate.

"That was fast." Adam replied curtly.

"I like to be punctual." Ryan said smiling even wider.

What Adam and Kate failed to notice though, was that while they were talking; Ryan was sitting in his car a fair distance away listening in on their conversation using his enhanced wolf hearing, waiting for the right time to intervene. Kate, hoping that Adam forgot about the subject they were talking about, quickly opened the backseat door to Ryan's car and got in on the right side. Meanwhile, Adam, having no reason to argue with Ryan's statement, walked around Ryan's car and opened the backseat door on the left side. Unfortunately Ryan's car wasn't built with Adam's dragon body in mind, and as expected, when Adam began to climb inside the car, there were all sorts of problems occurring. Immediately when Adam placed his foot inside the car and shifted his weight onto it, the car's shock absorbers buckled under the immense amount of weight being place on them. Trying to ignore the groans of agony the car was emitting, Adam continued to climb inside the small car and reached his next challenge; trying to fit his large tail inside an already cramped space. Luckily after much fumbling and twisting around, Adam was able to sit down with his tail in his lap; although the car was noticeably lower at the back.

"You better hope we don't have to go over any speed bumps." Ryan said jokingly towards Adam.

"It's not my fault you have such a small car." Adam bantered back causing Kate to laugh quietly at the two friends.

"It's not a car, it's the love mobile remember." Ryan replied with a smirk.

"What's so special about this vehicle from all other cars then huh?" Adam asked with a smile.

"One simple thing my friend, the music." Ryan answered as he hooked his iPod up to his radio and searched through his library of songs.

Once Ryan found the song he was looking for, he chose it and the song began to play. Immediately the song started with a fast pace with a soft bass line in the background, not a love song to say the least, but it got much worse after that. Forty seconds into the song, everything changed, some kid in the background screamed 'Yes oh my god' and the song then dropped a massive bass line that shook Adam's and Kate's bodies from the vibration followed by many other sounds that continued on in the song. A minute into the song and Adam couldn't take it anymore and neither could Kate; just when she was about to speak up Adam leaned forward towards Ryan.

"What kind of music is this?!" Adam yelled at Ryan.

"This is the romantic music that I was talking about." Ryan answered with a smile as he turned around towards Adam.

"You don't like it?" Ryan asked surprised after seeing both Adam and Kate grimace at an even heavier bass line in the song.

"Of course we don't!" Adam yelled over the sounds from the song. With a frown, Ryan picked back up his iPod and paused the song and proceeded to look for a better song.

"Fine then, you just don't appreciate good love songs." Ryan remarked as he looked through his songs.

"Who could possibly consider that a love song?" Kate asked joining in on the conversation.

"If you two were at a club then it would count as a love song, you wouldn't be able to keep yourself from dancing with him, which would cause you two to fall in love, thus the song becoming a love song." Ryan replied as he shook his head still not able to find a good enough song yet.

"But that's not what makes a song a love song." Kate said, confused at Ryan's reasoning for labeling songs.

"If a song somehow makes two people fall in love then it's as much a love song to me as others are." Ryan said.

"Here this is a better one, not nearly as heavy of a beat for you lightweights." Ryan commented as he selected a new song.

For a few seconds the song started with a slow beat, soon building up much faster; luckily for Adam and Kate, the beat was a lot more tolerable than the last song.

"It's a long long way to reach for you, you appear in my dreams. And I pray that you exist, you're a creature I can't resist" The second verse of the song said.

"See isn't this better?" Ryan asked with a smile as he looked towards Adam and Kate for approval.

"A little too fast paced for me but at least it's actual singing and isn't just noise." Adam replied as he looked at Kate who nodded in agreement.

"Well that's good, because unfortunately for you two, I only have dance and dubstep songs. So sit back and enjoy the music until we get to my house." Ryan said while he put the car into drive and began to drive out of the parking lot.

Throughout the entire trip, Adam and Kate talked quietly to each other; feeling a lot more comfortable since the music was playing, making everything less tense. Every now and then Ryan would look into the rearview mirror and happily he saw the same image every time, both Adam and Kate smiling as they talked, and Kate even letting Adam hold her hand.

'I can't believe this is really happening, here I am on a date with Kate, and she's even letting me hold her hand. Not much I know, but compared to a casual hey as we passed each other in the halls, it's a definite improvement.' Adam thought to himself while he listened to what Kate was saying; also making sure he didn't cut her hand with his very sharp claws as her hand was completely covered with Adam's much bigger paw.

'His scales feel amazing, they're so smooth and soft. Why couldn't he be like this permanently, then he would truly be perfect for me.' Kate thought to herself as she looked at Adam, listening to what he was saying after her comment.

'But then again, why can't I be normal, he deserves a girl who loves him exactly the way he is, not a girl who's so weird that she actually prefers the feel of scales rather than regular skin.' Kate then began to think, reprimanding herself for her differences; inadvertently missing Adam's question.

"Um, did you hear me?" Adam asked trying to get Kate's attention after she apparently missed his question.

"Huh...oh sorry, what did you say?" Kate asked after being brought out of her self loathing.

"How is it at your house?" Adam asked again while at the same time wondering what Kate was thinking about earlier.

"Regular, well as regular things can be when you have a younger brother and an older brother living in the same house as you." Kate answered, thinking back to all the times she's been picked on by both of her brothers.

The conversation continued on after that, Adam and Kate talking about various other things; continuing the wonderful date. Eventually Ryan's car came to a slow stop and the music was quickly turned off.

"Why did we stop?" Adam asked Ryan as he leaned forward, causing the car to groan some more at the shifting weight within the car.

"Well I don't know about you, but I like my dates in a more comfortable environment, such as my house. But if you would rather continue the date in my car then that's fine by me." Ryan answered with a smirk as he unbuckled himself and unlocked everyone's doors to his car.

"We're here already, that was fast." Adam replied as he looked around and saw that they were in the driveway next to a one story-house.

Seeing Ryan get out of the car, Adam and Kate opened their doors and got out of the car as well; Adam stretching his large arms, legs, and tail after being in such a cramped space for so long. After unlocking the front door to his house and letting Adam walk inside, he was suddenly pulled away from the door and towards Kate.

"You couldn't drive a little slower, I was having a lot of fun." Kate said to Ryan quietly so Adam wouldn't be able to hear.

"If I drove any slower people running would be able to pass us." Ryan answered, wondering why Kate was so annoyed that they reached his house so quickly, until he figured out why.

"You like his costume don't you?" Ryan asked smiling once he saw Kate's shocked expression at being found out.

"It was like a dream come true, him being a dragon, and me with my...difference...but that's never going to happen." Kate replied dejectedly remembering that Adam being a dragon was just a pipe dream.

"What if he was a real dragon, would you like that?" Ryan asked with a smile.

"You and I both know the answer to that question." Kate replied with an annoyed glance.

"On my list of top five favorite species, dragons are at the very top." Kate added with a smile while she imagined Adam in his dragon costume.

"I remember that list, I also remember that wolves are second on that list of yours." Ryan commented with a smirk as he started walking towards the door to his house.

"Umm...uhh...yeah they are, but I still favor dragons over everything else." Kate replied flustered and feeling a little embarrassed at Ryan's comment.

Knowing Kate wouldn't be able to think of a witty comeback, Ryan walked into his house and closed the door after Kate entered as well. Now inside the house, they could hear the very obvious sounds of someone playing a video game in an adjacent room.

"Sounds like he got tired waiting for us." Ryan remarked as they continued walking towards the sounds, soon entering Ryan's room.

Unfortunately for Ryan when he did enter his room he saw something he would rather he didn't see. Apparently when Adam decided to play a video game and sit down in a chair, he had forgotten his massive weight and sat in one of the two chairs in Ryan's room; the result was a broken chair and Adam having to sit on the ground. Rather than yelling at Adam for destroying a chair while he was on his date, he put it at the back of his mind and made sure he stayed calm.

"Hey what were you two doing out there for so long?" Adam asked while looking at Ryan.

"Oh nothing, just Kate wanted to profess her undying love for me." Ryan answered casually as he sat down on the floor next to Adam.

"I did not!" Kate quickly said wishing Ryan wouldn't joke around like that.

"Oh fine, keep on denying it." Ryan said over dramatically and then smiling at Kate's embarrassed look.

"So what are you playing?" Ryan then asked while turning towards the tv and watching Adam play a video game.

"MW3." Adam answered as he continued to play online.

Ryan waited a few minutes for Adam to realize his mistake but seeing that he still didn't figure it out yet, he then turned to Kate to help Adam figure out what he did wrong.

"So Kate how's the date going?" Ryan asked while glancing back towards Adam to see if he figured it out yet.

"Well it started out great but it seems like he's forgotten about me now." Kate replied after realizing what Ryan was trying to do.

Despite how obvious Ryan and Kate were trying to be, Adam still hadn't realized his mistake yet and continued to focus solely on the game.

"Well since you're not busy...wanna go make out?" Ryan asked with a smile knowing that would get Adam to notice what's going on.

"Why that would be lovely, let's go." Kate answered smiling back, laughing on the inside at how she imagined Adam would react.

"See ya man." Ryan said as he patted Adam's back after getting off the ground, thus finally getting Adam's attention.

"Wait, where are you going?" Adam asked with a confused look, wondering where Ryan was going.

"I'm off to go make out with Kate while you play my games." Ryan replied nonchalantly like this was a common thing.

"What?!" Adam yelled out and quickly getting out of the chair that he was sitting in.

"Yeah you're busying playing my games, so to keep Kate busy we're going to go make out." Ryan said calmly.

"I'm not busy anymore, I want to make out with Kate." Adam quickly blurted out before he realized what he said.

"Ohhh really." Ryan replied with a huge smile, Adam's comment causing both Adam and Kate to blush.

"That's a much better idea, you two go do that while I play my games." Ryan finished saying, then getting behind Adam and pushing him towards Kate who was still standing in the doorway of the room.

Before Adam or Kate could object or say anything at all, Ryan pushed both of them out of the room and closed and locked the door, making sure the couple didn't just walk back in. Knowing Ryan wouldn't let them back inside for awhile, Adam and Kate walked towards the living room and sat down on the couch. Although Adam, completely forgetting just how much heavier his dragon form was compared to his human form, plopped down onto the couch like he normally did; consequentially destroying the support within the couch and caused it to somewhat collapse from the vast amount of weight that dropped on top of it.

'Why would that happen, it's not like he weighs that much or anything.' Kate thought as she sat down on the couch next to Adam.

"So what do you want to do until Ryan let's us back inside his room?" Kate asked as she looked at Adam, trying not to get lost in his eyes again.

"We could watch a movie." Adam mentioned, feeling embarrassed from Kate staring at him; causing him to look around the room and see the vast collection of dvd's Ryan owned.

"Sure, nothing scary though, I'm a little squeamish when it comes to movies." Kate said timidly as Adam got up and looked for a suitable movie.

'I could listen to her and look for a funny movie, but a classic dating scene is to watch a scary movie while the girl snuggles up close to you' Adam thought as he looked for a movie.

"Found one." Adam said while pulling out a movie from the shelf of dvd's.

"It isn't a horror film is it?" Kate asked, wondering if Adam was going to play a joke on her.

"No I don't think so, it's most likely a drama." Adam answered as he took the dvd out of its case and slid it into the dvd player.

While Adam and Kate got comfortable to watch the movie, the title screen of the movie saying The Sixth Sense, they didn't notice that they were now sitting much closer to each other than before. Meanwhile Ryan was in his room, playing a game online but not paying much attention to the game because his mind was thinking about other things.

"Why am I making this date so awkward for them?" Ryan asked himself for the fourth time in the past ten minutes hoping this time he would have an answer.

"I want him to be happy...I want them to be happy together, but I'm constantly making them feel embarrassed and annoying them, but why?" He said after exiting out of the game he was playing and resting in his chair as he continued to contemplate the reason for his actions.

'It's because you're not happy and you like him.' His conscience told him, wanting Ryan to finally admit the truth.

"I do not!" Ryan yelled out loud, but realized he was just yelling in an empty room.

'You've liked him for the past year, just admit it already.' His conscience remarked back.

"Ok I like him!" He finally said a little too loud, almost feeling the smugness coming from his conscience.

"But he has a girlfriend already, so it's not like it matters." He added sadly.

'Break them up, then you can be with him.' His conscience said, trying to goad Ryan into doing what he wanted.

"After the work I went through to get them together, I am NOT breaking them up...besides they're happy together." He replied, becoming annoyed with his inner voice telling him to do something so horrible.

'You'll regret this, when you're ready to start feeling happy yourself, let me know.' His conscience remarked, giving up in trying to control Ryan for now.

"I am happy." Ryan said, angry for doubting his feelings again. Feeling that he was truly alone now, he then noticed that he just had a full length conversation out loud in an empty room with himself.

*sigh* "I have to stop talking to myself." Ryan said feeling exhausted after his argument.

No longer having the will to play video games, he got up and walked to the door, wondering what Adam and Kate were doing. After leaning against the closed door for a minute and hearing how quiet it was, he could tell that they at least were no longer standing near the door and decided to do something else. Ryan then unlocked and opened the door, quietly walking out hoping that he would find the couple before they saw that he was spying on them. Soon he heard some noise emanating from his living room and quickly snuck his way towards the shadow filled arched entryway to the room.

'Sounds like they're watching a movie' He thought while leaning against a wall, getting ready to look into the room and see if he was correct.

'Why did I choose this movie?' Adam thought to himself as he continued to watch the surprisingly suspenseful and scary film. Although every time he was about to suggest they stop watching the movie, a particularly scary scene would happen and Kate would pull herself even closer towards Adam's body, thus reminding him why they continued to watch the movie.

'Hmm going with the old tactic of scaring the girl so she'll hug her body closer to yours hoping you'll protect her. It seems you do have some tricks up your sleeve...or paw.' Ryan thought as he spied on the couple from the shadows in the room that were created by the movie.

'I should leave, otherwise if they catch me spying on them, they'll really think I'm strange.' Ryan thought as he snuck his way back out of the room, making sure to remember that there were thirty minutes left before the movie would be finished.

Once he was back in his room, Ryan sat down in his chair wondering what he could do in the next half hour. After listing the things he needed to do, such as homework and a project for school, he easily figured out what would be the best way to spend his time, playing some more video games. Soon the time had already passed, and Ryan stopped playing his game to check up on the couple again. When he quickly walked back into the living room he saw Adam trying to get up but couldn't because Kate was still holding onto him too tightly.

"Kate the movie is done, there's no reason to be afraid anymore." Adam said, struggling to get Kate's arms off.

"I told you I don't like scary movies, and yet you chose one anyway." Kate said accusingly after she finally let go of Adam's waist.

"I didn't know it was going to be that scary, I swear." Adam remarked hoping Kate wasn't too mad at him.

"Mhm, surrreee. You just wanted an excuse to put your hands around me. And I thought you were different from all the other guys." Kate retorted, letting her imagination run a little wild.

"OF course he did, but think of it this way...he isn't just attracted to your personality, he likes your body as well." Ryan said while walking out of the shadow he was hiding within.

"Where did you come from?" Adam and Kate asked at the same time, not expecting they would have an audience to their little argument.

"Just from the shadows. Now back to what we were talking about before. *turns toward Kate* Are you really that offended by what Adam did even if it was on purpose?" Ryan asked.

"N-No, I just wasn't expecting it and I'm still a little flustered from the movie...I just really don't like scary movies." Kate answered, quickly calming down and beginning to think straight again.

"Kate I promise, I didn't choose that movie on purpose, and the only reason why I had my arms around you was because you seemed to like it and it felt like the right thing to do." Adam said, hoping Kate would understand the reason behind his actions.

"Ok Adam I believe you, I know you're not like most guys who only want one thing. Thank you for keeping me safe." Kate said as she moved closer to Adam and gave him a loving hug.

"Great now that we're done with that, are either of you hungry?" Ryan asked after letting the couple have their moment together.

"I could eat a little snack." Adam began to say until his stomach roared out in protest at being so empty.

"You're sure about that 'little' snack?" Ryan asked while giving Adam a knowing look.

"Or maybe a four course meal." Adam corrected himself, which made Kate give a quiet chuckle.

"I could eat a little something myself." Kate answered after regaining her composure.

"I'll see what I can make to satisfy your appetites. Adam could you help me in the kitchen?" Ryan asked as he started walking towards the kitchen.

"Sure...though what is Kate going to do?" Adam answered, not wanting Kate to get bored and end the date early.

"Don't worry, I'm certain Kate will find something to do in my room." Ryan said as he entered the kitchen around the corner.

"Are you sure you won't be too bored while we're busy making food?" Adam asked making absolutely certain that Kate wouldn't get angry at him for leaving her alone.

"I'm sure. He's right, I'll find something to do while you two are gone, it's sweet of you to care though." Kate answered with a smile at how caring Adam was.

"Ok if you say so, see you soon." Adam replied and before he thought about what he was doing, leaned in and gently kissed Kate on her cheek.

Rather than stay and deal with the obviously awkward situation Adam put himself in, he quickly left the room; the blue scales on his face now having a red tinge to them from his embarrassment.

'I can't believe I just did that...but it felt so good.' Adam thought to himself as he walked around the corner towards the kitchen.

Once he was in the kitchen he saw Ryan waiting for Adam to show up and help out making the food. Before Adam had shown up, Ryan was about ready to walk back into the living room and pull Adam into the kitchen but once he saw how much Adam was blushing, he knew something good happened to cause the late arrival. Rather than immediately ask Adam what had happened, he pretended he didn't see the blush and acted like he was annoyed that Adam took so long.

"I see you finally decided to join me. What took you so long by the way?" Ryan said sounding annoyed at having to wait.

"N-Nothing, just had to make sure Kate was fine with leaving her alone for a while." Adam said nervously hoping Ryan would leave it there, but knowing him...

"Nothing else?" Ryan asked not believing that's all that happened.

"Y-Yeah of course that's all that happened, what did you think happened?" Adam asked, trying to end the conversation as quickly as possible.

"Ohhh nothing. Well since you're finally here, let's get started making the food before you get so hungry you try eating me." Ryan said and then turning towards the fridge thinking about what they were all going to eat.

"Right, so what are we going to make?" Adam asked after walking up to Ryan and seeing that he was still staring at the fridge like he was expecting something to happen.

"I have no idea." Ryan answered after looking at Adam and giving him a smile.

"If this were an anime, everyone in the state would be falling over after that comment." Adam remarked.

"So what did you expect to happen when you said that you would make the food?" Adam then asked wondering why Ryan said he would cook the food.

"I did it to be nice since you two are the guests, but after walking into the kitchen I realized something, I can't make anything besides sandwiches and some pasta." Ryan said while laughing a little at forgetting that he didn't have any cooking skills.

"So what are we going to do now?" Adam asked knowing that he had just about as much skill at cooking as Ryan.

"Wait I got an idea, I can make some spaghetti and you two can have a whole lady and the tramp moment." Ryan said smiling even wider at his brilliant idea.

"It sounds good, but do you think it will work?" Adam asked, not believing it would be that simple.

"Sure it will, it's going to work perfectly." Ryan answered, getting too caught up in his imagination and not fully hearing Adam talking.

"If you say so, but you're going to have to make a lot of spaghetti, I'm really hungry." Adam said while placing his paws over his stomach which was groaning out at how empty it was.

"I'll make some sandwiches for you because I definitely don't have enough pasta to fill that dragon stomach of yours." Ryan replied while poking Adam's groaning stomach telling it to be quiet.

"Fine, just make the food fast, I feel like I'm going to die from hunger any minute now." Adam groaned as he opened the fridge and took out a loaf of bread to get ready to help making the sandwiches.

While Ryan and Adam were in the kitchen making the food, Kate was sitting in Ryan's room thinking about other things.

'I can't believe he kissed me.' Kate thought to herself as she held her hand against her cheek, trying to replay the feeling of the moment all over again.

'Don't get ahead of yourself Kate, it WAS only on the cheek, and he was wearing a costume while doing it too.' Kate doubted to herself.

'Costume or not, it felt amazing. I don't know how he did it but he made those scales feel so soft and smooth, it was like actually getting kissed by a dragon. If only...' Kate fantasized, imagining that Adam really was a dragon and that he really had kissed her with his smooth warm scaled lips.

"I hope Adam doesn't tell Ryan, if he knew what happened, the embarrassment would be endless." Kate said out loud after remembering how easily Ryan finds things to make her feel embarrassed about.

Remembering the various times in the past Ryan made her feel especially embarrassed caused her to feel an intense feeling of embarrassment here in the present. Before Kate had realized how strong the feeling of embarrassment she was feeling, there was a flash of light in the room and Kate had changed, much to her dismay.

'No no no NO, this can't be happening, not here!' Kate frantically thought as she saw that her right hand had now changed into a caramel color furred paw, complete with five black paw pads on the underside of her paw. Due to her severe feeling of fright at being caught in this compromising position, her left hand had changed into a caramel colored paw as well.

"Come on you've got to calm down, getting afraid at being caught like this isn't going to help at all." Kate told herself out loud, then taking a couple deep breaths to bring her heart rate back to normal. Eventually there was another flash of light in the room and both of Kate's paws had turned back into hands once again.

"I hate it that I can't control this...part of me, everyone I know can, and yet every time I get too emotional about anything I change without any warning." Kate growled at herself, wishing she could for once be normal in her life.

In hopes at getting her mind off of the recent events and to release some of her anger, Kate decided to play some video games while she waited for Adam and Ryan to return. Fifteen minutes later, after making several sandwiches and putting the finishing touches on a picture perfect plate of spaghetti and meatballs, Ryan and Adam carried the multiple plates of food towards Ryan's room. When they entered through the open doorway, Adam and Ryan saw Kate playing COD online while wearing a mic.

"That's right suckers, get shot. Yes double MOAB baby!" Kate yelled into the mic, not noticing she had company.

"Told you she would find something to do." Ryan whispered to Adam, not at all surprised by Kate's new demeanor. Adam on the other hand was completely surprised by this drastic change in Kate's personality compared to her usual quiet and kind self.

"You knew she had another personality like this?" Adam asked, surprised at how much Ryan really knew about Kate.

"Of course I did, she's been over at my house before, and when she plays video games she can get a little...intense." Ryan said as both he and Adam continued to stand near the doorway while watching Kate play the video game.

"A LITTLE intense, she can't get anymore intense without cursing like a sailor." Adam nearly screamed out at how Ryan was easily taking in this scene.

"Hmm you're right, I'm surprised she hasn't started doing that yet. Last time she was here she..." Ryan began to say.

"Don't tell me please, I would like to keep some memory of the cute timid Kate I thought I knew." Adam said, quickly cutting Ryan off before he continued. While Adam and Ryan were having their secret conversation, they failed to notice that the match Kate was playing in had finished.

"Oh hey guys, the foods done already?" Kate asked after hearing voices behind her and saw that it was Adam and Ryan talking to each other while holding multiple plates of food.

"Uh...*looks at the plates of food in their hands*...yeah it is." Ryan answered, completely forgetting that he and Adam were still holding the many plates of food.

"You weren't too bored while we were gone I hope?" Adam asked after he set the plates he was holding on a nearby table in the room and then sitting down on the floor next to Kate since there was now only one chair n the room.

"Nope, luckily Ryan's collection of video games kept me busy while you two were gone." Kate answered happily.

" you didn't miss me then?" Adam asked, pretending to feel sad for Kate not missing him.

"Of course I did sweetie." Kate replied smiling, then leaning towards Adam and wrapping her arms around his neck, giving him a caring hug; much to Adam's pleasure.

"Why don't we continue this over dinner?" Ryan suggested after Kate finished hugging Adam's neck.

"Sure, what are we having?" Kate asked as she looked over at the table covered with plates of food.

"You two are going to be sharing this lovely plate of spaghetti and meatballs. While I shall be having this humble sandwich leaving you two to talk amongst yourselves." Ryan answered as he pointed out the plate of spaghetti, and then picking up his plate of food.

"If we're having the spaghetti and you're just having that sandwich, then why are there ten extra sandwiches here?" Kate asked while motioning towards the extra sandwiches.

"Oh those are the appetizers for Adam, so he doesn't eat the entire plate of spaghetti." Ryan answered as he sat down on his chair facing the tv.

"Are you really that hungry?" Kate asked, surprised that Adam would really eat that much food.

"Yeah, remember I'm a swimmer, I need a lot of calories." Adam answered hoping his excuse would sound plausible.

"Oh yeah, forgot about that. Well the food looks delicious, but where are we going to eat?" Kate asked noticing that there wasn't anything for them to sit on.

"What do you...*turns around* oh sorry I'll go find some more." Ryan said once he realized he was sitting on the only useable chair in the room, then quickly leaving the room to retrieve two chairs for the couple.

"Here we go, and as a bonus I even brought a candle to help create the mood." Ryan said, returning with two comfortable looking chairs, an unlit candle, and a lighter sticking out of his pocket.

Once the chairs were placed across from each other with the table in between them, Adam pushed in Kate's chair after she sat on it, much to her appreciation; then sitting down on his own chair. Seeing the happy couple seated and ready to begin their dinner, Ryan then placed the candle in the middle of the table and quickly lit it. As his final task in helping out the couple, Ryan quickly moved over to the light switch and turned it off; the only light in the room now coming from the candle.

"Bon appetit." Ryan said as he sat back down in his chair which was now hidden in the shadows.

Immediately Adam and Kate reached for their forks and began to eat the delicious spaghetti and meatballs, both surprised at how the flavor nearly exploded in their mouths. At first the dinner was very quiet, neither willing to start the conversation, fearing that they would say something embarrassing. Halfway through the dinner Kate couldn't hold back her curiosity any longer and had to ask a question that's been at the back of her mind since the competition at school earlier that day.

"So exactly did you make that amazing costume?" Kate calmly asked thinking it was a simple question to start things off.

"It's not that great." Adam replied, avoiding the question entirely.

"Quit being so modest, seriously how in the world did you make a costume that could do all those tricks like flying and gave you the strength to lift all those heavy things?" Kate quickly asked again, wondering why Adam didn't answer the question right away.

" was...quite complicated and..." Adam struggled to say as he thought of a good enough lie to tell Kate how he was possible to do the things he did.

"Oh my I almost forgot." Ryan quickly interrupted from the shadows.

"I never got you two drinks, what would you like Ms.?" Ryan asked after walking up to the table with a notepad in his hand, ready to write down their choices like he was a real waiter.

"Uh, um...I'll have a coke please." Kate answered, caught off guard by Ryan's interruption and question.

"Will do, and you sir, what would you like to drink?" Ryan asked after writing down Kate's choice, then turning to face Adam with his back to Kate.

"Just a sprite please." Adam answered, thankful for Ryan's momentary interruption.

"Of course." Ryan said, then bending over to lean closer to Adam's ear, disguising his action as a simple bow.

"Tell her the truth. Everything will be ok, trust me." Ryan whispered into Adam's ear knowing that he would easily hear him and Kate wouldn't.

Immediately after hearing what Ryan said, Adam's eyes opened wide in surprise at his suggestion.

'Why would he want me to tell her the truth. I don't like to lie but somethings are meant to be kept a secret.' Adam frantically thought to himself as he watched Ryan leave the room to get them their drinks.

"So what were you going to say about your costume?" She asked wondering what caused Adam to look so frightened and not even acknowledge that she was talking to him.

'I can't do this. How does he expect me to tell her my secret only a day after learning about it myself.' He thought as he looked around the room, hoping to find something that could help him get out of this situation.

"Adam? Are you ok?" She asked worriedly, seeing that he was now beginning to breath heavier than normal.

'But Ryan wouldn't joke around with something this serious, so it must be ok for her to know. I guess I should tell her then.' He finally reasoned with himself not at all hearing what she was saying to him.

"Adam!" She yelled, hoping that would get his attention.

"Huh...what's wrong?" He quickly asked after being brought out of his internal debate.

"Nothing, it's just you were breathing heavy and didn't hear anything I was saying." She replied worriedly, hoping he wasn't sick or anything.

"Oh sorry, I was just thinking of something and sort of spaced out." He remarked, trying to calm himself down and build up the will to do what he was about to do.

"It's alright, so how did you make a costume that gave you the ability to fly around in it?" She asked after remembering her unanswered question before they were interrupted.

"Well you see, there's a simple answer to that." He began to say, fighting to gain the nerve to tell her the truth.

"And that would be?" She asked, urging him to continue after seeing that he wouldn't without a little push.

"The thing is..." He started to say again after taking a deep breath.

"'s not a costume." He finally answered, ready for whatever Kate's reaction would be.