A Steamy Day at Hortonville High

Story by Atlas86 on SoFurry

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Ah~ just another one of my submissions. They're all like this, all of them. I'm the best writer here, by far and all accounts. I just don't know how to describe how awesome I am...

Yeah right, sure.

This is my entry into the Bad Fan Fiction Writing Contest. So, that explains why this is like this.


"One day Rainbow Dash walked into the Hortonville highschool locker room. She was very hot and sweaty from the awesome workout She just did. "Hmm I want to take a shower," She thought and walked to the shower room where the showers were so she could take a shower. Rainbow Dash had been here plenty of times not expecting anything to happen. Itt was just a normal locker room, and just a normal shower... or was it? Actually Rainbow Dash could never ever have been prepared for what was really in the shower room that day...."

"What a dumb story with bad grammer." Rainbow Dash said as she walked into the walkway that led to the Hortonville highschool locker room. She had just been running really very fast on the track and field track and needed to take a shower because she was sweaty.

She went into the showers room and turned on the shower letting the water run over her head and down her mane and across her back and drip into a wet puddle of water on the floor that rushed into the drain like a river going to a pancake breakfast. The water was warm and it felt nice to not be sweaty anymore. She picked up the soap in her hoof and then dropped it because she couldn't grab things without fingers.

"dam hoofes." she yelled at her hooves as if to make them change into hands so then they did and fingers came out of her hooves so she could pick up the bare of soap and rub it all over her body and under her chin and places. When she was done she put the soap back on the soap holder trey and left the shower to find a towel to dry off with. There was a towel on the towel rack that she took with her hooves that were hooves again and then dryed herself off in the middle of the room because she was alone in the room.

Just then there was a loud bang and a wormhole opened up and Ranbow Dash could see all of space and time and rainbows and then Nyan Cat came out of the dimentional rift and rainbows came out of her butt because she came out really fast.

"Rainbow Dash I need your help there are evil coolour-eating aliens taking over the rainbow dimension and only a super rainbow hero can save it so I knew that you were rainbows and awesome so I came through space using my space hole ray gun and you have to have a baby to save everyone ever!" Nyancat said. "Nyan!"

"okay" Rainbow Dash said and then she turned around and lifted her tail to Nyan Cat who she trusted completely and totally and would never lie to her ever. "But we are both girls and can't have a baby"

"It's okay I brought a penis," Nayn Cat said and then took one out of her poptart filling and put it on her forhead and then put it in Rainbow Dash.

"I am pregnant now," Rainbow Dash said and then they were done so Rainbow Dash felled on the floor with exhaustion while Nyan Cat put away the penis.

"I have to go my planet needs me but I will come back for babby in nine month." Nyan Cat said. "The baby is done now," Raunbow Dash said and held out a tiny baby poptart with a ponies head and it was all rainbow colours and didnt cry because it was strong baby ready to save whole world from evil and bankruptcy. "lets name her Matildalily okay good."

"That is a dumb name and I dont love you anymore," Nyan cat said stealing the baby form Rainbow Dash and "the baby shold be named Rashanashana because it is my mother's name who is dead."

"You're name is also stupid and wrong and we should get a divorce" Rainbow Dash yelled with angry and then drank more beer because she was drunk and a bad husband even though she was a girl.

So they went to the courthouse outside the locker room because it would be dumb to put a courthouse in a locker room because people didn't have to change cloths after court.

"Court says baby and house and pots go to Rainbow Dash and Nyan Cat is a bich and gets deported back to Rainbow Land wherever she comes from!" judge saids and banged his hammer gavill and Rainbow Dash did a dance like happy. Nyan Cat was mad though and angry and enraged and other mean words at Rainbow Dash.

"I hope you die because you are mean and I was wrong to have baby with you," Nyan Cat said and then pulled out her interdimensial hole lasergun and shot a hole through the dimension and left.

"Nobody licked you anyway" said Rainbow Dash and then they all laughed.

"Wait what is that!" judge yelled and the room of courthouse came off and evil aliens that looked like squids were at the top of sky coming down from space.

"Oh no it is the aliens!" shout Rainbow Dash up at aliens "Nyan Car was right whole time and I'm sorry that I made her angry at me."

"Rainbow Dash you have to use baby to defeat allens and save world for our childrens children's children's dogs." The judge said and took off his scroll wig and was actually the president in disguise! "You have to save the country for freedome!" yelled president in arousing speech that made Rainbowdash want to save world from aliens.

"I will go and save world for everyone!" she yelled that than grabed baby and ran up into the sky because she was a pegasus at aliens running down from space at her. Rainbow Dash looked up front and saw Rainbow Dash but evil with moustache leading the aliens. "You are evil dopplerganger and I will kill you like dead people!"

The aliens started shooting lasers and guns at rainbow dash but she was fast at running in sky and they missed. When aliens were feet away rainbow dash hit evil Rainbow Dash with baby and baby shooted light and coolers and rainbows at aliens and they dided. When light faded baby was all grown up and had three kids because she was a successful bank lady who had loving husband.

"I'm glad we saved world," she yelled in powerful strong woman voice.

So everyone in the world ever went to highschool and they had big party on track and field track and they ate food and played games and got drunk and kissed people that were strangers and Atlas86 was there because he is the coolest ever and he got all the bitches.

The End

http://www.sofurry.com/groups/view?id=2808 Ha ha~ I almost forgot to include the link to the other entries! It's almost as if I was trying to keep my readers from looking at the competition. Ha! How absurd...


*shifty eyes**shifty eyes*