How did I end up gay? Part 1 (Introduction)

Story by TheOutlawWolf on SoFurry

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#1 of How did I end up gay?

How Did I End Up Gay? Part 1 (introduction)

(Sorry if spelling errors i had little time)

Shaun Baxter, The Wolf

My name is Shaun Baxter,The Year is 2008 , I am currently 18, I am a Wolf pure breed, Born 1990 ,My Hobbies include playing baseball, Tag, the occasional fetch for a laugh and endurance runs,I have many friends and i recently moved I reside at a large community of "Saleen" or otherwise known as "The Promised Lands" I always loved it here, there was fun with my own age from 1 years till 12 years old then I wanted to move on to make a small job as a paper boy I earnt a lot of money from week to week and saved up naturally storing it in my "Life Account" I was 16 when I decided to finally move on to college, At the time I of course was living with my beloved Parents but I just had to move on, I said my goodbyes to my father, A teary sobbing farewell to my usually strong willed mother and moved on, I seeked out my local estate agent, she was a good german shepherd, Not actually from germany she was merely born here her parents I have no clue who they are or where they live, She greeted me with a smile as she turned up to my former home and I strolled along with her, I couldn't help but chuckle as her tail wagged, She knew I was going to buy one of these Hovels, I strode across a forsale sign, Well..I Banged my head on it as she shoved me onto the lawn wanting me to buy it as she made puppy dog eyes, I nodded to her and she dragged me into the soon to be home of mine and the payments were drawn, She left after with a small wave as i waved back, a 95,000 grand less better off me ,I now live in a small Bungalow, but its nice and cosy with all the trimmings of a well furnished king, Meaning of course a Tv and a seat, Heh heh, After sorting my accomidation out, I strided to my local college, I smiled seeing all the children at play along the way as i passed primary.

I turned my head abruptly as I was faced with a large white building, the birds singing in the hot crisp air, summer litterally breathing down my furry neck as I strode inside, I smiled warmly as I padded down the nice clean hall, a blue carpet with light blue walls, I turned left into the applications centre and took a paper filling it out, To make a good first impression, I was wearing a Tight black vest showing my Abs and pecks off, with a small non buttoned white shirt over it, Some jeans in mint condition given to me by my dad, and a golden small chain necklace i've always had from my grandad, A funny fellow, Very crazy for me though, My green eyes shone across the pages infront of me as i filled them out against the oak counter a female Labrador watching me all the while until I had finished, She smiled being about 20 years old wearing a small buttoned feminine shirt, and a black shirt, Looking good in my book, She took the papers and stamped them hard as "Addmitted" she filed them in the accepted and she said "You start monday, Be sure to watch out for the step on the way out" Myself unaware of the step i strode out and tripped up on the step softly bouncing into the wall outside,I gave a chuckle "Thanks for the..ow...Warning heh" She giggled and I strode off, before I left the building I bumped into a smaller but seemed to be maybe a year younger than me male, The husky blushed and said "Sorry, I wasn't, looking where I was going to" I shook my head in accoradance to the false fact, "It was my fault...uhhh" I tilted my head not knowing his name "O-oh" The husky softly jumped placing his paw out the other small arm holding the books to his chest he was fitted up with a small pink shirt, tight jeans around his waist and ankles "My name is Jacob Moon" I took his paw in mine smiling "Names' Shaun, Shaun Baxter" He blushed softly which I found odd then scampered past me "It was nice meeting you but I will miss next class" I waved to him idly and turned walking out thinking 'Who was that kid? and....why..did i like him so much?' I strolled out into the crisp summer air once again as I padded home slowly that boy on my thoughts a smirk on my face as I finally thought 'Till Monday....'