The Master Of Thieves {Ch. 1}

Story by Mezino on SoFurry

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Well, here is FINALLY the first chapter. I'm a very slow writer, as you can obviously tell. I Like to make sure I know exactly what I'm doing. If I try to just go on a whim, I tend to hit writer's block. Thank you everyone that actually looked at this, and hopefully I can get myself to write more frequently.

Chapter 1: The Arrival

{Present Day}

"Oi, wake up lad. We're almost there," the carriage driver called back. The wolf inside shifted a little, opening his eyes. How long it had been since he had thought of her? He shook his head, realizing that such thoughts were pointless, given his situation. He stretched, leaning his head back and shaking it a bit, then peered outside to see the quaint little village where his next assignment would take place.

"What did you say the name of this place was, sir?" He asked the driver, his voice coming out strong.

"You must not know a lot about this town, son!" The driver laughed heartily, giddying the horses to pick up the pace. "This is a town where people that don't want to be found call home. A place where all of your fantasies can be realized. Lad, I welcome you... to Furvahna!"

"Furvahna..." The young man repeated softly to himself, looking out at the various species walking around as the carriage ambled by at a slower pace, then slowly coming to a halt. He stepped outside, and breathed in the scent of the air. Something... smelled familiar about this place.

"Before you go lad, I was told to give this to you." The carriage driver handed the young man an envelope, before tipping his hat. "You go ahead and have a nice day, my good sir." With that said, he took off, soon becoming lost amidst the bustling town.

The young wolf looked at the envelope. It said:

To Silvos Emeraldus, Master of Thieves

Silvos pocketed the envelope, and then looked around. "Hmm.... first things first, I need to find the office."

He spotted a ladder, and scaled it quickly, taking care not to be noticed by the species below as he raced across the rooftops. His black cloak served well to conceal his presence as he tried to stay within the shadows, darting from cover to cover, trying to locate the entrance to his destination.

"The problem with these places is that they never tell you exactly how to ge- WHOA!!" He suddenly fell through a weak roof, crashing to the floor amidst rubble and support beams. "Oh... there's the way in."

"Actually, you just gave us a sunroof. Though I have to admit, it looks pretty nice..." The equine at the counter replied, helping Silvos up. "You're Silvos, aren't you? Did you get the envelope?"

Silvos nodded, and pulled it out of his pocket. "So, what's your name?"

"Glyson Elsurg. I'll be your contact for the time that you spend here. Now, open that letter, it should tell you what your target is."

Silvos tore open the envelope, and began reading. His hand was steady at first, but once he pulled out the second slip of paper, his hand began to slowly clench. He was supposed to steal a priceless amethyst necklace, but what caught his attention was the person wearing it: A cat with luscious purple fur, and indigo eyes that bore straight to his soul...
