A Tribute to those two bastards fucking around in my head: Logic and Emotion.

Story by Collie Amoras on SoFurry

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This is a visual sort of portrayal of the conflicts of my mind spawned from the wants, needs, and desires of the two parts of my mind, and the symbolic environment they inhabit. (My first published piece of work, so criticize, but do so gently please.)

I delve into the shallow waters of my thoughts, feeling their warmth and pleasure assail me in a flurry of curiosity and joy. Here is not where I stop however. Farther, farther and deeper do I plunge as the ocean grows colder amongst its depth. The once joyous thoughts grow older, more aware and wary. The thoughts, shrill and intense, sting me like ice as I submerge my head into the coast of this mighty ocean.

Far, far beneath the surface of the water I do spot the heart of my inner sanctum. Amidst the inky black grave of animistic thoughts that have grown isolated, violent, primal, and distorted by instinct, a cold maroon and purple cocoon of hatred was spun into one very large and cavernous crag. It is in this heart of my conscious mind that my greatest enemy slumbers; he who has dared to infiltrate my mind and plague it with his loathsome irk slept within my own walls, tainting the thoughts around him into a black icy icon of fear and angst.

I enter the Heart where it is dry and frigid. The air around my mouth and nostrils was visible. I stepped down what seemed like a hall of once great beauty, now coated in foot-thick layers of ice that permeated a ghastly mist. The halls were nearly endless, always leading one place or another, always lifting up my hopes before dropping them from the flights of stairs they led to.

Finally, having reached the center of the Heart, I stood before two large maroon wooden doors embedded with swirling organic designs of gold and golden studs; scarlet and violet transparent silk curtains hung down in a grandiose sweeping fashion to the sides of the doors, with handles of gleaming polished silver spouted like twin dragons from the door; jade and ivory inlays were etched into the door as well, giving this glorious gateway the presence of nobility and pride. But, o' how it was tainted by a grotesque black scar of hate and jealousy. O' how the ebony length spanned so horribly across the sign of power and beauty in a passionate display of misery, that fear spawned endlessly from the crime.

Seething with vengeance, I opened the massive doors and stepped into the spacious room. The room was just as beautiful in the past and equally molested in the present as was the door. Lying upon the shredded and blackened bed was a tall dark figure. He stood up right and jumped down from the bed. His eyes a malevolent gold; his hair hip long and straightened into a voluptuous poof of black; his ivory arms spilled down his side with one loose down and the other cocked at his hip; his arms in fingerless leather gloves that stretched up to the elbow; his torso, lean and donned in a sleeveless jacket of leather, stood out prominently in power; his strong muscular legs were placed firmly in the ground: all of these factored to the aura of growing power building like the ocean engulfing his den.

Here, he and I looked at each other for the first time. His expression stayed relatively the same, though a small scowl only I would catch would split his statuesque like features, or his eyebrows would rise in some disdaining approval of something about my appearance. We stood there, both hating the other, both coexisting in disharmony, harmoniously.

He was I, and I him.