Setting (For Hardcore Roleplay Group)

Story by VaultDescendant on SoFurry

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This Role Play takes place in the prosperous City-State of Myrdion in the year 129 BCE.

You take on the roles of citizens. Your position in society determines how NPC's will react to you and your starting equipment/statistics. To prevent everyone from being Wealthy land-owners I've limited the number of people allowed to join the higher-ranking positions of society. More information on this will be in the Character Construction Guide.

The world is full of strange and dangerous beings. Lands around Myrdion are populated with many creatures and other civilizations, most of which are hostile or look down upon the people of Myrdion. People make their name in this land by slaying monsters, discovering ancient and powerful relics, or discovering exotic new lands.

What you do in this world depends on you. Stick to the safety of the city walls or expose yourself to the abnormal magics and creatures that make the deceptively beautiful landscape inhospitable for many.