Black, finished kinda

Story by AceSkullington on SoFurry

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i wanted to continue the story i made so i did just that.

I walked down the dim dark fog ridden street as if I were in the streets of London during the 1440's where Jack the Ripper ravaged poor women. I started running and running just not stopping. The faster I ran the more I feared what was behind me, chasing me. Not looking back I could just hear the heavy footsteps of it right behind me. The faster I ran the faster it went; it felt so close it could just reach out and grab me but I just kept running. Then I heard this quiet voice like it came from the wind saying in a whisper "stop". I just froze in place and turned my head slowly around to see what I was afraid of was nothing but me, what I feared was, myself. I had to sit down and rest. I just could not believe my mind tricked me, as I asked myself why. I found the answer there in a trail of blood with a glint of silver at the end. Then like a flash I remembered the gun I put to myself. I just could not take my own life but then I slipped on something and *BANG* now I'm hear. The blood just kept flowing and I knew that I was too far from help so I just sat there in the wallow of my tears and blood.

Then came darkness, like I fell asleep but still feeling the ground, my blood, and my tears. So dark it's like a black hole just swallowed me whole. Then I see a light fading into the darkness. Maybe this is what heaven is going to be. Trying to get up I notice that the blood and tears are gone. I look around to see that there is a door in the white light. I see that a red has engulfed my shadow and continues to get closer as the door gets further away. I run, run like before, almost exactly like before, but this time I might be in real danger. Running faster but I can't catch up to the white light or the door it contains. I didn't want to see what was behind me; I feared what might be there, so I just ran like before not looking back. I hear just like before "stop." So it wasn't my mind that was playing tricks on me, slowing to a complete stop to think if that voice was the same or not. Then something grabbed me from behind and pulled me into the red, the blood like red. I know I can't get out so I just let it pull me in. I look out for a second and see that behind that red was black. Like blood was crudely painted over the abyss. I get pulled for a while, and then it stops. I hear a door open and open quickly it did. The thing threw me in the room, closes the door, and locks it. Getting up I see that this room is completely white with these bright lights coming from the ceiling, so bright you could say that it was the sun itself. Looking down at where I was thrown I see a yellow note that said

You've made the right choice; now sit down in the chair.

Looking around I don't see a chair just a floor, four walls, and lights. I look back down and see that the floor is spreading apart with a chair coming out of the floor. It's a light brown and looks like a barber's chair. Once it comes up I notice another note right on the head of the chair. The note simply says

Please sit down.

I rip the note off the chair and take a seat in the soft chair and wait for something. I don't know what but I'll just wait. The door opens slowly and a little man comes in, wearing a white lab coat with a couple stains that were red. As expected I'm probably in hell right now so what happens to me doesn't really matter. Then the man starts to speak but stops before saying anything like he is choosing his words.

"You're safe right now, you've made the right choice" what is he saying, I've made the right choice.

"Who are you, and why is this, the right choice. Shouldn't I be in hell right now getting whipped or something? " I was so confused.

"Sir you're not dead, you're in a hospital getting treated for a gun shoot." I look around again and I'm now in a bed, the man's lab coat turned cleaner with a name tag on it that said Dr. Ryn.

"Where am I right now?" "You're in the ER. You shoot yourself in the stomach. You should have died in a few minutes but you got dragged hear by a homeless man, he somehow managed to cover your wounds and carry you in a cart for about half a mile." His voice was fluxuating throughout his speaking like he was a deep voiced man then to a small child and back.

"Dr. Ryn what's with your voice?" I am still confused with what was happening.

"What do you mean? Are you hearing things?" Now his coat changed back to that lab coat he had on. Then his face changed to a dark red and horns started to grow slowly out of his hair. "What are you? Get away. Get out of here!" I swing my fist at it. I get up and start to run out of the room, but I see some big red people with swords so I ran back in. Looking for a way out I only see one, the window. I sprint out the window... then I feel myself flying through the wind like I could soar the whole sky. This must be how birds feel. After what felt like a minute I could feel gravity pulling on me "Oh, god." Then into that darkness the same darkness I felt that first time. I close my eyes to think of what to do, and open them up again then. I was back to that dark fog ridden, cold street. I'm crying, why is that. I look down, and there is where I started. I just gave up and waited for me to gush out and die.