Fateful Happenstance: Chapter 2

Story by Jacko Hyena on SoFurry

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#2 of Fateful Happenstance

Sorry for the late update. Here's the next chapter of the series. :)

"Hey Kager. You paying attention?"

The curious question broke into my thoughts, and with an abashed grin, I turned towards Fahrin. My ears folded down in embarrassment as I gave the black wolf a meek look.

"Sorry," I murmured. "I got distracted."

Fahrin chuckled and went back to work. I could only wish I had the slightest clue of what he was doing. If only God granted me a brain that could comprehend science, then I wouldn't have felt so damn useless the entire time. Not that I was mentally lacking, not by a long shot. One could say that I'm pretty much the 'non-football player' football player that the world has been waiting decades for.

Of all the athlete stereotypes, I had proven almost every single one wrong. Unlike Noah, I actually had gray matter locked up inside my skull. It may not comprehend science, but tell me to analyze the thematic elements in The Count of Monte Cristo, and I'd be on a ten-minute rant. It didn't mean that I was planning to be a devout English major any time soon though. I just simply loved literature. Hell, math was just as fun. But science, the bane of my existence, was the blemish on my list of accomplishments. As soon as the periodic table was handed out, my fingers would course through the paper as though it were written in Braille.

I could probably blame my short attention span on this one however. To be honest, the lab wasn't all that hard to understand, just add a few chemicals and watch the sparks fly. It was more my inability to focus than my incompetence to do work. My mind would get easily distracted by a movement as simple as a flying mosquito, and before I knew it, the wrong chemical was in my paws and mixing with its highly reactive partner.

I sighed heavily. Maybe I just wasn't cut out for this class.

"Stop it."

Fahrin's voice interrupted my tiny pity-party, and I jerked up in my chair in surprise. I gave a mock glare at him. Smiling innocently, he gestured back to the lab experiment, and I groaned. My train of thought took another wrong turn once again. Angrily, I stared back at the chemicals on the table once more. Why did it seem like I was the only one who couldn't pay attention? Restrif did it perfectly fine--he practically looked forward to the class--but what about me? It seemed like everyone was having a fucking good time doing this stupid class.

Why can't you be more like your brother?

My tail swished back and forth irritably, the thought of just leaving the classroom gaining even more charm. Well, yeah, I loved my brother, but there were moments, so few that I could have counted them off in my head, that I just wanted him to disappear. My parents compared me with him everyday, and it was never in my favor. I mean, how could I? Restrif was just, well, Restrif. I chuckled halfheartedly, allowing the bitterness to seep from my mind. It's weird really; there's always been a dark side to me, a self-destructive alter ego that would rear its furry face every now and then. Yet, I've never tried to suppress it. Only God knows what would happen if I kept the anger stored away with my subconscious. Maybe go psychotic, set the school on fire? Neither idea seemed particularly appealing, so I took the alternative. I let my inner evil rage and burn out on its own. My thoughts produced one blame after the other, an endless barrage without reason, gunfire without a gun.

He's always studying. Why aren't you?

_ _

You'll never make it to college at this rate. Just look at what your brother did.

_ _

*sigh* You're just a failure.

That last one hurt me so much that I avoided talking with anyone for days. The isolated world that I made for myself, my four-walled room, felt more like a prison than a home. But it protected me from the hurt, from the pain that I was never good enough for my parents. After all, who likes being a failure? I never let those words go, and that fueled endless nights of crying, of screaming, of yelling. It hurt so much, but at the same time, I hated myself for feeling so weak. So vulnerable. I was fucking twelve when that happened.

Sure, I was seventeen now. I should have grown out of such childish displays, and I have. Or at least I think so. I know that somewhere inside me, the fear in my heart wanted to run free from its cage, a crumbling wall that I could only manage for so long. Which is why I decided to play football. I never thought I would have performed as well as I did. And actually, I was glad. Out in the field, where the scent of sweat and turf filled the senses and the cheering of fans echoed from the stadium, I didn't have to think about any expectations. I didn't have to be reminded that Restrif was far smarter than me in comparison. All that mattered was the elliptical ball that soared through the air and landed in my paws.

But look where that got me. More expectations. Just this time, they weren't from my parents; they were from my friends. When I got onto the team, my football buddies couldn't have been more excited. Even my parents lay off my back for a while. For a short time, life had gotten better. My depression was slowed to just a dull ache once every blue moon, and finally, I felt like I could maintain control over my life.

At some point, I remember hearing an aphorism of some sort that the good things in life never last. My happiness wasn't an exception. I soon found out about the kind of furs my new 'friends' were, and I wasn't quite sure I wanted to jump in the same boat.

Go after her dude. Get a couple of drinks and get laid. What could be better than that?

_ _

Step up the game, Kager. We're football players! You fucking sucked out there.

_ _

Huh, them? They're nobodies, just gay-ass homos. C'mon Kager, sit with us.

I was no saint back then, and I sure as hell am not now. As funny as it sounds, I actually threw my old life down the drain to accommodate the new life that my football team offered me. I made so many mistakes during those few months, a stockpile of regret that bothers me even today. My grades had slipped far below passing, and I received my first taste of booze at sixteen. Thinking in retrospect, I should have been concerned that my parents never reprimanded me, never punished me for the delinquent act that I was trying to pull. I know now that I was just really good at hiding it.

It seemed as though that the only one who wanted me to stop was Restrif. My brother would notice the empty beer bottles collecting in piles beneath my bed, the subtle moments of inebriation that I let slip from my speech, and the occasional failing grade that I forgot to hide the previous night. He was the only one that wanted me back to normal, and even now, I laugh at the irony. The sole individual that loved me enough to care was the main reason that I put myself in that hellish lifestyle.

It was the day of my birthday that I made my worst mistake, the greatest regret in my life that will never be erased from my memories. As much as Restrif smiles, I know that he still hurts inside, and I'll never forgive myself for what I did to him, how much I hurt him. I could have blamed the alcohol; even a slip of the paw would have been believable.

But I couldn't. Not when I saw the pain on his lips or the blood pooling around his head. I was so scared that I froze up. Sometimes I think, just maybe, if I hadn't hesitated, the doctors could have helped him, fixed him properly. It was illogical, I know, but still, every time I look at him, I'm reminded of my crime. My sin. My guilt.

I hit him, my own brother.

I took my anger out on him, and his body still has the mark to prove it.

No matter what my brother does, vitamin supplements, strenuous exercise, hormone therapy, he will never grow in height. And I know why. I'm the cause of it. Although his short height was already genetically predetermined, Restrif could have taken medicinal steroids, biological enhancements, anything really. Technology was so advanced in this current day and age that only wealth became a limiting factor. Money that we didn't have.

Although the wolf never told me, I knew Restrif had a reason for studying so much, a driving force that compelled him to achieve the impossible in a short period of time. He hated the odd looks people gave him, the derisive stares that regarded him simply as a child. He wanted to earn the money on his own, to gain the opportunity to be with the 'giants' of his generation. If only I had known before, I could have stopped myself, cleared my mind and let my anger out fizzle to a stop.

It was my anger that blinded me from the light in my life, my anger that clouded my judgment the day of my birthday, and it was my anger that made me push Restrif down the stairs after an argument. I remember each moment that day as though it were a movie I had replayed for the thousandth time. It wouldn't be that far from the truth either. My nightmares made me relive those few minutes every night, and I could assume that my brother's nightmares aren't the 'monsters' he insists they are. If there were any monsters plaguing his dreams, then I fit the description perfectly, the cruel demon that pushed him and watched as he rolled down the wooden steps.

I know that it would have been impossible to hear, but dreams make everything seem so enhanced, so vivid. I could hear the screams of agony from my younger brother, the sound of his small body hitting the marble floor, and the crack of his spine against the final step of the stairs. One of the vertebrae in his spine had snapped in two, like my heart as I gazed helplessly at the paws that changed both his and my life forever.

All because he was criticizing me for the shit that I did to myself on my birthday.

The doctors tried their hardest to fix the broken bone, but it was all for naught. As I stared at the unconscious body of my younger brother, I never felt so cold or so alone. I had loved him more than I ever thought I did, and the frightening thought that I could have lost him that very night wakes me up in cold sweat when the memories slip through the guard I placed on my subconscious.

The surgeons were able to replace the vertebra with a synthetic one, a titanium semi-rigid plate with screws. However, my little brother would be permanently stuck at his current height for the rest of his life. My parents and I agreed for the surgical implantation, and the orthopedic surgeons got to work immediately.

When Restrif awoke, I couldn't remember being so happy in my life. The accident thankfully did not interfere with his mental capability, although the doctors said that he would be experiencing minor headaches from then on. I remember the promise I made to the wolf the minute after he awoke from his surgery, the tears still running down my cheeks.

R-Restrif... I'm so sorry. I promise I'll never be angry with you ever again. I love you so much...

He smiled softly and flexed a finger toward himself. I leaned closer, his panting breaths tickling the inner surface of my ear.

I know. I forgive you. Kager, I... I love you too.

I quit football after that. That damn sport was the reason why I couldn't stare at my brother without a pang of guilt surging through my system. The school tried to convince me otherwise; they were going to lose the quarterback that brought them to fame and honestly, I felt terrible about it. My parents didn't let up on me either. As if the pain of knowing that I permanently injured Rez for life wasn't enough, they rubbed salt in the wound by reminding me every morning before school. We've never had so many tears wet the tablecloth in years. Restrif managed to convince mom and dad to leave me alone, and for that, I was grateful. But for me, the ache still didn't end. I literally crushed my brother's dreams into the dust with a single push, and people expected me to feel better about myself? It was Rez, ironically, who convinced me to seek football once more. My brother noticed how depressed I was around the house, and after his constant nagging, I reluctantly joined the football team once again. Some of the players welcomed me back, and those were the ones that became long-standing members of my friendship circle. The others, however, could give a fuck about my return. 'Once a deserter, always a deserter.' I was glad I listened to Rez this time though. Despite how much I spited the sport, I truly missed the feel of the football in my heads and my feet as it treaded the open field. I learned to love it as I did before, but this time, Restrif was the priority over everything else. Mandatory practice or not, if my little bro wanted me to hang out with him, then sorry Coach but my brother was way more important.

Socially speaking, I fell far below normal standards. My friend count gradually dwindled to just four, but it was then that I realized that I wanted to be different, that I wasn't going to be part of the 'crowd' because that's how high school life was. Hurting Restrif once was enough.

And now here I was, blaming my brother once more for my frustration in a chemistry experiment. Just what was I thinking, pairing up with Fahrin of all people. An almost mirror image of what my brother could have looked like if I hadn't damaged his spine.

"You know, when you're in deep thought about something, your face scrunches up as if you're angry."

My head tilted to the left slightly, a confused expression on my face. "What do you mean?"

"No use denying it," Fahrin said, his gaze still turned away from mine. "Let me guess. You were thinking about how much you hated chemistry." I rolled my eyes and opened my mouth to answer in the negative when he silenced me with a finger. It grazed my lips slightly, and I couldn't help but feel slightly unnerved by the close contact.

"Let me finish," he continued. Despite the deep concentration suggested by his tone of voice, his paws were still drifting from one glass tube to the next in an effortless fashion, the mark of a true professional. I watched, bewildered, until he spoke once again. "You were contemplating over your hatred for this subject, and that hatred slowly turned into anger."

He closed his eyes, probably to make some quick deduction in his mind, before he took the flask labeled 'COPPER SULFATE' and added to his mystery solution. "Now, I can only speculate from here on out," he said, swirling the contents in his beaker in a circular motion. Gradually, the liquid shifted from a murky, semi-translucent appearance to a brilliant emerald green.

The color of Fahrin's eyes.

He set the beaker down and grabbed me by the paw. Panicking, I looked around the room, a blush forming on my cheeks. Was anyone staring at me? A quick confirmation made it clear that there was not. The slight paranoia that someone's eyes were still on me never quite vanished, lingering like an afterthought after enjoying tea in the afternoon.

He gave me a serious look, the cheerfulness in his eyes long gone. "You were angry at first," Fahrin muttered, his voice just barely above the volume of the class, but I could hear him all the same. He continued, "but suddenly, you looked so sad. You looked so alone, almost as though..." Fahrin stopped, his next few words catching in his throat.

"'As though' what?" I asked. I didn't notice, but my paws were shaking.

Please don't ask. Please don't ask me what I was thinking.

Maybe it was simple speculation on my part or the innocent look on the wolf's face, but I just knew that I could never lie to him. I was a terrible liar, and from the short discussions we've had since the beginning of class, I could tell that a quick brush over the truth wouldn't fool Fahrin. Sure, he had a serious expression now. Typical, really. Yet, if I lied to him, he'd lose all the trust that he had invested in me, as though a silent promise had existed between the two of us. I never thought it would pain me so much, but the mere thought of breaking that bond with Fahrin was so horrid, so terribly despicable, that I wanted to rip the idea from my brain.

How do you do this to me Fahrin?

But if I did tell him the truth, I would be breaking a different promise. A promise with the person I swore never to hurt ever again, a pledge of secrecy that not even the greatest amount of torture could wry it from my lips. And now, with a simple question, Fahrin was going to make me hurt Restrif once again.

"I know what you're going to ask," I whispered softly, my voice wavering as I tried to ignore the feelings of shame that ransacked my body. "But please don't make me answer."

He stared at me, his muzzle tilted in slight confusion.

"B-but... I thought you..."

I shook my head, offering a soft smile instead. "I'll tell you when I'm ready, okay?" Despite how that sounded, I really did plan on telling on Fahrin. Maybe when Rez gave the okay, but even if my brother was in full support of the idea, I still didn't think I had the courage to reopen the mental wounds. Taking a quick glance to my chemistry partner, I could see the frown on his expression but not entirely out of irritation, as though he agreed with me, albeit reluctantly.

The wolf sighed, his ears folding down towards his head in a bashful look. "Sorry..." he whispered, his cheeks turning a pink tinge. My heart lurched up to my throat, and I couldn't help but adore the blush on Fahrin's cheeks. Something about that shy nature of his reminded me of my brother. I took his paw in mine and chuckled when he yelped in surprise. Grinning at him, I gestured to the chemicals in front of us. He nodded, releasing his paw from my grasp, but not before giving it a tight squeeze in a silent movement of thanks.

"How cute," my subconscious commented.

I groaned. "Oh shut up."


Great. My mind was getting me in trouble again. "Nothing, Fahrin!" I answered.


"You sure you're okay?" he said, looking at me strangely.

I nodded. "Yeah, I'm fine. My mental sanity could do better though," I muttered. My slow descent into madness was recently becoming a recurrent topic.

"Chemistry bothers you that much, huh?"

I laughed nervously. "A bit."

Fahrin just smiled. "That's okay. Just tell me when you need help, okay?" Fahrin's gentle tone sent shivers down my spine, as I groaned softly. I resisted the urge to hit myself over the head with my chemistry book.

"Nah. Don't worry about it. I'm just... " My stomach already wanted to hurl itself off the tallest cliff it could find. How could a kid make me that nervous?

"Easily distracted?" the wolf finished. "I noticed."

Those weren't the words I was thinking of, but they might as well have been. I nodded slightly. Fahrin chuckled. "We should meet outside of class," he suggested. "I could help you if you want, and we'd have much more time then."

Of course, my subconscious leapt with joy at the suggestion, pleading me to scream 'hell yeah!' However, being the more rational and less... cock-minded one, I took a few seconds pause. It'd be nice to show the kid around the school campus. Fahrin was a new student here, after all. And, it'd even be a good enough reason to get out of lunch with Noah.

"Sure, why not?" I answered with one of my characteristic grins. Pointing my thumb to my chest, I gave the small wolf a wink. "I wouldn't mind."

Did I just flirt with him?

Fahrin blushed and tried to his face beneath his hoodie as he continued mixing one liquid with another. I must have short-circuited his brain for a bit, because after a while, I heard him curse to himself.

"Shit, I forgot what I just added," he growled. The wolf began furiously scanning his lab documents in a mild panic attack. I felt kind of pathetic that I was just sitting there without helping him, but with my knowledge of the subject, I would probably end up igniting the whole classroom in a fiery conflagration. That didn't stop me from trying though.

"I think you put this in last," I said, pointing to a flask containing some kind of purple fluid. My lab partner gave me a confused look, before shrugging his shoulders and inspecting the liquid in his glass. I think I was sweating more than normal, because my eyes were stinging with salt.

Fahrin hummed in approval. "That makes sense. Thanks Kager!"

I sighed in relief. Hoping that maybe Fahrin wasn't simply just making a mistake, I watched as he continued recording his observations. I was seriously going to fail this class for the second time this year. Only twenty minutes of the class had gone by and the kid was already on his fifth page of notes. Were the sons of reverends always this smart...? Maybe God gave them the answers when they asked for it. But hey, that would be cheating.

I wish I had supernatural forces helping me on my chemistry quizzes. It would be so useful on many occasions. Like now, while I stared at my nearly completed Calculus homework when I should have been helping Kager with chemistry. Four problems seemed small enough, but with a teacher like Mr. Torahiko, who turned Algebra into something like AP Physics, it was as if the Asian tiger had a change of heart. But now that I was finishing up the last problem, I wanted to snap my pencil in half out of frustration. I wondered if being next to the reverend's son changed my placement in God's divine judgment. Hopefully enough to help me with my math?

"Oh God, what is thou answer to number four on thy homework?"

_ _


Yeah, I didn't think it'd work either.

"What are you doing?"

I shrugged, opening my eyes to face Fahrin. "Trying to communicate with God. Even He thinks the question on my Calculus homework is unanswerable."

The black wolf giggled, organizing his ten pages of notes in his paws. "I tried that once on my English exam last year." I gave him a curious look, and he chuckled to himself softly. "I thought that maybe because my father runs the church, He'd help me out a little."

"And did it work?" I asked, greatly intrigued.

"Yeah," Fahrin smirked. I stared at him with shock, my mouth hanging wide open in amazement.



The excitement building up in my chest deflated. "Not cool, dude. I was getting really worked up too," I whined.

"I'm sorry to disappoint you," the wolf laughed. "But the sons of reverends don't get any special treatment."

I saw his lips move, but the words flew right over my head. His laugh. Forget painkillers. Fahrin's laughter was an addiction that I could get used to. It was the gentle trickle of a flowing river, the soothing ballad of flitting hummingbirds, the artworks of Picasso in musical form... It was stunning.

"Y-Yeah. T-Too bad," I stuttered.

The ebony-furred lupine frowned, his eyebrows creasing in a skeptical manner. "Are you sure you're okay?" He brought his muzzle closer to mine, a mere three inches separating the two. "You look kind of tired."

I could smell his scent, the aroma of freshly baked bread and early morning dew. It was probably from working with his father in the church so often. The scent attacked my nose in waves, and I could feel my heart pounding at the close distance between our lips. God, is this what Restrif feels when he's with Kyel? The thrashing in my chest was painful but exciting at the same time. Only our light breathing and the gentle rise and fall of our chests could be heard echoing in the forming darkness. Everything seemed to blur. The classroom, the desks, the students, even the teacher. Everything except for him.

I pulled away... I just couldn't. We were both male, a fact that, no matter how far I twisted it, would remain the same. Yet, that scent, that delicious but completely masculine smell. It made me want to draw towards him once more and not move back. I whimpered softly as I willed my body to move away.


_ _

"Not now," I muttered. Covering my face with my paws, I tried to hide the embarrassment showing on my cheeks. "I... I can't be..."

"Fine then," my subconscious snarled. "Deny your feelings. See how I care. You're only making it worse for yourself."

Easy for him to say. He wasn't the one going through a sexuality crisis.

Fahrin had some expectant look in his eyes, as though he were waiting. Waiting for what? The husky in my head was rushing me to make a decision, while I was quickly going into a panic. Emotions blurred my judgment, and nothing made sense anymore. My rationale was fading, and from the foggy depths, only a single thought stood out from the gloom.

Don't hesitate. Just act.

My body moved on its own, my muzzle turning slightly to the side and gently bending down towards the small wolf. All to the steady metronome of our beating hearts. Maybe I was imagining it, but I thought I saw Fahrin leaning forwards to meet my lips. Each second felt like an eternity as I reached out to grab Fahrin's paw softly. Closer... My mind turned blank, my cheeks heating up, as I could feel my wolf's breath ghost over my face teasingly.

I moaned. Oh God, please don't let this stop. Fahrin gave me an encouraging gaze, a devious twinkle in his eyes. I shuddered at what the wolf could possibly be thinking about. The moment I saw that mischievous glint I knew that the feelings were mutual, that I wasn't a part of a one-sided experience. I don't know how it started, but as our lips progressed even further, all the doubt in my mind was erased.

There were no boundaries, no consequences; just pure emotion and... love? The line between love and lust is a thick margin but the two are still easily confused. Sure, I could blame it on the fact that I didn't paw off this morning, but I knew there was something there. A spark of sentiment. Whether it was entirely sexual or of a more amorous nature, only time would tell.

My mind gradually blurred, and all thoughts were banished to the void. It was only Fahrin now. Our lips were just a centimeter apart, a mere distance away. I could feel the nervousness filling my chest, my palms sweating. I rubbed the top of his paw gently and heard a cute whine spill out from his muzzle. He clutched my paw tightly and could feel his building anxiety. He wasn't the only one.

My paw slipped from his paw to wrap around his waist, chuckling when I heard a slight yelp. The warmth in my paws, so distinctly male, so completely Fahrin, I could never have felt this with a woman. The black wolf's eyes glazed over as his lips parted gently, and slowly, I moved forward to close the gap. Mine.

Just one more second. Just a second before we...


The two of us jerked away from each other, our moment interrupted suddenly by the bell. "Shit," I cursed. The rustle of backpacks filled the room as students began filing out of the classroom one by one. If anyone saw us, they made no indication, as no one stopped by our desks on the way out. But that was the least of my worries. I sat back in my chair, trying to ease the pain in my head, and stared at the ceiling. Rationality had returned, but the signs were still there. The wetness of my paws and the light shivering of my arms.

Was I... Was I about to kiss him?

The room was spinning, and staring at the ceiling only succeeded it making me more nauseous. I looked at the back of the class and swallowed deeply; a familiar fox stared back at me with a 'what the hell' kind of look. When did Noah come back? More importantly, what did he see? He mouthed the words, 'we need to talk,' and I groaned. Noah was going to have a ball with this one...

I-I can't be gay, especially not for Fahrin.

We both made a mistake. It just had to be. Yet, I could still smell Fahrin's scent on me, and the effects of my arousal still hadn't dissipated. Did that mean I was a tailraiser?

"Calm down, it was only a ki--"

_ _

"Shut up!" I growled. "I don't need your crap right now!"

I was really pissed right now, and he just didn't seem to get a clue. My subconscious whimpered, before sinking back into the shadows of my mind. Good, I couldn't afford another nuisance at the moment. Already, the same mantra was repeating in my head, I was on the football team, and he works for the Christian church. There's no fucking way that the two of us could be homo. It's just not right. Not right at all...

I'm just hoping that Noah will agree with me too.

Shifting awkwardly in my seat, I turned to my chemistry lab partner. I saw the confused look in his eyes, those curious spheres shining in... regret? Maybe I wasn't the only one who didn't know what just happened. It just couldn't be; nothing more than that.

"I... I'll see you later Kager," the wolf whispered, and before I could respond, Fahrin had grabbed his backpack and left the room. The blue hooded jacket disappeared around the corner along with a furry black tail. He was gone.

I stared at the empty chair in front of me, where the lupine I was about to kiss had once sat. His laughter, his smile, his lips... I couldn't get them out of my head. Dammit. I need to talk to Rez about this; my little bro always knew what to do. Collecting my books and slinging my backpack over my shoulder, I prepared to leave the classroom. Before I could get out the door, however, my eyes caught one of the posters on the wall. Not because of the topic, but by how incredibly awful the paper looked.

'Any goal is possible if we have the courage to pursue it. Join the GSA club today and take one step closer to a united world!'

_ _

I could barely read out the words amidst the glitter. Honestly. It was as if the mother of all hells went glitter-mad and detonated thousands of sparkle bombs on a paper the size of my computer monitor. What's the point of making a poster that required almost perfect vision to decipher? Still, I couldn't help but feel like God was taunting me with this poster. Was he trying to insinuate something?

"Looking at the Gay-Straight Alliance advertisement, huh?"

"What?" I turned around to see Noah tapping his foot impatiently. "Oh, it's just you, Noah."

"'Oh, it's just you, Noah,'" he mocked. "Dude, what the hell just happened?" He gave me a peering look, but not angrily. I didn't give a damn. All I wanted to do was go back home and sleep.

"Nothing, man," I shrugged. "I probably just failed chemistry for the second time this year." I wasn't in the mood to deal with Noah at the moment, but as I moved around him, he spun me around and glared deep into my eyes.

He didn't look very happy anymore.

"Don't give me that shit!" he growled. "You were about to fucking kiss the reverend's son!"

The way Noah was glaring at me with such intensity... I knew it. He was homophobic just like the rest of the athletic department. Except for Kyel anyway.

The fox raised his paw, and I stared at him straight on. I wasn't scared of him, never have been. There was no way I was gay, and I wouldn't go all soft because Noah (and I?) had doubts. He brought his clenched fist downwards to my face, and I flinched a little. What do you expect? The guy was packed with muscle.

A firm hand grasped my shoulder... to my utter confusion. What happened to the gay bashing? I stared at the paw that held a comforting grip on my shirt collar and eventually back to the paw's owner. His face was still stern, as if judging my expression.

His momentary frown turned into a joyous smile. Wow, bipolar much?

"It makes so much sense now! That's why you reject all my offers to get you a date. You're gay!"

I groaned. The world is conspiring against me. "Not so loud..." I muttered, brushing his paw off of me, but the vulpine only widened his grin.

"So it's true!"

"What are you talking about?" I asked, feigning innocence.

"The rumor that you're gay! It really is true! You have a crush on the new kid," Noah answered, his teeth gleaming like the brilliant rays of the sun. "I thought the gossip group had gotten it wrong, but damn, they're pretty accurate."

"Yeah. Especially about your tentacle fetish," my subconscious added.

I couldn't help but agree with my mind for a second there. How the hell do they find out these things? Maybe they could contact the gods. That would be so unfair.

"Sorry to disappoint you, but I'm still straight. The gossip group couldn't have been further from the truth." Sidestepping around the muscled fox, I continued on to my next class. "I'm not some fairy, and I don't give a fuck about Fahrin. Screw the reverend's son."

Satisfied with this response and Noah's shocked face, I felt my day grow increasingly brighter. As I walked out of the classroom, I failed to notice the pair of glowing green eyes looking at me as I rounded the corner.

Beautiful green eyes that welled up in tears.


"Hey Rez," I said, winking to my little bro. "And who's this?" Restrif giggled and tugged a slightly taller German shepherd to his side. He had chocolate brown fur, a common color for his species, interspersed with areas of black. The canine had a noticeable amount of muscle tone, a product of soccer practice every week after school.

"C'mon, Kyel. It's rude not to say hi," my little brother urged. He grabbed the sheppie's paw and gave a comforting squeeze.

Kyel stared bashfully to the side, his eyes looking at their interlocked fingers. His blush was clearly visible beneath his furry pelt. "H-Hi, Kager."

I rolled my eyes.

"Dude, I'm not going to eat you," I said, giving an encouraging smile. "You're our school's soccer team captain, right?"

Kyel flinched at my grin and hid behind my younger brother slightly. I'm guessing Rez likes the shy type...? Kind of strange for the captain of a sports team, though.

The silence that ensued afterwards made it awkward pretty fast. My head was too busy pestering me to make a good impression on my brother's boyfriend. It's not like I wasn't trying, but since smiling was off limits, the kid wasn't exactly giving me much to work with. I decided to break the silence with a question that, honestly, I really wanted to ask.

"So... I hear you're dating my younger brother. Is it true?"

Kyel responded with an even more frightened face and cowered further behind Restrif's body. I suddenly felt the urge to punch myself in the balls. I spared a glance at my brother and he was probably reading my mind. His head was nodding slowly, a harsh glare in his eyes.

As I stood there wondering how to comfort the lupine without scaring him, I felt as compassionate as a brick. How the hell did psychologists make this look easy?

"C'mon, Kyel. Don't worry about it. My big bro's cool with us being together." He stared at me fiercely. "Right?" Not wanting to face the wrath that was Rez, I nodded quickly up and down. I think I owed him for the lamp incident, as well.

"He is...?" Kyel whispered.

I scratched the back of my head nervously. "I'm perfectly fine with it." Like most people, I would have ended it there. But my devious side couldn't resist torturing my brother further. "Just as long as when you come over, you do it on my little brother and not on the couch."

I snickered softly when I saw Restrif's shocked expression and red cheeks. Yet, I was more surprised when my gaze turned towards his lover.

Kyel's faint smile transformed into an assertive smirk, a sharp fang glinting in the sunlight. He brought a paw to wrap around my brother's waist to bring him closer to his body. Restrif yelped, which slowly became a moan as he nuzzled deeper into his boyfriend's chest.

"Heh. I'll make sure you're watching then." Lowering his muzzle, Kyel brought his lips to the smaller wolf, who gasped at having his mouth roughly invaded. Rez squirmed in pleasure at having his mouth dominated, Kyel's pink tongue exploring every crevice of my brother's mouth.

"That is so sexy..."

_ _

I swear, the only thing worse than being turned on by your brother having tongue action with one of the best athletes at our school was the irritating commentary that my mind brought along with it.

The two's eyes were closed as they moaned in each other mouth. As much as I would love for them to continue, my patience could only last so long. I cleared my throat and tapped my foot repeatedly. "C'mon, guys. I have a chemistry grade worth saving." To my misfortune, the pair of boyfriends didn't seem like they heard a single word.

Did Restrif's paw just slip into Kyel's pants?

"R-Rez... That feels good..."

Ah fuck. We were in the damn student's parking lot. Couldn't Restrif paw his boyfriend somewhere else? Like in a bathroom or something? Although... the way that Kyel started whimpering in pleasure proved one point.

They were total bottoms.

As enlightening as finding that out was, I still needed to get their asses in the car without having wolf or dog cum all over me. My subconscious murmured an idea to me silently, and I had to thank God that the figurative husky in my head can actually think with his brain sometimes.

"Look, it's the varsity soccer team!"

The two jumped away from each other, their heads reeling in shock, only to meet my the conniving expression on my face.

"Not cool," they whined. I rolled my eyes, but I had to admit. Those two really were cute together.

Ushering my brother and his recent boyfriend into the car, I fired up the engine and sped back home. When I made it onto the highway leading close to our subdivision, I took a deep breath.

There was just too much drama in the air.