Nesu and the Sky Pirates Chapter 2 "The Sky Reaper"

Story by Brawler101 on SoFurry

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Part 2

Chapter 2

"Aboard the Sky Reaper"

It was a beautiful morning in the town of St. Augustine, the run shined in the crystal clear water that surrounded half of the town. It was ten o'clock and may people had already left for work. Most people didn't make much money but they got by with what they had, however the pride of the town was the Rascow family. Not only where they extremely wealthy, but they were also one of the lead suppliers of exported goods, from materials to foods, they worked their hardest to supply a good life for themselves. The man in charge was named Charles Rascow, he inherited his fathers business once he passed away and with his beautiful wife Sheral, he had all the confidence he needed to make sure he provide a good life not only for them but for their daughter Lucy.

Lucy, almost twenty years old and was drop dead gorgeous. Her blonde hair that she had tied back, it looked just as beautiful as her mothers and her body was definitely showing signs of aging, not a teenager anymore she was now looking like a grown woman. Something troubled her though, even with all the money and everyone treating her like a princess, that wasn't what she wanted. Since she was a little girl she had dreamed of going on adventures. She wanted to travel to different towns and cities and meet new people. It wasn't expected of her to be like that though so she kept it hidden away. Unknowing to her and her family though her dream was about to become a reality.

The streets were crowded with people practicing magic outside of shops. Since the sun was up and shining it was a perfect day to go shopping for supplies. Her mother and father were away for the week, they were put in charge of delivering rare fruits over across the sea to the next country and they wouldn't be back for a week or two max. It was times like these that Lucy was happy about, when her parents weren't around to smother her.

After she gathered of some vegetables and fruits from a local stand she was on her way home when she saw her favorite shop, the Macksteel Charm Shop. Instead of learning water magic or earth magic she took great interest in light magic. Not only she interested in it but she also practiced using it. She wasn't as skilled as other witches and wizards were but she figured she could defend herself. As she entered the shop she heard the shop owner, Tony Macksteel, calling out for her.

"It's good to see you, I haven't seen you around here in weeks. I guess that father of yours kept you in his sight after last weeks little incident at the docks?"

"Unfortunately, personally I really wish he would lay off on watching me. I was just practicing magic like everyone does." she argued.

"Well you did set the market on fire. Oh that reminds me, we have some new charms in that you might be interested in today."

He reached below the counter and pulled out a small wooden box. As he opened it she could see the glimmer of what looked like rings. She was right, there were six of them, each a different color.

"These are magic amplifiers. The color corresponds with the element of which you want to use it on. Since your more interested in the magic if light I would suggest this one." he said as he picked up the ring with the silver jewel in the middle.

She was about to reach for it when something came to mind.

"So, how much are they a piece?"

"Well, each is about a thousand gold a piece, but since you're a special customer I could sell it to you for say five hundred." he replied with his normal happy grin.

Only five hundred gold? For her that wasn't that much. She pulled out her coin purse and dropped five one hundred gold pieces onto the counter. Maybe it would help her get stronger.


She put a smile on for him as she slipped the ring onto her finger. It sure was beautiful. The silver jewel shined in the lights in the store as she moved her hand.

"Thank you, I'll take real good care of it." she replied with a bow of gratitude.

That an in interesting purchase, maybe now her magic would go out of whack when she tried using it. As she stepped out of the shop she noticed something that wasn't there before, a ship. It wasn't just any ship though, when she looked up she saw a flag resting at the top that looked like a sun symbol. No other ships had flag except for pirate ship. She wondered where they kept all their treasure and all their supplies. Under the deck so assumed but now she could find out what the inside of a pirate ship really did look like. Still it was dangerous, what if some where still aboard. If she was real quick about it maybe they wouldn't have known she was there.

She looked behind her and to her sides before she started walking up the board walk that lead to the deck. As she walked up the large plank she saw a name painted on the side, the "Sky Reaper". Huh, a pretty cool name for a ship she admitted to herself as she climbed the rest of the way. When she stood on the deck she saw just how big the ship actually was. There was so much room up top. Canons lined the sides just as she suspected. Just as she opened one of the doors she heard voices getting closer and closer. She looked out over the railing and saw a group of ten walking towards the ship. Crap, it was the crew and their captain! Without thinking she made her way down the steps to the bottom of the staircase and listened as footsteps pounded above her. What were they going to do with her if they caught her? Where they going to toss her overboard, or kill her, or eat her?! She didn't know what to do. She tried hiding behind the crates in the corner as she heard footsteps approaching her fast.
