A night with a reaper

Story by cyiancefiction on SoFurry

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Sano looks upon the site of devastation in America... that started a war that had taken many lives... and reflects on what happens to a soul once it's left the body. He also goes to get a soul that would put the whole system off balance.

He sat upon the building, looking down at ground zero, the place that the once twin towers had stood before the crash. The hodded and shrowded wolf had only snorted then. He didn't exactly like being a hand for Death, but he had made a deal with him and had to uphold it. He had made it easier for some of the wouls that decided to jump from the windows durring the hit, makeing it so the soul wouldn't see the cold stone on the ground and thier own blood run just before fading. He didn't exactly like his collages either, durring that time they laughed and enjoyed some of the people's pain, mainly thier fear for death. He had looked down, seeing some souls that still needed to find resolve. When they had it was his job to show them the way to either heaven or hell. All those who didn't soil thier soul too much where spared and sent to heaven, only punished for a few years in fires... for those who had turnned thier souls black though...they were in hell all for eternity. He peered at one soul, a tiny little girl. He had felt a black tear roll down from his pure white eyes as he looked down to her and sighed softly. These poor souls he had thought, all in torment, lost not knowing what to do only peicing a memory back together with only slim to none hope of passing on.... He had suddenly snapped his head up, getting and order, he only sighed and nodded then. A soul had thrown things from balance and had ran from a collage of his, which ment the soul must be shattered... Sano had frowned, he was the best at tracking in the handful of them and so he had stocked off to the shadows, merging with them. It hadn't take him long to find the runaway soul. It was a young lady, unlike the others, he was going to give her a choice, and unlike the others, he would tell her what would happen. He had turnned to a diffrent from. His body formed as he wore black pants and a black sleek suit jacket, showing the red hole over his heart where he was shot. He sighed as his eyes where still pure white as he approched the girl "Please calm, I am a reaper, but unlike the others, I can give you your choices and tell you the consecuences" he informed her. The young lady looked scared for a moment but had taken a deep breath "Tell me then". Sano had taken a deep breath "You have done very little wrong, so you shall go in to heaven, but you must pay a year or so in hell, if you do not go.... I will have to kill you". He frowned then "I would rather not". She had nodded and sighed "I guess... I shall go and pay my dues then". Sano smiled and nodded "Good choice, trust me when you go to heaven, it will be wonderful". He had lifted his arm from his side, shadows casscaded down to the ground and he waved the other paw towards it "Come now young lady". She had shivered a moment, but steped on through to the other world. He had put his warm down once she was gone and had formmed back to the other more simple form of being a hooded shadow.