Learning to Run, Prologue and Chapter 1, of Wolves and Men

Story by MrFox on SoFurry

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#1 of Learning to Run

I love a good werewolf story! I hope you enjoy this one too!


The soft glow of the early morning light filtered in through the open window of Benjamin Ford's bedroom. A rare cool breeze blew into the room rustling the curtains beside the window. Ben stirred slightly in his sleep before rolling over in an attempt to block out the annoyingly bright sun. As morning surged forward towards noon Ben felt a heavy and stuffy heat settling into his small home.

One advantage to living by himself was the privacy of having his own house. One disadvantage was the fact that his house was basically a shack in the middle of the woods; a shack that was a solid mile from the nearest paved road. Ben awoke alone in his small house, but he was usually alone most days. He groaned as he pulled himself up out of bed, and walked over to the tiny bathroom attached to his bed room.

As the sixteen year old teenager dragged himself towards his bath room he realized he was sporting a healthy dose of morning wood. Not content to just leave himself well enough alone; Ben lowered his right hand to his ten inches of manhood and began the slow methodical chore of relieving himself.

With his left hand Ben scooped up his tooth brush, not bothering to use his nearly flat tube of toothpaste, and preceded to brush his teeth. The steady rhythm of his hand matched the strokes of his toothbrush, yet after a while Ben lost track of himself. A pleasurable clench of his cock made Ben realize that he probably needed to spit now. Since there was no toothpaste Ben just spat and placed his toothbrush back in its place beside the faucet. As he walked out of the bathroom he proceeded with the task at hand.

Another two mini-orgasms caused Ben's impressive cock to gush a few small jets of pre that were quickly used as lubrication for his efforts to finish masturbating. Ben was just about to blow his load when a loud knocking sound at the front door distracted him. He tried his best to ignore the knocking, but as soon as he resumed stroking himself the sound returned. It was louder this time.

Ben groaned as he made his way to the front door, not bothering to cover his naked body. He lazily peeked through the peep hole and frowned when he saw the last person he wanted to see today. Ben sighed and looked at his pre-slicked cock. It was still quite rigid and sported a long string of pre that hung from its mushroom shaped head. "Hey," Ben said as he opened the door with his clean hand and looked out at the middle aged woman standing before him.

"Holy shit!" Mrs. Grapes yelped in surprise when she saw the nude sixteen year old standing before her. "B... B... Ben," she stuttered and glanced down at his pre drooling cock. "I wasn't expecting you to..."

"To be up," Ben replied and frowned.

"Yes," she said and looked away nervously, "I came to talk about the grounds."

"Yea, what now," Ben asked with a slightly annoyed tone and gave Mrs. Grapes a vacant stare. His cock jerked a little as soon as he spoke. The large blob of pre that oozed out his cock head made a glorious descent down the hanging string of sticky slime. It landed only a few inches from Mrs. Grape's nice black heels.

"I just wanted to tell you," she said as she watched the blob of man juice fall, "that," it hit the ground and she reflexively took a step back, "there were reports of a large animal spotted roaming around out here," she said and looked quickly back up at Ben's face. "I just wanted to make sure you were ok."

Ben smiled as he gave Mrs. Grapes a lewd once over, "I'm a big boy Mrs. Grapes. I can take care of myself," he said and smiled. "I was getting lonely, but now that you're out here..."

"Actually I need to be getting back... to the... to the house! You know, stuff to do!" She nearly stumbled off the front step in her efforts to get away from Ben.

"Whatever," Ben said as he reached down and grabbed his meat again.

As soon as the door was shut Ben smeared the pre over his now slightly dry cock and started stroking again. He didn't have any interest in Mrs. Grapes, but it was still fun to freak her out. At least now she might not come around his house in the mornings... at least for a while.

Chapter 1, of Wolves and Men

The hot of midday forced Ben to retire from mowing the expansive grounds of the Grapes estate. Ben had lived on the vast expanse of land for as long as he could remember. Even when he was a kid he had lived on the estate with his dad. Back then his dad had done all the work, but ever since the bum had run off and left Ben, he was thirteen when it had happened, it had become Ben's job to do all his work.

Honestly he had fallen into the routine with little effort. Ben got a free place to live, and about three hundred dollars a month for his efforts. Nobody really knew about Ben except the Grapes, so nobody messed with him. Ben was ok with being left alone. Since he had basically raised himself the teen was pretty independent.

Instead of going back inside his blazing hot house, Ben wondered into the woods where he found a small clearing beside a nice little creek. He didn't remember ever seeing this place before, and he had explored most of the woods out here. Or so he had thought. Regardless it was a nice little spot to rest. The trees here seemed much older than the others on the estate, and the ground was covered in soft grass and cool moss. A cheerful creek ran right through the clearing and provided a constant soothing babble that lulled Ben into sleep's embrace. The large clearing was cooler than the rest of the broiling hot estate. It was hard not to sleep in such a quiet and relaxing place.

It couldn't have been more than an hour before a warm breeze stirred Ben from his sleepy daze. The quiet clearing had been so cool before, but the breeze was hot and moist. It had a queer rotten smell too. Before Ben knew what was going on he felt something heavy pressing down on his chest, and then everything went black.

Ben thought he had fainted, but he quickly realized he could see just fine. There was just something large and black on top of him! The large black thing moved for a moment as Ben felt the pressure on his chest increase. He felt himself lifting up off the ground as he was turned upside down.

The young man freaked a little as he struggled against whatever was holding him, but it was far too strong for him to move at all! After a moment of struggling Ben felt the pressure on his chest loosen, and then the pressure returned on his left leg. He saw light again as his upper body was released from the darkness; whatever was holding him was dangling the teen by his leg. "What the hell?" Ben shouted as he looked at the large furry black shape holding him up in the air.

"You funny little creature," the massive black furred shape said as it looked at Ben with its huge purple eyes.

Ben looked right back at the creature holding him. For lack of a better word the beast looked like a huge bipedal dog, except it had wicked horns and was standing on two huge muscular legs. It was covered in wiry black fur that was exceptionally thick in some places, (like on its shoulders, groin, and neck) but thin in others (specifically on its legs, back, and chest). Its skin, where exposed, was a sickly pale green color. Ben could see small puss filled lesions on the creature's hide. A terrible rotten stench came from the beast, and the lingering smell of carrion on its breath made Ben gag.

"Funny creature look tasty, wonder taste like," the thing asked itself and opened its horrific maw.

Ben was dangled like a teenage sized wet noodle above the creature's mouth. The warm and putrid smell of its breath surrounded him as he felt himself slowly descend into the black pit of death. Just as the beast released Ben's leg a strong hand grabbed him and pulled him away from the foul darkness. Ben tumbled to the ground as whatever had saved him tossed the teen away from the beast who had almost eaten him.

"Ouch! That hurt," the monster yelled as Ben turned and saw the beast that had saved him still standing on the creature's titanic hand. It was hard to make out the shape of the new furry beast, but Ben thought it looked vaguely canine as well. It was standing on two legs atop the black beast's huge hand, but from the way the gray beast clung to his foe it seemed as if he would have been just as comfortable walking on four legs as it was on two.

Instead of trading words the new gray beast reached down with a large paw-like hand and clawed at the black monster's exposed eye. It was a pretty good move, but the black dog monster screamed in pain and threw the other creature away from its face. The gray beast hit a nearby tree while the black creature stumbled around aimlessly. Ben cursed as he scrambled to his feet and ran towards the monster that had saved him.

When he got closer he noticed the other creature was some kind of wolf, and it looked like it was in pain! "Are you all right?" Ben asked and helped the creature as it struggled to stand up.

Instead of replying the wolf-man gave Ben a strange look and pushed him out of its way. It dropped to all fours as it charged forward and towards the black monster. Ben watched in awe as the wolf monster leapt back into the fight.

The black monster howled in anger when it saw the gray furred wolf. It swung its huge fists at the beast, but only opened itself up for another attack to the face. The wolf got a good claw strike to the black beast's remaining eye. Unfortunately for the wolf, the black monster reached out and grabbed him before he could tumbled away. Ben heard the sound of bones snapping as the black monster threw the wolf into another tree. This time the tree splintered with the force of the impact; the wolf didn't try to get up.

Ben ran to his savior a second time and put his hand under the wolf man's bloody head. "You have to get up, you can't die like this!" Ben screamed, but the wolf only turned its head and coughed up blood from his large fang filled snout.

Ben turned to look at the ugly black dog monster. It roared in fury at a nearby tree, swinging its hands and reducing the offending flora to splinters. "Kill wolf! Eat his flesh and bone!" The monster screamed as it searched for the wolf that had stolen its sight.

After gently placing the wolf's head against the tree Ben ran to the small stream and gathered up a few round rocks. "Hey you! Monster," Ben screamed at the beast and threw a stone at its ugly head, "over here pus face!"

The black beast seemed to take offence to being called pus face; in fact, it promptly turned and roared at Ben! Suddenly taunting the dog monster didn't seem like such a good idea, but Ben took one look at the bloody gray wolf and knew he was doing the right thing.

Another rock flew through the air and hit the monster's ugly head. It screamed and yelled as it flailed blindly for Ben, but it couldn't find him in the darkness. "Over here butt head!" Ben pelted the best with rocks as he shouted. He was determined to steer it away from the wolf, but Ben didn't know what else he could do beyond that.

Thankfully the monster turned away from where the wolf was laying. With his savior safe for the moment Ben tried to think of a way to hurt this monster. His gaze fell on a small tree a few yards down the river. It had only just broken off from its stump due to the rampaging monster. The end of the tree looked jagged and sharp, but not too heavy for the teenage to lift. It was a long shot, but it was better than doing nothing!

Ben took his last rock and lobbed it at the monster, catching it in one of its bloody eyes. The beast screamed in pain as it clutched the bloody orb that was now its eye. It must have been in a lot of pain, yet it still seemed to be looking for Ben. "Kill funny creature and eat him too," it roared in anger.

The distraction bought Ben some time as he raced down the stream and skidded to a halt beside the fallen tree. Ben lifted the heavy trunk with considerable effort and then yelled out, "come and get me you ugly son of a bitch!"

A bloody scream was the beast's only reply as it turned to face where Ben's voice was coming from. Ben yelled boldly as the black beast lunged forward; he was hoping to guide the monster into his trap. In the last few moments before the monster fell onto the tree time seemed to slow to a crawl. Ben looked up just in time to see the jagged end of the tree pushing into the flesh of the monster's chest. Blood exploded out of the new wound like a million tiny red ribbons filling the air around Ben.

The monster was too slow to stop its charge, and the force of its falling mass carried the tree through most of the creature's body. Ben desperately scrambled away from the black monster as it fell. As he stumbled away from his foe the monster grabbed the tree with its hands and began pulling it out! Ben watched in horror as the monster pulled the wooden spear from its body and blindly swung the tree around.

By some miracle only the top branches of the tree hit Ben, but he could still feel the excruciating pain of his ribs snapping under the pressure of the blow. Ben was knocked back and to the side by the flailing monster. Despite the pain associated with his injury Ben was glad he had been knocked away. The black monster fell to the ground with a thunderous thud right where Ben had been standing. After he was sure the beast wasn't getting back up Ben staggered back to where the wolf was laying. The poor beast was pretty roughed up, but he was still alive. "How are you doing big guy?" Ben asked and fell to his knees beside the wolf. His new friend tried to speak, but he only managed a bloody gurgle of pain.

Ben put his arm under the wolf man and helped him stand up. The pain almost made him collapse, but somehow he managed to support the wolf with his smaller body. Ben turned to the edge of the clearing he had come through and tried his best to remember if he had come this way. A faint golden light was almost visible through the thick vegitation at the edge of the clearing. Some sixth sense inside the teen told him that was the right way to go. Ben just knew home was in that direction.

After staggering in the direction of the bright yellow and green light for what felt like forever the two injured males finally broke through the forest and into the hot sunlight he remembered from that morning. The wolf man seemed confused with what he was seeing, but he was too weak to protest. Ben loaded his guest up on the back of his tractor and drove the large vehicle back to his house. The shed where the tractor was kept was still a ways from his home. The teen groaned as he realized he would have to carry his savior the rest of the way. Somehow Ben made it back to his house with the wolf man on top of him. The pain in his chest was unbearable, but he forced himself to go on for this strange creature's sake.

Getting through the door was bad, but the oppressive heat of the house was almost worse. Ben brought the bloody wolf-man to his couch where an old quilt was already laying across the cheap two-seater. The wolf man whined as Ben lowered him to the couch, but there wasn't much Ben could do to help his pain.

Having been a rough kid himself Ben knew a few things about broken bones. After inspecting the wolf he determined that his left arm and leg were both broken. Thankfully it was a clean break, so he thought he could set it by himself. The unnatural cries of pain from the wolf man were unnerving, yet somehow both Ben and his visitor made it through the ordeal.

After his guest had slept a while Ben cooked one of the hundreds of cans of soup he had stashed in the pantry and shared it with his guest. The wolf man didn't seem too fond of tomato, that didn't seem to surprising. Ben made a can of chicken noodle instead.

For the next two days Ben watched his guest like a hawk, ensuring the wolf man woke to eat, drink, and use the facilities. It was pretty weird helping the huge wolf monster outside so he could piss and shit, but after a while Ben stopped thinking about how odd it seemed. While his guest seemed to get better with each passing day, Ben only felt worse and worse. He developed a mild fever and a pretty bad cough.

By the fifth day Ben wasn't able to care much for his guest, and on the sixth day he didn't even get up to cook for him. After the seventh day things seemed to blur together. Ben would occasionally wake from his fever induced sleep. It was always in the cool of the night, and each time he woke a strong pair of furry hands were there to care for him.


Two weeks later Ben finally woke up without the pounding head ache and soreness associated with a fever. He was feeling groggy and weak as hell, but he managed to drag himself out of bed. As Ben stumbled through his house he realized his ribs weren't broken anymore! The gashes on his side, where he had been hit by the tree, were healed. Ben was naturally naked, but there wasn't any sign of whoever had taken care of him.

As Ben went about his business in the bathroom a huge furry gray shape stirred in the corner of the bed room. The wolf had been on the opposite side of the room from the bed Ben had been laying on. The wolf raised its head to watch Ben stagger around the bathroom. The huge gray furred beast stood and stretched as Ben disappeared from sight, but the sound of him pissing could still be heard from the bedroom. By the time Ben had finished the wolf had silently padded to the door and was sitting patiently as it waited for him to finish.

The sleepy teenager walked out of the Bathroom and noticed a tall canine shape standing just beyond the door to his room. "Mother fucker," he shouted when he saw the wolf. His heart nearly jumped out of his chest! Memories of the fight in the forest swam lazily back to his mind, but something seemed wrong. Had the gray wolf monster had walked on four legs? This was clearly a wolf. Sure it was a very large wolf, but it was a wolf and not a wolf-man. "You... you're... a... wolf!" Ben stuttered.

"Yes, I am," the wolf replied in a pleasant, but strong bass voice.

"You can talk?" Ben was surprised, "how did you learn English so fast?"

"English... is that what you call your language?" the wolf said and cocked it head to the side. "No. I'm not speaking English, and I have not yet learned your language. It is better to assume that you have learned to speak wolf," the wolf said and seemed to smile slightly.

"I'm speaking wolf?" Ben asked in confusion.

"Yes, you are speaking in my native tongue. Granted you speak with a funny accent, but I assume you are still able to talk in English. If you were to concentrate that is..."

Ben thought for a moment and then looked back up at the wolf. "You mean like this?"

"Yes," the wolf replied and smiled. "Only I didn't understand a word you just said."

Ben smiled and thought for a moment about speaking wolf again, "How about now?"

"That's much better," the wolf said and then turned to stalk back to the bed room, he didn't seem like much of a talker.

"Hey wait!" Ben hurried after the large gray furred creature, "I have so many questions for you! What was that thing in the forest you saved me from? How did you end up here? What exactly are you?"

"Calm down little cub, I will answer your questions one at a time," the wolf said as it stepped up on the bed and laid down so it could look at Ben. "Come, sit beside me," it said and put its paw out on the bed.

Ben complied without once thinking he was in any sort of danger. This might be a wolf, and he did seem to have very long fangs jutting from his top and bottom lips, but Ben had never felt as safe as he did now. The teen had to think for a moment before a good question came to mind. "First of all.... what should I call you?"

"I was called Steel-Fur by my pack. Before I met you that is. You may call me Steel if you wish."

"Alright Steel, next I want to know what you are."

"I am a wolf. I thought you already knew that?" Steel said and cocked his head to the side.

"No, I mean how you changed from the form I first saw you in?" Ben asked and hoped he had clarified his question.

"That is simple, but it is easier to show than explain," the wolf said and smiled. It closed its eyes and then, like magic, it simply seemed to fold in a way Ben couldn't quite explain. Steel's flesh and bone changed with only the slightest of sounds until he looked more or less exactly like the wolf-man Ben had seen a few weeks ago in the forest. "As you can tell I wear multiple shapes little one."

"That's amazing!" Ben said and reached out to touch the muscular arm of the wolf man seated before him. "How did you do that?"

"I can teach you in time. In fact I intend to teach you more than just how I change shape. On the other paw, I have not been able to turn into a creature like you. I am not even sure what you are exactly," The wolf said curiously.

"That's easy, I'm a human!" Ben said and pushed his chest out and placed his hands on his hips.

"No, you are a wolf," Steel said and frowned.

"No. I think I'm still a human," Ben said and frowned back at Steel.

"I see. Well then; was there anything else you wanted to know?"

"What was that thing in the forest?" Ben asked.

"That was a Humbaba."

"A... Humbaba?"

"Yes," Steel said firmly.

"What is a Humbaba?"

"They are monsters who inhabit the worlds between worlds. That one in particular was responsible for the death of my entire clan, my pack, even my parents and siblings, he ate them all," Steel said and frowned.

"Whoa... I'm.... I'm so sorry Steel! I didn't know," Ben said and looked away from the cold yellow eyes of the wolf-man sitting across from him.

"What he has done is no longer important. You killed him, and for that owe you my life and the lives of every gray wolf that came before me, and every one that will yet live."

"I don't understand," Ben said and frowned at how seriously Steel was looking at him.

"I have sworn a death oath to you little one. I will protect you with my life, and stay by your side no matter where you go," Steel said gravely and looked Ben in the eyes as he spoke.

Ben was shocked. "A death oath? what is that?"

"It is the custom of my people to swear a death oath when their debt is too great to repay with one life time," Steel explained. "I will be your protector for many life times young cub."

"So..." Ben said, sensing that the mood in the room had changed, "I guess that means I better be getting used to having you around?"

"That would be wise. I have already marked the boundaries of this field as my personal territory. Not to mention that we have been living together in your den for a whole moon."

The translation was funny, but Ben knew that Steel was referring to the lunar cycle. One moon was roughly equivalent to a month by Ben's reckoning. "I must have been out for a long time," Ben said sadly. "Did you care for me the whole time?"

"Yes little one. After you killed the Humbaba I was too weak to help you. I saw you fight the monster and kill it, but you were hurt near the end of the fight. Then you took me to your den on your dragon and set my broken bones. While I was healing you became ill. I am not a healer, so I had only one choice! I bit you on your arm; you can still see the mark there."

Ben looked down at his right arm and saw the four strange black scars on his skin. They were still a little tender, but they had healed enough to not hurt. "Why did you bite me?"

"My kind are rare even amongst wolves. Our bite transfers the power to assume the shape that you see me in now. Normally only the most powerful wolves are able to change shape without the gift," Steel explained. "Often, when a wolf is injured in a hunt or battle, they are given the gift by a Long-Fang, so they can live on and fight again. Long-Fangs have many powers like great strength and fast healing. We can survive most wounds provided we are able to set broken bones and given enough time to heal properly."

"Wait a minute. You mean you bit me, and now I'm a Long-Fang too?" Ben asked.


"And Long-Fangs can turn into wolves like you?"


"So basically you turned me into a werewolf?" Ben said as the pieces fell together.

"A werewolf... what is the meaning of that word?" Steel asked.

"A human who turns into a wolf when the moon is full," Ben explained. "It's an ancient curse that my people tell stories about."

"I have not cursed you little one! I saved your life! Just like you saved mine," Steel said with a snarl at the end of his words. A low growl rumbled in the wolf's chest as he bared his fangs in anger.

Ben shied away from the angry werewolf sitting on his bed. "I'm sorry Steel I didn't mean it that way," Ben said and tried to look small.

Steel stopped growling and suddenly smiled. "I like you cub; I think I will call you Paw-Walker. After your funny human way of walking around."

Ben was a little concerned. Steel certainly ran hot and cold. "So I'm still a human for now. When will I turn into a wolf like you?"

"No, you are a wolf. I haven't had time to teach you to change yet, but you are not a human anymore," Steel said and thought for a moment. "You are like my son now too. A Long-Fang only turns someone he cares deeply about. From now on you can think of me as your parent and guardian. I have also decided to make you my beta. That means you're part of my pack now," Steel said sternly.

Ben was a little confused, but he didn't want to make Steel angry again. "I thought you took an oath to protect me?"

"I did, but that doesn't change your position in my pack little Walker." Ben was still confused, but he decided to deal with things as they came his way. After talking for so long Steel lost his interest in their previous conversation. He insisted that Ben begin learning about the Long-Fangs. The rest of the day was spent listening to Steel talk about the history of his people. Ben decided to call the lands Steel talked about Wolf World. According to Steel his people lived in vast forests and hunted for their food. He seemed to think that was the most natural way of living. "Before we go back to my lands you need to learn to master your shape shifting powers. I might need to learn your form as well, so we can move about this world more easily."

Ben got a feeling that he didn't like what was about to happen next. "What exactly does that imply?"