With friends like these

Story by -Fireheart- on SoFurry

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Time for the boring legal stuff.

This story (With Friends Like These) is under the copyright of the author (me) any reproduction, copy, or posting of this story with out the permission of the author is illegal. Please notify me if you would like to use this story in any way (via e-mail ([email protected]).) The characters, plot, and setting is also the authors and fall under the same copyright. All happenings, names, and other objects are fictional and is from the author's imagination. Any actual events, real names, or any real objects that have any similarity is merely a coincidence. If you are not of a legal age to view adult content than please do not read this story for it is obviously illegal for you to do so. Thank you for you reading this.

Sorry about that but duty calls when you get creative. This story I must say is kind of simple and maybe a little to fast (meaning I might have jumped to the ending to fast for those that cant understand (not that I mean anything by that)) I really don't think that any of you who are under age (and under maturity) will not not read this story so I don't know why I bothered to tell you but any who. This story came to me will I was sleeping (I no corny sounding isn't it) and it wouldn't leave me alone until I wrote it down. So I typed it up and thought to give it to you lovely people. I hope you enjoy and any form of comments are welcome (just don't bash me to much ok) ENJOY!

With Friends like these


The tears have stopped now, she knew that much, but how long she had lain there, curled up into a ball on the bed, she couldn't tell. Her precious John was gone. The thought of his name brought the agonizing pain back. She could feel it tearing through her chest as if some one had come by and ripped her heart out of her still breathing body.

Time seemed to stop. Weeks could have past and she could have cared less. The world didn't have any color anymore. No laughter. No happiness. No future. John was, no she couldn't bring herself to say it. Part of her didn't yet believe it. It happened so fast that half of her was still shocked, not yet accepting it. She wouldn't no, she couldn't, accept that he was dead. Couldn't accept that the car swerve off of the road. She couldn't believe that it had flown, like some liberated bird, off the cliff. Her mind seemed reject such negativity and go back to her seemingly perfect life.

She had been wonderfully in love; marriage had been close on the horizon. But now it was shattered like broken glass. Each one of those shards seemed to be logged into her heart and digging deeper. Sobbing, she tightened her arms around her chest and curled her tail around her legs. She just wanted everything to be normal. She wanted to feel his fur running across her body, wanted to feel his warmth against her cold, soulless form. She wished she could go to sleep, just wanted all of this pain go away and blissful sleep engulf her. Finally, her body relaxed and her tear stained face lost its tortured expression. Her body gave one last shaking sigh, and she lost conscious in a deep sleep.

He has been loving Dana since her met her, maybe since they where fifteen. It had turned into a painful love though when she had fallen for John when they were twenty-three. It had gotten worse when he found out that they were to marry two years later, and just have her and Colin be friends. He learned to deal with it though and not let her see his quiet turmoil inside. It was easy to be comfortable friends with John. John was just that type of guy that never made any enemies. It seemed too easy to get along with him. When Colin found out that he had died, Colin knew that it would really hurt Dana, but how she had looked after the funeral, he would have never guessed that it would get this bad.

Dana was practically a zombie now. She wouldn't eat, move, or even talk to anyone. The state that she was in now made his heart cry out for her. It killed him to see her like this, but he knew that he could do nothing except talk to her and help her through this. Colin sighed. This wouldn't be easy. He knew that she would probably never love anyone else again, but deep in his heart there was hope. What if she did fall in love again? What if it was him that she would do so? Shaking his had and snorting at his futile thoughts, Colin picked up his car keys and got ready to go to Dana's house for the first time in three days.

She was floating just above a road. She didn't understand why she was here or even where she was. Looking around she noticed that she was over a road high up into the cliffs near her town. As she was thinking about why she would be here, a car rounded the corner. It looked oddly familiar to her. Just then she caught sight of the driver right before he bent down to pick something up that had fallen onto the floor of the passenger side of the car. It was John; she recognized his grey and black patterned fur. Crying out in excitement she tried to go to him. "John! Look John! Over here!" Dana couldn't move. No matter how hard she tried it was as if she was frozen in her suspended state. By now the car was lurching back and forth as John tried desperately to get what ever had fallen onto the floor. The curve of the road that Dana was floating over came closer to the car when, John, did one final lunge at the object causing his left hand to lurch the car left, right towards Dana. The car sped over the side of the road and into the gaping blackness of the cliff side. Screaming Dana tried to some how grab hold of the car as it seemed hover over the gap, and then fall down. Still reaching out Dana screamed, "JOHN!" Suddenly she felt something in her hand. Looking down she saw that it was a ring...

Her scream still vibrated off of the wall when she woke up from her nightmare. Gasping she rolled over and curled up yet again when she felt the agonizing heart ache form. Colin just happened to walk in and, seeing that she was awake but still very distressed, he sat down at the edge of the bed.

"How are you?" he asked hesitantly.

Dana didn't seem to notice his presence. She was too wrapped up in trying to get her body to stop tearing itself apart. Reaching out, Colin gently touched Dana's tense arm. She jumped at the light contact; she still hadn't yet acknowledged his presence. Slowly she looked over at him. Her eyes seemed to not yet focus on the present because she didn't know who he was. At first her heart jumped when she thought it was John. Blinking to see if it was real, she finally saw Colin. Emotion welled up at the sight of her best friend, the only link to her sanity.

"Oh Colin!" she cried, "He's gone!"

For the first time her mind seemed to accept it and that only made it all the more worse. Dana shot up and clutched at Colin, laying her head against his chest and cried.

Colin put his arms around her shaking frame and gently rocking her. "Shhhh. It's going to be alright. Everything is going to be okay. I'm still here you know. I'll help you through this." Colin quietly encouraged her and nuzzled the top of her russet red head.

"Oh but you don't understand. He was my life, h-he wa-was my everything!" She cried, stammering over her words. "I feel so lost, so alone. Oh but you are here Colin, you wont leave me." She looked up at him desperately, a pleading look in her eyes, "You won't ever leave me right?"

Chuckling dryly Colin answered "Hun, you wont ever have to worry about me leaving I'll always be by your side." His heart where in those words but sadly the emotion in them seemed to not click with Dana.

"O-okay," She said weakly "But why did have to be John? Why couldn't it have been some one else?"

"I seriously don't know. Life can be rather cruel." Colin silently chuckled at his own sentence. 'Oh yes life sure has heck can be cruel sometimes, I have my own experiences and one just happens to involve you' He thought to himself. "I don't know why, but it just does, and it makes life completely suck sometimes. Well let me get something for you to eat." Colin said out loud and gently lifting her up.

Looking down at her he noticed that she looked a bit skinnier. Her vulpine form was slight, and it was shamefully easy to pick up her. She had the normal pattern of a red fox and stood about five foot four inches. Now Colin was also a fox but was black and white (which was odd for the red fox species.) His whole body was black except the white on his chest and stomach. They both had slightly human like hands but they were furred and had short, blunt claws. Their feet were just like fox paws just slightly larger. Colin carried Dana to the kitchen and gently set her down on one of the island chairs. Blinking rapidly, Dana didn't seem to recognize her kitchen. Slowly she took in the counter and sink that made up the island that was in the middle of the kitchen. Then came the other counter and sink (along with the oven and stove) on the opposite of the kitchen from the island and the refrigerator on her left side. She finally recognized her surroundings and then looked around for Colin.

He had disappeared into the walk in pantry only to reappear with a can of chicken noodle soup. "This should settle well with your stomach." He said looking at the can.

Right now though, the thought of eating didn't seem so hot to Dana. She didn't want to tell that to Colin. She had it in her mind that if she said anything negative he might leave her and she so hopelessly needed him. He was her only lifeline in this confusing sea of sadness and hurt, and she didn't yet want to drown. What was he going to do? He had no clue at how he was supposed to help this damaged woman. Is he supposed to make her forget about John, or help her through this by using John? He was so confused. He wanted the best for Dana but he didn't know how that was going to happen. He wanted so much for her to love him. Him not John, but him. For some reason he felt that it would make everything so much easier. Sighing he set the contents of the can in a pot and turned on the heat of the stove.

Turning he looked at the sunken and troubled expression of Dana. She looked like a person that just witnessed some horrible event. Noting back to when he had entered her one story house, he had heard her screaming when he walked in. It must have been some nightmare about John he concluded. This was going to be a day and night counseling session with Dana. He might even have to sleep on her couch. That reminded him, he had to call his boss at his job, the library (were Dana and Colin just happen to work at,) and ask her if he could take a vocation. He was sure that she would understand and allow him, but he just wanted to make sure.

Turning to check the soup he said, "So how are you doing now?"

Dana blinked at him for a second before she responded. "It hurts." She croaked.

Looking over his shoulder her gazed at her, "What hurts exactly?" he asked.

With a pained expression she put her hand over her heart. "Here," she said, "It gets so bad that it would feel like someone is carving me up into pieces."

Nodding grimly Colin asked, "What do you think would make it feel better? Other than the impossible." he added hesitantly.

She knew what he was talking about, and as of right now she was sure that would be the only way to make it better.

"I don't know, I seriously don't know." She kept shaking her head as if to rid herself of awful thoughts.

"Here," he said, giving her the bowl of finished soup. "Eat this."

The bowl was pushed close to her, and the smell of the soup brought the hunger of three days without food to Dana. She looked up at him with a thankful expression before she attacked the soup. Colin looked at her approvingly. Even now she looked a little bit better, but the sadden expression didn't leave her eyes. The spoon clattered onto the side of the bowl as she finished the soup.

"Thank you," she said quietly, slightly embarrassed over her actions, "I really appreciate you making this for me. I think I might go to bed now." Getting up she was a bit wobbly on her paws, but she steadied and held her hand up when Colin started to go over and help her. "I'm alright." She said and padded to her bedroom and closed the door. Colin sighed and picked up the bowl, spoon, and pot and started washing them in the sink.

Dana stepped into the shower and turned the hot water on, hot enough to almost scald her skin under her fur. She put her head against the wall and allowed the water to flow down her body, relaxing the tense muscles. Sighing she cleared her mind of anything the involved John and instead thought about Colin. Random thoughts about him flitted through her head, not making sense in their order, but it was anything to keep her mind off of John. Colin was probably six foot and slightly muscular. Today he was wearing jeans and a polo. She's known him since she was fifteen. The place where she and Colin had met (the library she remembered with a slight smile, the first since John died) came to her mind. All of the things they would do just to get in trouble. What dear devils they were when they were teens. She chuckled softly at the sweet memories. Gasping, her hand flew to her mouth. Did that sound just come out of her mouth? It felt so wrong some how to be laughing about Colin when she should be mourning over John. She felt horrible. It was as if she didn't care about John now that he was dead but no, no that wasn't true. She knew she loved John and just because he was dead doesn't mean she should forget about him. John was her only love and no other man will take that, not even Colin. If that was so why was there a little, quiet voice in her head telling her otherwise? Why was it telling her that it was okay? Shaking her head, she picked up the soap and a wash cloth and started washing.

Colin was sitting on the suede couch in front of the TV that was in her living room when she got out of the shower. She was dressed in baby blue silk pajamas just because they were her favorite. Sitting down next to him on the couch she pulled her legs up, rapped her arms around them, and rested her head on her knees.

"So what are you watching?" She asked hoping to start up a conversation instead of silence between them.

"Just the news, I guess there's some sort of forest fire in the woods up in the cliffs..." He noticed his mistake almost immediately, her pained expression only added to his realization. "Oh, oh I'm sorry Dana I-I didn't mean to say that..." He trailed off pitifully and raked his hands through his head fur.

"Oh, JOHN!" she wailed. She put her head down into her hands and cried all over again.

Whimpering slightly, Colin grabbed a hold of her and put his arms around her. "I'm so sorry Dana. So, so sorry." He continued to rock her even after he felt her fall asleep. Feeling horrible he whimpered again. "Stupid idiot." He snarled quietly to himself, "Way to go. How are you going to help her if you keep bringing up the subject that makes her worse?" Sighing he reached behind him and grabbed the blanket hanging off of the back of the couch. Wrapping it around himself and Dana he allowed himself to fall asleep also.


Colin worked with Dana night and day, being both a counselor and a friend to her. He practically moved into her house, using the spare bedroom has his own for now. He had gotten her to the point where she could almost think about John without a physical reaction, only a slight cringed would be noticed. Though her outward appearance seemed fine, she still had nightmares and constantly had that heart ache, but it seemed to lessen every time she was with Colin.

She sighed. It had been almost a month now since John had died and she could almost deal with it. She didn't cry at night any more, and the heart ache doesn't show it's self anymore until she had a nightmare, which only happened once or twice a week. Dana was sure if it wasn't for Colin she would probably still be curled up on the bed crying. Speaking of him where was he? Looking at the clock on the stove it said 9:32 am. He usually is back from the store by-. Her ears picked up a sound on the driveway, momentarily stopping her thoughts. Getting up she walked to the front door and opened it. Colin had just stepped out of his car and was getting grocery bags from the backseat. She felt a smile tugging at her lips at the sight of him juggling all of the paper bags. She quickly walked towards him and caught a tomato that seemed to want to commit suicide.

"Good morning." Dana said cheerfully.

She went on the tips of her toes and gave a quick kiss on his cheek. They both were startled at her action. Dana, with her eyes wide, put her hand on her lips. What was that for? What has gotten over her?

"I'm sorry. I-I don't know what came over me."

Colin just stood there looking at her. Inwardly he was smiling. Was she getting feelings for him? Quickly Dana turned around and almost ran inside the house, tomato still in hand.

It was just a quick peck, that doesn't mean she loved him, just a friendly little good morning. She was sitting on her bed telling herself this while she stared, unblinking at the tomato. Even as she told herself that it didn't mean anything, she didn't believe it. Maybe she was getting feelings for Colin. That would explain the smiles and heart racings when ever she saw him, and that she could deal with John's death better. She just didn't want to quite put it in stone. He mostly likely doesn't like her beyond a friend anyways, and these feelings were probably just love for a friend. Part of her, though, knew that wasn't the case and desperately wanted him to love her.

She was floating above the road again. She immediately felt the dread that came whenever she had this nightmare, the feeling that she knew that she was dreaming but just couldn't wake up. Some how though this was different, the sun was out and it shone with a beautiful brilliance. Bracing herself, for she knew the car was coming, she prepared for the terror. The car did round the corner, but it wasn't the same car, it was Colin's car, with him driving it. Dana cried out in anguish. "No, not Colin," She said "anyone but him." This was worse some how than John. John was dead but Colin was still alive and she didn't want to lose him now when she had such confused feelings for him. Colin came down the road. He wasn't reaching for anything like she expected, he was just driving smoothly with a giant smile plastered to his face. He pulled up to the edge of the road and rolled down the window. Obviously he didn't see anything odd about someone seemingly floating over a cliff edge since he began to speak. "Hey! Come on, hop in, I have something for you." Dana felt herself moving and was amazed at the fact, usually she couldn't move to save John. Why was it different now? Dana slid into the passenger side of the car and shut the door.

"Hello beautiful." Colin said looking at her lovingly. She didn't understand why he would be calling her such an intimate name when they were just friends, or are they. She didn't know. This dream was confusing her. "You know that I've always loved you since we first met," Colin started. She did? When did he tell her this, Dana thought. "So I've decided to do something about it." Picking up a small velvet box as he said that, Colin gave it to her with a sheepish grin. "It had almost fallen to the floor of the car, but I caught it just in time, probably saved me from an accident. But anyways, I just wanted to tell you that I love you Dana, and would you marry me?" Dana opened the box and peered at the ring inside. She gasped; it was the same ring that always appeared in her hand at the end of her nightmares. Looking up at Colin with tears in her eyes she opened her mouth with her decision...

Dana woke up, not gasping like she usually is, but smiling with her heart racing. Then she frowned, she woke up before her response. She wanted to know what she would have said. She did know the answer though; it would have been yes, because she did love Colin. She knew that John would have wanted her happy and would have accepted her decision. Her joy over her decision was short lived with her next thought. Did Colin even love her? She was still stuck at the same point she was before she fell asleep. Sighing, she got up and headed to the bathroom to clean up. She would just have to not show her feelings for him just in case he wouldn't want the extra attention. The thought sent a small sliver of despair through her heart, she was in love again, but who would know?

He sat there staring at the blank screen of the TV as if he thought it would turn on by the sheer force of his willpower. It was just a quick kiss to the cheek; any friend female friend would give one. It just felt different from Dana. Since John had died she wasn't exactly loving towards anyone, so that slight kiss was surprising. Maybe she was opening up; maybe his biggest wish was coming true. They have been getting closer over this month, but that just might be because she didn't have anyone else close enough to seek console from. He desperately wanted to know if she loved him though. Was it just a friendly thing or a small look of her emotion towards him?

Dana tentatively came out of her room. Walking down the hallway towards the kitchen and living room, she saw Colin sitting on the couch, eyes unfocused in thought.

"Can she?" He mumbled under his breath, so low that Dana hardly heard it.

"Who can?" Dana asked curious.

Colin jumped, still lost in thought he hadn't known she was there. And apparently he was still muddled with his thoughts and reality for he asked "Can Dana love me?"

Colin finally focused on Dana and realized what he had asked.

"Crap, um well what I meant was I-"

Dana cut him off by pressing a finger to his muzzle.

"Yes, she can love you, but can Colin love me?" she asked with a slight chuckle. She didn't know that her thoughts from earlier would be answered so fast and abruptly.

Colin's eyes widened. Can this really be true? Can this beautiful, but heartbroken fox love him? His heart swelled with joy and he got up and grabbed a hold of Dana and twirled her around.

"Yes, I can love you." He said happily, kissing her softly on her mouth and putting her down. "Do you now how long I have been waiting for you to say those words Dana? Since we were fifteen, ten years I have been waiting ten years!"

"Y-you've loved me for that long? Why didn't you say something before?" she asked softly, arms wrapped around his neck.

"I don't know. I think it was because you had fallen in love with John and all so I just kept it to myself." He muttered in answer.

Sighing, she laid her head against his chest. Her body seemed to heat up at the proximity of their bodies. Heat pooled at the junction between her legs, her body's response to forgotten desires that had lain dormant for almost a month. She felt the need to mate and Colins scent seemed to call to her like a sirens song. Dana felt slightly embarrassed at her reaction to Colin. It had to be too soon to have sex with him right? Another wave of delicious arousal coursed through her, banishing the thought. Colin looked down at Dana as she looked up at him. He saw a primal need burning in her eyes, making her pupils dilate almost swallowing the emerald green with their blackness. He felt his body begin to stir, his foxhood slowly sliding out of its sheath to jerk against his boxers.

Dana went on the tips of her toes and planet her mouth on to his. Colins tongue pressed against her mouth until she opened it. His tongue explored the inside of her mouth, tasting the sweetness of her breath. He briefly pulled back to catch a breath and then fused his mouth to hers again. This time their tongues did a merry little dance with each other, each on sliding and stoking the other, mating in their own right. Groaning Colin lifted Dana, their mouths still together, and carried her to her room. Laying her on the bed, Colin looked down at her

"Dana, are you sure you want to do this? "Cause, I mean once you start me up, I'm pretty sure it's gonna be hard to stop me, you're just too damn sexy." Colin said, chuckling slightly.

"Oh, I'm sure Colin. I think I need this almost as much as you do. Now get out of those cloths." Dana said and started tugging down his pants.

Slowly she took down his jeans until they were at his knees and she had to sit up to push them the rest of the way down. Colin quickly stepped out of them, only to step again to get out of his boxers that she had hastily taken off. He lifted up his arms, shoulder muscles bunching as he lifted off his shirt. Standing before Dan he watched her reaction a bit self cautiously. But her quick intake of breath in amazement made him relax. He started to reach for her shirt to take it off but she waved her hand.

"No, not yet let me look at you first." She said huskily.

She ran her hands slowly and seductively over his chest. Her fingers gently played with his nipples hidden in his chest fur. Colin gasped at the electrifying touch that had his groin lifting higher than the horizontal line and it almost grazed his navel. His erection was so hard it hurt and he desperately needed release.

"Ah, Dana darling I-" Colin moaned before he could finish his sentence.

Dana was both running her hands over his wash board stomach and licking his nipples.

"Dana if you don't stop I'm not going to make it." His angry red cock was weeping tears of pre in enjoyment.

Dana looked down then licked her lips. Grabbing Colin's hand she pulled him onto the bed and lay down beside him, her head resting on his thigh. Colin hadn't noticed she had taken off her cloths. He looked at the beautiful fox. Her russet red fur seemed to glow in the lamplight. Her breasts rose and fell with each breath, giving more attention to their C cup size. Her sex glistened with her arousal, its musky scent filling his nostrils and made them flare. Her scent was driving him crazy. Colin started to reach for her only to throw back his head and moan in pleasure as he felt her mouth start to bare down on his shaft. Dana rolled her tongue over his cock as she lifted her head back up. Her teeth flitted over his shaft like butterfly wings, making a fiery path of pleasure in their wake.

Colin was almost weeping in the pleasure her tongue, mouth, and teeth were doing to his cock.

"Dana, please let me come inside of you, enough with this torture. It's driving me insane." Colin gasped out.

Chuckling slightly Dana rolled onto her back as Colin lifted himself over her. Spreading her legs apart she winked at him.

"Come on big boy show me watcha got." She said smirking

Colin looked at her with mock severity and slowly brought his cock to her waiting gate. Her cream slicked the way as he slid in, groaning with the intense pleasure that it brought. Dana lifted her arms to wrap them around his back, claws gently raking his back. Colin began to pump into her the pleasure rolling in him in waves.

"Hurry Colin oh, hurry." Dana said making little mewling sound

Colin began to pump faster, his sex shimming in and out.

Dana lifter her legs higher and suddenly said, "Wait stop."

Colin immediately stopped. "What is wrong?" He thought that maybe she was having late, second thoughts.

"Oh, no nothing is wrong I just want to relish in this moment for a second." She said a mischievous look in her eyes.

Colin groaned. "Dana babe, I hope you don't plan on relishing for long I'm too close for that."

Even now Colin was slightly shaking, the pleasure was just too built up, but he endeared the teasing punishment. Dana stopped them a couple times before he just grunted the next time she asked and sped up.

"Uh, uh honey I can't stop, no way." He had just said.

The pace that he set made the first orgasm come quick and hardly noticed. They both felt the second orgasm start to build up; it seemed too soon that this ride of bliss would be over. But they couldn't stop it and they both cried out as the fire storm of ecstasy blew through them. Colins vision burred and he did as much of a howl as a fox could do, shaking from tail tip to ears.

Shuddering also, Dana felt herself slowly come back to Earth. Colin was still making slight movements of his hips, causing another smaller group of fireworks go through her.

Colin rolled over, sighing in happiness. Dana grinned and laid her head on his shoulder. She was wonderfully tired.

"I love you Dana." Mumbled Colin lovingly.

"I love you too Colin. Though there will always be a place in my heart for John and I will always remember him, I will always be there for you like you were for me." Smiling because she noticed that Colin had already fallen asleep and probably only her "I love you too" Sighing again she drifted off to sleep. It wasn't troubled sleep though, for all of that pain and sadness for John is now in the past. She finally fell asleep with a smile on her face because of Colin and the love and happiness that is now her future.


The End