
Story by Xandie on SoFurry

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self insertion narrative poetry...


It is late

Perhaps the early hours of morning

Darkness engulfs everything

You walk on silent feet

No footsteps left to follow after you

No destination planned for this journey

Merely moving

Aimless and alone

No inclination of the place from whence you came.

The sidewalk is dirty

Crumbling with the memory

Of years of feet just the same as yours

All appears quiet

The low buzzing hum of the nightlife is faded by now

Muted in the dull light of the streetlamps

Everywhere, there is calm the smell of dew, fresh dirt, and decaying leaves lingers

The odor of stale urine passing on the breeze

As you wander passed a deserted bus terminal

Is almost nauseating

But the cool air is pleasant enough

To forgive the passing scent.

The shrieking of a lone swing

In an abandoned playground

Catches your idle notice

A child sits upon the solitary swing

Pale fingers wrapped tightly around its chains

Legs pumping with practiced ease

You watch the child avidly,

Pausing in your steps

There is nothing unique about him

He is not an exceptional child in any way

He is not beautiful

Nor ugly

He is not normal

Nor odd

He is merely there

Swinging back and forth

Staring into the distance behind you

At nothing in particular

Unaware of your quiet scrutiny.

There is something about him

It pulls at you

You wonder

'Why is he here?'

'Why alone?'

'What is it he's looking at so intently?'

No answers come to mind

As you turn to follow his gaze

Nothing but darkness greets your eyes

The shrieking of the ancient swing set stops abruptly

You glance back for the cause of the sudden quiet

The child is gone


The swing does not move.

You look around

You ponder

'Where did he go?'

'Why did he leave?'

'And so quickly?'

There is no sign of him at all

Or any inkling of where he might have gone

But you do not worry for the child

You are at peace

You stand

Staring unblinkingly at the motionless swing

The deserted playground whispers around you

Your body remaining still in the hush that falls

You did not see his departure

The swing does not sway with the remembrance

Of his body

You question

'Was he ever there at all?'

Copy-written to Xander Bradeshaw.