Captains' Meeting

Story by Antoneth on SoFurry

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Three Starfleet captains find themselves trapped in the holodeck, but for once, it's by choice.

Proving I can write something other than my usual series... This was something of a "thank you" to Jeeves for all the wonderful writing he's done for me.

A 69th Flotilla Story

The sleek, grey shape of a Federation starship cut through the inky blackness of interstellar space.

Its small size and compact form, with stubby warp nacelles tucked tight against its single hull, marked it as Defiant-class. Despite being designed forty years earlier, regular updates meant that the Federation's first warship design was still more than a match for Klingons, Borg, and any other threat that it might face in the early 25th century.

This was fortunate, because this particular ship was under attack.


On the bridge of the USS Challenger, Captain Antoneth's fist thumped unnoticed on his leg, an outward sign of the frustration he was feeling. As the ship shook from another barrage of Klingon disruptor fire, the black and gold dragon looked to his side. "Troy," he growled, "if we can't maneuver, we're dead."

The blonde human turned to look at him. "Sorry, Captain" she replied. "Their first salvo blew out one of the main EPS taps. We lost the reaction control system, long range communications, long range sensors and half a dozen other systems at the same time. We're trying to reroute power, but it's difficult with all this incoming fire."

Antoneth growled again, but knew his chief engineer was working as hard as she could. He turned to the front of the bridge. "Duroer, status of Klingons?" he asked.

"They've realized we've got problems" came the reply from the Trill female sitting at the sensor console. "All three birds of prey are deliberately staying behind us. The phaser turrets and aft beam arrays are keeping them busy, but without the forward cannons there's no way we can fight them off."

"How are we holding up?"

"Aft shields at are at forty seven percent and dropping. The hull armor is holding for now, but if we lose the shields..."

"Divert all power from forward shields to the rear. If they're just going to sit back there, we might as well take advantage."

"What if they move to overtake?"

"That'll put them in front of our guns, which is where we want them."

"Aye, sir." The trill quickly complied with his order. "Aft shields are now at eighty percent, but still dropping."

The draconic captain turned to a young Bajoran woman, sat at the secondary tactical console. "Byrnal," he said, "tell me we got off a distress call before we lost long-range comms."

"I think so, captain" she replied. "I sent a message as soon as they de-cloaked, but they hit us so fast-" She was interrupted by the explosion of a bridge console.

The crewman standing at that station barely had time to blink as the explosion and debris engulfed his form... only to pass through his body harmlessly.

'Thank heavens for holographic crew' Antoneth thought to himself. Of the Challenger's fifty crew, only about twenty were flesh and blood (or stone, in the case of their Horta security officer). The rest were holograms run by the ship's computer. Though their programming was limited, they were able to help operate a starship, assist the 'real' crew, and make repairs. That they could survive circumstances that would kill a normal crewman was another benefit.

He turned back to Byrnal. "Can we cloak?" Defiant-class ships were one of the few types of Federation starship equipped with cloaking devices, and so able to become completely invisible at will.

"Technically, we can, but that would drop our shields, and if we can't change our heading-"

"-the Klingons will still know where to shoot. Damn."

"Sorry, sir."

Between the shuddering as disruptor bolts impacted the shields, and the occasional spark from the still-sputtering console, Antoneth became aware of a rhythmic tapping. He glanced over at Thryss; his Andorian first officer, helmswoman, and chief tactical officer. With the Challenger's main cannons aimed mostly by pointing the ship in the right direction, their current lack of maneuverability left her with little to do, and she was tapping her fingers on her console in irritation. Feeling the same frustration himself, he let her continue.

He glanced around his senior officers. "I'm open to suggestions" he said.

Suddenly, alarms went off all over Duroer's sensor display. Spinning, she took a moment to check the readings, then turned back to him with a smile. "We have two Federation starships incoming!"

With twin flashes of superluminal energy, the pair of ships decelerated from warp speed. The first, USS Dauntless, an elegant Sovereign-class assault cruiser, turned towards the Klingon vessels. Its huge form, all sweeping curves and graceful lines, dwarfed both the Challenger and her attackers as she unleashed a torrent of phaser beams far more powerful than the Challenger's rear armament.

The second ship was barely longer than the first, but its enormous bulk made it seem much larger. The Nimbus-class deep space explorer USS Beagle moved to interpose its form between the near-helpless Challenger and its pursuers; its immensely strong shields easily absorbing the disruptor bolts that would have finally broken through the Challengers defenses. Her return fire was less potent than that of the cruiser, but the explorer's advanced sensors made sure it was aimed with greater accuracy.

Challenger's viewscreen flashed white as one of the birds of prey exploded, its warp core breaching in a matter/antimatter conflagration. A second was leaking plasma from ruined weapon mounts, which had been removed with almost surgical precision by the Beagle.

Out of the blue, there came a triumphant shout from Troy. "RCS online!"

Antoneth's orders were instant. "Helm, bring us about!" With the reaction control system functioning again, Challenger could finally maneuver and bring her own formidable weaponry into the battle. "Lock phasers and quantum torpedoes on the trailing bird of prey; attack pattern omega. Auxiliary power to forward shields."

The ship pitched upward, hard, reversing her course and coming out of the Beagle's shadow. As soon as she had cleared the explorer, she opened fire on the third Klingon ship. Unlike the beams emitted from her fellow starships, the Challenger's forward cannons spat volley after volley of orange bolts, each more powerful than anything her compatriots could unleash.

The bird of prey's shields fell in seconds, just in time for a full spread of torpedoes to smash into the hull, annihilating both themselves and the Klingon vessel as their zero-point-energy warheads detonated.

In a few short minutes, the Klingons' three to one advantage had been reversed. The remaining bird of prey, its weapons destroyed, turned away from the battle at full speed. The Starfleet vessels let it go: unlike their enemies, they weren't out for blood.

"Beagle and Dauntless are hailing."

"On screen" replied Antoneth. The main viewscreen stopped displaying the image of the retreating Klingon vessel, instead flickering before presenting the captains of each ship, seated on their respective bridges.

On the left sat Chet, the Caitan captain of the Dauntless. Her feline form was covered in yellow fur and dotted with brown in a fair imitation of a terran cheetah. Starfleet had recently abandoned using a single uniform design for all their officers, and Chet had taken full advantage of the bounds of the new regulations. Her long legs were encased in thigh-high boots, and with her legs crossed as she lounged in her command chair, her short skirt barely protected her modesty. Her torso was clad in tight leather of a deep golden colour, similar in design to Antoneth's own uniform, though his lacked the cleavage-exposing opening at the neck.

On the right was Jeeves, captain of the Beagle. Unlike Chet, who reclined in her chair like a leisurely queen on her throne, the kangaroo seemed ready to spring from his seat at a moment's notice. Not for any particular reason: just to burn off some of the boundless energy and bounciness he possessed. Where the cheetah's outfit oozed sexuality, Jeeves' was far more casual. Somehow, the roo had contrived to wear a uniform that looked to all appearances to be a red t-shirt, jeans and a blue overshirt.

Antoneth smiled warmly at his fellow captains. While all the captains in the 69th flotilla were close comrades, these two were particular friends of his. "Thanks for the rescue."

"We were in the area" purred Chet. "Though it's not like you to have trouble with only three birds of prey."

"Normally we wouldn't, but they took out our RCS on their first attack." Antoneth saw both captains wince; they knew full well how much of his ship's combat capability relied on being able to maneuver.

"Was it deliberate?" asked the feline. "Some new tactic for taking out our escort ships?"

The dragon thought for a moment. "I don't think so" he replied. "I think they just got lucky." Frowning, he paused. "Although that one attack crippled our maneuvering, long range communications and long range sensors at the same time, so maybe they have come up with something." He sighed. "Either way, I'll include it in my report to headquarters. We'll see what they make of it."

"What's your status?" asked Jeeves. "Anything we can help you with?"

Antoneth glanced at the displays around the bridge. "The crew's fine: mostly bumps and bruises. But if you've got any engineering teams with nothing to do, we could use a hand putting things back together."

Jeeves nodded, and in the background, Antoneth could hear the roo's first officer relaying orders to the Beagle's engineering staff. "Once things are in hand, perhaps we should have a captains' meeting to... discuss the situation" the kangaroo suggested.

Antoneth and Chet both smothered grins. Captains' meetings within their flotilla were more casual, and certainly more enjoyable, than meetings in other Starfleet groups; especially when Jeeves was hosting them.


Antoneth smiled as the three captains approached one of Beagle's holodecks. It had taken several hours to make repairs to the Challenger, but now all three ships were at warp, heading for a rendezvous with the rest of the flotilla. While the three had indeed discussed the Klingon ambush, they were now moving on to more pleasurable matters and had therefore adjourned to the holodeck.

It was a shared love of holographic entertainment that had forged their friendship: Jeeves and Antoneth had both, unknown to each other, been working to improve the quantity and quality of the flotilla's collection of erotic holo-programs, and Chet was something of a fan of the medium herself. The cheetah had left several messages for the males - or rather, for the pseudonyms they used when submitting their work - and they had got to know each other slowly.

It had been several months before they realized their shared rank, and since then, their time in the holodeck often involved less interaction with simulations and more with each other. They had also discovered a number of other captains in the flotilla that shared their interests. "Captains' meetings" within the fleet had become something of a euphemism, and today was no different.

"Computer," said Jeeves, approaching the holodeck's external controls, "load program 'Caves of NT517'." His fellow captains looked at him curiously; they hadn't run this particular program before. Jeeves just smiled at them mysteriously.

"Program complete" responded the computer. "Enter when ready." With a whining hiss, the holodeck doors opened.

The three furs walked into the room, which had taken on the appearance of a rocky cave. There was no visible source of light, but the cavern was nonetheless brightly illuminated. Other than a hole in the floor, about half a meter in diameter, the simulated grotto was remarkably featureless.

Chet turned to Jeeves, raising an eyebrow. "Is this one of yours?" she asked. "It seems rather boring for something you've created."

Jeeves grinned. "Wait until we start the program before you say it's boring." The roo began to work at the collar of his uniform. Taking the hint, the others did likewise.

Antoneth shook his head as he watched his fellow captain disrobe. "I still want to know how a shirt and jeans qualifies as a Starfleet uniform."

The kangaroo laughed. "It doesn't. The fact that my chosen uniform looks like a shirt and jeans is purely a coincidence." As he tugged off his top, he gestured at the dragon. "Besides, someone who wears that much tight, black synth-leather shouldn't complain about uniform rules."

Antoneth simply smiled as he peeled the scale-tight outfit from his body. Happily, he watched as his friends quickly removed their clothing. In other circumstances, he would have been disappointed that they were stripping in such a quick and casual manner, rather than enjoying the slow reveal of naked fur or scales, but he knew it was from a shared desire to experience Jeeves' latest creation as soon as possible, rather than boredom with their activities.

Before long, there were three neatly folded uniforms near the cave wall, and three naked furs greedily taking in every detail of each others' exposed forms. The shameless display of their most intimate areas was already working its magic on the threesome: the tip of Jeeves' manhood was starting to slip from its concealing sheath, Chet's pink, stiff nipples were rising from her generous breasts, and Antoneth's dragonhood, while still hidden, was causing the scales beneath which it was secreted to bulge out.

"Computer," said Jeeves, the light of desire blazing in his eyes reflected in those of his friends, "begin program." Instantly, the three piles of clothes disappeared, drawing surprised exclamations from the cheetah and dragon. "Don't worry," the roo reassured them, "we'll get our uniforms back, but only once the program has finished. We can't have people running off early, so unless you want to wander the ship naked, you'll have to stay until the computer's had its wicked way with us."

As if prompted by his explanation, the computer's voice broke in again. "Specify victim" it said in emotionless tones.

As his guests turned to look at him in curiosity, and growing nervousness, Jeeves waved a hand to reassure them. "I designed this for someone else in the flotilla. 'Victim' was their choice of words, not mine." He pointed at the dragon. "Antoneth is the victim" he said.

"Hey wait, why am I-"

"Specify climax limit" said the computer, ignoring the dragon's protest.

The roo seemed to consider for a moment. "Ten," he replied, then as an afterthought added, "combined".

"Acknowledged." With that, the computer fell silent.

"Would you mind telling me what you've just volunteered me for?" asked Antoneth. He was almost glaring at Jeeves, but he knew whatever he was in store for was probably worth it.

"The climax limit means the computer won't end the program until we've cum ten times between us." Jeeves grinned. "I could have set it so that only one person's counted, but I don't think we've got time for that much fun. As for victim..." he pointed towards the hole in the floor.

As the others turned to look, a long, green tentacle emerged. After a moment, it was joined by a second, then a third.

"'NT517'..." murmured Chet, as more tendrils appeared from the hole. "Let me guess: 'naughty tentacles'?"

Before Jeeves could respond, the translucent limbs stretched out towards Antoneth with lightning speed. In seconds, the dragon was being held above the hole, tentacles wrapped around his arms, legs, and tail; thicker tentacles were supporting his torso from below, his wings bound behind him. He was posed almost as if he was sitting in a chair, albeit one made of translucent green tubes.

"So what are these things going to do to me?" asked a grinning Antoneth.

"If you were in here by yourself, they'd pleasure you until you reached the set limit" explained the roo. "But because there are three of us and only one specified victim, they're in 'multiplayer mode'. Pretty much all they'll do is restrain you unless we give them an order, either in words or with the hand gestures I coded in." With a flick of his fingers, the tentacle wrapped around the dragon's tail gave a brief tug.

"So," said Chet, purring as she watched the captive dragon squirm slightly, "he's our plaything?" As the roo nodded, her purring increased. "In that case... hold him spread-eagled, face up, would you?" she asked the tentacles. Instantly they responded, gently shifting their prisoner into the requested position. The still-purring cheetah moved closer to his head. "I think I want to put that tongue of yours to work" she said. As she raised her leg ready to straddle his form, another tentacle emerged from the hole to act as a foot rest. "Why, thank you." She turned to the watching kangaroo. "Obliging, aren't they."

Antoneth waited with growing arousal as Chet stepped over his head, another tentacle emerging on the far side to meet her descending foot. The cheetah was now standing over his waiting muzzle, facing towards his dragonhood, the black tip of which was starting to slip from its concealing slit. Slowly, she began to sit, bringing the pinkness of her treasure closer and closer to the waiting lips of the tentacle-entangled dragon. The green limbs held him tightly, if comfortably, but allowed him enough play to reach upwards and intercept the lowering delight, his tongue flicking softly at the outer lips.

The feline female hissed with pleasure as the dragon's agile tongue pressed against her outer folds. The promise of further joy to follow was too tempting to resist, and she hastened her descent. As more of her treasure came within range of Antoneth's questing tongue, he happily began to explore, eventually pushing the tip between her puffy pink creases.

Jeeves sat to one side, on a conveniently placed rock, watching his friends. He could feel the warmth growing in his loins, his manhood emerging from its sheath, but for now he was quite happy to act as voyeur to the scene playing out in front of him.

Antoneth's tongue was now buried deep inside Chet's treasure, its agile length squirming against all the spots experience had taught the dragon to aim for. Nor was it the only thing squirming; the feline astride his head beginning to writhe as her hands found her breasts, her thumbs rolling over their sensitive nubs.

With a whine of frustration, the cheetah removed her hands from her chest. Instead, her gaze fell on Antoneth's growing dragonhood. "Mmm..." she purred, "kitty wants cream." She lay forward, making sure to keep her cunny available to the pleasuring tongue buried within it. Soon, she was lying along the dragon's body, in a position most appropriate for captains in Starfleet's 69th flotilla.

Beneath her hungry gaze, the full eight inches of Antoneth's black dragonhood had emerged from its slit, glistening with natural lubricant. He was not yet completely erect; a situation which Chet began to remedy immediately as her rough feline tongue lapped at the sensitive head. The dragon moaned with lust; the vibration triggering equally pleasured noises from the cheetah, which became somewhat muffled as she started to take his length into her warm, wet muzzle.

Still sitting on his rock, a hand now idly rubbing his own erect length, Jeeves sat watching and listening as his fellow captains pleasured each other. Slowly, a grin spread across his face, and he raised his hand, almost as if to conduct some unseen orchestra.

Instead of musicians responding to his gesture, several more tentacles appeared from the hole beneath the entwined lovers, waiting for their master's next command. Stifling a chuckle, the maestro began his performance.

Absorbed in pleasuring each other's most intimate places, neither Chet nor Antoneth noticed the tentacles shifting around them. The first sign of their presence was twin gasps, caused by the simultaneous presence of cool, slimy tendrils underneath their tails. Both managed to shoot accusing glances at the seated kangaroo, who tried to look innocent, even as he gestured for the tentacles to continue their probing.

Both dragon and feline were treated to the wonderful sight of the gooey lengths slowly entering their partner, even as their own efforts prompted more happy groans. The tentacles were leaking enough lubricant to make entry easy and painless, and there was enough variation in their surfaces for an observer to note how slowly they were entering their willing targets.

Antoneth felt the tentacle wriggling as it entered his tailhole, stretching him delightfully. The stimulation pushed him to increase his efforts in entertaining the cheetah lying above him, and he could tell her own invading tendril was driving her to similar efforts on his member. He gave a passionate shudder when he realized he could feel that tendril through the thin wall between her ass and cunny.

At that moment, his own tentacle drove him beyond mere shuddering as it pressed into his prostate, sending bolts of pleasure up his spine like lightning. He heard, and felt, Chet purring happily as his length shot out a few spurts of thick precum. Her efforts to lap it up rewarded her with more.

Through some unspoken agreement, neither captain was actively pushing their partner towards an orgasm, but were waiting for Jeeves to control the timing. Realizing, the roo raised his hand again, and began directing in earnest.

With Antoneth securely held in the tentacle's grasp, the length of green tendril penetrating his rear began to thrust, working up to a pace no living being could have sustained for long. To the dragon's delight, the tentacle also grew in girth, its form reshaping itself to sport various bumps and ridges that tugged wonderfully at the hole it was so relentlessly claiming. The probing limb also continued its pressure on that oh-so-sensitive spot inside him, driving him closer and closer to the edge.

Chet's rear was not denied the increased attention, either. Without binding the cheetah, the tentacle attending to her could not achieve the same, fast powerful thrusts it was subjecting the dragon to; instead, it bulged dramatically, stretching the feline's tailhole to its limits. On either side of her tight ring of muscle, it continued to swell, effectively plugging her tightly.

As she gave Jeeves an enquiring glance, Chet felt the first spurt of the tentacle's heated lubricant flood her rear. Jet after jet of the goo began to fill her, her treasure clenching with each burst, making the wriggling of the draconic tongue buried within it all the more pleasurable.

The sensation of having her tailhole so completely filled distracted the cheetah as two thin tendrils snaked between the squirming captains and wrapped themselves tightly around her breasts. The thin tips encircled her stiff nipples and began to tug and squeeze them, even as the thicker parts of the twin tentacles were applying similar pressure to the greater expanse of her soft mounds.

The extra sensation was enough to trigger the Catian's climax, and she moaned around the dragonhood in her mouth as her twin holes clenched tightly. The vibration of her muzzle, combined with the flood of the cheetah's juices, proved enough to set off Antoneth as well, and Chet greedily swallowed the jets of thick seed he put forth.

Jeeves watched as his friends hit their peaks, manipulating the tentacles to prolong things as long as possible. He knew from experience that he could have pushed Chet into at least one, and probably two more climaxes without any trouble, and that Antoneth's marvelous draconic physiology would have him ready again in moments, but instead, he left them with only a single orgasm each to temporarily sate their desires. After all, the computer was counting, which meant quality took precedence over quantity, at least for now.

With a series of gestures, the roo instructed the jack-hammering tentacle inside his draconic colleague to slow, its ridged and bumpy surface growing smoother as he guided it to prolong Antoneth's afterglow, rather than surge towards another climax. Likewise, the tendrils encircling the cheetah's breasts loosened their grip, and the limb stretching her tailhole began to pump out a little of the copious goo it had filled her with.

Chet pulled her mouth from the dragon's shaft, and sat up, stretching in a very cat-like manner. She looked over at Jeeves. "That's two. How were you intending to deal with the next eight?"

Jeeves grinned. "Any way you want."

"In that case..." the feline stood up suddenly, snatching her treasure away from Antoneth's honey-covered muzzle. "I want something a bit thicker than a tongue inside me." She glanced down at the dragon beneath her, then looked over at Jeeves. "Get over here, you wonderful roo" she purred. As he walked over, she turned her attention to the tentacles still tightly holding her fellow captain. "Would you mind lowering him a little?" she asked.

The helpful tendrils dutifully dropped down, taking their draconic captive with them, until his tongue was just out of reach of her treasure. The limbs supporting the feline stayed where they were, leaving her suspended around waist height. Smirking at Jeeves, she wiggled her hips. "Let's give our friend a show, shall we?" The roo grinned happily and walked behind her.

Antoneth suddenly realized what Chet was planning: from his current position, he would have a perfect view as Jeeves took her, but try as he might, he would be unable to interfere. The dragon was forced to watch as the kangaroo's tip pressed against Chet's folds, which were still wet and glistening with her juices. "You teasing..."

Jeeves laughed as he, too, understood what the feline captain was intending. A flick of his fingers set the tentacle buried in Antoneth's tail to thrusting again; nowhere near enough to cause a climax, but enough to add another layer of pleasure to the visual stimulation he was about to receive. A second gesture and a tendril wrapped around the dragon's shaft, squeezing gently, while further tentacles began to caress his body. The roo grinned down at his friend. "Wouldn't want you to get bored down there, while we have fun up here" he said.

Antoneth growled. "You realize that next time I host a meeting, you're both in trouble?"

His fellow captains laughed. "Now, be nice," said Chet, "Or Jeeves and I will take the remaining orgasms for ourselves and leave you frustrated." At that prospect, the grumbling dragon quickly fell silent.

Jeeves gently nudged the tentacle still filling the cheetah's tailhole, and it obligingly shifted, giving him easier access to Chet's body. He put her hands on her hips and stroked her fur gently, making her arch her back and purr softly. With a push of his hips, he slipped his tip inside her and slowly pushed in deeper.

"So much better than a tongue" Chet moaned, rocking backwards to meet the kangaroo's slow thrusts. "Better than tentacles, too." Seemingly in response to her insult, the limb penetrating her rear began to move. Its surface grew heavily ridged, and it began to mirror Jeeves, drawing out as he pushed in, then diving forward as he withdrew.

The roo groaned at the feel of Chet's hot, wet, tight depths around his shaft, urging him to pick up the pace. Gladly he did so, his increased speed matched by the tendril thrusting at the cheetah's rear. He could feel the ridges of the tentacle through the thin flesh separating the feline's holes, the sensation drawing more heated noises from his throat.

From his tangled position below the pair of enraptured captains, all Antoneth could do was watch as Jeeves continued to plunge his shaft into the cheetah. The dragon knew that while the roo was usually a gentle and considerate lover, often more interested in giving pleasure than receiving it, he was more than capable of delivering a mind-blowing fuck that would leave both participants gasping and squealing in ecstasy. From the way the kangaroo's length was driving into Chet's treasure, Antoneth knew that was his intent this time.

As the heated lovers increased their pace again, drops of the feline's honey began to fall on his face, and he eagerly lapped them up, wishing he could add his tongue to the fevered sensations the captains were sharing.

After the passionate display the others had put on earlier, Jeeves knew that at the rate he was thrusting into Chet, he wouldn't be able to last long. Fortunately, the feline was nearing her own climax already, rocking her hips backwards to meet him as if pulled by the tentacle under her tail. The Cheetah was moaning and crying out, the pleasured sounds music to his ears.

One particularly savage thrust from the tendril impaling Chet was enough to push her into her second climax of the session, her treasure clamping down hard on the roo's length, triggering his own climax. Jeeves' wails of delight mixed with the cheetah's as he felt his seed shoot from his member to flood her.

As their twin orgasms trailed off, Jeeves fell backwards, his strength temporarily drained. Green limbs caught him gently, easing him into a reclining position. Chet, too, was exhausted, climbing down from her place atop the tentacle-tangled dragon and walking shakily to the rock the roo had perched on earlier.

Antoneth looked at the captains with concern. "You can't be worn out already" he said. "We've still got six more orgasms to go before the computer gives us back our uniforms." He gasped as a particularly accurate stroke from the tentacle still slowly pleasuring his rear found its mark. "Ah... And if you even think of asking me to wait..."

Jeeves, his strength gradually returning, grinned at the bound dragon. "Oh, don't worry; we won't leave you hanging." Suddenly, an idea occurred to him. "Actually, maybe we will!"

As the roo made a series of hand gestures, Antoneth found himself lifted into the air. The tentacles holding him skillfully flipped him onto his front and bound his arms behind his back. His legs were lifted into the air until he was positioned vertically, his head towards the floor. Next, the limbs supporting the reclining Jeeves moved the roo closer, and the dragon was soon positioned with his muzzle directly over his fellow captain's shaft. There was a gleam in both their eyes as the green tendrils slowly lowered him down.

As soon as the slick, cum-covered member was in reach of his tongue, Antoneth began to lap at it greedily, relishing the combined taste of roo and cheetah. Absorbed in the act of cleaning the shaft in front of him, he barely paid attention as his legs were coaxed apart. Soon, they were nearly horizontal; out to his sides, as his tail was pulled out behind him. The position left his slightly-aching tailhole and needy length completely exposed, and, guided by their master, the tendrils soon took advantage.

The tentacle buried in his rear began a series of long, slow thrusts, probing deep into the dragon. At the same time, the thin tendrils wrapped around his shaft shifted, aligning themselves with the ridges that had begun to form. A particularly thick tendril looped behind his knot. The increased attention soon had the dragon moaning.

Jeeves shuddered with delight as Antoneth's groans sent waves of vibration along his shaft, now buried to the hilt in the dragon's mouth. The roo was still sensitive after cumming inside Chet, and the oral attention would soon have him fully hard again. Even now, that talented, agile tongue was wrapping around his member, squeezing and tugging.

The roo reached out a hand to caress the muzzle sucking greedily on his roohood. He ruffled the dragon's short blond hair, his fingertips brushing over the raised fins concealed beneath. He saw a shudder run through Antoneth's body at his touch, the movement passing through to his shaft as the dragon's tongue writhed around its length.

Grinning, Jeeves moved his hand to one of Antoneth's horns. He began to run his hand up and down its ivory length, as if it were a shaft of flesh and blood instead of bone. He knew there were no nerves in that horn, but from the delighted shiver and look of surprised glee the dragon gave him, the implication had been understood.

Antoneth began to bob his head, working his tongue around Jeeves' hot, pulsing shaft as it slipped in and out of his muzzle. His motion caused his horn to pass through the roo's grip, and the dragon murred at the thought of his shaft being worked in a similar fashion. Sadly for the needy captain, the tentacles wrapped around his member, despite squeezing rhythmically, were remaining decidedly still, and the length filling his tailhole was moving at a torturously slow pace.

Under normal circumstances, Antoneth would have been more than happy to take his time working Jeeves' member; sucking and licking and squeezing, driving the roo slowly towards an explosive climax that would leave him gasping. Unfortunately, being suspended upside down, blood flowing to his head, with the tentacles still working their magic, was sapping the dragon's endurance. He started to work in earnest; tongue, lips, throat, even teeth combining to pleasure the roo.

He felt Jeeves' shaft pulse in his muzzle, the twitching giving him only a few seconds' notice before the roo erupted with a yelp, filling his mouth with thick seed. Greedily he swallowed the first few spurts, his throat convulsing, before he let the cum sit on his tongue as he savoured the taste.

With a delighted, tired sigh, Jeeves felt his climax trail off, his shaft shooting a few final jets of seed into the dragon's waiting maw. To his relief, his fellow captain seemed content with the load he'd delivered; he had had more than one experience of the insatiable dragon continuing to suck at his shaft after his climax, and while the over-stimulation could be exhilarating, they were still only half way to their ten-climax goal, and the roo wanted to be able to contribute to the remaining fun.

With a gesture from their master, the tentacles lifted Antoneth away from the roo's form. Grinning, Jeeves left him dangling upside down as he turned to Chet, who was idly playing with herself, having watched their performance from her seat on a rock. "He's all yours, if you want" he said. "I'm going to need a moment to recharge after that."

The cheetah stood and walked over to the pair of males, her hips swaying. "All mine, you say?" she purred as she eyed the suspended dragon. "That sounds like fun..." She stood in front of Antoneth, who had to twist his neck to look up at her. "What should I do with you, then?" she asked. "Should I leave you hanging like this and let you pleasure me as you just did Jeeves? Maybe I should let those tentacles have their wicked way with you until you explode all over yourself, your cum dripping down your body..." She saw a shudder run through the dragon's form. Smiling, she raised a hand to his tentacle-enwrapped shaft and ran a finger over the tip, receiving a delighted gasp as she did. "Maybe I should jerk you off myself. From the looks of it, you wouldn't last long..."

Chet's hand continued to tease the dragon's member as she considered her options. Reaching a decision, she addressed the tendrils binding him. "Lying flat please, face up." Quickly, the tentacles complied. "I think he's had enough in his rear for now. Oh, and let go of his shaft, too."

Antoneth groaned as the slick length was withdrawn from his tailhole, leaving him feeling empty. He gave a whimper as the thin tendrils that had been tending to his dragonhood released their grip. Silently, he hoped that Chet had dismissed them so she could use his shaft herself, and as she moved to straddle his form, a greedy look in her eye, his wish was granted.

Chet reached down and took Antoneth's length in her hand as she lowered herself down towards it, guiding it to her waiting cleft. She hissed as the pointed tip spread her lips, and shuddered as the first ridge slipped into her dripping treasure. As she slowly took the shaft into herself, she reflected - not for the first time - on how the dragon's length seemed specifically designed to bring as much pleasure, if not more, to the recipient than the owner; the ridges, which were even now rippling along her inner walls; the thick knot, with ridges of its own, that would soon be stretching her and tugging at her folds...

Reaching the start of that knot, she rose back up again, not wanting to trap the dragon's length within her just yet. As she lifted herself up, she clenched her cunny tightly, wanting to feel every ridge pulling at her. Beneath her, she could see Antoneth clenching his teeth and shaking with delight. The sight drove her to slam back down quickly, squealing as the thick knot forced its way into her depths.

That proved too much for the teased and tormented dragon, who roared as he climaxed; his hot, thick seed exploding into the Cheetah's tight, wet, channel. Chet whined in disappointment as she felt him fill her: she had been hoping he would be able to hold off until they were both ready. She looked down at him, frowning. "Bad boy."

Antoneth blushed sheepishly. "Sorry. I tried to hold on, but between watching you two earlier, the tentacles, and you riding me..."

Chet smiled at the embarrassed dragon. "Nothing to worry about. I'm sure you'll find plenty of ways to make it up to me, both now and later." She grinned, a gleam in her eye. "Maybe you should start by cleaning me out." The cheetah laughed as her fellow captain's eyes lit up: there were few things he enjoyed more than licking out a lover who was full of his cum.

Carefully, the cheetah lifted herself from her position atop the dragon, the ever-present tentacles shifting to help her. She moaned as the knot - smaller now, but still present - was pulled from her cunny. Quickly, she clenched, trying to trap as much of the dragon's seed within her as possible. She repositioned herself over Antoneth's muzzle; the same position she had been in what felt like hours earlier.

As before, the dragon's tongue reached eagerly for her treasure. But unlike the previous time, when it pushed past her nether lips, it was met by a torrent of dragon seed, gushing from the cheetah's cleft to cover his face and pour into his mouth. Antoneth happily gulped down the thick liquid, even as his tongue was swirling inside Chet's tunnel.

The abortive attempt at riding the dragon's shaft had left Chet somewhat needy, but despite the delight she felt as his tongue worked into her depths, she still noticed when the tentacles trapping the dragon lifted his legs and hind quarters into the air. She glanced up to see Jeeves positioning himself between Antoneth's legs, his shaft again rock-hard.

Antoneth was too engrossed in his task of cleaning out the cheetah to pay much notice as his legs were raised, but the presence of hands on his hips, and the tip of an almost burning-hot roohood nudging against his rear, was more than enough to get his attention.

The dragon's tailhole was still slick from the earlier attentions of the tentacles, which he was glad for as he felt the head of the roo's member push inside him, stretching the tight ring of muscle wonderfully. He moaned with delight as Jeeves slowly slid in the rest of his length; moans that only grew in volume as the roo began a series of slow, full-length thrusts. Chet was right: tentacles were no match for a living, burning, throbbing cock.

To his delight, he felt Jeeves' hand wrap itself around his dragonhood, fingers settling against the ridges and thumb rubbing gently at the sensitive head. Soon, the roo began to match his thrusts into his rear with the movement of his hand, sliding along the dragon's slick, bumpy length, his fingers catching on the ridges in a way that sent lightning along Antoneth's spine.

The roo began to push harder, his hips thumping into Antoneth's with each thrust. The hand on the dragon's aching length was joined by a second, switching between massaging his balls and squeezing his knot.

Antoneth was in heaven: his mouth filled with the taste of all three captains, his tongue buried inside Chet's treasure, his ass full of Jeeves' member, and the roo's skilled hands expertly working on his own shaft. The desire to cum was warring with the desire to have this experience last as long as possible.

Eventually, the dragon's body was unable to hold back the climax that was building inside, and he came with a muffled roar. He felt the hot ropes of his seed landing on his chest, relishing the sensation. His tailhole clamped down almost viciously, triggering the roo's orgasm. The feeling of cum landing on his scales was overwhelmed by the jets of thick seed now filling his rear, his ears catching Jeeves' cries of passion. Evidently, the display was too much for Chet, as she, too, came with a shriek, her quivering treasure squeezing at the tongue still assailing it as her juices gushed out to coat the dragon's muzzle and throat anew.

Antoneth felt Jeeves fall forward, his drained body pressing against the dragon's chest, a layer of dragonseed smearing between them. Chet, too, had lost the strength to keep herself upright as she rested her arms on the roo's back. For a long while, the air was filled only with the sound of exhausted bodies trying to get their breaths back.

Chet was the first to recover, extricating herself from both the tentacles and the now-tangled limbs of her fellow captains. "Wow" she breathed, slipping to the cave floor. "I haven't had a fuck like that in... well, far too long, apparently."

Jeeves laughed as he levered himself upwards, pulling his length from the dragon's rear with a pleasured shiver. "And here was I thinking you were a connoisseur of this sort of holo-program."

"Holograms are all very well," replied the cheetah, "but nothing can compare to really good sex with really good people."

"Well," said Jeeves, "we've still got one orgasm left before the computer gives us our clothes back. Would you like some more 'really good sex'?"

Chet gave a grimace. "As much as I'd love to, I think I need a breather after that." She smiled at Antoneth, still trapped in the tentacles' embrace. "I'm sure our draconic friend is good for at least one more."

"Oh, definitely" he replied.

"In that case," said Jeeves, gesturing to the tendrils, "I'd be happy to oblige." The green limbs shifted, placing the dragon in the same near-seated position they had adopted at the beginning of the program, but with his legs spread apart. "I'm the only one that hasn't had any oral fun yet" he said, kneeling between the dragon's knees.

"Ooh, I like" grinned Antoneth.

"I thought you might" Jeeves said, taking the dragon's still-hard shaft in his hands. Giving it a few strokes, he leaned forward and planted a kiss on the pointed tip before slipping it inside his hot, wet mouth. The roo began slowly taking the thick length into his muzzle, his lips locking behind each ridge in turn as he sucked and licked. His tongue wasn't as agile as a dragon's but the roo's skill more than made up for that as he swallowed more and more of the black length.

Antoneth's head rolled back as he wallowed in the delight Jeeves was delivering. Some people were able to bring their lovers to massive, screaming climaxes; others could make their mates melt into a pool of desire; but the dragon could think of no-one as skilled as the roo in delivering sheer pleasure.

Jeeves' hands, now unoccupied as more and more of the dragon's shaft slipped between his lips, began to wander; caressing thighs, and tail, and balls seemingly with a mind of their own. With a start, Jeeves felt a touch on his own member: the tip of Antoneth's tail, free of the tentacles' entrapment. As the scaled limb began to rub up and down his length, the roo groaned and redoubled his efforts.

As Jeeves' moans grew more heated, one hand left the dragon's scaled form and gripped his own shaft. Its purpose apparently served, the dragon's tail pulled away. The extra stimulation to his length only drove the roo to suckle harder on the member in his muzzle. He began to massage the knot at the base, receiving a delighted whimper from the dragon.

Jeeves knew he was close to a climax, but apparently Antoneth was closer. One last, hard suck and the dragon roared, his length putting forth yet more thick, hot ropes of seed. The roo gulped it down as fast as he could, but his efforts were hampered by his own orgasm, his shaft shooting its own trails of cum onto the floor. His swallowing impeded by the overwhelming need to wail, the sound that eventually emerged came out more as a goopy burble as the dragon's cum dripped from his mouth. The roo managed to pull back, the last few jets of Antoneth's cum splattering on his muzzle.

Dragon and roo gazed at each other in delight at their shared pleasure, eyes burning with both mirth and friendship. But as they slowly came down from their orgasmic high, the computer broke into the general daze with a harsh noise.

"Climax limit exceeded" intoned the emotionless voice. "Program halting."

The tentacles gently lowered the dragon to the ground, then slithered back into their hole. With a shimmer, the holodeck exit appeared on a cave wall, with the three captains' uniforms sitting beside it.

Sitting on the ground, dragon, kangaroo and cheetah looked at each other, an idea occurring to them. "Computer: time?" asked Antoneth.

"Oh four hundred hours, twenty three minutes."

The captains' smiles spread. None of them had to be on duty for quite some time.

"Computer," said Antoneth. "restart program." He grinned evily. "Target is Jeeves; climax limit is eight."

As their uniforms vanished again, and the green tentacles snaked towards him, Jeeves realised two things. First, the dragon had left out the command to share the orgasm count between all three of them. Only the roo's climaxes would be counted by the computer, which meant he was in for eight more orgasms, on top of the four he had already enjoyed.

The second thing he realised, as he saw the dragon grin, watching the tentacles loop around Jeeves' body, was that the omission had been entirely intentional.